Hydroxycut, etc.



  • HawkeyeGuy
    HawkeyeGuy Posts: 183
    Entertaining that you already know the answer, but asked the question anyway. So, if you don't want the "quick fix and magic pill" responses, which ones did you want? That's the only one I've got.
    So I'm not looking to read responses about "quick fixes and magic pills" and so you know, none of them have ephedra in them! Just thought I'd ask for thoughts from those who have tried them. Please don't jump down my throat as I know MFP is all about the healthy way to lose. I aM jUsT cUrIoUs! =)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Seriously, I tool the original Hydroxy cut in 2008. It mixed with the prescriptions I was taking in a bad way. Sped up my heart rate I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest then I went into convulsions and my son had to call 911. I was in the hospital for 3 days while they checked to make sure there was no organ damage. I was only on it for a few days. I did however NOT listen to the label and I started off on the MAX dosage and did not tell my doctor or pharmacist about it. It was a dumb thing to do. Boy was my family mad at me!!!!! And they had every right to do so. I will never ever take another fat burner, metabolism booster, or anything like that again. Please be careful.

    Holy Toledo my dear!! I'm so happy you are still with us. You brighten my day on a daily basis!
  • LeksiK
    LeksiK Posts: 5 Member
    I tried OxyElitePro after doing a bunch of research. It was great at curbing my appetite, but made me feel in a haze aaaaall day long. I stopped after a week. My husband tried Hydroxycut and said it helped him get morecut while he was taking it, but as soon as he stopped the weight came back and definition left. I don't think any diet pills really work. Life style change and increase activity is the only answer (blah blah blah)....I'm still working on my change :ohwell:
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    I tried taking a brand of fat burner (more intense than Hydroxycut) for about 4-5 month (summer into fall). They were really expensive and not worth it! I feel like they increased my "burn" a little bit, but I was also super active and eating clean so...

    I didn't have any side effects or health issues, except for increased sweating.

    All in all, these types of pills may make a very slight impact but are not worth the $$$ or potential health effects. I guess, since then I've also become much more aware of ingredient lists. Read the ingredient lists on those bottles and see what you think! It's a pretty LONG and COMPLICATED list of of WHO KNOWS WHAT?!?
  • HawkeyeGuy
    HawkeyeGuy Posts: 183
    Oh, and in my effort to be sweeter in the posts, may I append that with,

    "I love you. (But only when you get it into your head that there are no shortcuts, you're already doing what you need to do, just keep doing it.)"
    Entertaining that you already know the answer, but asked the question anyway. So, if you don't want the "quick fix and magic pill" responses, which ones did you want? That's the only one I've got.
    So I'm not looking to read responses about "quick fixes and magic pills" and so you know, none of them have ephedra in them! Just thought I'd ask for thoughts from those who have tried them. Please don't jump down my throat as I know MFP is all about the healthy way to lose. I aM jUsT cUrIoUs! =)
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I believe that Hydroxycut is very high in caffeine. This isn't on the label, but the herbal base is very high in caffeine. So, you can have issues with escalated heart rate and stomach issues. I haven't found them to be very helpful. And, at my body weight, I haven't had the issues with heart or stomach, but I also didn't see any results that I credit Hydroxycut.

    I would skip trash them and focus on the basics of burning calories, eating better foods, and tracking what you eat. The other stuff is much more marketing hype than anything else.

  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Haha I love you! :heart: :happy: :laugh:
    Entertaining that you already know the answer, but asked the question anyway. So, if you don't want the "quick fix and magic pill" responses, which ones did you want? That's the only one I've got.
    So I'm not looking to read responses about "quick fixes and magic pills" and so you know, none of them have ephedra in them! Just thought I'd ask for thoughts from those who have tried them. Please don't jump down my throat as I know MFP is all about the healthy way to lose. I aM jUsT cUrIoUs! =)
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Entertaining that you already know the answer, but asked the question anyway. So, if you don't want the "quick fix and magic pill" responses, which ones did you want? That's the only one I've got.
    So I'm not looking to read responses about "quick fixes and magic pills" and so you know, none of them have ephedra in them! Just thought I'd ask for thoughts from those who have tried them. Please don't jump down my throat as I know MFP is all about the healthy way to lose. I aM jUsT cUrIoUs! =)

    Geesh. What I meant by that was.. I wasn't planning on giving up on my strict MFP diet and exercising 6 times a week to trial the pills. To me, that would mean I was hoping the pills would magically continue my weight loss for me. I was wondering if it would help in any extra ways to what I have been doing so well for 2 months. Those are the responses I was looking for advice on, not posts/responses about how dumb of a question I was asking. I have learned a lot in the last 10 minutes and I don't personally think I will encorporate them in to my daily regiment but I do not judge those that are and that have had success with them =)
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    Oh, and in my effort to be sweeter in the posts, may I append that with,

    "I love you. (But only when you get it into your head that there are no shortcuts, you're already doing what you need to do, just keep doing it.)"
    Your getting so mushy. :tongue:
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    you really have to combine them with diet and exercise tho

    That's why they "work." Because on the label they tell you you have to diet and exercise along with the pills....which would have worked on it's own. The pills are crap. They are selling you the idea that you must diet and exercise, and your investment in the pills is what keeps you going....this is the generic "you" here, I am not speaking of any one person in particular.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    Oh, and in my effort to be sweeter in the posts, may I append that with,

    "I love you. (But only when you get it into your head that there are no shortcuts, you're already doing what you need to do, just keep doing it.)"
    Your getting so mushy. :tongue:

    Edited to say: Im not sure how I quoted myself..:laugh:
  • HawkeyeGuy
    HawkeyeGuy Posts: 183
    I don't judge them either, I judge the efficacy of the pills. They do not work. They are an artificial stimulant that your body will adapt to, and then you essentially become addicted without the benefits waning over time. In the end, you come off them with a slower metabolism, bad headaches and a feeling of failure which typically results in coming off a workout plan.

    I wanted to tell you that originally, but you told me I wasn't supposed to.
    Entertaining that you already know the answer, but asked the question anyway. So, if you don't want the "quick fix and magic pill" responses, which ones did you want? That's the only one I've got.
    So I'm not looking to read responses about "quick fixes and magic pills" and so you know, none of them have ephedra in them! Just thought I'd ask for thoughts from those who have tried them. Please don't jump down my throat as I know MFP is all about the healthy way to lose. I aM jUsT cUrIoUs! =)

    Geesh. What I meant by that was.. I wasn't planning on giving up on my strict MFP diet and exercising 6 times a week to trial the pills. To me, that would mean I was hoping the pills would magically continue my weight loss for me. I was wondering if it would help in any extra ways to what I have been doing so well for 2 months. Those are the responses I was looking for, not posts/responses. I have learned a lot in the last 10 minutes and I don't personally think I will encorporate them in to my daily regiment but I do not judge those that are and that have had success with them =)
  • dc5rn
    dc5rn Posts: 60 Member
    im trying out these thermogenic pills called Oxyelite Pro... It suppresses my appetite and gives me energy because of the 100mg of caff... The ingredients seem all natural and a Dr. told me about these pills... With him, he lost 20lbs is 6weeks.... but it is important you follow the directions on the bottle
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I think that all that kind of stuff is bogus and unnecessary. I wouldn't take them, but that's just me.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    You might want to check the names of the products and google them to ensure they weren't included in the 2009 FDA recall...

    Generally they are over priced, over hyped products which have very little additional benefit in comparsion to adverse effects you may encounter. Try them by all means as they are free but monitor your reaction carefully.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Seriously, I tool the original Hydroxy cut in 2008. It mixed with the prescriptions I was taking in a bad way. Sped up my heart rate I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest then I went into convulsions and my son had to call 911. I was in the hospital for 3 days while they checked to make sure there was no organ damage. I was only on it for a few days. I did however NOT listen to the label and I started off on the MAX dosage and did not tell my doctor or pharmacist about it. It was a dumb thing to do. Boy was my family mad at me!!!!! And they had every right to do so. I will never ever take another fat burner, metabolism booster, or anything like that again. Please be careful.

    I had the same reaction. I mixed with too much coffee...end result. I was in emergency room very quickly after my wife called 911. not fun and very scary. toss them!
  • tjrm4
    tjrm4 Posts: 2
    I have tried them all - you name it, at some point in my life I've used it, including ephedra. And for those reading this who agree there is no magic pill and the only way to success is to watch what you eat and exercise - that is true however there are supplements that will give you more energy while losing weight and exercising. Please keep in mind that I am a caffeine addict - I drink 4 to 5 cups of coffee for breakfast chased by black tea in the afternoon. For people not accustomed to high amounts of caffeine, you may experience jitters/heart racing on these products. A good website for articles/supplements for weight loss is bodybuilding.com.

    *In most cases while I was taking these products I was involved in training for body building competitions. Truly the only way to get long lasting results will be to change your eating and exercising for life. If you do not commit to a lifestyle change you will always find yourself starting over.*

    Hydroxycut - did not increase my energy at all. I would even pass these pills whole and the times I didn't, the stool was a burgundy color which was the color of the pill's contents. This is a highly used energy/weight loss supplement but I do not see why, I could sleep on this product - really.

    Lipo 6 - again a product with great reviews that did nothing for me. I compared it to Hydroxycut except I didn't see the product floating in the stool.

    Xenadrine - possibly the best supplement I have ever taken! I will lose weight on this when taken a half hour to one hour before a work-out. It gives me incredible energy and endurance.

    TrimSpa - YAWN...did I take something? You will have headaches.

    Shred - I am currently taking this product, it's my first week so I can't comment on weight loss. I am not taking a full dosage and so far I notice a slight increase in energy, no jitters and no caffeine withdrawal mid-day.

    Always start slow with these products - do not take the full dose recommended on the bottle so you can gage your reaction to the supplement. Again, I have always found the best results to be when taking these products use them a half hour to one hour before a work-out.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    None of them work for long-term healthy weight loss. I've experimented with everything from Xenadrine [with ephedra] to crystal meth [with ephedra]. Once you stop taking it, your body wonders where the outside chemicals went and starts looking for sources to hoard from natural resources...in abundance. So weight gained is just as rapid as weight lost. But if you have a healthy curiosity and expect all possible results, even the negative ones, and aren't dissuaded to pursue weight loss after that, then indulge your curiosity, friend. It's your body and you have every right to choose what to put into it. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    I'll have to try that -- because the green tea pills that they sell are like horse pills, they're so big!
  • SyreetaJayne1
    i think the company that makes hydroxy cut is being sued.