

  • i had to re-read it. it is a micro wave safe bowl so put egg in bowl with scooop of protein mix n cook.
  • honest opinion. People are use to you being big they only know you as a bigger person so they feel as though you havent lost 100 they feel you lost 200. its hard for a lot of people to accept someone doing something good for themseleves and actually achiving it with great sucess. keep up the awesome work!!!
  • can i just say WTG you look awesome Brandi~ As for running, you will get into it, your cardio is already built up... it is different but just pace yourself~ there is always someone going to be behind you (the person sitting on the counch or sidelines) so enjoy it. MudRuns are a little more challenging so if you have time…
  • use it as motivation.... i had lost 3lbs the first week but i have not lost anything the past 2weeks... just keep going and eventually we will break the plato mark... its our bodies trying to trick us in thinking the weight is okay, (its not!) so fight with your heart, mind and body... we can do it!
  • such a good idea!!! stopping me, i make sure i drink at least 2cups of water or i go to bed early.
  • being a military spouse (and brat) this is something we have always been brought up on. Early is on time, on time is late and late is forgotten. So if he is military he will most likely be early. so if you are on time, then you are fashionably late :)
  • you are not alone!! i am the same :) but i do weigh myself during the week BUT it does not count or go into MFP until Sunday
  • i have seen luna bars at the dollar tree recently. <3 em
  • you know what is right. keep up the good work n keepjerks far away/ my stomach knoted with your words. i would block them if there is a way.
  • I love having a person go to gym clases with me. but my AM work-outs n my running on the streets is my time. the voices in my head keep me busy as well! its my time to push myself, clear my head, destress, n motivate. i cant do that if im worrying about keeping a pace with someone.
  • wish i had time to do that much~ holy smokes. i am excited when i get 30mins in at 5am and then 30min walk in during my lunch break. (ps i know my child is not an excuse but 6am is his wake up time 730am out the door his daycare 8am my work 830am then we are home at 6pm)
  • i try to log a lot of stuff prior to the time to make myself stay on track: food and exercise. it also shows me if i have room to make an oops. like today i had three yummy dinner rolls but i knew i could because i had points and i still ended up 300cal under from my workout that i made myself do. (extra workout)
  • i am you height and 140 is my goal. i would be happy theor 130 id be freaking pumped. you are wanting to be happy n healthy n thats whats important. the people that never knew that person jst cant imagine her, same with people say that knew you at 130. im sure they cant imagine u where u are. take it with a stride of…
  • if you spend just 25 more at 100, you can buy the kitchen aid blender. let me just say I LOVE IT!! it blends quickly and evenly and SUPER fast to where you are like DANG its not working and it is seriously done!! just a thought i know its over budget but you can look on amazon and see if they have any. i have the bullet…
  • hey my son was born in September, sorry i can not help with the breastfeeding thing i dried up once i started work again. but i will be adding you. I am in the same boat trying to loose this last 20 (well 15ish now). This place helped me.
  • i need to change mine, itll be my current weight so each time i am on here it is staring me in the face, motivation to get up and move.. that should be your picture.. my son is my motivation as well
  • a week! go you~ i would demolish a bag in about 3 days if i had my way.
  • WAy TO GO!!!
  • welcome, i have been on here since past wednesday so not even a week. you have come to the right place... MFP is really helping me stay on track and loose my baby weight. hopefully it works for you as well.
  • im on 1200 cal as well. it does work and it is not to low as long as you are managing your calorie intake. i started this past weds. yesterday was the only day i felt hungry because i had 600calories in chocolate. yea i felt guilty so i worked out to have more calories and i felt better with dinner in take.