Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I think it is easier for new folks to find us in this format. I get a lot of inspiration from the new people who stop by and share their stories and become part of the group. I am up for repeating the August challenge, as well. I wasn't as successful as I would like to be. We can tweak it and personalize it as we wish.
    Today was a success, but every time I decide to make cookies, I feel like I am teetering awfully close to the edge of the wagon.
    Keith is very excited about having his first day of first grade tomorrow. Today he went to meet his teacher and put his school supplies away. It will be interesting to keep Anya busy and out of trouble with no one to play with.
    Nicole had a rewarding day today. Many of the past middle school students were excited to have her in the high school library. She is very pleased with both of the paras who have been hired for the libraries.
    Karen, I can't even imagine having to grade papers for 130+ English students. Laurie, I hope you have good classes this year.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    BettJo - so sorry to hear you continued to suffer from the raw kale effects. If you do decide to try it cooked, I'd wait a few weeks and then try a very small amount. I's a great nutrient, but its also a fad food, you can get many of the nutrients in other foods, so if it doesn't agree with yuo even cooked, it won't be a big loss!
    So WOOT on your 4 lbs down! HAPPY DANCE! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:

    CBLUE/Lori - what an interesting life you lead. If you were here, I'd hit you up for sewing lessons - I have the machine, its only 2 years old, and I want to learn. I thought I could teach myself off of You-tube, but I keep stopping on the first step, threading the bobbin! Darn thing keeps snarling up! Gonna put up a poster when I get back from vacation on our community bulletin board and see if I can find a tutor/mentor/teacher here in the condo building.
    I see your not motivated by the numbers going down on the scale, but I do think your loss of 16 lbs is terrific! I guess from what you wrote you ARE motivated by the size number in your clothes going down - that is truly impressive - dropping that many sizes - your trainer may be very agressive but in the right way!
    You've got plenty of time to change your body in time for your birthday and lots of time to decide which race to run in - you'll know more in a few months!

    Brenda - you sound so happy even tho midterms are coming - YAY YOU!

    LivesTT - just hang in there - you're coming on strong - so strong!

    Skinny - one of my best friends is transgendered. she lived her life as a man, joined the Army, married, fathered 2 great kids, and then transitioned. She is so beloved to me. We laugh so much about our relationship because she was once my "First Kiss" Go figure! Now, it seems, her kids are so well adjusted to the situation that no one hesitates to discuss it if it comes up, but it rarely does, if ever. And she is happily married to a kind man who knows and understands her past (and my role in it! :blushing: )
    It was a bit confusing to hear at first, but when I looked into her eyes, it was my same old friend, and I never reconsidered any other truth than that. Surprisingly, she's kept many of her boyhood friends, too.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Yesterday the weather was perfect! 60 with low humidity for my morning walk and high of 78. I even turned off the AC and opened the windows. I guess Fall really is on the way.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 20/25

    Good Days: 20
    Not so Good Days: 2
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 2
    Bad calorie day, but totally worth it and planned to do it: 1
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday checkin -- early days but apparently stable at the moment.
    Tuesday goals -- well, just want to keep logging and checking in for the moment. Gradually trying to sort out my house after the chaos of the last few weeks as well.

    It's been raining all weekend, it really feels like summer is properly over here now. Yesterday was a public holiday here, that sort of marks the last full weekend of summer; after that everyone starts to get ready for school. My son's school shoes have great big holes in them! So we need to get that sorted, and I bet my daughter needs stuff too. It's her very last 'first day of school' next week -- this time next year she'll be getting ready to go away to college. A weird weird thought.

    @Kp203N, Eomuno -- a thread's been working pretty well for us for a long time now. It makes it easier for new people to find us. Oh, and how sad to say "I won't be happy until.." I think we should all try to find something to make us happy every single day.
    @Zaxie -- welcome! I find the 1200 cal target is impossible; as long as I do some exercise to get it up a bit it works a lot better for me. I'd love to visit NZ one day.
    @Robin -- your to-do list is inspiring! I'm currently at the 'get up by lunchtime' state of existence but things are gradually returning to normal.
    @Marsha -- renting's a good way to go when you start out with instruments, especially expensive ones, because you can't really know what you'll like until you've been playing for a while.
    @Tanya -- sounds like you overdid it a bit in that kayak! But the pain is your muscles learning and growing, not so bad.
    @Lori -- 34 years is a long time! There must be something there that makes it worth working on, right? But really, you can't help another person to find a fitness path -- though I find that when I set a good example, it rubs off on the rest of my family. I'm sure that mean trainers are the best kind. I have a friend who nags me when I don't log; it's really good for the soul.
    @softblondechi -- welcome! Plenty of non-negativity round here. Though I would say that there's a trick to this, which is that it's incredibly easy to blame everything that's wrong with your life on your weight. But if you look around, you'll see plenty of thin people who are just as grumpy and miserable! So it's worth getting on and sorting out the other things that are wrong in your life, and trying not to think that weight loss is a magic cure for everything.

    Anyway, I hope you're all having a fantastic week, starting school, getting ready for school, cleaning the barbecue, whatever...

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday --- Goal today is to learn a better schedule now that I have an active pup. I started fall semester last night MarcoEconomics and Algebra starts tonight. I have a heavy load all ready and finding time to walk the dog and get my fitness in will be a challenge but so is life.

    Thanks for all the information on how to help Riley. I also talked to the Pet Smart trainer when shopping last night. He was willing to go there on his own this morning with me standing by the garage then lots of treats afterwards.

    I am super excited I think my son bought me new walking shoes(mine have holes in them big time). When I woke up this morning there were kids size 51/2 sitting by kitchen door which is the size I wear. I will find out later if he did which will probably make this mom cry.
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Good morning all! Well, I had an interesting weekend. Barre class Saturday morning was great. And then Sunday morning I broke my toe. Legitimately fractured it. So... no barre for me this week, no running for at least another 6-8 weeks.

    My goal for today is to get a little activity in tonight at home. I can't go to barre class tonight but there's plenty that we do in class that I can make modifications to and do at home- upper and lower body work. That's the plan!

    The other goal is to keep this little pinkie toe as protected as possible to help it heal up ASAP!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning all! Well, I had an interesting weekend. Barre class Saturday morning was great. And then Sunday morning I broke my toe. Legitimately fractured it. So... no barre for me this week, no running for at least another 6-8 weeks.

    My goal for today is to get a little activity in tonight at home. I can't go to barre class tonight but there's plenty that we do in class that I can make modifications to and do at home- upper and lower body work. That's the plan!

    The other goal is to keep this little pinkie toe as protected as possible to help it heal up ASAP!

    Sorry to hear about your toe. Sounds painful!

    What can you tell me about Barre? There's a place that just opened near me and I'm not at all familiar with what it is. I've had a change in job schedule and can't get to the Pilates class I was taking. Maybe Barre would be a good substitute?
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    I am having a bad day. My wife is going crazy on me. I know it takes two to fight, but I am having a really tough time with this. I wish it would stop. I guess I better be the one to try and make it better.:brokenheart:

    On August 26, 1920, women in the United States were granted the right to vote when the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution was certified. (The amendment had actually been introduced many years earlier in 1878)
    WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY is a day proclaimed annually by the President of the United States to commemorated the granting of the vote to women throughout the country on an equal basis with men. Since 1971, when legislation was first introduced in Congress by Bella Abzug, every president has published a proclamation for Women’s Equality Day. This resolution was passed, designating each August 26 as Women’s Equality Day.

    “You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.” ~Les Brown

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :bigsmile:

    I have the next two days off and I need it. I slept in really late and have been chilling on my computer all morning. I am in my workout clothes and will get up after this post to workout. Promise!! My Tuesday goals is to stay on track this week. I have got to do better!! My October vacation to Florida to see my mom, sister, and daughter is coming up and I really want to look my best. Not that they care, but I do. Plus I’m taking my girl to Sea World and I need to be at my best to walk around that park all stinking day. And no I will not be riding any roller-coasters……I hope!!:noway:

    I’m for repeating the August challenge as well. I admit to not doing very well or even tracking how many good/bad days I’ve had. I really wish I could maintain a stronger will to say no. I give in way to easy to food and then I beat myself up for it. Got to stop the madness!!!:explode:

    @ Nettie, I vote girl! :flowerforyou: I used to work at Starbucks for almost 3 years and the holiday drinks were my downfall as well. I LOVE eggnog and during the winter months I had all FREE eggnog I cared to drink. Not to mention the day old pastries that tasted perfectly fine. Pumpkin Spice scones are so dang tasty and I just know I will see them soon when I go through the drive-thru on Saturdays for my Venti dark roast. Ugghh!! :brokenheart:

    Have a good day!!:smile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @L2T~Would you let Texas know that Autumn is on its way because it’s still summer here :wink: —100s, mid 80s driving into work this morning.

    @Holly~You have little feet :wink: (I’m jealous—I wear a 10)! Awesome that your son surprised you with new shoes.

    @enzosmama~Ouch, I’m so sorry to hear about your toe.

    @Tom~I’m sorry you and Amy are at odds, you two are usually in sync—hope you day and things improve soon.

    @Nettie~Yes, I painted the picture of Zoe. I went to a “paint your pet” class at a painting studio—tons of fun and it turned out better than I thought it would! :happy:

    AFM~I’m frustrated, scale up again. I know we go through these patterns sometimes but I’m never going to reach my pre-cruise goal if it doesn’t turn around soon. Sent my trainer a text, he’s puzzled too but we’ll talk later. I think repeating the August challenge in September is a good idea—I’m trying to keep a running tally of calories eaten/not eaten, I NEED to be closer to BMR (I know this is probably what is really holding me back). Oy!:cry: Had the turkey burger when I went out to dinner last night, in hindsight I could have had their regular burger—I had the calories left over from Sunday plus still had other wiggle room yesterday. :grumble:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Thursday~None or Elliptical at home (dentist appt)
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Tenacious Tuesday for me -
    The trainer was REALLY IN MY FACE about my food this last week. I too had some bad days. Weigh in was up 1/2 pound. Official weigh in is Thursday. Yes he confronted me about the Captain Crunch on Saturday. We came to the conclusion I cannot handle rest days. I will be swimming only on those days no workout.
    The workout today was amazing, did a barbell set that really pushed me to my limits. I paid for the Captain Crunch. I will not be doing that again.

    Barre class sounds intriguing. The gym I belong to has the Les Mils classes. I really like a lot of them and the instructors are inspiring.

    @Morgori - When hubby is all over me I just turn to him and say I am sorry, even if I am not sorry for what he is upset about I know I have done something wrong that I need to apologize for. It usually diffuses the situation enough so we can talk about the issues at hand.

    Love to all
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KP203- welcome and I think that your 1 lb weight loss is a great start - WOOT lets celebrate! :flowerforyou: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Nettie - re decaf coffee - I tried Dunkin Donuts decaf yesterday and really liked it - they have flavors too - maybe they have your favorite ?
    Loved the chair story - LOL - on my 2nd story deck I found a lot of poop and my sis says its BAT poop - OMG - so I have to put up foil or something to stop them roosting at nite. Also she'll get her pup Sept 3 or 4.

    Tom - I hope things have gotten better on the home front - whatever she is upset about - you apparently are the cause even if you didnt' really cause it - I find it worth an apology to gain peace even if I'm not sure what I'm apologizing for....
    Also - yeay for 2nd hand shopping - and clearance shopping and not paying RETAIL!!! I am the champ at that!

    MWQUEEN - I also like your sexy new picture - re: dog potty spot - sounds like a skunk or a cat got to the spot so he'll never use it again, might as well just start developing another one! also, I got weepy thinking about your new shoes - what a sweety pie. I hope it was your son too.

    eomuno - welcome - I'll pm you and show you now to find your way back.

    toots! its REAL!!!!!!!!!!

    GWhammy - thanks for the tips on garden pests - they are ruining my flowers!

    softblond - welcome and time for a new you - this is a long journey - so first step is, no more self-loathing. Love yourself and do everything for yourself out of love.

    Lori - glad your plans for the T2T include Gorilla! And yes, repeating the august challenge sounds great!

    enzomama - so sorry about your break! :sad: hope you can muddle on!

    Kah - its so puzzling when your weight goes up for no good reason!!!!!! not to mention totally unfair!!!! hope it comes back down. Do you measure your ankles when this happens to see if you're retaining fluid?

    AFM - in jammies drinking coffee - haven't even looked at my list!
  • Kp203N
    Kp203N Posts: 22
    I understand now how it's easier to find as a thread. It was just my first thought to make it a group. Anyways, my goals are to eat healthy, workout more and to talk more. i know it sounds silly but I don't feel good and don't feel like explaining myself right now. It's been a bad day :(

    here's my blog on my goals though. :)
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all!

    Its wednesday here for me... soooo wishes! Not quite sure how to do this so please bear with me!

    I wish I had started a year ago? I wish I was thin and healthy RIGHT NOW?


    Okayyyyyyyyy... I wish I have the courage to go running today. I hope I manage to stick to my healthy eating plan given I have some travel to do today. I hope I have the strength of mind to keep telling myself that the losses will come toward the end of the week - and dont give up in the meantime (Im super good at giving up... it's become quite the talent).

    Mainly I wish I had the strength to change that of myself which wants instant gratification for everything, all the time. I hope this is the time for that to be proved weaker than my will to succeed with my physical health.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    My goal for the week: Get back on the exercise bike. I think I can manage it without re-injury now. I'm so cranky much of the time and I hate it. :( Being stuck in the house is no bueno.

    @cblue315 - I agree, sometimes an apology, even when you believe you weren't in the wrong, is better than sticking to your guns and fighting over it. There's only so much time in the day and not all battles are worth fighting.

    @kah68 - Wishing you luck on your goal! Those upward trends are quite disheartening when you've been doing your best to be good!

    @Zaxie - One day at a time is all we can do. Eventually, those days add up and we find ourselves closer to or farther from where we wanna be. :)
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    @Zaxie - One day at a time is all we can do. Eventually, those days add up and we find ourselves closer to or farther from where we wanna be. :)

    How true! Thank you for your words of encouragement.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Back home from my vacation, and down almost a pound from before I left! Feels like a victory to me. :)

    Hubby is all ordained, and now we just need to pack up the apartment and move in to our new house.

    I hope everyone is doing well with their challenges this month!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Zakie-you did just fine with your wishes. I think many of us wish we had started earlier than we actually did. However, in retrospect, I know I would not have been successful as I am now. The reason is I wanted this for myself and I was ready for a change. The changes will come and so will the weight loss, just take it one day at a time and one habit at a time and the changes will stick.

    Fera- Congrats on your loss. Wishing you the best as you move. Congrats to hubby on his ordination.

    Ms.Frizz- Hurrah that you can get back on the exercise bike. Enjoy your rides.

    Tom- I hope you straighten out the situation with the Mrs. Tell her that you love her and that you are sorry. You are opening the door for conversation to find out what has her so upset. Say hi to Amy for me.

    Kp- I hope you have a better day tomorrow. We all have times when we don't want to talk due to the "bad days", so no worries. When you are comfortable with us, you will know that we are a safe place to vent and get your feelings out. Depending on what I am dealing with, I will often check in here and head my post with the word " Warning VENTING" then I can share my feelings and people can choose to read or ignore depending on their mood. It works really well just to get everything off my chest and out of my head.

    cblue/Lori- Hard trainers are great especially when they know when to push you on exercise and the types of food intake. Rest days are tough so swimming sounds like a great plan.

    Robin- I am excited that Gorilla will also be doing the T2T with us.

    Kah/Kelley- I hope you get the weight thing figured out. It is so tricky at this point in the journey. I know I have not figured out what cause my weight to go up and down so quickly or slowly as the case may be.

    Goal-A successful first day of school but it was tiring. The kids were good today, I hope that will translate into a good year. Surprisingly, we had about 99% compliance with the new uniform policy and the students looked great in them. Even better, I did not hear anyone complaining about them. To make sure I am exercising on a regular basis during the school year. It will be so easy to work late then head to a meeting, instead of leaving early and going for a walk. Tomorrow I have another evening meeting so plan is to leave work in time to go for walk then pick up dinner before my meeting. I need to do this for me since I will end up spending to much time at work and sitting throughout the day.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    It's been a long day. I planned on waking up and working out and maybe giving my sister a call before she went off for her surgery this morning, but I overslept.
    Had to work all day, then throw together everyone and the kids' school supplies and take them to orientation night. Just barely got to all the stops on the orientation before 7 pm when the teachers were supposed to be able to go home. I think we walked out of the school at 6:58 pm.
    Just as we walked out the front doors of the school, I got a call from my mom with the blow-by-blow of my sister's surgical day. For those who don't know or don't remember, my sister has a rare cartilage/bone cancer and had to have her hip rebuilt a couple years ago and learn to walk again. She goes for regular scans, and earlier this year they found a new tumor and she had surgery to freeze it. A month ago, they found two more tiny tumors and that's what she was having frozen today. It did not go as well as planned, but they were eventually able to isolate and freeze both tumors today. A long day for everyone involved.

    And, I've gone back through my diary and discovered that I am tragically off course for my August goals. Hopefully I can finish August a little better and improve in September.