Not hungry...

So, it's a little after 8 o'clock here and I have nearly 800 calories left. I am not hungry by any means, as a matter of fact, my stomach feels like it is fixing to explode because it is full. I have been up since 6am so the food has been spread out throughout the day and I have not exercised so I have not added any calories. These are just part of my 1,500 for the regular day. I thought of maybe eating something high in calories, but I just don't feel like I can do it! I know I will survive if I do not eat them, but it concerns me that my body is telling me I am full when I know that I still have lots to eat. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary today...I don't quite understand it. But oh well right? Tomorrow will be a new day. I guess I should be concerned if this goes on for a few days at a time?


  • jennib06
    jennib06 Posts: 101 Member
    So, it's a little after 8 o'clock here and I have nearly 800 calories left. I am not hungry by any means, as a matter of fact, my stomach feels like it is fixing to explode because it is full. I have been up since 6am so the food has been spread out throughout the day and I have not exercised so I have not added any calories. These are just part of my 1,500 for the regular day. I thought of maybe eating something high in calories, but I just don't feel like I can do it! I know I will survive if I do not eat them, but it concerns me that my body is telling me I am full when I know that I still have lots to eat. I didn't do anything out of the ordinary today...I don't quite understand it. But oh well right? Tomorrow will be a new day. I guess I should be concerned if this goes on for a few days at a time?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have the same problem somedays too !! It hasn't really hurt my weight loss any!! I just make sure I get plenty of liquids on those days.Also to fix that you can eat a little bit higher calories like almonds.I love almonds and the seem to curb my appetite too.I hope this helps I am not an expert at this but I know other people have suggested higher calorie foods for me when this happens.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I got this from Jillian Michaels this week:

    It's Not What's in Your Stomach
    When you are fulfilled — say you have a productive job, joyful activities, and healthy relationships — you're much less likely to mindlessly eat. If you start taking charge of the external things in your life, it will be easier to take charge of the internal ones. Finding nonfood ways to fulfill yourself will pay off for your body, but it will also help you relax and become a happier human being. When you take the time to look after yourself, you tell the world that you're worth it, and that you deserve the best life has to offer. Once you project this kind of attitude, you can't help turning it into reality.

    I have many days where I'm not hungry....but it use to be that I would stuff my face anyway, before...not saying you've ever done that...just saying that I did..,for years! Anyway, now that I;m learnign to over come this...this was some added comfort (for me anyway)!:smile:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    If it's just a day, I wouldn't worry about it. If it's something you see every day, look at what you're eating. Too much fiber? Too much protein? (Not necessarily by MFP's guidelines but by what your body is telling you.) Have you filled your stomach with too much liquid so that you can't eat the calories you need?
  • jennib06
    jennib06 Posts: 101 Member
    Mickie17 thanks for the wise words...that truly mvkes sense!

    and adopt4, I had drank more water that day than I had in a very long time. Maybe like you said I was just full of the good ol' H20...but I'd rather be full from that than stuffed with food!

    Thanks everyone for the help!
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Mickie17 thanks for the wise words...that truly mvkes sense!

    You bet.., I love getting her words of wisdom everyday...I think Fit_Chick was the one who told me about her daily emails?!:smile:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Mickie17 thanks for the wise words...that truly mvkes sense!

    You bet.., I love getting her words of wisdom everyday...I think Fit_Chick was the one who told me about her daily emails?!:smile:
    :bigsmile: I post certain ones from time to time...she always has some pretty awesome thoughts to share.

    I understand the not hungry thing...I know some on here can jump us when we share that..but in the past when many of us certainly wasn't because we were hungry right? LOL Not me, it was emotional eating not body hunger.

    So I can definitely relate. It takes much more healthy food to reach our cal goals than a bag of cheetos or pop will right? Thus why at times we have extra cals at the end of our day.

    One thing that has helped me when I make the point to do it and I do try :tongue: but we all miss the train at times.:noway: :tongue: Is preplanning so we know how to spread it out, sometimes when I find I have too much to eat at the latter part of my day it's because I lacked planned or missed eating at some point, ya know how ya get busy and completely get caught up in what you're doing? Yea I do that, I'm finding I'm doing it with my water lately. EEEK, so I think I'll have to bump my own water posts so I can reread the importance of getting that in.:blushing: :drinker:

    As a4 suggested...if it's simply one day, no reason to freak IMO, but if you're only getting in 1200 a day, 800 is a bit to much to let slide. My apologies if your post contained all that info ...I'm dealing with a serious hormone surge the last couple days so in between crying and feeling hopeless I find I'm not reading posts as closely as I normally do.:blushing: SO I apologize if these thoughts have already been shared.:flowerforyou:

    FC:heart::sad: :laugh:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I got this from Jillian Michaels this week:

    It's Not What's in Your Stomach
    When you are fulfilled — say you have a productive job, joyful activities, and healthy relationships — you're much less likely to mindlessly eat. If you start taking charge of the external things in your life, it will be easier to take charge of the internal ones. Finding nonfood ways to fulfill yourself will pay off for your body, but it will also help you relax and become a happier human being. When you take the time to look after yourself, you tell the world that you're worth it, and that you deserve the best life has to offer. Once you project this kind of attitude, you can't help turning it into reality.

    I have many days where I'm not hungry....but it use to be that I would stuff my face anyway, before...not saying you've ever done that...just saying that I did..,for years! Anyway, now that I;m learnign to over come this...this was some added comfort (for me anyway)!:smile:
    thanks for posting that I haven't gotten to my personal emails yet so I appreciate seeing it here.:flowerforyou: :wink:

  • JamieArmbruster
    JamieArmbruster Posts: 48 Member
    I was just thinking about this very topic... I have only ate 900 calories today (busy day at work and didn't get to eat my lunch so had an early supper) This is definately not my normal, and I was feeling guilty about not eating my calories! What a change I am usually trying not to go over! But it is only one day!