Losin' the Eggstra by Easter 03.23.09



  • JamieArmbruster
    JamieArmbruster Posts: 48 Member
    The weekend wasn't horrible for me. I worked 12 hours Fri, Sat, and Sunday so I didn't work out, but I am on my feet all 12 hours so that is ok with me! I drank all my water all weekend, but I did splurge and had a homeade cinnamon roll Saturday and a piece of birthday cake on Sunday. A person has got to have a little desert now and then,lol! I weighed in today and lost one pound, which considering TOM is almost here I am happy with! I didn't work out today, but I have been cleaning my house since 8:00 this morning, so I have been moving. Great job everyone! This is going to be a great week!
  • sara1027
    sara1027 Posts: 59
    THis weekend was really BAD for me. Went out of town with my husband and I think I ate everything edible in sight.:sad: I still got a workout in on Saturday and got back on track today.
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :heart: Although some of us had rough weekends...it sounds like we each recognize our weaknesses and started out with a fresh, postive outlook today....and as we continue on with this challenge!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    hey ladies....

    my weekend was ok i guess.... saturday i had a DQ blizzard ugh .... but sunday i burnt 700 claories in zumba class...
    Kids are back to school this week (march break) so i am back to the gym went and did 1hr 15 minutes today:smile: