Hydroxycut, etc.

kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
I was just wondering if anyone has used these types of products according to the label and if they've had success?! There are 3 different bottles of these (2 Hydroxycut, 1 I forget the name) in my medicine cabinet (my boyfriends from the past) and they are not expired yet. I have popped a few here and there in years past but never noticed any help/difference what-so-ever! Just wondering if they are successful when used in combo with diet and exercise! I feel like this the first time I've stuck to calorie counting and exercised for 5-6 days a week with any consistency. Would they help!? Since 1/1/11 I've lost just over 10 # and I'm not in any rush to be a hard body.. So I'm not looking to read responses about "quick fixes and magic pills" and so you know, none of them have ephedra in them! Just thought I'd ask for thoughts from those who have tried them. Please don't jump down my throat as I know MFP is all about the healthy way to lose. I aM jUsT cUrIoUs! =)


  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Bottom line, if it something sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true. These pills are not helpful, good, or even proven.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    If you have problems with snacking, they will help if you take them pre-emptively on an empty stomach. However, If you are rigid in calorie counting and meal planning, they are unnecessary.
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    I used them before. Took them for a week and didn't do anything different at all and lost 5 pounds. I'd probably use them again (I have a big bottle here) but I suck at remembering to take them! LOL.
  • blzhkygrl
    i used hydroxycut advanced and i didnt see any difference at all. i think im doing better on my own exercising and logging what i eat! i also tried xenadrine drink mix and that made me feel jittery and i didnt see any "rapid" weightloss. so from now on im sticking to just doing it on my own!
  • wilmelenne
    wilmelenne Posts: 113
    I used it before back in college and i lost weight but once I got off them I gained it all back. You seem like your doing well on the exercise and diet and don't want to lose the weight fast so you don't need them.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    You kinda look like Gwen Stephani in your profile picture :love:

    Only pills I take is my Rhuematoid Arthersis meds, Vitamin D, Iron....

    I don't know what those are you speak of :ohwell:
  • rautaty
    rautaty Posts: 44 Member
    None of them work, the old products had ephedra(Hydroxycut) in them and you lost weight. The new ones have a bounch of herbs that do nothing. So spear your money. I tried them all last year, they dont work.
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    I used Hydroxycut a few years back, and the only thing it gave me was a rapid heart beat. I know there was a thread on here a while back about diet pills, and one guy had a stroke while using Hydroxycut.

    IMHO...Not even worth it. Throw them away. In most cases, they cause more harm than good.
  • SMJohnson27
    SMJohnson27 Posts: 146 Member
    The name Hydroxycut lets you know it helps eliminate water weight, but that is all. It will kick start your weightloss but won't help burn fat after. It is just a quick fix to shed a few extra pounds caused by water retention.
  • rockabillydarlin
    rockabillydarlin Posts: 244 Member
    I tried them when I was in college and they made me intensely ill -- nauseas, stomach pains -- I wouldn't take them again, but YMMV!

    My friend recommended green tea pills; she said the caffeine helped her in her exercise and they also make you lose a lot of "water weight." She took them the last couple of weeks before her wedding to help her lose those extra pounds that wouldn't come off. I tried them but the pills are too big for me to swallow. They do make you use the bathroom a lot!
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    I'd try drinking green tea for energy and appetite supprestant...it works wonders for me! I love it....i just put the green tea in a water bottle with some crystal light lemonade and i'm good!!! i don't use it to help lose weight cuz that really is all up to what you put in your mouth...green tea is seriously the best for giving you energy and killing your appetite!!....i have it in powder form thru Herbalife! Rasberry green tea......You will love it!!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    ive been taking hydroxycut shape and lost 13lbs in 7 weeks.
    you really have to combine them with diet and exercise tho

    also a few yrs ago i was taking hydroxycut and it was recalled because a guy died :/ (liver failure i believe)

    i only take 2 per day instead of like 6

    this is kinda lame.. but since they are so expensive on days that i do take it, i want my diet/ work outs to be good so it dosnt seem like i am wasting money. so in a way its a mental support too
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    I would personally stay far away from them, "magic pills" and hydroxycut are all big money markets, they make so much money from people thinking theyre magic.. I know you dont think so, just saying lol. They are also stimulants, not natural substances. I personally wont take anything unless it's natural.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    I was wanting to know about this too....thanks for the replies....
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    they usually just help me with having extra energy to work out.. i worked out harder which made me sweat more.. everything else was the same.. didn't really help appetite as much.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Great responses! I wasn't going to spend my own money on them.. I just have bottles hanging around the house! Sounds like the consensus would be to just toss them! I can't even answer the question "what are they!?" lol, that can't be a good sign. If they give energy I can see how that would help you while at the gym-but not much else. If they strip the water out of you, that's not good either! I strive for over 100 oz a day of water myself. Looks like diet and exercise is the only way to go! =) thanks for the responses everyone!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I did the hydroxicut several months ago and had to stop because it gave me unbearable indigestion. My throat was on fire 24-7. I do not beleive in magic pills. I do it to good ol' fashioned way and you will be much healthier and keep the weight off better.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Seriously, I tool the original Hydroxy cut in 2008. It mixed with the prescriptions I was taking in a bad way. Sped up my heart rate I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest then I went into convulsions and my son had to call 911. I was in the hospital for 3 days while they checked to make sure there was no organ damage. I was only on it for a few days. I did however NOT listen to the label and I started off on the MAX dosage and did not tell my doctor or pharmacist about it. It was a dumb thing to do. Boy was my family mad at me!!!!! And they had every right to do so. I will never ever take another fat burner, metabolism booster, or anything like that again. Please be careful.
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I'm on the third day of Hydroxycut Max For Women. I do feel better! I'm in a wheelchair, so I can't weigh myself, but I am losing inches! I hope that helps a little? lol
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    Great responses! I wasn't going to spend my own money on them.. I just have bottles hanging around the house! Sounds like the consensus would be to just toss them! I can't even answer the question "what are they!?" lol, that can't be a good sign. If they give energy I can see how that would help you while at the gym-but not much else. If they strip the water out of you, that's not good either! I strive for over 100 oz a day of water myself. Looks like diet and exercise is the only way to go! =) thanks for the responses everyone!

    Good choice in my opinion :flowerforyou: