JamieArmbruster Member


  • Sorry I haven't checked in, things have been hectic around my house. I didn't weigh in this week so I am not sure if I lost. I have been doing great with workouts. Did the 30 day shred today and I can still feel it! I also got Wii fit and had fun with that this morning. I have been eating and drinking as I should this week…
  • Good Idea! :drinker: Walmart has some carbonated water too, in different flavors. I am not too sure of ingredients though, it has been a long time since I have had it.
  • I have been drinking PowerAde Zero, just one bottle a day, but it has been a nice change up. I also like the Crystal Light packets. I feel that even though some may not like Crystal light because it has aspartame, it still has to be better than not drinking any water at all.
  • Yesterday was a not so great day, I went a little over on my calories. Oh well, it wasn't too much, and I ran around at work all night! I am going to go try out my new running shoes this afternoon! Have a wonderful weekend!!
  • My TOM just showed up today!!! UGGGHHH. My official weigh in day is Friday, but who knows how that will go. Regardless, I have been very good lately. Yesterday was a great day, Went a liitle over in my calories, but I was hungry (probably because of TOM :) I am excited I got my new running shoes yesterday, so later I am…
  • The weekend wasn't horrible for me. I worked 12 hours Fri, Sat, and Sunday so I didn't work out, but I am on my feet all 12 hours so that is ok with me! I drank all my water all weekend, but I did splurge and had a homeade cinnamon roll Saturday and a piece of birthday cake on Sunday. A person has got to have a little…
  • I had a great day yesterday... walked 1.5 miles and ran only 1/2 because of my achilles tendon. Made great food choices and drank my water!!! Today another great day minus any workout because I worked 12 hours and we are leaving to go to our friends house, although we might play some WII so that will be activity, plus I…
  • Thanks for the tips... I have some soft weights and I have been wanting to get a yoga mat so I guess this is a good excuse.
  • I am sure I consumed way more calories than I needed. I was a snacker... I never really ate meals,I just snacked all day long. But I think if I were to enter one of my old habit days, I would be shocked! MFP has made me aware of my caloric intake and make better choices with the calories I have... so BIG Thanks MFP and…
  • I tried to search this but wasn't having any luck. I apologize if this has been covered already! I am looking to purchase 30 day shred... what equipment do you need for this video? Free weights, etc. I would like to just order it from amazon, but need to make sure I don't need things I don't already have! Thanks a bunch!
  • So I have been running and am really excited about it. B,ut the past two days my left achilles tendon has been so tight and painful, that I can't run more than half a mile (I have progressed to one mile). It isn't painful when I am walking so that is what I have been doing. I ordered a new pair of running shoes last night…
  • I had a great day yesterday! I ran one mile and walked one mile... about 35 minutes cardio overall with warmup and cool down. I drank 80 oz of water! I stayed within my calories, well I did eat my exercise calories, but I was hungry! I didn't get to read through all the posts, but good job everyone!
  • Thanks! My Hubby loves to restore old dodges. He has a pole shed full of "projects" He is getting antsy for warm weather!
  • I do it all summer long!!! My Hubby has a 1969 Dodge Charger General Lee. Although I am only 4'10" so he has to give me a little boost to get in, I bet he is glad that I have lost a little weight, no so hard on his back, lol! No sliding over the hood though, he would be pissed if I scratched the paint! I tried to add a…
  • I am in!!!! WOOOHOO! I am going to set my goal for 5 pounds again. Also to drink my 64 oz of water, I have been really slacking on my water intake. :drinker:
  • Sorry I missed the post yesterday!! Silly work keeps getting in the way of my online life! My original weight was 157 I am down to 153. One pound short of my goal of 5 pounds, but I i will take it! Congrats everyone, Great job!
  • They are great! My friend told me I had to try them that they were the perfect healthy chocolate fix, she was right!:love:
  • I am late, but I had a good day.... didn't exercise today, because I worked. I know that isn't a good excuse, but I work 12 hour shifts, 3 days a week and just choose to workout on my other 4 days off, lol. I have one pound to go and I hope I reach my goal. Hope tomorrow is another great day!
  • I have one that has been in my cupboard for years! Now you have me thinking!! I would have to guess I am probably going over by just using measuring cups,etc... Thanks for the post, I had forgotten all about mine!
  • One pound to go to meet my goal of 5 pounds lost!!! I haven't been very good this week with my workouts... my calories and water have been great though. Great job everyone!!! :drinker:
  • WooHoo! The hard work pays off! :drinker: I have been stuck at the same weight for two weeks, but I keep telling myself it is ok because I know I am doing the right things, and I feel better, so the number on the scale will change eventually!
  • Great job!!!!! I circled the Culvers Parking lot last night!!!! I am glad I am not the only who does that!
  • Wisconsin is WAY over it!!!!!!! It hasn't started here yet (central WI) but the clouds are rolling in!
  • I just read that study this morning... What a shocker, ok not really. I think most people know what we have to do to lose weight, for myself it is just easy to fall into traps of convenience foods, and one skipped workout won't hurt, etc. Unfortunately, I don't think the study told us anything we didn't already know!
  • I have been ill the past two days, so I haven't worked out:mad: But we will be getting 6-9 inches of snow today, so I suppose that will my payback workout :) Today I am finally able to eat... so I already feel better! Had to go back and check what my original weigh in was! Down 2.6 pounds, 2.4 pounds to go!!
  • I was just thinking about this very topic... I have only ate 900 calories today (busy day at work and didn't get to eat my lunch so had an early supper) This is definately not my normal, and I was feeling guilty about not eating my calories! What a change I am usually trying not to go over! But it is only one day!
  • 30 pounds and about 4 years ago, when they put Shamrock Shake up on the sign I stopped and had one everyday until they went away again.... plus a big mac, fries, well you get the picture! Now I have one small shake once a year, just to get the taste that I love! Yeah it isn't healthy, but NONE of my old habits were, so one…
  • I have a Solia. It was around 90 from folica.com. I love it! But as others said use heat protectant!
  • I am going to go with 5 pounds!! Very bad weekend for me too, glad to see I wasn't alone! My weigh in this morning was 157 (not my usual weigh in day, 2 pounds up from Saturday, yikes!)
  • I also am a nurse and work three 12 hour shifts per week. I choose "light" I think it was for daily activity, it specifically said nurse as an example of the type of job that would apply. I agree with the other ladies, anything that is quick to eat works for me. I like granola bars, bananas, yogurt. I also like the lean…