Skin care 101 ???

Hi, not so long ago I switched up my diet to Vegan and ever since then my skin has gone down hill !! I dont remember how long ago I started really paying attention to it but Now its getting worse. I wouldnt say its extreme but alot more than usual, as this has never been a problem for me. Also, SInce Ive been working out, its gotten worse, which has got me to this point of help.!! Does anyone have any info about going vegan and acne? or sweating and acne? I wash my face before and after my workouts and shower..and nothing is helping :( .. A friend suggested biotin supplements.. Im thinking of trying that !


  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Hi, not so long ago I switched up my diet to Vegan and ever since then my skin has gone down hill !! I dont remember how long ago I started really paying attention to it but Now its getting worse. I wouldnt say its extreme but alot more than usual, as this has never been a problem for me. Also, SInce Ive been working out, its gotten worse, which has got me to this point of help.!! Does anyone have any info about going vegan and acne? or sweating and acne? I wash my face before and after my workouts and shower..and nothing is helping :( .. A friend suggested biotin supplements.. Im thinking of trying that !

    Drinking lots of water, using Akaline water for your face, Vitamin A, and Clearsel -- It works for me.
  • AppleADayAmber
    Thanks Nissa..WHats alkaline water?
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    I had the same thing happen when I started my lifestyle change, but acne is different for everyone. You should go to a dermatologist...I did that and they gave me a cream that seems to be working. Acne is really annoying and I have no patience for it, and I tried all of the over-the-counter stuff but a prescription will be so much more specific to your needs/causes and will probably work much better.

    Hope it goes away soon! :flowerforyou:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I had the same thing happen when I started my lifestyle change, but acne is different for everyone. You should go to a dermatologist...I did that and they gave me a cream that seems to be working. Acne is really annoying and I have no patience for it, and I tried all of the over-the-counter stuff but a prescription will be so much more specific to your needs/causes and will probably work much better.

    Hope it goes away soon! :flowerforyou:

    This. But keep in mind too, washing your face too much can make it worse. Too much cleansing can strip away your natural oils and cause your skin to over produce it.
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    diet has something to do with it, but its mainly on the outside, your pores are getting clogged or tooo dry and its irriating your skin and causing problems. try using a PH balancing cream, a gentle natural scrub, natural moisturizers or even natrual oils, that can help soothe it and using a milk gentle scrub can help clean out your pores. whats exactly wrong with it??
  • AppleADayAmber
    diet has something to do with it, but its mainly on the outside, your pores are getting clogged or tooo dry and its irriating your skin and causing problems. try using a PH balancing cream, a gentle natural scrub, natural moisturizers or even natrual oils, that can help soothe it and using a milk gentle scrub can help clean out your pores. whats exactly wrong with it??

    I have breakouts on my collar bone that wont go away, which I never had before.. an my cheeks and chin n hairline are breaking out and wont go away. Its not bad just yet ( not really) but im concerned because the more I workout, the worse its gets , it seems like. ..I will dry the natural cleansing and see if that helps. Something has got to give. I actually just gave myself a mask treament to cleanse my pores. Maybe I should do it more often?
  • rosalee87
    rosalee87 Posts: 221 Member
    Same thing happened to me, I was washing my face before and after my workout but then I just switched to only washing my face AFTER my workout and it helped. When I would wash my face before the workout my face would start burning and itching from the sweat but now, it's all better.
  • AppleADayAmber
    Thank you ladies for the advice.. :)
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    might be a thing where your pores are getting clogged so after working out, cleanse especially where you sweat a lot, it may be on your collar bone from the sweat dripping from your face. especially after working out because your pores are open and still sweating so they're vulnerable to get clogged and dirty, like when you wipe your face, rub your clothes over, everything has dirt so make sure to shower and cleanse after see if that helps. you can do like sugar scrubs to do a cheap way and rinse off with cold water to seal the pores again. if that doesnt help again, just try the natural can look it up on google
  • Xtina_Beba
    You should go to a dermatologist because going vegan affects your skin/hair and mood in a positive way. I'm Paleo Pescatarian (the only reason I'm not vegan is because I have severe anemia) and eating raw,fresh and unprocessed foods has cleared my skin, promoted shine and hair growth and I have less mood swings.
  • michelledruss
    michelledruss Posts: 40 Member
    I am a skin care specialist for philosophy, I have heard of many problems like this especially women who work out and get bacteria on the skin. I would use an allover treatment on your skin with Salicylic acid in it, this will help underground breakouts by getting the oils out of the clogged pores that with sweat is causing bacteria to form and breaking out your skin. It's also an anti - inflammatory so it will help with any surface break outs. I also drink lemon water all day long and when I do this I hardly ever get a breakout.
  • joyzoso
    joyzoso Posts: 66 Member
    I have used green tea a right on my face. Steep a few bags of green tea in a cup and store in the fridge, Use a cotton ball to apply, just like you are using a toner. You'd be amazed how it tightens up your pores.

    I've struggled with acne as well.... a long time. Working out definitely releases toxins in your body and can throw your hormones for a ride, but just stay strong. Working out, being healthy and losing weight is worth it in the end.

    I agree with the lemon water and salicylic acid, definitely be careful of over drying... it will just keep producing more sebum.
  • alexib
    alexib Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not sure if someone had said this already in an earlier post but it sounds like your skin is just purging all the bad things out of your body. I have read a lot of forums that say this is normal when switching up your diet and cutting out processed, sugary foods.
    If it is purging it is probably best for you that you keep doing what you are doing to get all the bad toxins out but I'm sure going to a dermatologist or a general doctor would not hurt just to be sure.
    Also one some remedies I have found that helped me were:

    aspirin toner, which really helped a lot and is what I am currently using. You just take a couple of un-coated aspirin, put them in a bottle, and pour witch hazel in the bottle to fill it up and shake. And you have your toner. Aspirin is a great source of salicylic acid

    also, apple cider vinegar, a few teaspoons or tablespoons as a drink or applying it diluted to your face, 50 acv/50 water is also good for acne. Not sure exactly it does, but it help clear up my acne in the time I was using it. I still drink it though.

    I hope this helps, good luck.