Exercising ALONE



  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I hate exercising with other people. I'm SO self conscious I worry more about how I look than really pushing myself or focussing on the movements so I don't hurt myself.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I run solo. I like mma training with others.
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    I have worked out with my daughter since this journey started in October. We first was working out at home and it was so nice to have a partner and someone to be accountable to and motivate each other when one didn't feel like doing it. We now go to a gym and while we do our weight training separately, we run on the treadmill together. I find it easier to run longer when she is running beside me, again, the motivational factor. She keeps me from quitting!!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Every day in my basement. I have MFP and Beachbody for support before and after but I workout by myself in my basement with before pictures taped up around the room!
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,878 Member
    I like exercising solo too.

    I will watch a video on occasion like last night when I tried to follow a small group doing a Zumba routine and that was hard because I didn't know the steps. But I liked that I could make a fool out of myself without anyone seeing me and I could follow along at my own pace and not someone else's pace.

    When I do my aerobics or strength training exercises, it's always on my own at home.

    I do enjoy taking walks with my guy though. He tends to walk faster and ahead of me most of the time but it's still nice to have someone to talk on the walks. But I've also walked on my own and listened to music and enjoyed that as well.
  • karmakim
    My opinion is that if you can have a conversation while you are exercising then you are not doing it right :smile:
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I like working out alone. It keeps me focused on my workout and I get into a zone where I can really focus on myself and feel at peace. I love running and when I'm running I feel absolute peace because it's just me and my music. I spend so much time everyday taking care of others, and I hardly have time for myself. Working out is my time to relax.
  • aeboone24
    I love having a person go to gym clases with me. but my AM work-outs n my running on the streets is my time. the voices in my head keep me busy as well! its my time to push myself, clear my head, destress, n motivate. i cant do that if im worrying about keeping a pace with someone.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I like lifting with a partner because of the competitive aspect and having someone to watch my form and help keep it in check. But I am forever alone.

  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    I always workout alone. I just don't like to be around others when sweat is flying!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For me, it depends on what I'm doing. Some things like exercising to DVDs, strength training, calsethenics and running I prefer to do alone. Others, like hiking or biking, I prefer to do with someone else. Other things like walking or swimming I like to do alone or with others.
  • mrspeavs
    (someone mentioned the 30 Day Shred video - LOVE the 30 DS!!!)

    As to the topic, I think it depends on the activity. I really enjoy workout classes (kettle bells, yoga, etc) because I like the accountability - if I don't go, someone is asking me why. But for things like a DVD at home? Well, I'd rather do that alone. It's kind of my time to psych myself up. I don't want to have to encourage someone else to keep going or really THINK - I just want to get my sweat on! :)
  • 20danielle12
    20danielle12 Posts: 54 Member
    I want to be alone too! But for me, it's my brief escape time, so, if it's the case for you, then fair enough!! No sharing!
  • DreamStriveBe
    DreamStriveBe Posts: 12 Member
    Pretty much the same. I'm kind of an introvert and would rather be left alone a lot of the time, especially when I'm working out.
  • puckfan
    puckfan Posts: 23 Member
    yep, i hate working out in front of other people. always have!
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Lifting I like to do alone. Love to run with other people. Rarely do I get to, but it's fun when I can.
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I get up at 5am and really do not want company. My husband too has commented that he might start getting up with me and I was not overjoyed. Luckily for me he is not a morning person!!
    TNGURL Posts: 89 Member
    I always workout alone.... prefer it actually. When I run, it's not a social event... I don't want somebody "talking" & distracting me. As far as when I'm doing my P90X programs, I don't want any company for that either really. It's a time for me to FOCUS on breathing through the moves, good form & learning my body. I suppose if it were something like Zumba.. yeah I could see myself in a group having fun, some laughing & small talk would not be a problem.
  • lolaburga
    I also prefer to excercise alone...I do not like it when anyone that I know is there. I feel very uncoordinated and feel like I can't push myself. So, when I go to the gym or work out I go by myself!!!
  • JustLena75
    I like exercising alone also. Talking just gets in the way. That last time I exercised with anyone, it was with a friend of mine who claims she had been working out quite a bit, so I thought it might be fun. We have a nice trail that winds through a good part of town, and it's good for walking, running, biking, skating, etc. At that time I was REALLY into my running...well then when we get there she tells me all about how bad her knees are and she was a gymnast for many years in her youth. And she hadn't been working out as much as she told me...I spent the whole time running ahead and then running back to her and even running circles around her just to keep moving!! I'm not downing her, I'm not a super athlete. It just ended up not being a good session for me because I felt like I couldn't 'really' run like I'd been accustomed to doing at that time.