any nursing moms out there?

I'm needing some help documenting my feeding and pumping..I don't think I'm taking in enough calories to keep up my milk supply


  • lvng_lf
    lvng_lf Posts: 43 Member
    I'm not nursing now but when I lost through weight watchers while nursing 8 years ago they recommended 500 extra cals a day but i was 60 lbs overweight!! I heard some women recommend 300 which is probably good if your trying for less. this was without exercise too! I would try to make them healthy ones which is sooooo hard when your sleep deprived!! drink your water and keep the stress levels down. it all goes hand in hand for supply!!

    great job on the nursing!!
  • 3girliemomma
    3girliemomma Posts: 35 Member
    Nursing moms need at min. 1500 cals but 1800 is the usual recommendation. Depending on how often you are nursing/pumping can make a difference in that as well.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    Type breastfeeding into the food database and it will come up with several options to add calories to your goal.
  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    My little lady weaned a couple months ago but I was told with both kids to add 300-500 cals per day. Is there a lactation consultant or someone you can talk to about this? Mightbe worth it to get an expert opinion. Also, good for you for choosing to nurse your baby! Best of luck.
  • AlissaAngelo
    AlissaAngelo Posts: 72 Member
    Definitely at least 300 to 500 extra calories a day! Good luck! :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Generally speaking, it's about 300-500 cals/day for nursing moms to maintain their supply. That's on top of your regular allotted calories.

    When mine was an infant, I banked on about 400-500, because she was nursing around the clock, and I also started lightly working out around that time. Once she hit about 6 months old, I didn't worry as much and aimed for about 300 extra, and I just ate sensibly in addition to working out. I didn't have any problem maintaining my supply, and lost all the baby weight at about 9 months postpartum, and then some.

    She's actually still nursing morning and night about two years later, and I haven't had to worry about it at all. Your supply will adjust. Just relax and let it. (And message if you have any questions, too. I know it's an adjustment figuring things out.). :)