How often do you weigh yourself?



  • HopefulMiller
    I have always weighed myself twice a day, morning and night.. I'm totally ocd. About it.. But I never let it discouraged me, it's almost just like another number to me.. I should only do it once a week, but if it doesn't bother me, then why not?! It practically keeps me motivated!
  • tonybdavies
    Daily first thing I do after putting my feet on the floor. My scales are next to the bed.
  • AureliaCotta
    AureliaCotta Posts: 99 Member
    Every Saturday. Occasionally during the week I'll hop on but I really try to limit it to Saturdays only.

    For a while I've tried weighing in every day. Some days it was motivational; other days, it was discouraging. So I abandoned it for now. When I reach my goal weight, I'll probably start weighing myself daily again so I can act fast when it starts to creep up.
  • samantha196
    I'm planning on weighing myself once a week. On Tuesdays. I don't see the point in doing it any closer together.
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    i try and weigh once a week but sometimes I just want to know if I lost or gained before the week is up
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    I weigh myself before & after workouts for fun, but my bathroom mirror holds my current weight & my goal weight + date. That date gets updated every Sunday.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    Twice a day. Every night when I'm getting ready for bed (but this number varies a lot depending what I eat or drink before so I don't ever place much faith in it). Then every morning before I get dressed. That number I use to track my progress. I just switched to recording my weight on here anytime it dips below my current lowest weight entered instead of having an official Friday weight in like I was. I find it motivates me more to be able to work towards lots of weight drops and the gains don't really upset me too much because I know it's just fluctuations. If I am down though I am extra movitvated and feel great that day. If I am up I am extra motivated to be back down the next day. Win-win.
  • dayjenn
    Every Thursday morning.
  • aeboone24
    once a week same day,same scale after the bathroom, (naked) before breakfast :blushing:
    you are not alone!! i am the same :) but i do weigh myself during the week BUT it does not count or go into MFP until Sunday
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Once or twice a month. I don't have more than a few pounds more to lose and it is coming off very very slowly at this point and I don't want to be I just don't check.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    Every day - 1st thing in the morning. I look forward to it actually. I like to get that confirmation each day that reminds me that I really have lost a good bit of weight! Woo hoo! Even if it's the same each day, which of course it is for several days in a row, at least it's not going up. I only log it in if and when there's a change.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but only long it on Friday mornings. The way I look at's not going to go down everyday, but if it goes up then I know I need to take it easy on what I eat that day!
  • BetteLovr
    BetteLovr Posts: 15 Member
    Probably get on the scale two or three times a week... but definitely if I have a good morning constitutional.... HAHAHA... :love:
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    I'm currently working in a medical centre and the scales are near my desk so I'm tempted to use them every weekday. When I move on to my next temping job it will probably be once a week.
  • amwill1
    amwill1 Posts: 10 Member
    I weigh myself once a month because it encourages me when I see a bigger difference every time. I have yet to weigh myself since starting this webpage and I have been dieting for 2 weeks and can notice a difference in my clothes so when 2 more weeks is done I hope to be surprised! Good luck! :smile: