larsonp Member


  • Can you tell them you want to maintain your girlish figure and compromise with a half shot?
  • I rarely read such ridiculousness. Congratulations for being the one to shake my head sadly, today.
  • Calorie Counting. There isn't even a question worth asking or a discussion worth having. Atkins is a fad diet. It always has been. It has no basis in science.
  • Sounds like you need some low-volume, high powered foods that you can pound down quickly, but will stay with you for a while. Think: Almonds and/or other nuts, cheeses, dried fruits, granola bars, greek yogurts, etc.
  • Eat whatever you feel like eating. Manage your calories. Atkins is a Fad diet, and is not scientifically valid as a weight loss solution.
  • Most people can drink that much water without any impact to their health. Some people, especially anyone with troubled kidney, should not drink that much water, since their kidneys just can't keep up. People dying from drinking too much water does happen, though it's rare. (Remember the "hold your wee for a Wii" contest?)
  • That difference is your bladder finally getting a rest! (I kid)
  • Brilliant! :-) I love it.
  • Drinking that much is quite unnecessary. There's no scientific evidence indicating that the body needs much water at all! If you're eating mostly fresh foods (not dry crackers and such), you're getting most of the liquid you need from your food. A small glass of water with each meal is usually enough for most of us. Of…
  • If your weight goes UP overnight, and you haven't eaten or drunk anything, it's time for a new scale. It's physically impossible for that to happen. Just limit your portion sizes, and you'll be fine. It's not the day-to-day weight changes you need to worry about. It's the long term average. So, post that graph paper on the…
  • If your doctor is giving out advice like that, I'd seek a new doctor. It's not much different than "don't eat after 8PM" "Don't eat fatty foods" "Drink at least 8 glasses of water to lose weight" "Don't eat any carbs" "don't eat any meats" ..... etc. The list of lousy advice goes on an on. I'm with Eric, for sure. It's the…
    in Carbs Comment by larsonp March 2011
  • I say Donate the big clothes to the local charity or red cross. --more incentive not to gain that weight back. Also, it frees up space in your home!
  • We have two size plates in our cupboard. One large size for certain meals that need to spread out, and one small size for everything else, including dinner. The large is probably 10" across. The small is probably 5". You could even use saucers if that's all you had. Or, if you've got little kids, they always have small…
  • You can always use an ad blocking addition to your browser, if you're using Chrome or Firefox or Safari. I never see any ads on this site. (Which means I also don't support it by clicking on the ads.... sorry MFP...)
  • Websites don't necessarily have control over the ads that are shown. They often key off of words found at the site. Lots of talk about food and fast food here, hence the ads. (The ad server can't tell the difference between positive and negative talk about fast food.)
  • Lots of people have lost weight doing that, or any other number of activities. :-) But mostly, I wanted to comment on the goals in your signature. I'm always intrigued by what people will do to celebrate each milestone. I noticed that at 60 pounds you want to buy new clothes. Let me tell you... as someone who has lost 60…
  • Greyhoundluv, The best advice I could possibly give you is not to get frustrated and give up. It sounds like you're doing all the right things. (And don't worry about small changes in weight from day to day.) If you want to weigh yourself every day, that's cool. I recommend putting your weight from the last 30 days into a…
  • You don't necessarily have to change your target weight. But you should recalculate your calories to eat after losing 10 pounds. The difference won't likely be significant. (My guess is it will drop by 50-80 calories per day.) Congratulations on the first 10 pounds!
  • Carrots are a healthy, low-calorie filler.
    in bored.... Comment by larsonp March 2011
  • indigo, The important thing is to stick with it and be honest with yourself about what you eat. I floundered for three months (over the holidays) because I would consistently eat too much to lose weight, even if I kept to 1200 on the weekdays. I tended to overeat on the weekends. If you aim to lose a pound a week, there…
  • I like Cheese for high protien, low carb.
  • Ok, for anyone who is still convinced that 8x8 rule is true, please read this: Dartmouth professor finds no scientific evidence for '8 x 8' Hanover, NH -- It has become accepted wisdom: "Drink at least eight glasses of water a day!" Not necessarily, says a DMS…
  • Are you sure you're doing the math right? Converting KM to miles and liters to American gallons (not imperial, which are 25% larger)?
  • At least by doing some research you're helping cure the ignorance. I still want to emphasize the fact that the 8x8 rule is contested and the studies they've done to test it have shown that 8x8 is overkill for most people. Athletes are obviously excluded from "most people," and having done some P90X recently, I'd say if…
  • STOP THIS INSANITY IMMEDIATELY. YOU ARE DRINKING TOO MUCH WATER. More isn’t better: Too much water can make you sick, a condition called hyponatremia where you essentially waterlog your system. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence to suggest that drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day will make you…
  • Call the Doctor. We are not doctors. We are people trying to lose weight.
  • Sleep. Working out takes extra energy your body needs to fight infection. If you have to do something, try doing some stretching.
  • If you're trying to lose more than 2 pounds a week, you'd better be consulting with a doctor regularly. That is extreme weight loss. Losing weight permanently and adjusting your lifestyle to something that you'll be able to maintain over the long term takes time. Deal with it.
  • Why wait until tomorrow?
  • I try to avoid using the words "fill up" EVER when I think about food. Satisfied or Satiated are good alternatives. That aside, I agree. I am easily satisfied, provided I give my body time to react to the food I just put in it.