atjays Member


  • Never heard of it. How did you lose the weight the first time? Assuming it was in a healthy manner, why not do that again considering it worked so well?
  • Nutrition facts are generally for the product "As is" when you buy it. So weighing it frozen if that's how it was when you purchased it is probably the best way. If you have for example a 2 lb package of fish, you can always weigh it after cooking and portion it out knowing that you're dividing up 2 lbs of fish. So if you…
  • Up your calories to maintenance and continue your exercise routine. The extra calories will help keep you sane without flying off the wagon. It sounds like you're far too active for the little calories you're consuming.
    in Diet fatigue Comment by atjays July 2017
  • Nope, coffee is the only thing that makes me need to go within 10 minutes of having it. Protein shakes usually come with stinky farts though lol
  • Yes. I usually plan my following day out so I can see what my macros will look like. I can make adjustments based on what I have available. It's also great to plan around something you've been craving like a burger or some pizza. Log that and then fill in the rest of your day around it. Keeps me sane and I can enjoy ALLLL…
  • This is great advice. There's nothing wrong with wanting to low carb, it has its advantages, but food is food. Yes some provides more nutrients than others but there's nothing wrong with indulgence in moderation if you go out to the buffet. On the rare case I go to a buffet I try to do two things. A) Only ONE plate of…
  • As a coffee addict these suggestions are perfect! I usually try to plan my coffee goodness into my day but it always leaves that void and hunger 30 minutes after you finish because there's no real nutrition being taken in. A 100 cal alternative would be light enough to pair with some food :)
  • dirty keto = best keto! No one should be miserable on the diet they chose. If you're feeling that way already, either reconsider or seek out some meal ideas that would be more appealing.
  • You don't have to go low carb to lose weight. It's just one method that appeals to lots of people because it allows them to eat high fat foods that taste good instead of eating rabbit food all day like most diets offer. It also comes with the added luxury of not having to work out. let's be honest, everyone wants their…
  • The app may not but if the particular food is marketed as "low carb" under the premise that the carbs are made up from fiber, the label may have already done that subtraction for you. Example being a carb friendly tortilla, yeah it says 26g carbs but only 6 NET carbs as 20 are from fiber. MFP only shows 6 carbs when I log…
  • Your choice of veggies and guac
  • I like and agree with this. Anytime is a good time. It's up to you to determine where your workouts fit best in your daily routine. Personally I'll do things like jogging and cycling in the morning as I generally don't do those at night when it's dark. Other days where I may have slept in, I'll do treadmill and lifting…
  • I'm obviously not a woman but this is solid advice for both genders doing their first bulk. It's not a free pass to go on an eating frenzy, (hint- you'll have to work all that fat off later anyways), but it can be a bit of a shock to intentionally gain some weight with the net positive being to resculpt your body. Scratch…
  • That's really the best bare bones advice you can give someone who is trying to lose weight via altering their diet. It's not going to be a sustainable lifestyle change if you hate it.
  • It definitely works when used correctly but you need to decide if that's a lifestyle you can stick with in the long term which is usually what trips people up. Then the gain all the weight back. In the end what "diet" you choose just needs to consist of eating less and moving more. You'll lose weight either way.
    in Keto Diet Comment by atjays June 2017
  • This makes zero sense
  • Sounds interesting! I know my local walmart has started to sell frozen riced cauliflower which I've been looking forward to testing out
  • It sounds like you're at a perfectly healthy weight. If you're still unhappy with what you see in the mirror, you might benefit a lot from a recomp in the gym.
  • I think everyone is misunderstanding what she wrote. She has recently lost 3 lbs. Prior to that she had lost 22 lbs but had regained 19 of it before this recent diet push. She never said she gained any amount of muscle, just noted that her arms and legs seem larger which could be due to a variety of reasons. Obviously it's…
  • I think OP is asking if the only way to hit 200g daily is through supplementation. Which simply is "no". I don't need 200g for my height and weight but I can easily hit 170g through dairy and meat products eating at a calorie deficit. One meal alone I have 85g of protein through 12 oz of chicken. Another 50g+ with greek…
  • A clean diet and losing the body fat through diet and exercise. We've all got abs, they're just hidden under that stomach fat. There's plenty of exercises that will work your core muscles but nothing out there will give you a flat stomach until you've leaned your body fat down low enough.
  • Probably list your activity as moderate considering you're on your feet for work. I think that calculation isn't supposed to have exercise factored into it but I could be mistaken. I have a desk job and do 45 min of steady cardio 5-6 times a week and 3-4 days of lifting. I list my activity level as low due to my job and…
  • Not worth it to stress whether or not you've delivered your food baby yet before weighing in. There are days where I weigh before AND after yet still weight MORE. The body is weird.
  • I think most people would tell you to start lifting now rather than later. I made the remark in another post but I see SOOOO many people on here daily say they wish they had started lifting when they started losing weight rather than waiting until they hit their weight goal. I mean that's several months of weight training…
  • I work 2nd shift. I still consider my first meal "breakfast" even if I don't eat it until 2pm. I usually have a meal a couple hours after getting to work (5pm), a snack somewhere about halfway (7pm) through my day and my last meal a couple hours(930pm) before I leave work. I mostly do it this way because I go to the gym…
    in Night Shift Comment by atjays June 2017
  • I'm imagining they are actually asking if the fiber calories don't count, which would be incorrect. While people on low carb diets tend to say fiber "doesn't count" towards their carb total, it IS still calories which shouldn't be ignored when considering calorie content/intake.
  • I'm not sure what you did wrong but it's been a delicious meal I eat near daily. About 1.5 servings of greek PLAIN yogurt (I use chobani), and about 3/4 serving of vanilla protein powder. Mix it really well with a spoon then I top with some fresh or frozen fruit. The only way I can think of it turning out bad is you overdo…
  • Like all things in life, it's fine in moderation. Just don't be drinking gallons of diet sodas daily.
    in Aspartame Comment by atjays June 2017
  • I haven't heard of anyone doing that. You're multiplying fat, carbs and protein to get a number?? If the nutritional information on the package says 170 calories then that's what it is....
  • You could liken it to another exercise that is listed depending on how long that program has you exercise for. Also you could get a heart rate monitor for 10 bucks which would be far more accurate.