Help for a New mom!

FitKate Posts: 169 Member
I just had a baby in August and I'm looking for mom's who have breast feed there babies before and what they did to loose weight. I'm have such a hard time getting off these last 20lbs. I have to be careful not to take in too little calories and make sure I drink plenty of water or I will be taking away from my baby boy. Help Please. I would love to have friends that aren't mom's as well. Who ever wants to join me on my journey to fitness come on over!


  • wessymomma10
    Congrats on the baby!!! I had my son in Oct. 2010, and breastfed for 10 months. It seemed to me that mine all came off but 10 lbs of baby weight, then when I stopped BF it all came back :( Hence where I am now. So, I don't have any advice, but just support :)
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Any other new mom's out there?
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm a new mom (2nd time around), but am not breastfeeding. My son was born in September and I have another son that will be 2 years old this week. :smile:
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Ok I would like to change this post a little. I'm would love to have new mom's or current mom's (breast feeding or not) support to help with wieght loss goals. Looking forward to new friendship.
  • jeckyb
    jeckyb Posts: 60
    hi,congrats, my baby girl is 13months now, i breast fed for abit. my friend breast fed too she lost alot of weight,all the baby weight and more. good luck huni :)
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Hi there, and congratulations on your baby boy! Im not exactly a new mom, as my son is 13 months old, but I am still nursing him, so feel free to friend me and send me any questions!
  • aeboone24
    hey my son was born in September, sorry i can not help with the breastfeeding thing i dried up once i started work again. but i will be adding you. I am in the same boat trying to loose this last 20 (well 15ish now). This place helped me.
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    Hi! I have two boys, a 26 month old (who I bf'd for 14 months) and a 3 month old who is a 100% boobie boy.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I'm a new mom, son born at the end of August 2011. I am not having any issues with breastfeeding, so I'm lucky that I haven't had to worry about my supply. My weight loss is very S-L-O-W which is extremely irritating, but it did take 9 months for me to gain this weight, so I'm allowing myself as long to lose it. Every woman is different, I suppose. Feel free to add me, if you'd like. I, too, have at least 20 to go until pre-pregnancy weight. After that, I'd like to lose about 20 more!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I'm a new mom too, still breastfeeding part time, my daughter is almost 8 months old. I am having the same problem and still have ~15-20 lbs of baby weight left to lose. I basically weigh what I did the day I had her... I did manage to lose some weight a few months ago when I was being diligent about getting at least 30 minutes of exercise (walking/yoga/30 day shred) and eating fairly well (not like super star diet though, just trying to make better choices). I think it's all about finding a balance and finding the time to take care of yourself even though being a mom is very time consuming. I think breastfeeding is hard too because you spend so much time sitting down to feed the baby. And when you have a full time job on top of that, it's so hard to find the time to work out. I am working on adding one new good habit a week right now. This week is trying to get at least 15 minutes of low impact physical activity in every day. (I'm walking more instead of sitting by getting off my bus a stop early or parking further away or going for a quick walk on my lunch break). Just take it one step at a time and make better choices little by little.
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Your baby boy is adorable, by the way!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a new mom too, still breastfeeding part time, my daughter is almost 8 months old. I am having the same problem and still have ~15-20 lbs of baby weight left to lose. I basically weigh what I did the day I had her... I did manage to lose some weight a few months ago when I was being diligent about getting at least 30 minutes of exercise (walking/yoga/30 day shred) and eating fairly well (not like super star diet though, just trying to make better choices). I think it's all about finding a balance and finding the time to take care of yourself even though being a mom is very time consuming. I think breastfeeding is hard too because you spend so much time sitting down to feed the baby. And when you have a full time job on top of that, it's so hard to find the time to work out. I am working on adding one new good habit a week right now. This week is trying to get at least 15 minutes of low impact physical activity in every day. (I'm walking more instead of sitting by getting off my bus a stop early or parking further away or going for a quick walk on my lunch break). Just take it one step at a time and make better choices little by little.

    I can totally relate to your situation. I have to exclusively pump because i work a full time job and once baby boy started on the bottle he never went back. Still trying to get the little boogie to latch but its very time consuming to sit and pump 8 times a day. Thank you for this post. It was very encouraging.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Your baby boy is adorable, by the way!

    Thank you! He is my favorite little man in the whole world. I've never could have dreamed I would have such a happy healthy kid.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a new mom, son born at the end of August 2011. I am not having any issues with breastfeeding, so I'm lucky that I haven't had to worry about my supply. My weight loss is very S-L-O-W which is extremely irritating, but it did take 9 months for me to gain this weight, so I'm allowing myself as long to lose it. Every woman is different, I suppose. Feel free to add me, if you'd like. I, too, have at least 20 to go until pre-pregnancy weight. After that, I'd like to lose about 20 more!

    My little one was born August 19 2011 so our sons are about the same age! I'm with you on the whole it takes 9 months to gain and can take that long to lose it. I gained 45 lbs with him. So its coming off very slowly.
  • NellyRabbit
    NellyRabbit Posts: 11 Member
    I've been BF my daughter for 16 months now and with my previous 2 girls I lost the weight by taking a natural supplement called fanugreek. It helps your supply and you can then watch your calories closer. eat lots of fresh food, the less processed the better, and if you can take the little man out for a walk.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I BFed both of my kids until 1 when I wasn't getting enough from pumping. It's a delicate thing when you are BFing. You don't want to be under calories and affect your supply, but then you also don't want to be eating too much. I think if you are not gaining, then I would just stay with your current calories and then slowly your calories as your baby is feeding less. With my 1st, the weight came off quickly while BFing. With my 2nd, I didn't lose the last few pounds until after I stopped BFing.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I've been BF my daughter for 16 months now and with my previous 2 girls I lost the weight by taking a natural supplement called fanugreek. It helps your supply and you can then watch your calories closer. eat lots of fresh food, the less processed the better, and if you can take the little man out for a walk.

    I've been taking fanugreek since he was 3 weeks old! This stuff is amazing with milk supply. I have over a month frozen! Did not realize it helps with weight loss too. Thanks for the post.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I BFed both of my kids until 1 when I wasn't getting enough from pumping. It's a delicate thing when you are BFing. You don't want to be under calories and affect your supply, but then you also don't want to be eating too much. I think if you are not gaining, then I would just stay with your current calories and then slowly your calories as your baby is feeding less. With my 1st, the weight came off quickly while BFing. With my 2nd, I didn't lose the last few pounds until after I stopped BFing.

    My problem is making excuses like "I'm breast feeding so i'm aloud to eat 1/2 cheese cake" lol I did the same thing when i was pregnant and gained 45 lbs. Now i'm trying to make healthier choices.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Ok got it. In that case, then cut down your calories. Good luck.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Thank you for all the help!