Feel like I can't do this anymore.

Sorry to be miserable, am having a bad day but would rather vent it out on here than let people I know see me upset.

I'm almost 34, I've been battling with my weight since the age of 9. Just really don't think I can do this anymore :0(

I've got polycystic ovarian syndrome which makes it harder to lose weight. I'm on tablets to help but don't seem to be doing anything. I've been watching every last little bit that I've been eating, been going to Zumba, running and it just won't shift.

Going to the races in Aintree on friday and right now I really don't feel like going, feel sooo unattractive.


  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    Here's a hug for you. I hope things get better. I know I have felt that way more than once and yes, I have quit more than once, only to come back again. Just keep fighting no matter what.:smile:
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    I have PCOS as well. We have to work 3X harder for EVERYTHING!! Trust me...I GET IT!!!! I also feel like I'm proof that you can be healthy. HANG IN THERE. This will only make you tougher in all areas of your life if you choose to look at it that way.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    We all have days like this I'd recommend you dont view this as a diet, eat what you want when you want just ensure you eat a small enough portion that it'll fit into your calorie allowance. It the losing 2lbs a week is to had change it to a pound. It will come off it'll just take time. you can do it.!
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Hello, there are days we all feel like you do right now, and its okay to feel that way, after all we are all human. There is a reason you decided to embark on this journey, no one said it was going to be easy, but at the end it will be worth it. At times like this is when you look within to your faith and beliefs for encouragement. Dont give up, you can do it....hugs
  • Aintplayin
    Aintplayin Posts: 102
    You CAN keep doing this.

    I'm not sure what is preventing you from losing. It could be a number of things... just give it another week and see what happens. If nothing, then post another forum and then people can chime in and help.

  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    Listen, hang in there! I get to that point every other week or so and almost give up but that's when you have to push through even harder! You are worth it! You can do it! I promise, you will start seeing results if you keep up the healthy eating and working out and staying under your calorie goal MFP has set for you. You might need to change your goals on here and remember to eat back at least half of your exercise calories. You can friend me for daily support if you want. I'm here for ya!:smile:
  • Aintplayin
    Aintplayin Posts: 102
    I forgot... BIG BIG HUG.
  • Shantre
    Shantre Posts: 66 Member
    Hang in there. I am rooting for you! You can definitely do it. It's great to vent. Dedication will take you a very long way. Losing weight isn't that easy but the fact that you are on that right path is excellent! I congratulate you, now make me proud!!!
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    Something new to wear always helps me!! Everyone feels fabulous in new clothes.

    You need a pick me up so go and treat yourself if you can, I think it would definitely make you feel better about going.

    Clear your friday night diary, totally pamper yourself, nails, hair removal, whatever it is you like to do, you will have a good time if you go! :)
  • GooneyAngel
    DON'T give up!!! you have come so far! Remember that we are all here fighting the same battle. Some of us are here to lose a few pounds and some of us are here to lose 200 pounds! Please go to my page and find my friend slapshotgolf and send him a friend request. He has inspired me and keeps me going! I am sure that his story on his life changing journey will help you too.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I can't see from a picture but from what your ticker says you only have 20lbs left. It would be a shame to stop there. The last 20lbs is always the hardest across the board for everyone. I have 20 lbs left to lose and I feel like I look pretty good now so don't sweat the last 20 so much, chip it away slowly, you'll definitely have to up your exercise and lessen your food intake (but not below 1200 cal) but thats the nature of the beast for all of us. We are used to eating for heavier people. Good Luck
  • brafordrm
    brafordrm Posts: 19
    Right now is absolutely the worst time to quit. Quitting while you are feeling low is going to make you feel even lower. I know what that struggle feels like...self punishment. Give yourself a running chance. Don't quit!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    It's possible that there is something else going on, rather than just the PCOS. Now granted, I am new it it all and I guess there can be more severe cases. I was just diagnosed last month, but I joined MFP in 2008 and last year I had lost my 50th pound. Yes I've gained some back due to laziness, but it can be done, even with PCOS.

    Are you drinking enough water, are you eating enough? Sounds weird, but sometimes not eating enough can hinder your weightloss. Are you eating back your exercise calories? Do you own an HRM to accurately track how much you burn? Those are all things that could affect your weightloss...you also might want to consider making your food diary public. If poeple can see what you're eating, we might be able to make suggestions to help.
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    I think, your worst problem is you. You are not feeling comfortable in your body and keep fighting it. Try to find things about you, that you really like and say, this is me, this is what i like. With your weightloss you need to be extra patient because of the desease. Your body is probably telling you to take it slow. People, who had lot of diets in the past (loss and gain), have it a bit harder. The body want to hang on so much. But you will get there too. Even if you loose just 1 pound a month, it is worth the patience. I wish you the best.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    I also have PCOS and your right is is much harder for us to lose weight but that does not mean that it can't be done. You can do this please do not give up on yourself. It's so easy to do that and believe me why I say it will only make you feel worse. Stand up stand tall and tell yourself everydau that you are worth it and you can do it. I am sending you a big hug and lots of good and positive thoughts.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    We are all here for you. I felt the same way this morning as the scales are moving VERY slowly. Did you take your measurements; do your clothes feel looser? Keep at it; getting fit is more important than your weight. You are doing a great job.

    Go to the races; you will have a fabulous time. The weather forecast is good and the sunshine and fresh air will make you feel so much better

  • nicolevillarreal
    I know exactly how you feel... I have had the same problem since about age 13... and just learned about 6 months ago I have PCOS so I am working on treatments with my doc. It's rough that's for sure. Right now the only thing getting me thru it is my workouts. Although Im not losing anything on the scale, I feel better overall. Good luck and don't give up!
  • soniarosina
    ah no I'm not going to quit I'm just feeling really mad right now, haha! I wish this fat would just bugger off!
  • DebbieMc3
    DebbieMc3 Posts: 289 Member
    I'm sorry you are having a rough time. I've been in the same position and the best advice I can give is for you to remember, this is not only about losing weight but more about becoming a healthy person.
    This is a life style, not a diet.
    I too have medical condition that slows my weight loss down. Stick with it and the weight will come off.

    80 lbs down, 70 to go!
    SUPERSIZESWEETPEA Posts: 15 Member
    iI'm also having a bad day today, in fact it's been a bad week so far, just check out my food diary, that will prob make you laugh, I've already gone over my calories today and it's only lunchtime.

    I am also recvovering from Cancer which really gets me down sometimes but we really have to keep trying, we need to keep going and not beat ourselves up when we don't do as well as we want, it will HAPPEN!!! We will **** the FAT!!!!

    Sending you lots of love!

    Sam x