processed foods

Has anyone had any success with cutting out processed foods? If so, did you notice a drop in your weight loss? Cellulite? I work out pretty consistently but I feel like I'm not dropping like I want too.


  • cjfoster
    definitely a big difference---I thought ate well before MFP but wow keeping track of everything--I've learned alot. Keep up the good work
  • nmcneill16
    when you eat less processed foods, not only do you feel better, but you take in way less sodium, sugar and fat. a good rule of thumb is to keep to the perimeter of your grocery store. this will help you buy mostly fruits and veggies, meat, dairy and eggs.
    also switching to whole grains vs white flour will avoid excess empty calories AND help you feel full longer. another thing to consider when you buy food is "how long is the shelf life?" typically the longer it lasts the worse it is for you (unless your looking at dried fruit, nuts, beans or rice)
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I've minimized the processed foods (and the seasoned or sauced foods), and it really does make a big difference. Looking at some of the pasta sides we frequently had with dinner, the amount of sodium in them was crazy. Add that to seasoning for entrees, canned veggies, or sauced veggies, and we were getting more than half our daily sodium in that one meal alone. Nevermind adding in snacks.

    The fewer ingredients, the better. That is for sure.