

  • I power walk in the early morn hours or the evening :). I've also started the 30 day shred but just like gunny34 I haven't been consistent. That is about to change come August first though--I will work it the whole 31 days...
  • I try stay within or under my calorie goal..All those calories you acquire thru working out or nice but.......If I can hit my current goal or stay a little under I tend to loose weight.
  • I try to workout in the am before work...some mornings are harder than others but you can get it in. I've adjusted my routine from power walking and jogging to riding my bike 6 miles and then treadmilling for 30 mins. Also have sub power walking for lunch. I busted thru my plateau FINALLY! I try not to eat after 6:30pm and…
    in SCALES!! Comment by cjfoster July 2011
  • Atkins bars are good...low carb, low cal and packed with protein.
  • I still calorie count because I only use atkins as a meal substitute
  • I usually drink and atkins shake in the am because I know I must have breakfast and it's a good compromise since I'm not a breakfast person. I also sub for lunch when I am really not hungry to eat my salad. If I get home in the evening and it's late and I'm still hungry I may do a shake or bar before working out. In…
  • Eat lots of veggies and fruit. Monitor your sugar intake as well. If you find you are intaking alot of processed sugar--out it goes..Also, ramp up the workout where ever you can...Park farther, take the stairs, do situps, crunches while watching tv
  • Really take a look at what you're eating. I discovered that sugar can be a factor. Make sure you taking it good sugar and not the bad. Also, I discovered not only did I need to exercise in the am but also at least 6 days a week and various types of exercise: water aerobics, cycling, jogging, zumba etc..... it took about 14…
  • I drink the atkins net 2 protein drink or have have the chobani non-fat yogurt
  • Welcome back. I'm down 20 and have 55 to go....I've been slacking for about 2 weeks--but I'm back on the grind. good luck too you
  • It's been a journey but I"m finding that lowering sugar intake and increasing my dairy has helped the middle along with exercise 4-6 times a week
  • :smile: Not sure that really helps...I try to stay at or below my intake..If i know there is something I r3eally want to eat--I plug it in to see if its really worth it..Usually I find that it"s not worth it and look to something more healthy and still keep within my goal,,The result has been weight loss! hope this helps
  • depends--if it's sodium--rethink and look for low soduim items. If you eating natural sugar items (fruit) I wouldn't worry--but if it's processed sugar you should rethink what you're eating.
  • keep up the good work
  • If you are using whole milk change to skim. Check the sugar in your cereal. Remember process foods are bad surgars...fruits and veggies good and natural sugar. I hate oatmeal but it's a cereal with little to no sugar.
  • You can eat more just be mindful of what you eat. Cucumbers, celery, lettuce (fresh fruits and veggies) have become good friends
  • there are mixed revviews on amazon.com--one common theme seems to be replacing parts.
  • ^5:happy:
  • I've just try and reach my initial calorie goal. I think the more weight you lose and muscle you can you will gradually see an increase because your body will tell you it needs more.
  • Nothing wrong with pizza (chicken, thin crust with veggies) 1 slice and eat large salad first. My family keeps asking me what can I eat and I tell them to eat like they want (which is still pretty healthy) and I will work around it. Like you I don't want my family to suffer--but......I've noticed they really don't mind…
  • You may try increasing your calorie intake--your body may think that your trying to starve it. Also you may need to take on power walking, jogging or low impact aerobics. HECK you've lost inches and that's great! The wieght will come--look at your sugar and fat intake as well. You may need to decrease on both.
  • congrats! I wanna know had that feels too. I'm so happy for you!:happy: :happy:
  • I'm taking Alli and as long as I eat healthy I haven't had any issues. I know a few folks who think they can eat anything and they often have to keep a change of clothes......but I've been using it for a month as all is well.
    in Alli Comment by cjfoster February 2011
  • definitely a big difference---I thought ate well before MFP but wow keeping track of everything--I've learned alot. Keep up the good work
  • share the fruit and veggie fast--send link please. As for the coffee 1-2 cups per day (plain) is not bad and has some benefits. It's a personal call. Also keep in mind you may not like the way you feel if you decide to re-introduce caffeine.
  • If it's meat: you way before you cook. If veggies you weigh after you cook. I hope this helps
  • Mikie D's is a no no unless you like oatmeal. Grill chicken is a good choice at Wendy's without the fries, coke or shake.
  • I always have raw veggies, fruits and nuts on hand. If i want the chips and salsa--I keep trader joe's flax chips and salsa on hand. I find that as I cut out sugar the cravings for junk food go away.
  • If you are making it at home--then look on the packages for the servings and etc information. If you are eating out...the best thing to do is as the restaurant if they have that information for you. Keep in mind that eating out will have more fat and calories than if you prepare it at home. I hope this helps.
  • Remember there are good calories and there are bad calories. Drinking a soda is a bad calorie. Fresh fruits and veggies--good calories.