


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    first off,
    i dont eat junk food i went to many doctors and they told me to eat 2000 calories a day because its woud be a natural deficit of 700 calories a day alone second i measure my food on a scale digital so yea i do measure everything. i was diagnosed with hypothyroism when i was a child now apparently its normal ive done a lot of changes i do not eat junk food you read the profile wrong i cook everything i eat and some things i put on my diary arent not what they ar pan friend potatoes is not what it seems but fits the decription so ive changed tons of things i also am on my feet 90 percent of the day i dont sit on my *kitten*

    Actually, I don't care if you want to eat junk food. Eating healthy or not is totally up to you. I say this as a junk food eater. I'm more interesting in losing weight right now than eating healthy. I can eat Oreos all day, but as long as I eat less Oreos than I used to eat, I'll lose weight. (But my teeth will be terrible and we won't get into the constipation).

    I'd start with your totally calories consumed. 2000 is an awfully high number for a female of virtually any size. I'm not a doctor, and even if I was I'm not *your* doctor, but I find it difficult to believe that 2700 calories is your maintenance allowance. That's MY maintenance allowance, when I started I was a 276 pound male. I went to 1800 calories at first, and now it's down to a shade under 1600.

    I move around quite a bit at work too, but I started with my settings as "active" and then changed them down to "sedentary". That seemed to help, even tho I go over on calories pretty much every day. Unless you're lifting 40 lb boxes all day or chopping wood, you're probably not as active as you may think. Or you may be, but your body long ago adapted to the daily level of walking or standing that you do.

    Try setting your calorie goal to 1400-1500 or so and seeing how you do. Or eat the same but add 500-600 worth of exercise so that you're net is around 1500.

    Good luck!
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    There are only 2 reasons:
    You are eating too many calories and not working out/doing the right workouts.

    Do 30 minutes cardio and 30 min muscle strengthening
    Just yesterday you had: Cheese, fried potatoes, tortillas, fried eggs, sour cream, lots of sugar, butter, cheese stuffed chicken breast, chips, queadillas, bread, candy...etc.
    Thats never going to help you lose weight unless you are a marathon runner my love. If you wanted to lose weight, you would know that this is not the way darling.
  • jhigg11
    jhigg11 Posts: 121 Member
    Can you add protein in your diary? It is essential to get enough protein in your diet. I would CUT BACK -(not cut out) on the carbs if I were you. Breads, pastas, rice etc. It's way to easy to over eat on those things. I also agree that frozen meals are junk, and they do have too many preservatives in them. Drink a lot of water during and between meals, to help curb your appetite. Be happy and move. I'm not saying you should cut out all the tasty stuff, you should still enjoy a treat here and there. Eating more carbs and fiber in the morning will help. You will feel satisfied longer and it gives you and energy boost to. Good luck! I hope you find some answers and are able to get to your goal. I always say being positive is key, because we all have negative things happen to us life, but choosing to stay focused and positive about ourselves is the one thing we can control. :-)
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Like someone pointed out -- standing on your feet all day, as exhausting as it feels, is not quite enough. When I was doing retail, I was on my feet for about 8 - 12 hours a day, and because I was so exhausted all the time, I stopped working out, and I let my diet slip. I was eating around 1800 - 1900 cals a day -- making really bad choices -- and I started gaining weight. Rapidly. I had lost 50 lbs last year, gained almost all of it back. My job required quite a bit of moving around as well, I had to do a lot of stock work. But it didn't matter, it wasn't enough. I understand how exhausting being on your feet all day is, but your body doesn't process standing as exercise. Your body needs a lot of movement, it doesn't get your heart rate up, and therefore you're really not burning many calories. Try at least going for a power walk after work. I know how tired you probably feel once your shift is over, but what I eventually started doing was power walking home. I lived about two miles from my job, it wasn't too bad. That helped me break back into exercise. That's pretty much my main source activity, I do a 3 mph walk for about two hours a day. But you can just do one hour, I still lost weight at one hour a day. I lose weight very efficiently this way. Walking is a great exercise because, as you get used to it, you can walk faster and longer every time your tolerance raises, and it's not hard on the joints or the heart. So it's an exercise that will always benefit you, and especially your cardiac health. I guarrantee if you do that, you willlll see weight loss.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    If you have been here a YEAR and haven't lost anything, you don't have a right to get defensive when people answer you. Eat less, move more. I have never heard of anyone doing what they're supposed to and not losing weight over an entire year.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I would advise getting a second opinion on your thyroid. It is very rare that a thyroid condition gets better on its own- as far as I know the thyroid doesn't heal. There are a host of reasons that your thyroid could appear normal on a standard test when really it is underactive, though, and there's a wide range of what is considered "normal" where a specialist would consider it diseased.

    And what everyone else said.
  • lourolfes
    lourolfes Posts: 13
    I think people pretty much have this covered, but I will add my 2 cents.

    I started a little while ago at 6'3" and about 218 lbs. This wasn't my first go-around at trying to lose some weight. All the other times basically did nothing but add a couple pounds here and there, and a whole bunch of frustration. I decided this time was different and got VERY serious about all of the decisions I was making--how much food I was eating, what kind of food I was eating, how much exercise I was getting, and the way in which I was getting it. In a nutshell, I had to change my life.

    I started at 1600 calories and made sure I didn't surpass that number--ever. I drank more water. I bought, cooked, and ate more healthy food options. I started exercising and pushing myself more than I had before. Basically, once again, I changed my life.

    The theme here is that it is not necessarily easy, and old habits can't necessarily be kept (if losing is your goal). That meant no more doritos, nothing fried, skipping the 5 chocolate chunk cookies, etc...all of which I've seen in your diary. My advice is pretty simple. TRACK EVERYTHING--the creamer you put in coffee, the small handful of chips you grab from a bag, the few peanuts you eat when you're hungry...everything! Next, be honest with yourself. Are you really only having 12 doritos? Really only having one serving of toppings, cheese, etc..?? Did you really burn 500 calories lightly cleaning and folding clothes?

    Please know that nobody is trying to be hard on you. We are simply using our experiences and taking what has worked for us and trying to provide some insight. There are a LOT of very helpful people on here that have accomplished more in their weight loss ventures than some people would have in 3 lifetimes. I know I haven't done everything perfectly, and still am working towards my goal and getting healthier. However, I have noticed a little bit of success and wanted to help if I could. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Junk food is not only McDonald and Burger King. All the frozen meals like lean cuisine and such have so many preservatives, sodium, added sugar in them. They are not healthy.
    Stop eating pasta, it's way too easy to overeat. Stop drinking sweet teas and STOP EATING PROCESSED SUGAR!

    I also agree with the poster who mentioned PCOS and diabetes. You should be checked out for those conditions.

    Sorry, but I have to disagree with a good chunk of this. Stop eating past, McDonalds...yada yada ydad. So much bull****. It's about caloric intake. Please see my post above. You can "cap" foods in moderation. I know...because I do and I've love 50 pounds...

    Is it overall healthier to abstain from fast food and frozen meals...yes.but you dont HAVE to.

    Are you freaking kidding me??????????? HEALTH is about what you eat. Stop making excuses for stuffing your face with McDonalds and such. If you just care about calories intake, you'll be skinny and get cancer. Come on! Get real!