Losin' the Eggstra by Easter 03.23.09

:flowerforyou: Happy Marvelous Monday!!! :flowerforyou:

I hope each of you are starting of the new week with sunshine and a smile!!! :smile:

I'm ready to jump into this week feet first after being a bit lazy the last week or two...:huh: My day is off to a good start with healthy choices, water, and I'll be at the Y later for some cardio and my strength class!

No scale for me this morning....I actually forgot, but will update next week after kicking some booty in the days ahead!!! :drinker:

Have a great one everybody!!! :flowerforyou:


  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: Happy Marvelous Monday!!! :flowerforyou:

    I hope each of you are starting of the new week with sunshine and a smile!!! :smile:

    I'm ready to jump into this week feet first after being a bit lazy the last week or two...:huh: My day is off to a good start with healthy choices, water, and I'll be at the Y later for some cardio and my strength class!

    No scale for me this morning....I actually forgot, but will update next week after kicking some booty in the days ahead!!! :drinker:

    Have a great one everybody!!! :flowerforyou:
  • plussizemommy
    Well, I had a couple of bad calorie days...one included some girl scout cookies :grumble: (damn things..should be illegal). But, I worked really hard and I went golfing with my hubby Saturday and Sunday. I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleased to find out that I had still lost two pounds!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm now down to 306, for a total loss of 24 pounds since January 5th!!

    Congrats everyone else!! :drinker: :drinker:

    T-everyone deserves to be lazy every now and again, just not everyday like our lifestyles used to be!! You're off to a great start for the day and have fun at the Y later!! :flowerforyou:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Well, I had a couple of bad calorie days...one included some girl scout cookies :grumble: (damn things..should be illegal). But, I worked really hard and I went golfing with my hubby Saturday and Sunday. I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleased to find out that I had still lost two pounds!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm now down to 306, for a total loss of 24 pounds since January 5th!!

    Congrats everyone else!! :drinker: :drinker:

    T-everyone deserves to be lazy every now and again, just not everyday like our lifestyles used to be!! You're off to a great start for the day and have fun at the Y later!! :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Thanks! Sounds like you had a nice weekend....good for you! And way to go on the loss...that's wonderful! Keep up the good work....:drinker:
  • coliechacer
    coliechacer Posts: 105
    omg i have had a really bad week to i was done to 159 last week now i am 163 again ugh i want to punch myself... and my mother just called me and said i got u a box of peanut butter girl scout cookies HELP i would like to get back down to 159 again by next sat
  • plussizemommy
    omg i have had a really bad week to i was done to 159 last week now i am 163 again ugh i want to punch myself... and my mother just called me and said i got u a box of peanut butter girl scout cookies HELP i would like to get back down to 159 again by next sat

    My diet-saboteurs were disguised as Samoas (Caramel Delights). One thing that helps is to bury them in your freezer!! Or, give them away to someone or share them!! And, if you do eat some, just exercise more and drink a ton of water to make up for it!! It happens to the best of us! Just don't give up!!
  • megancolleen
    Hi All! I actually did really well last week lost 1.5... but then it is my birthday today so I celebrated yesterday and gained it back :-( .. didn't even think I really over-ate that much! O well! I just have to work extra hard to get that 1.5 off plus some!! Hope everyone has a good day!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    :flowerforyou: Morning Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Theresa - Glad you're gettin back on track! :bigsmile: We all believe in you and know you can do it! Yay for water and healthy choices! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    PSM - Yay for golfing! Congrats on the 2lbs lost!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Coliechacer - I understand set backs, it could be a lot of things contributing, but don't try to FORCE a big loss. 4 lbs in less than a week is a LOT. Take it day by day, make good choices for you, watch the sodium, get in some good cardio, and just breathe! :flowerforyou: :drinker: You can do it!

    I myself wasn't TOO horrible this weekend - considering I had a Bridal Shower on Saturday and then a belated St. Patty's Day dinner with the family last night. Mmm, mom's homemade Irish Soda Bread is what did me in! :laugh: It was worth it though. I didn't make my goal of being below 240.0 BUT I did lose about 0.4 this past week, so I'm that much CLOSER to being in the 230s on friday/sat this week. IT's going to be a CRAZY week for me so I'm just trying to stay as organized/motviated as possible.

    Going to see Fiddler on the Roof on Wednesday, with the ORIGINAL Tevia!! :bigsmile: Definitely excited about that!

    I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day today and I'll check back in later. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    P.S. - Update on my niece: She's doing SO amazingly well. Mom got sent home on Saturday - so she's taking it easy and trying to get her swelling to go down. Apparently her Blood Pressure is still through the roof. Anyway, the DRs are saying that if baby Amanda can pass her required tests and screens, she'll possibly be able to come home in 3 short weeks!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: YAY! That's so great for a 2 month premie! Thanks again for ALL of your thoughts and prayers, it really means a lot of have this kind of support from people that dont even know myself and my family. It's deeply moving and much appreciated! :heart: :smooched: :heart:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Hi All! I actually did really well last week lost 1.5... but then it is my birthday today so I celebrated yesterday and gained it back :-( .. didn't even think I really over-ate that much! O well! I just have to work extra hard to get that 1.5 off plus some!! Hope everyone has a good day!

    Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou:

    My guess is that it's just water/general fluctuations...just drink plenty of water today, stay within your cals, and exercise...you'll be fine.

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I had a great weekend of working out. 5 hours of moving furniture, boxes, etc on Saturday, and Sunday I was carying 5 gallon buckets of sap through the woods all day. Despite the great workouts, I gained 2 lbs this week. I am really hoping it is because I drank soda this weekend (first time in 45 days). I plan to hit the gym and stick to water this week, and hopefully I will drop the 2 lbs + more next week.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I lost 2# from last week but for me I can tell more in the fit of my pants more than the scale is showing, ut I know they will catch up woth each other.:drinker:
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    Good Morning!

    I was fairly active this weekend, and stayed w/in my calories- but still stuck at 160. I officially started cycling my calories (http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm# ) on Saturday, so we will see if this helps! hopefully!!!

    Congrats on the losses, ladies! Have a great day!

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I ended up working (like a dog) all weekend in the house so didn't officially exercise - but going up and down the stairs carrying trash and boxes and painting for 7 hours sure was a workout. Was actually really low on calories both Sat and Sun due to working in the house....I am exhausted!

    I am down a pound today. So that's one pound towards my Easter goal. But still only 1 of 17 for exercise.

    I read thru the posts but I am in a hurry so I can't reply to each - but keep working hard everyone!!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Well, I didn't do too well this weekend. We went out for mexican food, barbque, and icecream. But I am back at it this morning and will be working out at jazzercise. I did gain a pound+. So I have to work extra hard this week.

    Good luck everyone and have a healthy happy week!

  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    My weekend wasn't terrible, but wasn't amazing. I didn't weigh this morning but i will tomorrow probably and i'll know how i'm doing. Weekends are a lot harder for me. About to go fill up my water...never would have done that at 6:45am before this site :smile: Have a great day everyone!
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    Hey everyone. I had an okay weekend. Sunday is usually a bad day for me, but yesterday wasn't toooo bad. I did indulge in 2 bbq'd hot dogs on buns last night...bad me!!! But saturday was sooo busy, I only ate a total of 400 cals, that includes black coffee cals. Today I am finding it hard to fight temptation. And I need to get my butt in gear and do some exercising while the 2 babies are sleeping and the 2 older ones are at school.

    Since I was having trouble deciding what my start weight will be for this challenege, I decided to just set a goal weight, instead of having my goal set at losing 5lbs. So, by April 10th my goal weight is to be 184. Right now I am at between 188 - 190. I really need a new scale. My scale is soo old and it's not accurate. You have to ADD 10lbs to what it reads, and then you can step on it and get one weight and then step right back on it and it be a couple lbs off.

    Anyway - I'm sleep deprived and hoping this made sense lol.

    GOOD JOB to all of you and keep up the good work!

    Ohh...and my goal today is to do 100 crunches, 15 minutes of yoga, and do as much cardio at my kids will allow. LOL Ohh...and drink all of my water. :)
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    The weekends seem much more difficult to maintain my healthy choices and exercise. I kept telling myself that it was the weekend so it was okay if I took a break...All in all, I neither gained nor lost this weekend so that's good news. I started today off with a healthy breakfast and hopefully the healthy lunch I packed will be enough to satisfy me!!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: It sounds like everyone is off to a motivate start this week....Way to Go!!!

    Weekends can be tough, as schedules and activities are different...just try to make the healthiest choices possible and move as much as you can...even if it doesn't seem like exercise....all the better!!! This is why I have my weigh in day on Monday morning...keeps me a bit more accountable over the weekends.

    The encouragement and motivation of this group for ourselves and each other is terrific!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Good Morning Everyone,

    PSM and Coliechacer- Congrats of recognizing your trouble zones and making and effort to keep going.
    Tahmed- Keep pushing you will start to see soem good results
    Memaw66- Um..mexican ( i want some):love:
    Operabound-have fun at the show and congrats on neice.

    Everyone- Although we have set a goal, remember that weight loss is a journey and we have to push ourselves to get the results we want. Congrats to everyone who moved this weekend and was conscience about their food choices.

    Ok, so I have decided not to weigh myself until April 1st. I have been on a 30 day veggie fast for spiritual purposes so I decided I won't weigh myself until then. This weekend, I had dance practice and I danced for church to an upbeat song so I know I burned some calories. This morning I did the 30 shred video and was tired.
    I've eaten a banana and some frozen grapes
    I plan to eat carrots, tomato and cucumber salad w/o dressing
    spinach, fugi apple, corn, and maybe broccoli and of course Water.
    I plan to go to the gym for my cardio class and may the shred video again.

    Have a good day and keep pushing:smile:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'm really thinking of not weighing until this challenge is done also. I am sooooooooo concerned with that stupid scale. Think I will take a break from it.

  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    well this weekend wasnt too bad, I had a family party that I was concerned about, but it ended up being ok, I only ate a little, stayed away from the soda and just had water, and didn't even pick at the pepperoni & cheese, and chips!! i was actually very proud of myself!! i did run on the treadmill before I went just incase, but I didnt even need the extra calories!
    I too am trying to stay off of my scale, til at least the end of this month!!

    i also worked out friday and sat, so those are day 2 & 3 of my 17 w/o days!! yesterday was my day off, but ill be back on the treadmill tonight!