careyharv Member


  • What type of music do you listen to? I prefer dance type music. My current favorites are "Gangnam Style / 2 Legit 2 Quit mashup" - PSY "Tightrope" - Janelle Monae "Let's Go" - Calvin Harris "Drummer Boy" - Debi Nova When I need the extra push "Bodies" - Drowing Pool :smile: I know it's old but it really pumps me up.
  • I have two suggestions. One would be this book - the New Rules of Lifting for Women. My sister got the book and it shows you how to lift properly and gives you routines to follow. My other suggestion is to get a trainer. Much more expensive than the book however they…
  • I play WoW mainly but I live in a house full of gamers. We play WoW, Ruinscape, Skyrim, BlackOps, Minecraft, Borderland etc. - basically anything we think might be fun. :smile: I am looking for a few friends as well - so add me if you would like.
  • Hey there. I am getting back to my fitness goals as well. Congratulations on getting engaged! :smile:
  • I don't know who is right - trainers can use several methods to get their clients in shape. Did you like how you looked when you were with your old trainer? Are you wanting to look like that again or going for something different? I personally prefer the higher weight with lower reps. I try for failure at 6-10 reps. I…
  • Since I can't see your diary, I am going to make some generalized suggestions. One is portion control - if you are eating big meals, then that can explain why you are not hungry. Try spreading out your meals to 300 calories every 3 hours. If you eat 5 times a day, that puts you at 1500. The other item could be the food you…
  • I agree that the smith machine can hinder your form. I don't use the smith machine for squats. It appears that you are aware of using good form. Have you tried a front squat - which is placing the bar on your shoulders? I tried this today in my workout for something new and seemed to like it. I too am worried about me…
  • I can understand the feeling. No matter how much someone wants to help, it is ultimately up to the person to change their life. I recommend getting him to do two things before you agree to "help" him - first tell him to see a doctor. Since he has a lot of weight to lose, seeing a doctor can help set him in the right…
  • [/quote] I tore my ACL in my right knee and as I have gotten older it has given me issues! I can lift heavy if I want to but I want to try something new! [/quote] Ah I have the same issue. It sucks. I would suggest starting out with body exercises instead of weights. Stationary lunges - no walking lunges until stronger -…
  • Since you know how to lift, it seems you are looking for a routine. My sister uses the female version of New Rules of Lifting. They have a book for men. Maybe it can give you ideas on setting up your routine. Below is a link:
  • I would add a snack between breakfast and lunch - something like yogurt or almonds. Or adding a protein shake at that time.
  • It is very misleading. The study says they asked people how often they ate chocolate - I didn't see that they asked how much chocolate. Having one Hershey's kiss, once a day, three days a week and yeah - no biggie. Having a whole bag of kisses as a meal once a week - now that is different. I hate "studies" like that -…
  • Are you able to get a trainer? I had one for about three months to hold me accountable for my workouts. I know how to work out, I just needed that extra push to get me to the gym. If you are not able to get a trainer, maybe a friend who is committed to working out can help you get going. Good luck!
  • I work out about 3 hours after I get up in the morning. I have 1 whole egg, 1 egg white and coffee with 2 tbsp of creamer. It may not be much but it helps get me going in the morning.
  • A friend of mine uses the MiO water flavoring packets. I don't mind the taste of water so I haven't tried it yet. However, she loves it. :smile:
  • I was referring weight to weight.
  • Lifting heavy is relative to the person. What I consider heavy or light is not the same as the original poster. The number of reps is also relative as I consider anything over 12 reps to be high. That is why I linked the book to her. It can provide her with great information on how to lift - which does include weights,…
  • It would be hard for anyone to give you advice without specifics. Since your diary is private, how much do you eat? What are you eating? Are you working out? If so, what do you do? Do you have any health issues? The more information you can provide, the more we can offer advice.
  • You are welcome. I hope it helps you reach your goal!
  • You wouldn't have to tend to it while your are playing. Just start it before you start playing and then stop it when you are done. I have the Polar FT7 and love it. When I run or lift, I just turn it on and then forget it. At the end of my workout, I look at the calories burned and stop the heart monitor.
  • :happy: I would go with the first option. My reason is that both would work for you. And I love Zumba. It is a great, fun workout.
  • Have you thought about getting a heart monitor? That is the only way I know for sure on how many calories you burn since it takes into account your height, gender and weight.
  • It really doesn't matter if you lift low weight/high reps or high weight/low reps. The key is to work your muscles. And don't worry about getting "huge", women cannot get big unless they are taking steriods or have lost of testosterone in their system naturally. I tend to lift "heavy" by some standards. For example, for…
  • Ah I see now said the blind man. I get what you are doing. Just be careful buddy!
  • The reason you are not hungry is because you are giving your stomach something to digest every hour. It subdues the mechanism that tells you to feed your body. While it is great that you are losing weight - you are not feeding your body. Your body needs fuel to function. So my question to you is how are you going to feel…
  • I agree with the other poster that you are doing too much. I would add weight to you exercises - squat with dumbbells or the smith machine, etc. Aim for 6-10 reps instead of 15. The other thing is working legs 6 or 7 days a week is not good. You need to rest your muscles to help them grow. I always give my muscles atleast…
  • I do both - it just depends on what we want. As far as ideas for recipes, I have found a few on that my family loves. The kids really like their "healthy chicken nuggets" recipe. Tomorrow I am making their chicken sante fe. Yum! :smile:
  • I use the Wish Bone Salad Spritzers. One serving of the Ranch is 10 sprays - here is the breakdown: Cal 15 Fat cal - 10 Total Fat - 1 Sodium 65mg total carb <1 Sugar <1
  • I would not recommend running with any weights attached to your ankles. If you search online, you will find many topics about why not to. You will find some that say "sure and here is how" but I believe you will do more damage than good.
  • I wear a heart monitor when I lift. To me, it is the only way to get an accurate calorie burn since everyone is different. When I log it into MFP, I use the cardio section but title it "Lower body" or "Upper body", etc.