jhigg11 Member


  • thank you. I will have to join.
  • I think a lot people jump into marriage on the idea that they have a great relationship and they don't really fight and love to hang out with each other. In reality it's about SHARING a life together. Raising children TOGETHER, and SUPPORTING eachother. The extension of the family is so important to a successful unit. You…
  • sounds like your body has adjusted to the bike and push up routine. It's telling you it's time to step it up. Add some weights in or maybe a Jillian Michael's workout. They are very affordable and a great way to push yourself. If your diet is on point, then you have to adjust your exercise and you have to know when you can…
  • Twinsies. I just hit 198 today. I am at 31lbs lost. Way to go!!
  • I just bought some too. I was swimming in everything. It's an awesome feeling. Congrats.
  • I feel like it's going from being invisible at least nobody is checking you out in your mind, to being looked at and everybody has something to say. I try to talk about how great I feel, and not about how I look. I think getting comfortable and real about why this happened can be like therapy. We all gained for a reason.…
  • Hey just want to tell you I'm rooting for you. I hope you can achieve the success you want without compromising your health. Being happy in your own skin and living a full life is what this is all about. It's not about a number. Sure we celebrate the achievements but somethings are so much more important. You really are a…
  • I am super overprotective when it comes to my kids spending the night at other peoples houses. I have a tight circle of friends that I have gotten to know, and we allow our children to spend the night. I wouldn't let my kid spend the night at someones house I don't know or have just met. Maybe it's because I watch the…
  • I always remember that when people feel the need to tear other people down, it's because they feel insecure themselves. So I end up feeling sorry for them, and I don't really care what anyone thinks about how I look. Knowing I am a good person, that's all that matters to me. When I'm old and wrinkly, they won't be…
  • To buy a whole new wardrobe and shop at all the stores I've been window shopping at for years. I would like to lose 65 more pounds and then get my tummy tuck/breast reduction. So reaching the weight goal is first so I can get the surgery and then the clothing after. lol! I want to run a 5k and half marathon. Just trying…
  • Hey just want you to remember you are not doing it for anyone but yourself. I'm not sure why your dad is tearing you down, maybe he doesn't even realize. I take his response with 1200 calories no matter the exercise, just shows his lack of knowledge in this. So in reality he makes no sense at all. Don't engage in a battle,…
  • I think we are all responsible for what goes in our mouths. We are also responsible for what we feed our children. Making sure they are healthy and can learn to read food labels, and what they need in their diet every day. That's our responsibility. That's one thing i didn't really get educated on. I have this site…
  • I've lost a tire. Still have a few spares to get rid of too. lol!
  • At the moment, I feel like nothing tastes as good, as being healthy feels. I'm really enjoying my success. But I'm sure there will be something out there that will be so amazing I can't resist a bite.
  • Left Ireland for the US. Reason - My parents made me. lol! I was 12 when we moved.
  • I love greek yogurt. It's great for digestion. I don't eat it every day, but I try to balance it in. I just recently started paying attention to Sugar. Only because I have a sweet tooth, and sugary food tends to make me want to eat more.
  • You look so adorable at your wedding. :-) But you look like a completely different person now. Beautiful.
  • the only real way to reduce is to just eat cleaner. Processed foods are loaded with sodium. Deli meat has good amount of sodium. Reducing sodium and sugar has completely changed how I eat. I have lost 20lbs in the last 65 days just by paying attention to sodium and adjusting my diet accordingly. I recently started paying…
  • Totally agree with this post. Track your sodium. It will change your diet. Eat every few hours, it really helps. Here is an article on livestrong that talks about recommended levels of sodium. http://www.livestrong.com/article/312948-how-much-sodium-per-day-to-lose-weight/
    in Rant Comment by jhigg11 July 2012
  • I think it's awesome that you are on your journey again. I think the first time when you heard that comment you did not feel powerful, and I hope this time you feel truly powerful through this journey. It really can't be about what other people think about you, but how you feel about yourself. Even though it seems like an…
  • I would say be mindful of your sodium but don't overly stress. I try to stay within a normal range 1800-2500mg. Stay away from the salt shaker. Deli meat, processed foods, frozen foods, marinades and seasonings are usually loaded with sodium. Here is a good article from livestrong that helped me.…
  • I try to take on people who want to be friends, but my only requirement is be positive, even through your tough times. I hate reading negative posts. It brings me down. I know we all go through tough times, but getting caught in them sends you to a spiral of depression and defeat. I don't ever want to feel like that ever…
  • so inspiring and you look fabulous!
  • I was told I can't for most of my childhood, and I didn't really start to let myself believe it until after I graduated high school. I have two children, and I would love to show them that hard work, dedication, and loving yourself with carry you through every storm in life. I know that this time in my life, everything is…
  • Thanks for all your input everyone. The studies that they refer to later in the video, were pretty interesting especially the one with the young people being kept in the lab environment. The part about the tumors growing with sugar intake was interesting too. So I believe there was something to learn from it. I'm not…
  • I have Hashimoto's/Hypo! I was diagnosed 4 months ago. I didn't start my journey here until recently. I have lost 17lbs in 50 days. I completely changed my diet, started eating cleaner, I exercise a lot. I am also researching about foods, that are not good for hypothyroidism. You should do your research to establish a diet…
  • You look so amazing. PS love your shoes in the first pic
  • I think showing your child healthy food, and letting her experience/cook would be beneficial. Teach her about what her body needs for energy, and what it doesn't. You should teach how to read labels on food items and work on logging the food, and let her see how much she is consuming. When the school has people come in to…
  • Can you add protein in your diary? It is essential to get enough protein in your diet. I would CUT BACK -(not cut out) on the carbs if I were you. Breads, pastas, rice etc. It's way to easy to over eat on those things. I also agree that frozen meals are junk, and they do have too many preservatives in them. Drink a lot of…
    in why Comment by jhigg11 June 2012
  • Vacations seem to be the ultimate slip up for me, but I have recovered and refocused this time. I let the exhaustion take charge of my food choices, but I didn't do it this time. Preparation is so important.