BohemianCoast Member


  • @Robin: I was hoping someone would put up a nice set that included some photos of us -- and this album shows what the day as a whole was like, and also Chingford Morris -- . We're the side in red, yellow and green. There's one of the band, and I'm in front…
  • September logging and thread-counting is 21/28 and I am just sneaking in under the wire because it's well after midnight here. But another good day where I went over by only a couple of calories due to a sneaky square of chocolate. The road closures are settling down now and our street is much quieter but also -- much,…
  • Just a super-quick check in for Saturday because I've got all sorts of things to do today. I'm 20/27 on September logging and thread checking. Saturday Success: nope, it's a Saturday Green Smoothie Fail. I thought it would be nice to have a green smoothie for breakfast. So I lined up the savoy cabbage, and the carrot, and…
  • Friday fitness: oh goodness it's a mess. I need to get a grip really. And Friday frustration: our city council is blocking off a load of roads to try to make the area more cyclist-and-pedestrian friendly. Which is lovely, except that they didn't bother to tell us that they were blocking off the road right outside our…
  • Thursday truths: I have *not* been studying properly this week. I've kept up with logging, with the house, cooking healthy food, going out and doing stuff, but my studying's behind. I'd like to manage to do all the things I'm supposed to at the same time! Soosun: Some pain is good if it's muscle tiredness; it shows you've…
  • Wednesday Wishes -- well, I always wished I could go and see Kate Bush sing live and -- hurrah! -- we're going tonight! Marsha: that does not sound good! Hope you're feeling better soon. Katrena: I lived in Houston (actually Clear Lake) as a teenager for a couple of years. Tanya: Hope your car is back on the road soon, but…
  • Tuesday Goals: (a) keep on for another week, (b) maintain all my good habits this week (logging, checking the thread, doing my German practice, clearing up the garden, hitting my study goals, etc). @Holly -- well I for one will be first in line to say "Do not believe your ex when he tells you that he's changed". But do…
  • Monday check-in -- I am up a pound today and quite grumpy about it, because I was really careful all weekend while partying with my friends. It's probably just an aberration and will go away in a few days. I am slightly worried that the Misfit Shine is giving me too many calories to eat, so I'm going to keep a close eye on…
  • A super quick check in cos I'm staying with my friends in the country. We had good long walks this morning and this afternoon, and I'm logging. Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend!
  • @Marsha: sorry about your husband's foot. These things can take such a long time to heal. Can you get him a lighter/better chair? @Karen: I think honest friends are the *best* to shop with. I don't want to buy anything that makes me look daft. @Soosun: You've got a photo now! You look great! I always reckon it's best to…
  • @Sosun: glad your challenge has got off to a good start! @Lori: You're doing so well right now! What a star! @Holly: really good to hear from you, remember that the scale not moving is a whole lot better than the scale moving up. @Saggyandbaggy: Welcome! I've been doing it ten pounds at a time, does that help? Or look at…
  • Katrena: Best of luck with that job! Yes, my life is on average a hoot. I find pizzas are fine as long as I go for thin-crust Neopolitan style or, even better, make my own. Brownies, though, I can't really have in the house. Luckily hubby & kids eat them up pretty fast. Tom: Can't wait for Peppermint Patty day...…
  • Monday check-in -- I have lost another pound, so I am very happy. @Hansea -- I did a half-marathon about 18 months ago. I didn't use any of the special sports nutrition though I did carry some jelly beans and I had the sports drinks when they gave us them part way round. It tipped down with rain the whole time! Which I had…
  • Sunday share: well, lots of newbies again, so I'll say the basic stuff. I'm Alison, I'm a very scary 49, and I live in suddenly-trendy Walthamstow, East London, with my husband and kids: daughter (17) and son (14). I don't work at the moment but am studying, and working on a little start-up with a pal. I play button…
  • Saturday success -- well, two! First, I went to a gig last night and planned to drink 2 pints of beer, in my log and everything, and did so and hit my target for the day. Woot. And then second, I have got up this morning and done my 5k -- just walking (I was the "tailrunner" at parkrun so was going at the pace of the…
  • Just a super quick check in to say hello! And for Friday fitness -- nope, I'm still rubbish. OK. A fitness goal for next week -- I am going to start wearing a fitness thing of some kind. I have enough! Hopefully my Fitbit if I can work out where it is. Tomorrow I am parkrunning and Sunday I've got badminton, and Monday…
  • Thursday truths: well, I'm eating cheese for breakfast ooops... My excuse is that the groceries are being delivered sometime in the next hour, so I have no bread or milk, but - hurrah -- I hit my target yesterday so I was really hungry when I got up. Ahem. @aprilshowers -- weekend off work? weekend off MFP? Because if it's…
  • Such great work! Well done, you look fab.
  • @Kelley -- I hope the iPhone 6 does what you need! I'd have definitely hoped for a watch for Christmas if they'd actually been selling them (I can rant endlessly about how none of the available wearables both (a) do everything I want and (b) integrate properly with my phone and computer). My Wednesday Wish is that the API…
  • Thanks to everyone who told me not to worry about the party -- the scale is back to where it was on Thursday so I think that you are all right. @Teresa -- under 250! THAT'S FANTASTIC! Yes, the trick with special meals is to just enjoy that meal and then get right back on track next meal. And not have them too often,…
  • @mzfrizz: This time I haven't changed the macros and am just ignoring them. The last time I changed the macros to 30/40/30 carbs/fat/protein and then changed the target figures for sugars up so that the lower carbs figure was more flexible. @Tom: that's a bit worrying about your resting pulse if you're not doing a load of…
  • Just checking in super quickly, to say that Thursday was a not-very-good-not-logging day though although I had a couple of weird snacks I was probably only 3-400 calories over. But I didn't log. So today I've logged despite the fact I ate lumps of cheese for dinner. Tomorrow I'm going to a posh formal dinner at my old…
  • Wednesday wishes! I'm still wishing for fairies to come and tidy and organise and sort out everything in my house! Woo hop! September goals -- log & check the thread every day -- 3/3 so far! @icetopaz -- welcome! I'm fairly shameless so I don't care what other people think when they see me exercise, but I know that can be…
  • Tuesday goals -- well, I wrote my goals for September down the other day and they definitely include checking out stuff in here all the time. Food diary -- 1 day so far Hitting calorie goal -- 1 day so far @Marsha -- What an amazing weight loss for August, and well done for keeping on track all month! That's an amazing…
  • Monday check-in -- well, I've only been logging properly for a few days and I'm not showing any weight loss yet. I am having faith that if I exercise and log assiduously the weight loss will come. But I have now logged all my calories for 2 days! Wow! Little things, eh? @Robin: When I lived in Chester I had a season pass…
  • Sunday share -- well, I actually managed to log properly for a whole day yesterday and today! So that's a win. Otherwise, what's to share? Haven't really got into the swing of this. I was very taking with what Dreamagberry said -- it's important to remember that this is a happy, positive journey. I'm not denying myself,…
  • Saturday Success -- I've cleaned out the fridge! And we have lots of lovely fresh vegetables. @lorilach08 -- welcome! I'm looking at it as losing 10 pounds. I know I can lose ten pounds; I just need to do it ten times. @BettJo64 -- that is scary! But it sounds like you're getting great care. @Zaxie -- don't worry about…
  • Friday fitness: well this week has been a bit rubbish really. Trying to get it together for next week. @enzosmama -- your poor toe! Hopefully it will mend up really quick. @Teresa -- my rule for many years at Starbucks has been to have *exactly one* holiday drink each year. Works for me, but otherwise I'd be hopeless. I…
  • Monday checkin -- early days but apparently stable at the moment. Tuesday goals -- well, just want to keep logging and checking in for the moment. Gradually trying to sort out my house after the chaos of the last few weeks as well. It's been raining all weekend, it really feels like summer is properly over here now.…
  • Sunday share: for everyone who's joined since I left. I'm Alison, I'm 49, and I live with my husband and children in a rather shabby house in East London, a stone's throw from the Olympic park. I'm not working at the moment but I continue to study, and I have started to apply for occasional jobs. At the moment I'm trying…