Fed up!!

juliandcharlie Posts: 5
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Can anyone answer my question and make me feel less fed up? I've been dieting and exercising since Boxing Day and have so far lost 1 stone,. This week I went to weigh myself to find I;ve put a pound on yet I've lost 3 inches off my body!! Haven't done everything differently.........I've been under my calories every day and have swam a mile 5 times in the week. Can't believe how disheartened I feel just for a measly pound but it really makes me feel as though I've wasted a week of not giving in to treats.............especially Cadbury's creme eggs :-)


  • bovbjerg
    bovbjerg Posts: 172 Member
    Don't just rely on the scale! If you've lost inches that is amazing....your body is turning fat in to muscle which takes up less space (hence the loss in inches) but weighs more (hence the "gain"). Muscle also burns more fat so keep doing what you're doing!
  • Wow! Well done for losing a stone since Xmas! That is amazing. It sounds like you are building up muscle - a lb of muscle takes up less room in your body than a lb of fat...this would explain why you are shrinking in inches but gaining in weight! What's a lb on the scale really when your body is getting smaller?
  • Don't give up! If you're exercising a lot, you will probably gain before you lose. Think about how energized you feel and how much better your clothing fits. :-)
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    Would you be happier if you measured and had lost no inches but 3 pounds. I'd say that would be worse. Isn't the main reason for wanting to lose weight being a smaller version of yourself. Personally, I don't care what I weigh so much because I'm the only one who sees that. I do care what size I am though. Congratulations on the 3 inches. That is GREAT!!!
  • nimil
    nimil Posts: 9 Member
    its probably muscle replacing fat! or it could be that you have some water weight hiding your real weight from you. hop on a scale every day or so and you can watch it go up and down X_x mine does that all the time and it drives me insane. but hey you lost some inches and that's a good thing! so don't feel so bad, keep going!
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    i think its probably water weight or you have gained muscle,muscle weighs more then fat my friend...so keep up the good work!
  • Don't be fed up - be thrilled with 3 inches off. After all, the scale is just one indicator of success. As you've dieted and exercised, you've burned fat and replaced that fat with muscle. Muscle is denser than fat, so you may not see changes right away on the scale, but you're seeing changes where it really counts -- a smaller YOU! Congratulations and keep up the hard work :)
  • Your doing great!!! Your building muscle and your still losing Fat. Muscle weighs more. your body is changing. Just keep going. Make sure your drinking enough water.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    You are doing great!! Sometimes the body just has to catch up and reset itself. I seem to do the same thing every few weeks. I will lose like gang busters for 2-3 weeks, then nothing for 2-3 weeks. Keep plugging away and it will catch up to you sooner or later.

    Good Luck!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You have burned off fat and built some lean muscle mass. Muscle is denser than fat so it takes up less space. When we diet we lose fat AND lean muscle mass so gaining a pound but losing inches is a very, very good thing. Nobody sees the scale but you. But everyone gets to see how good your clothes look on you!

    (a pound of fat = a pound of muscle).
  • You may try increasing your calorie intake--your body may think that your trying to starve it. Also you may need to take on power walking, jogging or low impact aerobics. HECK you've lost inches and that's great! The wieght will come--look at your sugar and fat intake as well. You may need to decrease on both.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm just going to echo what everybody else is saying. Success off the scale is still success. You're trading fat for muscle and that's more important than the number on the scale. Take pride in the success of having lost those inches because the real goal is fat loss, not weight loss. Keep your head up and keep going.
  • I would love to be down inches and no pounds
  • Thanks everyone. You;ve all cheered me up. I'm really pleased with the 3 inches but just feel so fat still when everyone talks about their weight and I'm also double what they weigh :laugh:

    I've dropped from a size 20 (which was soooooooooo tight) to an 18 and have my goal as a 14/16 by the Summer. I've been measuring myself since Boxing day and can't believe that I've lost 36 inches all over my body since then. Oh my life that's 3 foot!!

  • Lost three inches! That's awesome!!! Don't get down on yourself. You've probably changed those lost inches into muscle !!!!
  • Hang in there! That was me this week also, didn't lose weight but lost almost 2 inches in my thighs! and lost in hips, neck and waist!
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