

  • Thanks I feel confident. I agree too...sometimes we start something and find that it really is not what we wanted or is not fitting like we thought it would. So you just tweak it and make adjustments to find what works. Just never give up! :D Today is my rest day. I do plan to foam roll and workout the sore spots I have in…
  • So I am not doing Insanity any longer. But as of July 1st I have been making my own schedule to keep up with and it is a demanding schedule. Consisting on mostly TurboFire since I am so motivated by that program. I am currently in week 3 and I am feeling it for I am doing 3 hiits a week and adding in Insanity…
  • Great goals! Keep at it and you will be a master and ready to move on. :D Thanks so much for your support and encouragement throughout the 63days. You are truly awesome.
  • WELL......How did you all do? Did you meet or exceed your fit goals with INSANITY? Did you complete the program? For me, INSANITY was great for the first month (6weeks). I dunno if it was the back to back weeks of life caious or if it was the MAX workouts that got me but it was not a total loss. I still did most the…
  • Week #7 Day #3 Thanks EVERYONE for the sympathy. It really is hard to move forward with the body when the mind is elsewhere. This was my first loss so its new but I am doing well. Yesterday was hubby's birthday and it went well. We had breakfast for request. I did Max Ploy today and did 492cals. Yikes!…
  • I agree with ^^^^ ICE ICE ICE. And you will have to rest. No workouts take some tylenol or IB prof if need be. If still is not getting any better in 2-3days, I would do see your doctor for a check.
  • Nice numbers. RECOVERY week was more strength and and core engaging as that is the key to Max intervals that we are doing this week. I know seems weird to call it You'll go great with Max...its just like the first will take a little time but you'll get use to it after the first week. :) Keep…
  • I'm TOTALLY excited. I will be starting my Week 6 in a little while here (couple hours). :D I do have to admit I am a little nervous too 60mins of this madness....I hope I can handle it!
  • Check out this week's video from Shaun T. Are we REALLY in Max workouts??!!! What! I am looking forward to it comming soon here this afternoon. How did you all feel with recovery week? Rested, ready, and rejuvenated????
  • I am pushing thru even though I missed a couple due to sickness. I want to complete the program and I totally understand your feeling to repeat however I think I am going to do another round. But then again I have been doing running and P90X/CLX along with Insanity so I think I am getting along good enough to press on to…
  • VIDEO post. SOooooo....last week stunk. My boy was sick then I got sick for 3days my daughter was sick over the holiday weekend. I did not allow that to conquer me and put me in defeat. I did miss a few workouts but getting right back on track and pushing thru. :D Here is a ShaunT video for you all regarding Recovery week.…
  • Just wait til month 2. I ahve seen a lot of people not lose any weight at all or gain a little and their pictures look amazing because of the muscle tone and inches. :D I have gained a couple ponds but I notice I am shaping up nicely when looking in the mirror. :D
  • Sorry I have not been on in a couple days. My son was sick over the weekend and then YUP I got it on Tuesday. UGH! Its a nasty stomach bug too. I attempted Power and Resistance today but could only do 2 of 3 sets. I still worked to my bodes ability even though I am not 100% in health yet. I just could not stand to miss…
  • Just did Plyo and another workout (CLX Burn 3/Lifting). I dont know which I like better Plyo or Power/Resistance. Either way I am spent and it feels so great. I can not believe we only have 1 more week of this then recovery week. WOW! We are so DOING THIS!
  • That is so GREAT! You are going to be already are over coming this obstacle and pushed thru the workout. :D I am so glad you did and I know you are too. Happy to help any time I can. This is why I LOVE having a group of people working together and supporting each other. ROCK ON!
  • You have the right idea. Unfortunately I did not find anything in terms of shopping list. Mainly because you get to choose your meals they are not re-set for you. Therefore, it would be hard to have a "list." But what you are doing is the best! Happy training!
  • Oh PLANK. You can do plank on your forearms and hold that position. It will not work the chest like a pushup does BUT it will work the abs/core like a pushup. :D
  • Have you ever tried using push-up stands? I have weak wrists and I use them, it works great for me. Not sure if it will help with carpal tunnel but maybe. What about resistance you have any of those? You could work the chest with those by doing rows (back) and oh, I cant think of the one for chest but you pull…
  • You've conquered Week 3! (or you will after todays workout is complete). Hopefully by now you are starting to feel stronger and getting through the workouts more easily. This may be a time when you are looking to the scale to see those results. Many people who are not seeing the scale move fast enough resort to eating less…
  • It actually sounds like that is the issue. you need a min. 7 hrs but its recommended to get 8hrs of sleep per night. I know when I don't get enough I feel exhausted and I usually bonk out and have to take a nap....which never makes me feel good. Try to see what you can do because sleep is also very important!
  • Some weekly MOTIVATION for you guys: Its Day 4 of Week 3 for most of us. :D Have fun with your INSANITY Wall Calendar and check off each day as you go along. It's a fun way to chart your progress and keep you motivated. (OR try to photo copy it if you want the original to stay new).
  • Did you know? Doing intense interval workouts that involve raising the heart rate (above threshold) and then recovering can increase metabolism. So this week, focus on getting your heart rate up during the intervals and push yourself a little harder!
  • Week 3 Schedule Day 1: Fit Test Day 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit Day 3: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs Day 4: Cardio Recovery Day 5: Cardio Power & Resistance Day 6: Plyometric Cardio Circuit Day 7: Rest Day Week 3 video from Shaun T. Take a look at this video from Shaun T.
  • Week 2 is done! I know you are feeling sore and tired! It is totally normal and this means you are making progress. If you need a little help pushing through your workouts, check out Beachbody's E&E Energy and Endurance™ Formula: E&E is a powerful preworkout drink that is…
  • I personally like that there is not a "set" food guide to follow. BUT I am following it best as I can with having a family. There is not a shopping list per say but I know that he has a lot of avocado in the menus. I will look around and see if I can find something for you.
  • Fit test is about 26mins long.
  • Speaker phone is an option, maybe? It is hard when you are doing it with a LIVE body and then they are no longer there. However you have live bodies here too that are doing it with you. Focus on calories (do you have a HRM?). You can mentally focus on beating someone here in calorie burn with the same workout and check in…
  • DAY 11: Everyone is doing great. I assume we have a few that dropped off already as there are 42 members and only a handful of posters. BUT those who are still committed and here I am so HAPPY you are! As you are making fitness part of your routine, those real-life stresses keep trying to creep back in. The answer is not…
  • DAY 10: It's Week 2, and soreness may be setting in. You might be tempted to skip a workout because you are feeling "so sore." Exercise actually increases circulation, which in turn speeds healing. So keep going and make sure to get your 8 hours of sleep each night so that your body is getting the rest and recovery it…