

  • It is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you gained that much weight in muscle. Women do not put on that muscle weight like that.
    in Demoralised Comment by emersoam May 2011
  • You get what you pay for.
  • There will ALWAYS be opportunities for free food (goodies) EVERYWHERE for the rest of your life! You have to figure out how you are going to deal with it. If it's AMAZING...I say, give in and have a small, reasonable piece. If it's not that great...don't go by it. Wait it out...it won't take long and the office scavengers…
    in Free cake Comment by emersoam May 2011
  • Yeah. Unless you go for an actual walk...it's pretty unlikely you'll hit 10,000 steps in a day. That would be a very active job. 10,000 steps is 5 miles, which is a pretty long walk!
  • I eat it with: Brocoli, Califlower, Carrots, Sandwiches, and Chips/Pretzels. My favorite brand is probably Trader Joe's. All the others are about even in my mind...just okay.
    in Hummus Comment by emersoam April 2011
  • Lay out all of your work out clothes/gear the night before (especially if you have to "squeeze it in" super early in the morning). Don't wait for motivation..."motivation is a myth!" (love that quote).
  • Use your weekends to PLAY!! Go out and enjoy the great outdoors, get active, and then a little extra eating on those days won't matter that much. I eat more calories on the weekends, but I need to.
  • I have PCOS as well. We have to work 3X harder for EVERYTHING!! Trust me...I GET IT!!!! I also feel like I'm proof that you can be healthy. HANG IN THERE. This will only make you tougher in all areas of your life if you choose to look at it that way.
  • I tried taking a brand of fat burner (more intense than Hydroxycut) for about 4-5 month (summer into fall). They were really expensive and not worth it! I feel like they increased my "burn" a little bit, but I was also super active and eating clean so... I didn't have any side effects or health issues, except for increased…
  • Love buying new workout clothes, running shoes, song downloads off itunes, and relaxation time.
  • It's probably a drop in blood sugar (especially if it's been a while since you've eaten). It's tough to make supper/dinner while you're starving and fighting off a binge, so take time to eat something. A bowl of carrot sticks probably isn't going to do it, so have a piece of toast with peanut butter or something like that.
  • My go-to's...almonds, Special K Protein Bars, yogurt, fruit (mostly apples and bananas), cereal in a baggie, Special K crackers, string cheese...
  • WOW! One day is not going to make or break you... Enjoy the day, enjoy life...get back on track tomorrow!! JEEZ...people need to calm down on here sometimes.:explode:
  • Are you using a good quality heart rate monitor? I think a lot of people over estimate their calorie burns...especially if you are only relying on the myfitnesspal estimates for different activities.
  • My personal mantra..."MOTIVATION IS A MYTH."
  • Recommend... 1. Spend around $90-100. 2. Buy any one of the major brands. 3. Chest strap (much more accurate).
  • You should be able to purchase some brand of Shirataki noodles in a local grocery store. Just buy one bag (about $2.00) and give 'em a try. I eat them maybe once a week. They are very, very low calorie and can be a good substitute for noodles. They do have a different kinda texture, but they don't really have a specific…
  • I was able to stop at 5 pretzel M & Ms...
  • How about...get a job and get a hobby?
  • Anything by the Black Eyed Peas!! Their latest album plays like a pre-made workout playlist!! :tongue:
  • Ummm...yeah. No one should eat under 1,200 calories per day.
  • I can TOTALLY relate! I've been doing this sort of binging since Thanksgiving!! It's so frustrating and difficult to break out of it, and the weather this winter isn't helping either. I'm not going to give "advice," because I am still "working on it." I just wanted you to know that you are not alone. Try to keep doing the…
  • If you have that many questions...you TOTALLY need to buy a few personal training sessions, get a subscription to Oxygen magazine, and/or do some serious research online. Strength training is REALLY IMPORTANT for everyone, but you do need to learn proper exercises and proper technique (or you can hurt yourself).
  • COOKIES, COOKIES, COOKIES!! All of 'em!!!! And egg nog.:tongue:
  • wow. :indifferent:
  • You would be surprised/disappointed to see how little calories are burned standing. It would increase your heart from around 30% to maybe...35%? (Of course, that estimate is based on my info but you get what I'm saying). My advice would be to either put in an extra 50 cals of exercise in OR better yet...just ignore it and…
  • Personally, i don't think this is "productive" or "healthy" in the least! We are ALL so much more than a collection of numbers!!
  • Yes, you will know if you're getting too much...and so will your family...and so will your friends...and so will your co-workers... :laugh:
  • Hey, look at it this way...if you are on Weight Watchers, then fruit is FREE!! (I totally disagree with this by the way, because fruit does have calories). :huh:
  • There are body fat scales, which are only marginally accurate. The best way to find out your body fat percentage is to get measured by a health/fitness professional (at a gym)...calipers are best!