Don't Request Me



  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    I don't see what's wrong with people wanting want they want in their friends. Noone tells you in your everyday life that you HAVE to be friends with every single person that approaches you. If a weird creepy guy did that to you on the subway would you want to be his friend? Prolly not. Same idea applies on an online forum. If you find their choosiness offensive, well, then don't friend request them and carry on. I don't see the issue.

    I have to agree with this. Just because we are all on the same site does not mean we all have to be friends.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I don't see what's wrong with people wanting want they want in their friends. Noone tells you in your everyday life that you HAVE to be friends with every single person that approaches you. If a weird creepy guy did that to you on the subway would you want to be his friend? Prolly not. Same idea applies on an online forum. If you find their choosiness offensive, well, then don't friend request them and carry on. I don't see the issue.

    I have to agree with this. Just because we are all on the same site does not mean we all have to be friends.
    Exactly! Was there some agreement we all signed when we registered for MFP that said we have to like everyone? This is one thing about the forums that always irks me. People pouting about how people have guidelines for who they add as friends. It makes perfect sense to me. If I accepted every friend request and never deleted anyone my newsfeed would be a ridiculous mess and I'd miss all the stuff I find valuable about this site. Like I've said a million times before, everyone has a right to make what they want of this website. If it serves you to have 500 friends, go for it. For me, that is too much "noise." I know what kind of people click with me and I add accordingly.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I know what kind of people click with me and I add accordingly.
    We click...we double click...
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    I don't need any friends. All I want to do is log my food and browse the forumns whenever I'm bored. That's all.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    there's loads of rude people on here. it's sort of depressing.
    are their lives really that bad they need to take it out on strangers?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My friends don't expect much support from me. I'm a smart *kitten*. My friends are all smart *kitten*.
    And terribly proud of it!
  • storyluv
    storyluv Posts: 7 Member
    So true girl! I'm requesting you right now. Love your energy!!!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I know what kind of people click with me and I add accordingly.
    We click...we double click...
    clicked and locked in, baby.
  • lessofme65
    lessofme65 Posts: 107 Member
    Like in life, I try to choose friends that I feel I have something in common with. The way I find these people is by reading the boards, posts, profiles, etc. If I get a FR I usually like to check that person's profile to see what we may have in common. I look forward to comments regarding my food and exercise from my support group and try to offer what I can. I do try to offer my experience, strength and hope but not advice. I usually try to offer how how I may have gotten through a similar situation. I'm often my own worse critic so it's nice to have a group that will let me know that I'm not always doing as bad as I'm feeling.
  • BethanyCo
    BethanyCo Posts: 3
    HappyCyn, feel free to request ME as a friend (if you need one). I don't expect you to comment on everything I post and I hope you don't expect the same of me. I'm here to cheer you on but I have a life and cannot spend all my time on here commenting on everything everyday. :wink:

    But seriously, I'm willing to have people as friends who have similar goals or just need the support of someone. :flowerforyou:

    I agree!

    You can only be on so much during the day. I am new to this and only have a couple of friends but would like more.
    I would rather be playing with my son, cleaning, walking, etc... Can't burn good calories sitting commenting on a large amount of friends updates.
    I don't feel like it is a good idea for me to have 100+ friends or I will feel compelled to sit and comment on everything and that would take a lot of time. I want to be supportive to the friends I do have and still be able to get things done.
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm not here to be social, I am here to lose weight. I only have a few friends on here, and I know all but 3 personally.
  • RitaB19
    RitaB19 Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for your msg! I' like to be your MFP friend too!
  • jhigg11
    jhigg11 Posts: 121 Member
    I try to take on people who want to be friends, but my only requirement is be positive, even through your tough times. I hate reading negative posts. It brings me down. I know we all go through tough times, but getting caught in them sends you to a spiral of depression and defeat. I don't ever want to feel like that ever again. So if I see people constantly doing that, I delete them.
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    I find it very strange how people refuse to add more friends or set so many guidelines for them.

    "Here's my success story, but please don't request me as your friend"
    "I give my friends 110%, and expect the same in return"
    "If you eat 1200 calories a day, don't try to friend me"
    "If you stop logging for 5 days, I will remove you"
    "If you are not eating enough protein you will be removed"

    Seriously?.... Like seriously? We are all here for the same reason. We are for the most part experiencing the same struggles, or we would not be here. No method is the right method and that is okay. Maybe you think eating more to lose weight will get you there, or 1200 calories each day. It really does not matter.

    I will be your friend. I am here to lose 100 pounds and I will not judge you and I hope you will not judge me. I will not set any guidelines for our friendship or judge you for any relapses. We are in this together.

    Really? I mean really? your happy to cheer on someone eating a dangerously low amount of calories per day? You gonna be supporting at the funeral too? And your happy to be friends with people who never log on? I know your topic means well, but I find it so obtuse as to be bordering on the flaming ridiculous.

    Is it so much to ask to say 'hey, if you want my support and friendship, I expect you to act sensibly, show a modicum of determination and be serious about losing weight and changing your life'? NO!!! How long does it take to log on every day? minutes. I'm not asking for hours and hours of any ones time here. Similarly, I don't think it's too much to ask that people lose weight healthily and consistently...those eating less than BMR are not going to succeed in the long run and are either going to give up or yoyo along for the rest of their lives. If they can't work that out, then better they find other like minded idiots to go ***** about their weight with.

    Most people, including me have little time to waste on idiots who see this site and app as either the latest weight loss fad or somewhere to pick up there latest partner. Neither am I a psychologist to counsel those who have full on eating disorders....they need help, but I'm not the one to be giving it.

    MFP and my group of dedicated, funny and supportive friends have changed my life forever. I'm happy to support anyone who is serious, but would rather not waste my time on wasters who 'has to have a chocolate bar a day to stop myself feeling dizzy' as one newbie was trying explain to me last week. Not surprising really as she had eaten nothing else all day except for a handful of dried cranberries cause it was her sisters wedding next week and she was trying to lose a week...with no exercise...please....
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I'm SUPPOSED to eat 1200 cals/day. I'm also not lifting. 1200 gets me a loss of approximately 1.3 pounds/week. Am I supposed to feel bad about this? I'm 5 feet tall for Christ's sake.

    I have definitely removed people from my list for their promotion of disordered eating. Someone once told me (and on a day I had undereaten on account of a stomach bug), that I could have been under 500 calories for the day if I had just 'skipped that toast'. Are you kidding me?? I don't need that in my life, and it's not what I'm all about. I don't OWE anyone a spot in my newsfeed, nor do they owe one to me.

    Sure, we're all here for the same reason, but we're all walking different roads. I like to walk mine with people who like the route I picked. It doesn't make anyone else a bad person, I don't think less of them for it, and I try not to be rude. Live and let live.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    My problem and the reason why I have a whole one friend is that people on here often times will read an article that is usually one-sided and inaccurate or that leaves out information and then BAM POW WOOSH they are transformed into certified doctors and dietitians. I've found that most people here don't know what they're talking about. Period. Don't want nor need their opinions because frankly that is all it boils down to. It's your OPINION that eating 1200 cals a day is detrimental. For every article you link me saying it's bad, I can link one that says it's fine. Likewise with anything else I read on here. Too much protein. Too little protein. Too much fat. Not enough water. Too many carbs. Blahblahblahskjf
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    My problem and the reason why I have a whole one friend is that people on here often times will read an article that is usually one-sided and inaccurate or that leaves out information and then BAM POW WOOSH they are transformed into certified doctors and dietitians. I've found that most people here don't know what they're talking about. Period. Don't want nor need their opinions because frankly that is all it boils down to. It's your OPINION that eating 1200 cals a day is detrimental. For every article you link me saying it's bad, I can link one that says it's fine. Likewise with anything else I read on here. Too much protein. Too little protein. Too much fat. Not enough water. Too many carbs. Blahblahblahskjf

    ohmygod, THIS. A million times, this.
  • ELBeliles
    ELBeliles Posts: 4 Member
    Amen. I like some motivation from my friends, but an arrogant, domineering attitude is just going to turn me off. I know my limits and just because I can't do much now doesn't mean others should fault me for doing what I can. I like friends, not judges.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    You my dear are a hypocrite,you talk about judging yet here you are judging. No where on this sites TOS does it say we have to be friends with everyone.
  • jenkidney
    jenkidney Posts: 149 Member
    I treat online interactions the same way I do real life ones. Do I want to be friends with everyone I come in contact with? No, but I will be polite and interact with them. Same principle here. I accept or request friends who are like minded, similar viewpoint, etc. I deny or delete people I'm not meshing with. If I send a request and it's denied, I don't get all butthurt about it - I just assume that my profile/message/whathaveyou didn't fit what that person was looking for in a friend. Simple as that.