No support at home :(



  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    Did you explain that you aren't happy? Maybe he feels like you're doing it for him and not you. I bet if you communicate your feelings with him he will get on board. Good luck, darling :)
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. Everyone in my house eats what they want and they don't seem to care if they are overweight or not. I try to eat healthy and feel like I am sabotaged all the time. I just quit buying the crap. If they want crap, they have to get it themselves and if my husband wants it he has to keep it in the car so he can eat it when he is at work. I buy what I want to eat and if they don't like it they can cook for themselves.

    I hate nights when my husband cooks though, it is always something fatteing and deep fried. Sometimes I eat it and sometimes I make my own dinner if that is the case.

    Good luck!
  • quallsy
    quallsy Posts: 2 Member
    If I suggest something, whether its workout more, get better food, going on vacation my husband always seems negative.. He just builds things up in his mind to be no fun. With eating better, I just make what I normally would and modify my meal and use as skinny products as I can. He used to not like ground turkey, but I did half half with ground beef and then eventually he didn't notice the change to turkey and now says he can't tell a difference. I make tacos, casseroles, Chinese food, roasts, everything. I just make mine a little different. Last night we had roast beef over rice and green beans. I ate the roast, green beans and only a 1/4 cup of rice. Tonight we are having tacos. I am putting mine in lettuce instead of burrito shells. I make a huge salad when I make something like pizza, so I'll eat a huge plate of salad and only one slice of pizza. My husband and kids are eating better by far, but they still eat "normal" if that makes sense.

    I have found that I can't change anyone for the better, I can change ME and hope they follow my lead.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    You need to sit him down and tell him that you are doing this because you don't like you the way you are, and that you could use some encouragement and support. But tell him exactly what that means to you (the encouragement and support part).

    On the shopping/food front. Have you gone all guerrilla-warfare health food nut? Like have you completely abandoned cheeseburgers and want him to be happy that you want to buy nothing but organic-tofu, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta and alfalfa sprouts? There's nothing wrong with that, but there's a huge spectrum of "healthy" between cheeseburgers and organic tofu. It might be easier for him to support food choices if they seemed a little less extreme. Like try chicken breasts and regular veggies. Perfectly healthy and would likely pass as "normal" food for someone not concerned about their diet.

    If you aren't trying to join the organic lettuce rainbow brigade, this may not be useful advice. But I live with 2 stick-figure men (both over 6ft tall, both weigh about 150 soaking wet) who can devour entire packages of Oreos without blinking an eye or gaining an ounce. They don't even know they are eating healthy food. It's just chicken (or pork or fish or whatever) and veggies and rice or potatoes or whatever. I give them heaps of rice/potatoes because they need way more calories, but they have no idea that we are eating the "same" meal and mine is usually under 400 calories. They just think its dinner. I would never be able to "convert" them to anything they can't recognize as food, nor can we really afford separate food menus. So I found what works.
  • rhall9058
    rhall9058 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm also a Marine and I'm here with you. Feel free to add. It came down to exactly what you said, feeling the way YOU want to feel. He will listen and understand when you say you aren't happy because of it. I've told my wife for years that it didn't "bother" me with how big she got, but I realized how much it was hurting her efforts. You have to make sure you express how feeling better will make his life feel a whole lot better. Reverse psychology dear!!!!

    Also, don't go into Marine Corps training. I've been there and made that mistake. You are setting yourself up for failure. You haven't done that training in 2 years, and you can't just go right back to it. It's basically starting over. You have a basis of knowledge, but make sure you realign your thinking.
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    I've had the same problem. Mine won't eat or drink anything that says lowfat, fat free or light but since I can't afford to but 2 different kinds of everything he just has to deal with it. I still buy snack cakes, cookies and ice cream for him and the kids and buyt healthy snacks for myself. The main problem I have is he is constantly trying to get me to eat the unhealthy stuff even though he knows I'm trying to lose weight. He'll even go so far as to wave cookies or ice cream in front of my face after I've told him I don't want any. But I am determined to do this and I won't let him bring me down.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Sounds to me he DOES care
    he says he loves you no matter your weight

    So start without him
    why is he holding you back?
    Are you doing this for you or him?

    Quit your whinning and get to the gym and figure out your goals.

    He doesnt have to be on board the only one jumping ship is you.

    May sound harsh but this is the bottom line. My husband did not support my weight loss at all. He likes his girls big. He would do things like bring home almond croissants that I love or take out from our favorite restaurant. It took me a while but I simply stopped eating it... instead of eating it because he would kind of guilt me out by saying he spent money on it or I didn't want him thinking because I was rejecting the food that was the same as rejecting him.

    I got my butt out of bed in the morning, hours before he got up so that I could get my gym time in. If he made annoying statements (like.. you're not going to lose weight, you're always eating something -- which does seem like it since I eat 6 small meals a day) I just learned to ignore it and let it go in one ear out the other.

    Focus and just do it it... if you are serious about losing weight then you will find a way to overcome obstacles (real or perceived).
  • vb4evr
    vb4evr Posts: 615 Member
    A different spin on this.
    I 100% think you need his support. But trying to think from his position possibly. As you said you were previous service marines and he is losing muscle mass etc I tried to think of what that would mean to me. I was a previous college athlete and due to injuries things went to hell pretty quick. I've always been sad at knowing what I 'used' to be like and this was always a big obstacle in the way as it was easier to use food as a crutch then do the work. I've got over that, and my wife and I are in it together now.

    As everyone said a talk is in order for sure, but may not necessarily be just the food/grocery shopping that is on the table as per say.
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    If you want to change, do it for you. If it will make you feel better about yourself then he should support you and be proud that you want to change!
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    This might sound sexist, but you should tell your husband explicity what you would like from him. And be as tangible as possible. Whether it's hiding food you don't want to eat, or his not commenting on your food/exercise. Everybody is motiviated by different things and he may be unsure how to be most helpful. Good luck!
  • greatfoodlady
    Oh, I so know the feeling!!
    1st - Dont' take him the the grocery store with you! While I love the extra help doing the shopping, it ends up just costing us more in the end ('cause my hubby is like a big kid in a candy store with a credit card!) and we end up with a cart full of "junk". I still buy him his snack items he likes, so he's content with the contents of the pantry.

    2nd - Figure out meals that you can both eat. Like tonight, we are having grilled pork steaks, mashed potatoes (I did some major modifications to this recipe!) and big salads. My family won't feel deprived and we're all eating healthy. And on those nights when my husband just insists on something like homemade mac & cheese (and no, he doesn't want a healthy version) I go ahead and make it and make myself a small baked potato. You CAN make food that is low cal, but still very tasteful!

    3rd - Just tell him you're going to do this with or without his help. Tell him you understand that he loves you just the way you are, but you don't love yourself anymore. It took a long time for mine to get this concept into his head, he figured if he loved me the way I am, why didn't I?

    4th - Maybe you should suggest you 2 start working out together? If he's lost muscle tone, maybe he's depressed about it but not saying anything? Maybe he doesn't want you to get all slim and tone again? Maybe he's worried you'll find someone else who is still tone? I could be way off the mark here, I don't know him, but it wouldn't hurt to ask him.

    And all that said, if you'd like to add me as a friend, please feel free to do so. Even though I have alot of the "issues" under control with my hubby - there's still those times where he brings me home junk. Why?? I don't know.... I think it's just a way for him to show he loves me by bringing me a treat.
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    LOL Oh yall are awesome. I'm sorry, I did get a little whine there for sec. Yes he probably does think I am actually doing it for him, and thats probably why he keeps saying he loves me anyways. However, it isnt. I really do want to do it for me. No, I have not turned into a tofu nazi (I cant stand the stuff) and the food we do eat really isnt that bad. I think he just upset him that I refused to get Hamburger Helper. And to Vitaminddd.... I doubt he would be 150 soaking wet with cinderblocks for shoes!!! I know he doesnt get what it feels like to try to lose weight, because he is always complaining about trying to GAIN weight! I guess I just wish we could meet somewhere in the middle. Maybe shared lipo???? Take it out of me and stick it in him :\ Just kidding!!!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    LOL Oh yall are awesome. I'm sorry, I did get a little whine there for sec. Yes he probably does think I am actually doing it for him, and thats probably why he keeps saying he loves me anyways. However, it isnt. I really do want to do it for me. No, I have not turned into a tofu nazi (I cant stand the stuff) and the food we do eat really isnt that bad. I think he just upset him that I refused to get Hamburger Helper. And to Vitaminddd.... I doubt he would be 150 soaking wet with cinderblocks for shoes!!! I know he doesnt get what it feels like to try to lose weight, because he is always complaining about trying to GAIN weight! I guess I just wish we could meet somewhere in the middle. Maybe shared lipo???? Take it out of me and stick it in him :\ Just kidding!!!

    Yeah, it sounds like y'all need a plan. There isn't any reason he can't have hamburger helper. It has a lot of sodium, but the fat content depends on what you put with it. He needs the pasta to get his calories up. More importantly, he needs to know that your getting healthy isn't going to send his life on a roller coaster and he still has some say in the parts of the household that are not your body.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Can you bifurcate and say that he supports you but has not yet made the commitment to support your weight-loss decisions? I think that sounds more accurate than saying you have no support. Others have already suggested talking with him. If you do, I'd recommend you acknowledge and express gratitude for him loving you. Then let him know you'd like to love you too. Express gratitude for him supporting you "as is" and then request additional support regarding your desire to change.

    I didn't read all the other posts, so I hope that wasn't redundant.

    Either way, I support you and your decision and wish you the best! :)
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    As a former Marine, I'm pretty sure you understand the concept of "just do it." Don't let your feelings about the situation get in the way. Put those aside and just do it because it is important to you. Just do it.
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    OK, I have to start out by saying that I am the biggest that I have ever been in my life. I had my son 11 months ago, and I'm still trying to lose the baby weight (about 60 lbs of it to be exact.) My husband and I are both prior service Marines (both got out about 2 years ago) but neither of us workout like we used to. Where this has caused me to not only keep my baby weight, it is also making we gain more. He on the other hand has lost weight (only muscle, without gaining fat) from not working out. He is really skinny and has never been fat in his life. Yesterday we went grocery shopping and it almost seemed like he was getting mad about me trying to get healthier food. He always says he doesnt care about my weight, that he will love me no matter what, but its getting to the point that I just dont like myself like this, and I really want and need his support but I'm just not getting it. I'm not sure what or even if I can do anything to get him to understand. I just dont know.

    First and foremost, SEMPER FI!!!!!!!

    I have a similar problem at home. I had to move back in with my parents for awhile (thank you, economy), and while they SAY they support me, I get similar crap. My mother is willing to pick up healthy stuff for me if I request it (celery and sugar free gelatin, for example), but there is always JUNK around the house. When I politely, respectfully ask that some of this stuff be removed, I get the argument that my brother (himself a Marine, BTW) likes them. Never mind, if you ask him, he'll say he'd rather not have it around!

    I realize your situation is somewhat different as it's your husband, but it's still a shared-household situation. Would it help to pick up healthier things on your own in addition to his foods? (I don't know if this is financially possible for you, especially with a little one that also causes expenses!)

    As for working out, get your Marine booty out there! I know you can do it - I don't think I could EVER do what you guys have to do, physically!!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Don't try to make all your changes at once. That is one of the big reasons so many people fail at this. They try to make a change overnight and set unreasonable expectations. Only make small changes that you can maintain long term. Those are much easier to accept and adapt to if you ease into them. Eventually they can lead to big changes but don't make those changes overnight.

    You probably won't be able to get him to give up what he considers "normal" eating. You probably won't be able to stop him from keeping all the foods that tempt you in the house. This makes what you want to do more difficult but I'm sure you can do it.

    You will make a lot of awe-full "healthy" recipes. Don't expect him to eat these things but encourage him to try them. Along the way you will discover things that you really like and hopefully things he likes. Keep trying different things.

    Communication and having a plan are key to the success of this operation.