Help! At a standstill!

Need some encouragement to keep going! Boy, I got under 200 lbs for once and haven't lost a pound since! I think a part of me thinks that because I overcame that milestone that I can cheat on the weekends! Anyone else have problems on the weekends with all the food, drinks, and lack of exercise, that a weekend brings?


  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Regardless of how little or how much a person has to lose, I think we all suffer from this thinking at one point in time or another. It's completely normal. The fact that you recognize what you are doing is a huge milestone in itself. Knowledge is power, and you quite clearly have that. The only thing you've got to do now is use it. You can do this :smile:
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    I have a simialr problem.I can never get paste the 50lb barrier.I will lose like 45 or 46 and then start sliding back up into the 150's and beyond.It's so frustrating and soul-destroying to know that you are sabotaging yourself. This time I have resolved NOT to let that hurdle trouble me.I'm going all the way to 60lbs and by hook or by crook I'll make it.

    I know you can do this too.You have to think of this as a lifestyle now.This isn't a "diet" thats done from Monday to Friday. The sooner we realise that,the better off we'll be and less likely to gorge on naughty foods. Weekends we can ease up on the exercise but hold fast to the healthy eating and hopefully the pounds will stay off.

    I'm so motivated to do this.I want 20 pounds off in the next 2 months. You in?
  • shtefie
    shtefie Posts: 32
    I spend at least one day a weekend hanging out with my boyfriend, and I have gotten so used to eating junk on those days that I'm finding it really difficult to break the association of boyfriend = sweets.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I was stuck at a Plateau. it was because I gave up my cheat day, and also because I wasn't eating back my exercise calories... and just plain not eating enough. I fixed all that and it worked for me!
  • roxy718
    roxy718 Posts: 4

    I think it is great that you have kept off the weight, so you should be happy about that and maybe you should try something new in your routine. :wink:
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I have a simialr problem.I can never get paste the 50lb barrier.I will lose like 45 or 46 and then start sliding back up into the 150's and beyond.It's so frustrating and soul-destroying to know that you are sabotaging yourself. This time I have resolved NOT to let that hurdle trouble me.I'm going all the way to 60lbs and by hook or by crook I'll make it.

    Here is my main gripe against folks in this wonderful community, BettyandVeronica, you have lost 37 pounds!! That is amazing! Own it and give yourself props! Why do you (we) let ourselves get frustrated and feel as if our soul is being destroyed? Our size/weight does not determine who we are or the goodness of our soul. Be kind to yourself and try your best every day. If you do struggle one day, get back on it the next. We should not torture ourselves because we have got some extra junk in the trunk or some waggly underarms or whatever. We have got to start loving ourselves!! Read the book The Only Diet There Is. It will change the way you view weight loss and health and the grip society seems to have on our esteem.

    Our size does not determine the amount we are worth.

    Keep up the amazing work and be kind to your soul :)
  • pinkies1
    pinkies1 Posts: 3
    Don't get discouraged just keep better track of your eating and increase your exercise. It's said that even cutting back on your pop or coffee can help when your at a plateau. I get very frustrated and give up and start gaining again if I weigh myself to much.
  • jendre01
    jendre01 Posts: 2
    Gina, you need to recalculate your calories should be 10 calories per pound so for an example. if you weigh 150# you should eat 1500 calories to MAINTAIN your weight so usually you go down 100 calories to continue weight loss. I found that I need to increase my exercise and control amount of drinks and food eaten on the weekends. hope this helps
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    Use your weekends to PLAY!! Go out and enjoy the great outdoors, get active, and then a little extra eating on those days won't matter that much. I eat more calories on the weekends, but I need to.