Lose some Fatty by ST Patty 03/10/09

BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
Whoopee still 1 lb down 4 lbs to go.

1 week to go peeps good luck.

I will need the luck of the Irish for 4 lbs in a week.



    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    Whoopee still 1 lb down 4 lbs to go.

    1 week to go peeps good luck.

    I will need the luck of the Irish for 4 lbs in a week.

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    BUT, you are still down, a pound B4! That's a good start! :drinker:

    I've been missing this thread every day for some reason. *smacks forehead*

    I "officially" weigh-in tomorrow, but I can with nearly 100% certainty that I won't be hitting my goal in a week. I think I'd need to lose about 2.5# & with the way that I'm losing right now (sllloooooooow) it just isn't going to happen. BUT, I am making improvements in myself & I will get there eventually. SO close!

    Have a lovely day, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Good morning!! th_happy0005.gif

    I did terrible last week but I made myself walk 4 miles and do a 30 minute workout last night. I also did a 30 minute workout this morning :drinker: Today I am sticking to my calories (I kinda went over by about 200 calories yesterday :embarassed: ) BUT....the past is behind me time to move forward and kick some booty :drinker: I will not reach my goal...but that is ok I am back on track and that's what matters :bigsmile: I feel soooo much better having worked out today and last night after taking a week off :bigsmile: I think I just needed the break. :smokin:

    Great job on that pound B4 :smooched:

    And Sara, I'm losing very slow too...that just means we're close to where we should be :drinker: :bigsmile: And I always miss this thread too :ohwell:

    Have a great day all :smooched:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: Good morning my friends!!! :flowerforyou:

    B4-way to go dude...keep on rockin! :drinker:

    Sara...I like the positive attitude!!! :flowerforyou:

    Kellch-glad you are feeling better and back on track... :smokin:

    I did not have a loss last week, but I'm okay with that...just three pounds left to go in this challenge, down two...probably will not get three off this week, but that's okay. I'm moving in the right direction and my workouts have been really good so I know it will all come together! :drinker:

    Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!!! :heart:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    B4 - that's exactly the case for me as well....that's why I haven't really posted on these threads! :blushing:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Morning all!

    Just wanted to check in. Glad to see everyone's doing well or at least maintaining! :bigsmile:

    SW for Challenge: 245.6
    GW for Challenge: 239.6

    Current Weight as of 3/6/09: 242.8

    That's 3.2 LBS to lose this week...I'm not planning on eating most of my exercise calories like I have been, so we'll see if that helps and makes a difference. I really just want to make it below 240...:embarassed:

    Good luck to everyone!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Good morning!

    Had a good day yesterday...stayed w/ in my calories, drank my h2o, did a 20 min ab routine, 40 min cardio routine, and 30 min of pilates. Took the kiddos to the park, too:wink:

    I completely forget where I was when I started this challenge, but I *think* I have 2 pounds loss. I highly doubt I'll make my goal of 5 lbs, but moving on. This weekend not sure how much I'll get in as DH and I are going away for my 30th b-day (yikes!!!).

    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work:drinker: :drinker:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Good morning!

    Had a good day yesterday...stayed w/ in my calories, drank my h2o, did a 20 min ab routine, 40 min cardio routine, and 30 min of pilates. Took the kiddos to the park, too:wink:

    I completely forget where I was when I started this challenge, but I *think* I have 2 pounds loss. I highly doubt I'll make my goal of 5 lbs, but moving on. This weekend not sure how much I'll get in as DH and I are going away for my 30th b-day (yikes!!!).

    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work:drinker: :drinker:

    Kelly...great job yesterday and in general...:drinker: You are a wonderful motivation to us all :flowerforyou:

    Sounds like a wonderful plan for your birthday...woohoo!!! Enjoy eating whatever, and have fun burning off the calories....:wink::bigsmile:

    Have a good one! :heart:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Thanks Theresa! My husband is keeping where we are staying a surprise, but he did let me know we are eating at The Melting Pot...haven't been there in years and I'm excited. My mom is keeping the kiddos and I cannot wait to get away just him and I.
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    Thanks Theresa! My husband is keeping where we are staying a surprise, but he did let me know we are eating at The Melting Pot...haven't been there in years and I'm excited. My mom is keeping the kiddos and I cannot wait to get away just him and I.

    Hey Kelly! The big 3-0, ehhhh? :drinker: I'll be 31 this year :embarassed: We're getting old :sad: :sad: Nawww it's not so bad, we're just now hitting our prime :bigsmile: :smokin: :drinker:

    Help me vote for my cake :bigsmile: (you have to scroll down a bit to find the pics...MizzyMiz saved the day and put them all on photobucket and posted them for me...for some reason I couldn't get it to work...we have a lot of filters on the computers here at work :grumble: )


  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Cheryl...I went over and gave my input. Hey, did Chance get to come home? I *heard* there was a possibility of him coming home yesterday and was just wondering.
  • plussizemommy
    Can I still join?! If so, I'm in!! I weigh 316 and I will lose 5 pounds by Saint Patty's day!!!

    ^^ that was my original goal for this challenge and I have already met this goal and went over by one pound!!! I weighed in yesterday morning at 310...which means I hit my goal for this challenge and I HIT THE 20 POUND MARK!!! yay!!
    Good going everyone!!!
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Thanks Theresa! My husband is keeping where we are staying a surprise, but he did let me know we are eating at The Melting Pot...haven't been there in years and I'm excited. My mom is keeping the kiddos and I cannot wait to get away just him and I.

    Sounds like fun!!! :drinker: My daughter has been there, but I haven't :grumble: it sounded amazing though....:flowerforyou:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Can I still join?! If so, I'm in!! I weigh 316 and I will lose 5 pounds by Saint Patty's day!!!

    ^^ that was my original goal for this challenge and I have already met this goal and went over by one pound!!! I weighed in yesterday morning at 310...which means I hit my goal for this challenge and I HIT THE 20 POUND MARK!!! yay!!
    Good going everyone!!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    I did great yesterday, I have incredibly busy days, but I have been walking on my breaks at work and feel great about that. I'l see tomorrow if i've lost. I'm working a lot harder at everything right now, and just feel healthier. I'd love the pounds to fall off fast...but even with it going slow i am trying to stay modivated! :) Have a great rest of your day guys!
  • JamieArmbruster
    JamieArmbruster Posts: 48 Member
    One pound to go to meet my goal of 5 pounds lost!!! I haven't been very good this week with my workouts... my calories and water have been great though. Great job everyone!!! :drinker: