michelledruss Member


  • I use my food scale all the time. I used to think three ounces of meat is so much more that it actually is. Now I can eyeball portions better. But sometimes when I am out to eat I wish I had it with me and then remember how stupid I would look weighing my food at a restaurant.
  • I have hypothyroid, diagnosed a year ago in August. I take Synthroid and T3(cytomel). I was not considered overweight on this but my body was fatigued, tired, I had migraines and pre diabetes. I now feel great after I have adjusted things and got into a healthy diet and active workout schedule. I do not eat processed foods…
  • I love Angela Bassett's Body, I have always thought she looks so good and I covet her arms for sure!!!
  • I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid a year ago this past august and I finally have it regulated to the point where I feel "normal". I take synthroid daily and also cytomel (t3) because even though my TSH rebounded from the synthroid by T3 was still low and I believe what was causing the lack of energy, pain, headaches etc. I…
  • The number of meals per day are not irrelevant, taking the way the body works, insulin causes the body to store food as fat. If you eat all your calories at one time, you insulin will increase causing your body to store the food as fat. Keeping a steady flow of insulin in your body will prevent spikes of insulin. Believe…
  • I am not able to run either. My feet immediately begin to hurt and I have horrible problems with my shins. I get plantar fasciitis pain, pain in my calves, you name it. I can do intense spinning, kick boxing, stairmaster, kettlebell classes and I am in great shape but I have just given up on the idea of running. I think…
  • Fergie, I know some people love her and some people hate her. But she's petite like me and has some rocking legs. I am working on that muscle definition. Gotta love the short people too!
  • I forgot the avocados!!!! Great list.
  • Eggs, uncle bens microwave southwest brown rice, madras lentil chili, spinach, oatmeal, berries, muscle milk, sweet potatoes, amy lu's chicken burgers (yum and from costco), edamame, peanut butter, almonds and pistachios, and fresh and easy tomatillo salsa - you can put it on anything to make it taste better and its so low…
  • Buy yourself the ripped in 30 dvd instead - you will get a lot more results from it:) Or a cute new pair of shoes.
  • Just from your picture I would say 16 or 17, but I have seen your post on here and I know that you are more mature that that.:smooched:
  • I think we need to be more sensitive with someone's questions to weight loss. I have struggled to eat 1200 calories when I am eating clean because I couldn't stand to put another egg white in my mouth. If my choice was a snickers bar then there is no problem with getting to that 1200 but I wanted to do it right. And with…
  • I love Pita Jungle too! But I thought I was doing good and low carbing it there with my mahi mahi and realized I was eating almost 1000 calories for a 4oz fillet and some hummus. So depressing cuz I love it there and it just goes to show that I need to be eating at home more unless its a day of indulgence.
  • You can take a look at my diary - I try to eat 6 meals a day, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. My late night dinner is only protein - usually egg whites or a protein shake. I keep the meals around 300-400 calories and the snacks at about 150-200. It depends on my exercise that day how much I eat at each of…
  • I'm going to throw my scale out - it always deters my motivation. When I was trying to loose weight after I had my baby I would step on it and gain weight! Women can fluctuate so many pounds in just one day. Measure yourself by the way your clothes fit and no more than once a week. I try the same pair of jeans on every…
  • Eating as clean as you can, I upped my protein intake and decreased carbohydrates to see results. I still eat carbs, just after lunch I do not eat any starchy carbs. This is when I started to see more definition in my arms and I got back into my skinny jeans. Oatmeal in the am, sweet potato for lunch and then no other…
  • Great answer Mrs. Floyd, I try to eat most of my exercise calories back too. I am on 1200 calories a day without working out which leaves me no room for a meal if I am hungry - so exercising is a great way for me to have substantial satisfying meals.
  • My trainer suggested I try Optimum Nutrition Amino Acid powder and I really like it. It has helped with my muscle recovery by over 50% - even after heavy leg days. I don't think it taste bad - I think I have the grape flavor.
  • Only large chains are required to post their nutrition info. I live in AZ and have not tried Nourish yet. Pita Jungle posts theirs and I was surpised on how large the calories were in some of my simple dishes like their mahi mahi. I know wildflower posts their nutrition info and I can take a salad and minus out the things…
  • I have taken ranch seasoning packets and added it to low fat or fat free cottage cheese and then blended it in the blender. It taste like a nice rich ranch dip. Delicious.
  • Nuts and peanut butter, healthy fat like olive oil on your veggies. I like to increase my protein when I don't get to my maintenance level but if you are a vegetartian you can easily get there with some healthy fats. Fats do not cause the body to store fat, carbohydrates do, so I wouldn't add carbs to get your number up if…
  • I am a skin care specialist for philosophy, I have heard of many problems like this especially women who work out and get bacteria on the skin. I would use an allover treatment on your skin with Salicylic acid in it, this will help underground breakouts by getting the oils out of the clogged pores that with sweat is…
  • I was doing the shred in the early morning with adding about 30 minutes of cardio on top of it. I only did the shred 6 days a week, taking one day off like Jillian says to. You need that rest day for muscle growth and so that you can knock it out hard the next week. I will always take Sundays off for my body to rest…
  • I make sure I have oatmeal or a banana in the morning, I eliminate all processed foods, the processed foods were making me so sluggish. No sugar or bread just sweet potatoes or brown rice as a healthy carb for lunch. I also have a protein shake around that time, sounds to me that your blood sugar is dropping.
  • This was an issue that I didn't completely understand at the beginning either. I was eating 1200 calories a day and then burning anywhere from 300 to 800 calories per day exercising with spinning, kickboxing, circuit training etc. I didn't eat back my calories. I didn't know I was supposed to. But MFP puts you on 1200…
  • Day 1 level 3 - Not sure if I am liking it yet. It isn't as bad as the plank cardio but I am not sure if I was working it because I was trying to balance through most of the moves and so had to go a little bit slower. Plus it hurts my feet to do the one leg jump thing, my feet ache from it.
  • I'm 5'-3/4":) Currently stuck for a while at 110. My doctor thinks 106 would be the best for me. 105 on a small frame is healthy, and everyone carries weight differently. My goal is not so much to loose pounds - it's to lower my body fat %. If I can get leaner and never loose those 4 lbs - I wouldn't care, I just don't…
  • I have added the ranch seasoning packs to it and blended it up in my blender for a dip. No one guessed it wasn't ranch dressing, I serve it up with cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, etc.
  • Finished with level 2 today. I am dead. I hate plank cardio although I really think it works, I am seeing definition in my arms and shoulders already. I think today was so hard because I worked out 6 days in a row without a rest day. I usually only work out 5 days a week followed by a rest day so maybe that is why I am so…