

  • An apple and some nut butter (almond or peanut). Bananas are good too, with PB, or maybe a granola bar. A few carbs, with some good protein, but nothing too heavy. I'd try to stay below 150 calories, if I were you....
  • I find outdoor running much easier than the treadmill. A good practice, so I've been told, is to set the treadmill to 1% incline to mimick the road. But, just get out there! You'll be surprised how quickly it goes by with the change in scenery!
  • Here's what I think you should do.... Why not track everything you are eating now, for a period of about 1 week. Eat normally and take an average of your daily intake. Since you are not losing or gaining at that level of intake, it should be a pretty good average of what your body needs to maintain -- common sense right?…
  • 6-8 and definitely notice a difference on the scale when I don't! My body holds onto more if I'm not hydrated.
  • 95% of weight loss is intake. So, set your calorie goals and stay under, at all costs. Exercise is great for your health, but in truth, it is not that beneficial to weight loss. Changing your eating habits will do more for you than exercise, every day of the week.
  • RACE UPDATE - Sprint Triathlon! I said I'd be back after my race, and here I am. Guess what!!!!??? I did it! Met all of my goals and did better than I expected. Here's my summary: Race: RocketChix II - July 30 - Baton Rouge, LA Distances: 350m pool swim / 12 mile bike / 2 mile run The race went well. The swim portion,…
  • Much better to eat smaller meals throughout the day, than to just eat in the "four hour window." You metabolism is probably in the toilet, after being starved all day. Are you exercising???
  • I'm training too! My first race is in 2 weeks (July 30th)! Advice from experienced members of my tri team: Every time you ride your bike, run at least 10 minutes after, to get your legs used to running after riding. Swim training is essential. Total Immersion swimming is the best! I hired a swim coach who taught me and I'm…
  • I try to stay below 125 on heavy cardio days (I do a whole lot of cardio - triathlon training!). Below 70 on my rest days, or on strength training days.
  • I have lived the Low Carb lifestyle and have lost 40 lbs and kept it off for over a year. My husband, 125 lbs. lost. The real enemy of any healthy eating plan is processed food. Breads, baked goods, pasta, etc. I still eat brown rice and potatoes from time to time, but those are foods that occur naturally - they are grown,…
  • You're likely better hydrated and your metabolic rate has been boosted. Sweat is good!!!
  • Hydroxycut is a tough one, having been pulled off the market a couple times, and the target of many class action lawsuits. I wouldn't suggest it....
  • I did couch to 5k last summer and it really works! Good luck yall! It's a great program and yes, I'm still running!!!
  • In the words of my trainer: "Weight loss is 90% intake and 10% muscle ache."
    in diet only Comment by lulutm May 2011
  • I went from diet sodas, to crystal light packets in water. I noticed crystal light was causing water retention, so I kicked that cold turkey. I am now strictly on water with lemon during the day! You can do it!!!!
  • And btw, from your photo ---- you look great! Don't stress! It'll come off eventually. Keep it up!
  • Disclaimer, before I begin :wink: : I'm no expert, but I've been very successful in shedding weight and keeping it off. I hit my weight goal last summer, and have maintained that weight for a full year. I am of the belief that if you count calories, and watch your carb intake, you cannot go wrong. Natural fats and…
  • Sometimes I find a good cheat resets my metabolism and I lose as well. Your body may have needed the rest.....
  • I'm a low carber and life this lifestyle everyday. I have PCOS and it is an insulin resistant disease -- almost pre-diabetes, if you will. A good rule is to cut out anything white to start-- white bread, white rice, pasta, flour, etc... Do some reading on the Glycemic Index, however, because whole grain breads and such can…
  • Awesome! I started running with Couch to 5k too! Great tool to use when getting started. Best of luck to you!
    in Couch to 5K Comment by lulutm May 2011
  • I've found 130 is perfect weight for me. I am 5' 5" with medium frame.
  • To anyone who IS offended...................:tongue: Congrats to you!!! Good clean living wins again!!!! Awesome!!!
  • Do you wet the poles of the heart rate monitor before putting it on? This may help!!!
  • I try to stay below 60 grams when I'm trying to lose, and below 75 when I'm in maintenance mode.
    in Belly fat Comment by lulutm May 2011
  • Cut your way to trim the mid-section! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in Belly fat Comment by lulutm May 2011
  • Mcd's grilled chicken salads are not THAT bad. Look them up on here! All three are about 300 calories! Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I'm a low-carber, so I do eggs and bacon nearly every morning. Alternatively, Greek yogurt is a good choice. Fresh fruit with nuts is another good choice. The key for me has been to balance unprocessed carbs with bulk protein. So, if I have oatmeal, eat Quaker Weight Control and add nuts. If I do fruit, I make sure to…
    in Breakfast? Comment by lulutm May 2011
  • From one runner to another, HIIT is the way to go! For your training runs, try this: Start your run at your normal 5k pace. Run that pace for 5 minutes, then sprint at an increased pace of at least 1 minute per mile faster (from 12:30 minute miles, up to 11:30 minute miles or faster) for 3 minutes. If you prefer, you can…
  • I plugged your recipe into the recipe tool on MFP, using JIF extra crunchy peanut butter and Nutek Pro5 whey protein. Awesome stats!!! Here they are: Calories: 165 Carbs: 9 grams Sugar: 2 grams Fat: 6 grams Protein: 20 grams Calcium: 19
    in protein bars Comment by lulutm May 2011