Does anyone else find they weigh different amounts on different scales??

Also, my weight refuses to go down - what's up with that ;'(


  • EmilySG2011
    I'm in the same pathetic place!!! I will feel really good thinking surely I have dropped a lb.--go weigh and I am either the same or up a 1/2 lb. It's so depressing. I haven't tried other scales...I am actually refusing to get on any scales for a few days hoping a miracle will happen.
  • amythorp
    amythorp Posts: 9
    Different scales can vary by a few pounds depending on their calibration. I'd recommend not weighing yourself more than once a week and make sure it is roughly same time of day and consistent on whether you are weighing with or without clothes. Keep going you'll get there :)
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    I hear you Emily - i am like how can i weigh the same as if i didn't go to the gym nor watched what I ate! its really staring to get on my nerves!
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    It does make a difference in scales. I always weigh on the same day (7-14 days apart), on the same scale, on the same placement on the floor (never on carpet) and weigh the first thing in the morning on that day, after my body has been limbered up and weigh undressed. If you weigh at different times of the day that could be why you're not seeing the results that you want. Our bodies fluctuate throughout the day and time of the month. Also, don't rely soley on the scale. Go by how your body feels and looks and how our clothes fit. It'll happen with a little tweeking here and there and time, of course :-) When I weigh after working out later the evening before I generally see a gain. That's due to muscle fluid.
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Any suggestions for a very accurate (and pref. very inexpensive) scale?
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Some scales are off. I always put a 20 pound weight on mine to see if they are accurate.

    I looked at your food diary. I see you have not been consistant with logging or if you have, you are definitely not eating enough. Also, you may benefit from decreasing your carbs and increasing your protein.

    Eating does not make you fat or gain weight, it is what you eat that does. You must eat, and you need to change what it is you are eating in order to start seeing results on the scale.

    Plus you need to do cardio and strength training 3-6 times a week. And push yourself to work up a sweat.

    The phrase no pain no gain says it all.

    ETA: sorry don't mean to sound harsh, that is not how I mean to come across. I just really want to give you suggestions that I know works because I have done it all and seem to have finally figured it out.
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member

    Work out at night (after dinner) around 7 or 8 and DON'T EAT ANYTHING AFTERWARDS (unless it is water or a few (5) almonds). That should usually push your weight down.
  • jennerationx
    STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALE!!!! Judge by how you feel and how your clothes fit. Weight changes happen all the time, fluid retention, if you ate, if you peed, if you worked out....if you have to weigh yourself - once a week, on the same scale, in the morning after your first pee. Once you have done that say goodbye to it and leave it alone until the next week. Don't let that THING, make you depressed or wreck your likes to play with our emotions! :wink:
  • lcarter25
    lcarter25 Posts: 286 Member
    PeachyKeene - you don't sound harsh all tips are good.

    I defo do sweat burning activity a go to zumba minimum twice a week and street dance once a week and I do 2 core classes.

    Tramainepaul - 7 - 8 would work for me everyday as I don't specific scheduled classes
  • cjfoster
    cjfoster Posts: 36
    I try to workout in the am before work...some mornings are harder than others but you can get it in. I've adjusted my routine from power walking and jogging to riding my bike 6 miles and then treadmilling for 30 mins. Also have sub power walking for lunch. I busted thru my plateau FINALLY! I try not to eat after 6:30pm and drinks lots of H2O. If I get hungry afterwards I find atkins has some tasty snacks with low or no carbs and no low or no sugar.
  • rishonb
    rishonb Posts: 232
    yeah definitely, but a lot of things play into that factor. there are so many different type of scales out there you got digital, than u got scales bases on weights like when you go to the doctor. than you got those regular scales you step on and it just shows you the weight. so right there that 3 different type of ways to calculate your weight. not to mention that all them scales need to be calibrated on periodically to give off the right weight. honestly to me the best scales are the ones with the weight that you actually adjust like in the doctors office..
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    PeachyKeene - you don't sound harsh all tips are good.

    I defo do sweat burning activity a go to zumba minimum twice a week and street dance once a week and I do 2 core classes.

    Tramainepaul - 7 - 8 would work for me everyday as I don't specific scheduled classes

    Sounds like you do workout a good bit. I love Zumba and yes you do sweat in that class. Maybe try my suggestion on the high protein, lower carbs and remember to drink your water.

    I have tried to not eat after 6:00pm, but it never really worked for me, but my schedule was kinda crazy. So that is probably something easy you can try. Hope it works! Good luck with your weight loss goals.