Losin' the Eggstra by Easter 03.25.09



  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Oh I forgot to say I have 6 of the 17 days of exercise done. Keep up the great work everyone!!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    So i weighed myself today... I was gonna weigh in on monday but its my TOM so i thought i would weigh myself next monday.... but i stepped on the scal today thinking ahhhh it doesnt matter what it says i wont count it till next monday (casue i thought it would be bad) so im down 2.5 pounds in a week and 2 days:love: and its still my TOM maybe it will be less on monday:laugh: my weight has been fluctuating the past 4 months between 214.8(which i only ever saw once about a month ago lol_ and 218..... today it was 214.2... thats the lowest yet!!!! maybe im finally out of this stupid plateau????? cross your fingers for me :laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    fingers crossed!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    today is day 5 of 17 for me.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    good morning....well, afternoon :)

    yesterday was alright for me too...i've still been on the cycling calories kick since i started on saturday, and i've been stayin within them, so hopefully that can get me out of the plateau! today is a high calorie day, and my day off of exercise. since we started on the 18th, i've gotten in 7 days of exercise, so its resting time.

    congratulations on getting the scales moving everyone! i'll weigh in on monday- i usually weigh every monday, but i skipped this week because of my TOM. i'd rather not know :laugh:

    happy hump day!
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    Last day of my TOM for me, and surprisingly quite forgiving. Today is Day 5 for me for exercise. I only did 20 min on the treadmill on my lunch but I did 30 min of weights, really kicking my butt. I will be going to the gym after work though. I decided that Wed was going to be my work week day off but I forgot so I might as well keep it going. I guess me forgetting NOT to exercise is better than forgetting TO exercise!! Ha ha ha! I'll prob be laying off the arms for a couple days though. I worked them pretty good.
  • JamieArmbruster
    JamieArmbruster Posts: 48 Member
    My TOM just showed up today!!! UGGGHHH. My official weigh in day is Friday, but who knows how that will go. Regardless, I have been very good lately. Yesterday was a great day, Went a liitle over in my calories, but I was hungry (probably because of TOM :) I am excited I got my new running shoes yesterday, so later I am going to hit the treadmill and hope this solves my achilles pain. I am also going to go see if I can get the 30 day shred! Great job everyone, I am loving the motivation I get from everyone here!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    are we all co-ordinated on our TOM or something? lol
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    are we all co-ordinated on our TOM or something? lol
    No we aren't. I haven't had mine yet this month, and that is reallly weird. Maybe I am starting to go through the change???? Am I too young for that? I'm 42. I usually have mine between the 8th-12th and nothing yet?? Not even any symptoms. Hmmmmm not that I am complaining.
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    I was totally thinking the same thing jackeh...it does seem as though, doesn't it?? I know they say that living with other women often syncronizes your cycles, but internet??? :laugh:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I was totally thinking the same thing jackeh...it does seem as though, doesn't it?? I know they say that living with other women often syncronizes your cycles, but internet??? :laugh:

    Maybe we can get some kind of government grant to do a study to see if internet pharamones exist:laugh:
  • jk_raven
    jk_raven Posts: 44 Member
    are we all co-ordinated on our TOM or something? lol
    mine just finished, it's sounds like we're very coordinated
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    well I didnt get exercise in today (yet) my son has gymnastics on weds nights, so by the time we get out of there get something for dinner and i get to eat and let my food settle some its usually time for homework and bedtime! so we'll see, i may try to at least get some crunches in.
    I am really trying to work on drinking all my water cuz i've been really bad with that, I dont drink anything else i just never feel that thirsty that I have to drink that much, but i'm trying to make myself.

    i cant say my TOM is with everyone elses, but i'm on Seasonale and i only get one every 3 months.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    are we all co-ordinated on our TOM or something? lol
    mine just finished, it's sounds like we're very coordinated

    i should finish mine tomorrow too- weird!