Lose the FATTY by St PATTY Challenge 02/26/09

:flowerforyou: Good Thursday Morning!!! :flowerforyou:

I hope everyone had a wonderful Wednesday...mine was good, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, but no exercise due to working late...:grumble:

But, today is a new day and so far my choices are healthy, and I have a session with my trainer this afternoon and will throw in some cardio as well...:drinker:

Have a great day and many blessings to each of you!!! :flowerforyou:


  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: Good Thursday Morning!!! :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Wednesday...mine was good, stayed within my cals, drank my h2o, but no exercise due to working late...:grumble:

    But, today is a new day and so far my choices are healthy, and I have a session with my trainer this afternoon and will throw in some cardio as well...:drinker:

    Have a great day and many blessings to each of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Sounds like we had the same day - stayed in calories drank plenty of water, no exercise - it was a rest day. Going to fitness center tonight after parent meeting for baseball team. Another late supper!

    Still no change in weight - 1/2 pound for this challenge.

    I posted some progress pictures on my profile - check it out.

    Happy Thursday everybody!
  • sully
    sully Posts: 12
    for lent i decided to give up taco and potatoe chips,:ohwell:
    and start my healthier eating by doind ww.
    wish me well, already had half of my h2o :drinker:

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    1/2 your water already - I haven't even finished my cup of coffee. Way to go!
  • sully
    sully Posts: 12
    I have to now, I don't get a break at school :noway:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Sounds like we had the same day - stayed in calories drank plenty of water, no exercise - it was a rest day. Going to fitness center tonight after parent meeting for baseball team. Another late supper!

    Still no change in weight - 1/2 pound for this challenge.

    I posted some progress pictures on my profile - check it out.

    Happy Thursday everybody!

    Hey lovely lady...love the pics...so pretty....and way to go on your success thus far!!! :flowerforyou:
  • plussizemommy
    doing good here!! stayed in my cals, drank my water, 45 mins of cardio yesterday, then some strength exercises and some crunches, looking forward to getting my 30 day shred video tomorrow...although I want to know which one of you is going to come to ohio and pick me up off the floor from my fetal position after I do this video..I hear it brutal!! So, I'm doing good and will weigh in on Monday!!
    btw, great pics chrissy!!! congrats!!
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    doing good here!! stayed in my cals, drank my water, 45 mins of cardio yesterday, then some strength exercises and some crunches, looking forward to getting my 30 day shred video tomorrow...although I want to know which one of you is going to come to ohio and pick me up off the floor from my fetal position after I do this video..I hear it brutal!! So, I'm doing good and will weigh in on Monday!!
    btw, great pics chrissy!!! congrats!!

    :drinker: You had a GREAT day yesterday...keep up the good work!!! I've never done the shred video, but I know lots of others on the site have...you CAN do it!!! :drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Thanks T and PSM

    You will love the shred! Great workout in a short time. I always want to kick the TV when jillian calls you buddy and the girls buddy!
  • ness13hill
    Did alright yesterday, I havn't been able to get my works out in though! I work 6:30 am then strait to class in the afternoon and do not get home again until 8:00pm. Anyone have any advise to help me out in the work out area?
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    The 30 day shred is a 30 minute workout - working strength cardio and abs - it's great in a limited amount of time.
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    Am down .2 lb from last week, so that puts my loss @ 3 lbs for the challenge...and 4 MORE TO GO!! keep up the good work everyone!! we will have LESS 'paddy' by St Patty!!
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Am down .2 lb from last week, so that puts my loss @ 3 lbs for the challenge...and 4 MORE TO GO!! keep up the good work everyone!! we will have LESS 'paddy' by St Patty!!

    :drinker: Great job...keep up the great work!!! :flowerforyou:
  • JamieArmbruster
    JamieArmbruster Posts: 48 Member
    I have been ill the past two days, so I haven't worked out:mad: But we will be getting 6-9 inches of snow today, so I suppose that will my payback workout :) Today I am finally able to eat... so I already feel better!

    Had to go back and check what my original weigh in was! Down 2.6 pounds, 2.4 pounds to go!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Gonna work out hard tonight - need to take out my sadness. The other day I worked off the shock of how much taxes we owe - today it's sorrow. I got an email from a girl in my under 40 breast cancer group (the Young and the Breastless) - one of our members committed suicide last night leaving behind a 10 year old son and husband. She had turned to drugs in bad times and that lead to her taking her own life. She was always so spunky and happy. Also - my group leader's (same group) husband died last night too-from cancer.

    With all that - it puts me back to the reality of taxes smaxes, I have my health - emotional and physical, great family including an amazing loving husband - I have it made! Things can be so much worse and I am so blessed!

    There's my ramble for the day.
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Gonna work out hard tonight - need to take out my sadness. The other day I worked off the shock of how much taxes we owe - today it's sorrow. I got an email from a girl in my under 40 breast cancer group (the Young and the Breastless) - one of our members committed suicide last night leaving behind a 10 year old son and husband. She had turned to drugs in bad times and that lead to her taking her own life. She was always so spunky and happy. Also - my group leader's (same group) husband died last night too-from cancer.

    With all that - it puts me back to the reality of taxes smaxes, I have my health - emotional and physical, great family including an amazing loving husband - I have it made! Things can be so much worse and I am so blessed!

    There's my ramble for the day.

    Oh Chrissy....I am so sorry to hear about your friends...how tragic for both families....especially that poor little boy...:cry: I will keep them in my prayers during this difficult time. I know you will be a blessing to your group during this time of need...and yes, we all have very much to be thankful for...:flowerforyou:
  • sully
    sully Posts: 12
    did the bollywood work out, omg....
    my shoulders still hurt!
    but it was fun..drank my water,had grilled salmon for lunch yummmmm.
    have a great day all..
    xoxoxo sully
  • sully
    sully Posts: 12
    sorry chrissy,
    you set it right you have health,family, and friends....