First thing I always do is drink 8-16 oz of water, then try to wait 10 minutes. If I still feel hungry after that, I'll eat some celery or a cheese stick.
Being 40+ is definitely a factor. It's entirely possible that, after so many years of yo-yo dieting, you've programmed your body to expect it, and now it is. Despite the exercise, your body could currently be in "starvation mode," and is refusing to give up any of the fat/calories because this has become the routine.…
I'm 5'. My goal weight is between 110-120, ideally. I'm currently 239. :(
Spinach is my green of choice because of the great vitamin content. For a dressing I've just been using oil and vinegar. I use extra light olive oil and then I change up the vinegar: apple cider, red wine, and Pompeiian makes flavor infusions of vinegar. They have garlic white wine vinegar (which I have yet to try),…
I'm a customer service representative. I sit on my *kitten* in front of a computer all day. I've gained 40+ lbs in the 13 years I've worked here. :noway:
You. Look. FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!! When I lose the weight, can I borrow that green dress? :laugh:
Hey, if that's how you're more comfortable, who cares what size they are? As long as I'm just laying around doing nothing, I'll free the DDDs! :laugh:
There are participants in this site from all over the world; you can't take that for granted. Plus, as was already established, weight listing on DL is state-by-state. Some states have it, some don't.
Pennsylvania doesn't list weight, either, thank God. One time I got pulled over in CA, and the officer asked me my weight. I'd been driving cross-country for two days straight on about 8 hours of sleep (total), and was not in the best mood. I looked at him and said, "EXCUSE me!?" He looked sheepish as he explained that CA…
5' 0.75" :-) I am "vertically challenged"
Yeah, when I turned 30 my ability to drink whatever I wanted took a nose dive. I can now only stick to one kind of alcohol in a sitting, and it takes far less to make me drunk! I was never a big drinker in the first place, but this was still a bummer.
I need to get mine back, too. Maybe we can kick each other's butts . . .
I would rather a man with hair than one who shaves his chest. LOVE Pierce Brosnan - I do like a hairy chest - actually makes me drool a little. My ex-boyfriend had a completely hairless chest (save the occasional lonely stray, lol) which was fine, too.
This was actually my wake-up call. I was a size 26 and on one coaster the attendant had to really work to get the restraint closed. I was nearly in tears, I was so embarrassed. You'll be fine at 16/18. Enjoy!!!
RIght!!!! I got rid of my bigger clothes last summer when I lost 36 lbs. I regained a lot of the weight but guess what? It's motivating me to get back on track because I DO NOT want to spend money on bigger clothes again!!!!!!!
The reason agave is touted as a better sweetening alternative is because it's low glycemic impact. Instead of consuming something sweet like cane sugar and sending your blood glucose (BG) levels spiking and then crashing shortly after (your pancreas goes OMG SUGAR MUST BREAK DOWN NOW!!!!!!!!…
I always just tossed my hair back over the pillow. It was so long it stayed out of my way. I'm using past tense because I cut it off - donated 13" to charity. Currently growing it back out.
I hate my job. That is all.
Okay. Is he under control with just diet, or is he on medication? Either way, I personally recommend stevia. Splenda is the next best sweetener, but I prefer to go the natural/clean route whenever possible. Good luck to both of you. You can also check out for help and ideas.
It's exactly because of situations like this that I like the fact that Pennsylvania doesn't list your weight on your license. That is far too easy to fluctuate!
I eat it with either peanut butter or Laughing Cow cheese wedges (flavored cream cheese)
Splenda is the best manufactured no-calorie, no-carb sweetener, but stevia is all natural, no chemicals, and the carb impact is minimal. Is he Type I or Type II?
I do low carb because a) it works for me (if I stick to it!), and b) if you really think about it, the TRUE approach to low carb is just good eating sense, anyway. Lots of proteins (meat and cheese) and greens (luckily, I LOVE broccoli and spinach), go light on grains (but those you do eat, look for whole grains with high…
My personal favorite is Crazy Richard's 100% Natural Peanut Butter. You don't even have to refrigerate it!
First and foremost, SEMPER FI!!!!!!! I have a similar problem at home. I had to move back in with my parents for awhile (thank you, economy), and while they SAY they support me, I get similar crap. My mother is willing to pick up healthy stuff for me if I request it (celery and sugar free gelatin, for example), but there…
Ah, carb/sugar withdrawl . . . SO much fun!!!! Drink lots of water so you at least feel full. I also like drinking clear soda/sparkling water 0 calorie beverages - like Walmart's Clear American, for example. Fruity, tasty, blubbly to fill you - no cheating! You'll get through it. Allow yourself some caffeine - like your…
You are now officially a "skinny mini." Congrats!!!!!
It's probably better that you didn't respond in the heat of the moment. If this person truly is a friend, approach him/her about it now that a little time has passed. Be as polite as possible, perhaps saying something like "I can't get what you said the other day out of my head. It really hurt me." If you need to ask why…