lvng_lf Member


  • I'm not nursing now but when I lost through weight watchers while nursing 8 years ago they recommended 500 extra cals a day but i was 60 lbs overweight!! I heard some women recommend 300 which is probably good if your trying for less. this was without exercise too! I would try to make them healthy ones which is sooooo hard…
  • biggest weakness: realizing that eating the way I always did would never again happen-BIG hurdle for a former food addict. best strength: gaining the knowledge through food journaling that I CAN have a treat once in a while if I make the numbers:) it taught me to eat with my head not my heart:heart: I sometimes mourn what…
  • replace your habits permantley. don't think "when I lose weight I can smoke and eat what I want again" it's been said a lot but I'll repeat it - it's a lifesyle change, not a temporary thing. just do it. look forward and don't mourn the lost of your old habits or yearn for them. move on. take each challenge with a can do…
    in I gave up... Comment by lvng_lf May 2012
  • I second the enell bra for heavy, dense breasts. the straps are "static" meaning they don't give. it's a bit bulky and pricey but well worth the cost and effort to put 'em on.
    in Running Comment by lvng_lf May 2012
  • pop in some sugar free gum.....keeps the mouth busy. grab some knitting needles....keeps the hands busy. it works but I still cave-in sometimes!!
  • pearl jam at loolapalozza '92 in saratoga springs, NY. -unforgettable. of course I was young then:love: The jerry garcia band. it's was more than just a concert. it was a whole experience :drinker: what a fun thread, thanks:flowerforyou:
  • for your thigh/leg muscles. this helps stabalize the knee. one of the gentliest ways I increased my leg muscle was walking huge hills plus is added cardio! good luck. I find I can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. that's such a bonus with running!
  • I agree. I always suggest giving yourself 6-8 weeks to get the milk supply established. then make sure your adding in those extra 300-500 calories in addition to what MFP gives you for weightloss. Many woman "couldn't" breastfeed in the past for lack of supply beause they didn't have this information. your body needs fuel…
  • Running away -hoobastank
  • the same seems to happen to me too! I up my running mileage and I either plateau or gain/loose the same 2 lbs over and over again. what's the deal?
  • I took up knitting. the "not much talent needed for scarfs" knitting. I have taken it everywhere with me and I even noticed I pay attentioin better if my hands are doing something!! haha:) It would be hard at work tho...the nice thing is if your knitting a scarf you can pretty much mindlessly start and stop at random and…
  • how many ounces do you typically drink?
  • I would try the mfp suggestion and see what it puts you at first. However, Breastfeeding a newborn usually requires 300- 500 extra calories a day. I lost while eating 500 but that was exclusive bfeeding. I didn't start until after 8 weeks and my milk was established. don't feel guilty eating that. you need the cals to…
  • i know this feeling! I was almost beat by a (professional) speedwalker!! had a good laugh at the end of the race:) I'm a sloooowwww runner and was very scared to start. now, eventhough i'm still mid to back pack, i love it!. AND i'm categorized as overweight!
  • thanks so much guys!! :D I'm so excited to have that beer now!!
  • YOU GO SUE!!! <3 this!!:)
  • Great thread! Why are you running away - hoobastank Shewolf -shakira Both songs are my go to songs when my running needs motivation!
  • you can change your nutrients to show a lower carb intake. my limit is 79 without exercise and that has helped me a lot! So you can avoid some items like pasta, white bread, cereal etc and also learn to eat them in moderation! it helped me because eventhough that donut I had fit into my daily intake of calories, I still…
  • try eating foods that have a historical label of inducing an aphrodisiac effect like oysters and clams. I'm sure there's more if you google it. I think we eliminate certain foods (like mood enhancing Sugar:) and it does have an effect on our chemical balances in our body.
  • it's interesting how we can't give the world enough food to eat meanwhile billions are trying to loose weight, they've developed a surgical technic to reduce weight for millions that are morbidly obese, and there are TV programs like "my 600 lb life" or "the biggest loser" highlighting a health crisis in many parts of the…
  • What a mental struggle this must have been!! I'm speechless! I hope she stays the course and Passes that positive change onto your beautiful daughter!
  • I think if your carbs are in a normal range you could try carb-free(ish) for a few days before weigh-in. you won't grow another head or loose a limb. hopefully it'll give you that extra edge. I understand wanting to win. hehe. good luck and make sure you drink your water!
  • i checked out the website. seems pretty neat. I'm going to go with that:) thanks again!! I'm an outdoor walk/run kinda cardio gal. don't spend much time indoors on TM's or at the gym and I especially hate videos. this is definitly a change from the norm but I've heard so much about it that it has my friend and I looking…
  • I can see it in your beautiful face! give it some time for the clothes. it might just take 5 more lbs and you'll find yourself looking for a new size. it's so exciting!!
  • the nutritional needs - of baby - and [therefore] the compostion of - Breast milk - change as they grow. -just wanted to claify that:)
  • the nutritional needs and composition change as the baby grows. you're body probably doesn't need as much calories to produce the milk an older baby requires. At first you need an extra 500 cals. try cutting that in half. monitor your production to make sure you're continuing to produce enough milk (reducing cals is one…
  • you must feel so much better! You look fantastic! good luck with the rest of your journey. thanks for posting!
  • <puppies born in "foster" care at my home last spring. The mom was surrendered to our local shelter by a breeder and she was too far along to do a humane elimation of the pregnancy by the time we discovered it. we decided to keep mom and the runt (now spayed and neutered). The kids really got attached. all the other lovies…
  • it's great when penny replies each time with a "is great" , "is sexy", "is fantastic" etc ....after he knocks 3x and says penny!! Brilliant writing and great acting but I thought the first season is awkward. I don't think the characters really molded with each other until after that. Still the best show on tv tho!
  • thank you all!! it's so encouranging to see so many successes and you motivated me to create a profile! It makes me feel more committed!! so....... make small goals. 10lbs by march 31st (that's pretty relaxed, I know:) - check. switch up the exercise routine. gonna see if my friends want to swim laps or join a class with…