Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Disclaimer: If you can't tell by now I can be quite chatty. I apologize in advance for the long post. :blushing:

    Wednesday Wish - I am just waking up and my coffee is brewing. :yawn: I cannot think of anything I personally want to wish for at the moment so I will just wish for all of us to be very successful this month.

    Yesterday I did day 2 of Gilad. Hips, thighs and buns. Wow that was a tough workout for me. Lots of lunges <not too bad> though I did lose my balance a few times. :laugh: Added in light hand weights <ok, I was able to keep up> AND THEN...the dreaded floor work portion hit. I admit to yelling a profanity or possibly a few more at the TV when Gilad was encouraging me to keep going and telling me how many more to do. It burned so bad. :sad: I tried my best to push through. Today I feel it slightly in my legs so I know I definitely am on my way to reshaping and tone my non-existent muscles. Today's workout is cardio - 34 minutes I think. I am waiting for the oil man to come service our burner, he can be here any time between 8-1. (My husband scheduled him to come before I go to work) My plan is to eat breakfast, have my date with Gilad then jump in the shower. I hope he doesn't arrive mid workout or I will be annoyed. I hate being interrupted during workouts. :grumble:

    I have another funny story to share regarding my mishap with a sports bra but I think I will save that for tomorrow. Brian (aka my husband) and I were cracking up over it last night when I preformed my reenactment of it for him. Someone remind me to share. It will make at least one of you laugh for sure! :wink:

    sjacob425- Brussel sprouts are delish. I find it funny that as a kid I was the "weird" one who ate vegetables and asked for seconds of them. Years later I converted to vegetarianism. I suppose my parents should have realized from childhood that I was different and danced to the beat of my own drum. If you happen to try them, you must let me know what you think.

    tlh0407- I saw that topic and read it too. I think it is extremely brave of her to share her story with others. I can't imagine losing my toenails. EWE. Her post came at the perfect timing. Recently I saw a few people on here who lost over 100 lbs in less than a year. All the while thinking, wow that was super fast. In the back of my mind I was thinking 'I wonder how long it will take me to reach my goal' I don't care how long it takes me. 1 year, 2 years, 3 years? It's all good. What matters is that I am improving my health and making life changes. Thanks for sharing the link in here.

    jtconst- I just glanced quickly at one day in your diary to get an idea of what some of the things you eat are. I was going to suggest protein powder but I see you already have that covered. You can try to make a smoothie with the protein powder and greek yogurt. Edamame is packed with protein as well as nuts and beans.

    Susan- I've been playing around on fitbit's website. Yesterday I was very intrigued by all the charts. Especially my calories burning one and sleep one.

    Robin - I hope you feel better soon. That raspberry wine sounds delish. Over the summer my husband and I fell in love with moscato. The local liquor store sells 3 different flavors - peach, mango and strawberry. Of course we had to sample them all. They are so tasty that I can easily drink an entire bottle myself. :tongue:

    Laurie - I did roasted brussel sprouts. But I have roasted asparagus in the past. That is super easy to do. Sometimes I roast it with balsamic, garlic and herbs and other times I roast it with salt, pepper, garlic and Parmesan. I grow asparagus in my garden so in the Spring all I have to do is go outside and harvest. I love it!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    skinnyjeanz- Yes he is. I was completely baffled during the one with Marilyn Manson as I am sure many viewers were. I could not stop laughing when Chris said something along the lines of "Finally something I understand. I get what you are saying." because I thought it was just me up until that point. :noway:

    Ugh to the MIL. Next time your MIL calls maybe just tell her that you will not have conversations about your husband behind his back and if she is that concerned that she should talk to him personally. If she continues then find a creative way to get off the phone. Maybe blame Gunner. Gunner is running back and forth, I think he needs to go out. Or Gunner hears something I better go see what it is. Then next time she calls I wouldn't answer the phone. But that is just me. I don't like confrontation so I tend to avoid it at most costs unless I ultimately have no choice.

    I don't know if you remember from my first go on here. But I have a difficult MIL as well, so I can completely relate. I think she does have some mental issues going on, possibly bipolar. I spoke to my FIL about it and he confirmed before they divorced he tried to get her help but her family fought him on it. (For the record, I have a great relationship with my FIL, his wife <MIL 2>, and kids) I have tried multiple times in the past to bond with her <MIL 1>. All that got me was beaten down and made me feel like cr*p. She insulted me, my family, my heritage, commented on my weight, how I cook, what I wear, my schooling, hobbies, pets, wedding, finances, cleaning, ironing, job etc. You name it, if it involved me in any way she had something nasty to say. It seemed like she would intentionally look for things to criticize me about each time I saw her. She would also get right up in my face as she told me some pretty horrible things. As a result, she and I have no relationship at all. My husband, allegedly, spoke to her privately, but she still continued to me nasty towards me. I tried to brush it off and let it go but deep down it hurt. Eventually, I gave up trying to build a relationship with her. Now we only see her a few times a year. (Select holidays and family birthdays) I often dread those gatherings because you never know what mood she will be in.

    Lately though she has been fairly decent because she has a new BF who keeps her in line. He puts her in place as soon as she starts getting nasty and defends me or anyone else she is being hostile towards. I adore that man! Our next "joyous" rendezvous with her is Thanksgiving. I am not looking forward to it. I lose enough weight that is noticeable by then I can imagine her saying something derogative along the lines of "You have a long way to go before you are skinny." She is just that type of nasty. :noway: And for that reason I will make sure to have enough calories to fit in a glass of wine or two on Thanksgiving. :wink:
  • meisterkidd
    Good Morning everyone! I admit to not being fully awake yet and don't have time for personals just yet. Just letting you all know I'm still chuggin' along lol.

    My Wednesday Wish: I ... REALLY... wish I didn't have to work today. I'm dreading it. I'm pretty sure that I'm in trouble for missing the weekend even though I was sick and had a Doctor's note and I don't wanna face the music.

    Just curious: Anyone else have bosses like that? The kind that act like it's your fault you got sick? :C
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~I know you and DH have had to deal with a lot of drama from MIL, I’m sure it’s really stressful for both of you. I wish I had some advice. Is there any way you can change the subject when she calls and starts in about DH and her unfounded concerns?

    @Kris~We’ve missed you around here. I’m sorry your new job is exhausting, it’s nice to be busy though – makes the day go by faster. Hope you get into a routine and things settle soon.

    @Nettie~I’m so glad that while DH doesn’t seem interested in MFP, he’s interested in getting healthier. That’s great, it makes it easier for you! I’ll share my pants story if you share your bra story. :wink: :laugh:

    @Tracy~Thanks for sharing the link to that thread, I’m proud of her for sharing her story and the mistakes she made. The way she did things puts so much stress on your body, I’m afraid she has a long road of recovery ahead to get her metabolism working right again and repair her adrenals. Slow and steady wins the race, we need to remind ourselves of that when we get frustrated.

    @Robin~I went to an event at a winery a few weeks ago, my favorite was a raspberry champagne. Delish!

    Wednesday Wish~So far it’s been a good birthday – boss knows I live for coffee, he gave me Thanksgiving Blend (one of my fave blends) from Starbucks, both a pound and some k-cups for my Keurig. Hopefully I can make the k-cups last a while. :wink: So, my wish for today is for the rest of the day to be a breeze – my celebration is a session with my trainer tonight. :laugh: I probably won’t do anything with family/friends until the weekend.

    Exercise Goals for the week:

    Monday~Gym elliptical DONE
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym for strength/cardio or walk neighborhood (this may not happen, pest control coming in afternoon)
    Saturday~Gym, HIIT most likely
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Have a good day!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kah - Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Lucky you to have such a nice boss and to get a gift - that doesn't happen in a lot of workplaces! Hope you have a lovely day.

    Skinny - your MIL does sound like she's losing it. Nettie has some great suggestions for getting off the phone quick, which is probably your best solution. I'd also suggest you start documenting her worst phone calls - where there are obvious fabrications. There may come a time where you will need to look back and determine if SHE needs help and the documentation will show you if she's getting more delusional, the frequency, etc.

    Speaking of documentation, I would suggest everyone have a personal file on their computer called Doctor Visits. I have one and it has proved essential with my poor memory and my failing health. I update it every time I see a Dr. with the date, the Drs. name and specialty and what occurred. This doesn't seem so important when you're young and healthy, but if you have several visits in a year, can you remember them all next year?

    MowMow - its so great to hear from you - I'm sorry you didn't hear from the other job. Is this one still temporary or has the outlook changed any? Wow you sound so busy - I'm glad part of the rush is that you've got a great life with your church :heart: : that is going to reward you many times over through the years. Give yourself plenty of time to settle into a routine. Get your weekly cooking routine down first and everything else will settle into place.

    Weds Wish - that the doctor I see this afternoon is a miracle worker!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--it's nice to see you again--glad you are still around and that the new job is keeping you busy. :smile:

    @kelley--Happy Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: That sounds like a great b-day gift from the boss!

    @nettie--your MIL sounds awful! At least mine isn't intentionally mean to me; however, she was really nasty to her youngest grandson's girlfirend and effectively drove him out of the family. I don't put up with anything--if she's says something I find offensive (even if it's not intentional) I call her on it. She used to sometimes make derogatory comments about different races and ethnicities which is something I just won't stand for. I'm half Mexican and grew up in a society that disparaged my mother's heritage--I learned at a very young age to speak up when people are being bigoted. Whenever there needs to be some sort of confrontation with the MIL, my DH's siblings always joke that "Karen should do it b/c she knows how to put Mom in her place."

    @kelley & nettie--Thanks for the feedback (and really just for "listening") about my MIL. I really don't see how I can just change the subject without having some sort of initial confrontation telling her I won't discuss it with her. And I don't know how to do that without telling her I think she's making up stories or going loopy with her memories of these supposed conversations with my husband. I know he plans to confront her about it, but she still may try to insist to me that the conversations happened. I guess I'll just have to be frank with her and tell her I believe my husband over her, I just hope I can do that without being too offensive about her craziness.

    @meister--I work in a school so if I'm sick I make lesson plans and call for a sub. The only time I could ever imagine my boss getting upset about my being out would be if I didn't plan for the sub appropriately. Sorry you have to deal with that kind of a boss. :grumble:

    Wednesday Wish:
    Well I decided that I will call my SIL to discuss this situation with her mother. I have a feeling my MIL has probably already involved her. My MIL already drove my SIL's youngest son away from all family functions (we haven't seen him in about 5 years), so my SIL has some experience dealing with the drama. I also want to make sure the SIL knows what's going on b/c I have a feeling this is going to blow up into a big rift between my DH and MIL--I want the SIL and her family to be aware of what's going on if we decide not to come to holidays with the whole family. So my wish is that the SIL has some really great advice.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Kelly- HBSmileyBlowsWhistle.gif

    Quote of the day: “You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.” ~Les Brown
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. The day is off to a decent start. Got in a short walk with the dogs. Was planning on going another lap but the puppy was starting to whine incessantly by the end of the first one. SO I will supplement that workout at some point today with a bike ride. Not a whole lot planned for the day. Just putz around the house and get some general stuff done. The only real to do list item is a bath for the dogs. Oh joy :ohwell:
    I think if I were going to wish for something it would be completley ridiculous and impossible. The only thing I wish right now is I could remove the puppies ability to whine/howl. He has that lovely blue heeler high pitched howl that he breaks out whenever he gets upset.

    Kare I totaly feel your MIL pain. Mine was impossible most of my married life. I am starting to feel a little sad for her now though. That old saying you reap what you sow is coming back to get her. After playing blatant favortism with her kids and grandkids now that they are getting older she cant comprehend why no one wnats to go out of their way to spend time with her
    Kris it is good to see you again. It sounds like life is keeping you running but that isnt neccesarily a bad thing. I will look forward to hearing from you whenever you get a chance:happy:

    Kah Happy Happy birthday. I hope you have a great day.

    For everyone else have a marvelous hump day and now go grab some water:bigsmile: :drinker: :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--thanks. Yeah, we already feel sorry for my MIL. It's obvious that a lot of why she is so meddlesome is due to her own loneliness. She used to have a lot of friends and was very social. Over the past 5 years or so though, she's driven those friends away b/c she's so judgemental and always tries to "fix" everyone. She has no formal education in psychology, but worked admissions for a psychiatric hospital for years. Her experiences there turned her into someone who tries to psychologically diagnose everyone around her which makes it hard for even her family to want to spend time with her--you can tell she's always scrutinizing your every word and action. So yeah, we feel bad that she's lonely, but her behavior is only going to make her lonelier as it pushes everyone away. :ohwell:

    1. 4/53 vocabulary
    3. x/53 character journals
    4. 18/73 AP journals
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Skinny - That would be just way too much crazy for me to deal with. You have a LOT more patience than I do.

    @Kah - Happy Birthday!!

    @Robin - I'm LOVING this church that I found and all the people in it. I spend at least 3 nights a week with them (aside from Church Worship) and they are amazing. I had a second book club that was on the same night as a church group and when I had to pick, they won HANDS down! I sure hope this DR today helps you get over what you're dealing with. Oh my goodness, I never thought of a DR spreadsheet... that would be a busy little spreadsheet for me. I'm there almost every other month for blood tests or other testing. Yeesh... it's probably a good idea though.

    I LIKE the new job, if they offered me a permanent place I'd accept it and move closer in a heartbeat. My co workers are all really nice. The girl I work directly with has a little trouble letting things go(work items). I ask for more work and she hums and haws and tells me that this is difficult or that is confusing so it's best if she keeps it. I just want to tell her "trust me honey, I can handle it. Just explain it to me once and turn me loose!"

    They dont WANT to make it a permanent position but I am guessing they will offer it part time permanent come January 1. *IF* they raise my pay but about 5.00 an hour AND let me keep my health benefits then I might be willing and I'll just find another job to fill in the blanks. We'll see, I've got a month and a half to think abou it.

    Wednesday Wish - That I had a car that didn't guzzle gas QUITE so much and that this job paid enough that I had a little left over each month to put away.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    This new ENT doctor that I saw today was great and asked tons of questions. He did a scope down my nose and throat and a chest xray and drew blood. He suspects I have an auto-immune disease causing my mouth problems and fatigue, and he'll be able to confirm that when the lab - blood results are in. I see him again next Weds. for the results. The scope test showed I didn't have any tumors or polyps or obstructions, which is good news, since I had 2 first cousins die of oral cancer in their sixties. He firmly believes I don't have cancer - great news to my ears! He couldn't offer any relief for my symptoms yet, he will confer with my rheumatologist in the meantime. I hope to have good news in a weeks time.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I was so busy yesterday that I didn't even get a chance to hop on-line. So I am trying to play catch up on every ones news. I am amazed at how much stuff I missed in one day.

    Wednesday wish-I wish the weight would come off the top of my butt so it didn't look like a shelf. :) I also wish that all my new friends I met on here success in all their endeavors including but not limited too losing weight.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Kelli-- Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:
    Robin--Glad you have found a good dr. I hope you get relief soon.
    Michelle--I have finally lost my "shelf". I just have to look at my butt in the mirror once in a while because it looks so good to have that shelf gone! :blushing:
    Karen--My MIL problems were not like yours, but she was very outspoken and tactless. She often hurt feelings, but I don't think she meant to. Because of her, my kids chose to call me Grandma Kaye instead of using our last name. It is hard to deal with the inlaws on so many levels. I wish you luck.
    Wednesday wish: I wish that I could be better about not tasting and snacking while I am getting dinner. That is the hardest challenge I have and I am still working on it.
    Hope everyones' wishes come true. Have a great evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- Happy Birthday. Best wishes for the year ahead. Nice gift from your boss and a workout with your trainer a nice way to spend the day.

    Karen- No advice on the MIL situation. Documenting the conversations sounds like a good idea along with talking to your SIL.

    Robin- I hope you get some answers soon and least a few things have been ruled out.

    Wish-That the hospital finds out what is wrong with my dad. He went to ER today due to pain in his legs, swelling around the knees etc. My mom called 911 this afternoon so it was bad. When the leg and foot pain starts due to neuropathy (sp), it takes a little while to calm down today it did not calm down. We do have a couple of tricks that make it better but today it did not work. They are keeping him overnight at least and are now checking for a possible kidney infection. I hope they will figure what is going on this time around. In addition, I wish they would put him in a nursing home for a week so that they can provide intense physical therapy.

    My brother was able to be with my mom at the hospital so I was able to hit the gym. Managed to get in a 2 mile run with my trainer plus an ab workout. I am sure I will be sore tomorrow. I really needed that workout. I wish that I can leave work on time without feeling guilty. Even tonight I was attempting to plan for the next couple of days with my coworker and ended up being late for my gym appointment. It worked out well as the workout was very compacted and I was tired by the end of it. I met a friend at the gym then we went to dinner. Believe, I would have skipped the gym if my brother was not available to be at the hospital this afternoon and evening.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Wednesday Wish:

    I wish I could enjoy running more. I'm trying to train for a 5 mile run, but I can't run. It's more of a brisk walk.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Kelley -- Happy Birthday!!

    Mother in Laws -- gotta love them! :laugh: After reading the stories, I can't really complain about mine, but my husband shut her down pretty early in our marriage. She was telling me what soap to use, how to wash the floor correctly, etc. After about 6 months, I told Michael he needed to get her to back off and he did. The problem is she wants to help so much that she gets a bit out of control. One time she just bought a leather jacket for my husband (he didn't even want one, had never said he wanted one) and gave it to him and then told him he owed her $85. We paid it just to keep the peace. Karen, I hope this can go on the wayside and she just drops it. Good luck!

    Laurie -- hope the figure it out for your dad and he gets better quickly.

    AFM: I dropped my calories by 100. I think it's the right move...we'll see. I've been doing pretty good with calories and not really seeing the results I think I should so early in this process. Tonight, my sister forgot her cell phone when we lifted. She has an app that keeps track of where we're at on the 5X5 (the one I had doesn't work with iOS 7). She always tells us how much weight to put on and when I actually did the math (on the last set of squats) I commented that I think we were too high. Yup! We should have been at 115 and we were doing 125. We were able to do them, but they seemed tougher than they should have been based on Monday's results. :ohwell: We just like to say we rock!!! :devil:

    Wednesday Wish: That my son can figure out a way to get his grades back on track. The move to middle school has been tough for him on many levels, including staying on top of the homework. He's been one of those kids that was lucky that it came easy for him and now that he actually has to put effort forth, he's not figured out a rhythm. I try to help him and he gets angry that I don't "trust" him. We think we have a new plan, but we'll see. Keeping our fingers crossed. And talking about Jacob, he now has the boot off too. His heel is completely fused at this point, but now the growth plates in his metatarsals are problematic. He's in regular shoes with an orthapedic's hoping!!!

    Have a great night!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy--I also just dropped my calories by 200 starting this week. It's been ok and I've been staying under--would really just like to see the scale start moving again. As much as you're is struggling now, be glad he didn't continue to cruise through easily up to HS. I think it's even harder when kids get their first real challenging schedule at an older age. At least he can stumble a little now as he gets his rhythm before grades go on a transcript that colleges will see. Oh, and no pun intended :laugh: --I'm glad his foot seems to be healing.

    @alupinsk--it took me quite awhile to enjoy running--I would say at least 6 months. Now, I can't imagine NOT running. After the whole stressful situation with the MIL yesterday, I went to the gym--best stress reliever there is.

    @laurie--I hope your dad gets some answers and relief from his pain. Glad you have a brother to help out, too--I think that makes such a big difference when dealing with ill parents.

    @kaye--thanks--I agree that in-laws can be challenging in general. One of the things that makes it really hard for me is that my parents' families were always so close. When we were growing up, we never had to worry about getting together with both families b/c my dad and his brothers were childhood friends with my mom's brothers--that's how my parents met. Not that there's never been friction, but it was more like the little tiffs that occur within a happy family than like 2 separate families. Sadly, my DH won't even let me invite his mom to join my family for holidays when she's going to be alone b/c she's so unpredictable. The last time we let her get together with my parents, my mom made some joke about my dad being lazy in his retirement and spending all of his time at the bowling alley (my dad is a great bowler and turned senior pro upon retiring from his day job). Later in the visit, my MIL cornered my mother and started suggesting she and my dad go to marriage counseling. :noway:

    @michelle--I bet we all have that one body part where we wish we could lose faster. For me, it used to be my hips & butt, but I lost most of of that by running. Now, it's my waist--I'm hoping the lifting will help in that area.

    @robin--so glad to hear the ENT ruled out some of the more serious possible culprits for your symptoms. :drinker:

    @kris--thanks--in all honesty, it's way too much crazy for me as well. :grumble:

    AFM--DH came home and before I even had a chance to suggest we call his sister, he suggested it. I talked to her for a bit 1st to give her a firsthand account of the conversation. She was sympathetic and shared some battles she's been having with her mom lately as well. She was in total agreement that her mom is overstepping boundaries and needs to back off before she drives everyone out of her life. We also talked about whether some of this might be early signs of dementia--the false or manipulated memories and aggression could be symptoms, so it's something we'll have to keep in mind when dealing with her. She also shared with us that their mom has been going to a therapist after I mentioned that I thought she might be projecting some of her own issues onto her children.

    I'm really not sure where my husband is at with this. He told both of us that he hasn't decided if he's going to even talk to his mom anymore. I have a feeling that, at least for awhile, he will avoid her. I made it clear that if he makes that decision, I will NOT act as a go-between, and both he and my SIL agreed that if he chooses to keep his distance, I shouldn't talk to her either. We'll see what happens.

    1. 4/53 vocabulary
    3. x/53 character journals
    4. 30/73 AP journals
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes, it was a good day and my trainer comped my session yesterday. :bigsmile:

    @Robin~I’m glad the ENT was able to rule some things out, I’m sorry (s)he couldn’t provide any immediate relief. Hopefully you’ll have answers soon.

    @Tracy~I hope Jacob gets into a rhythm with school soon. Its good he’s getting a taste of a heavier load now, then the transition to high school may not be as tough. It actually amazes me the amount of homework kids have now – my nephew is in 1st grade and has homework every night, which he loves doing! :wink: Great news that his foot is healing and he is boot free!

    @Laurie~I’m sorry to hear about your dad, I hope the docs can give him some relief soon.

    @Karen~Glad you and DH talked to your SIL and that she offered a bit of insight. Nothing better than taking your frustrations out at the gym!

    @alupinsk~The running will come, just keep doing as you’re doing and one day you’ll realize you can run further and longer.

    AFM~Had a great session with my trainer last night, worked legs really hard and then did some new kettle bell stuff – I’m sure I will feel that later or tomorrow.

    Exercise Goals for the week:

    Monday~Gym elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym for strength/cardio or walk neighborhood (this may not happen, pest control coming in afternoon)
    Saturday~Gym, HIIT most likely
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday Truth:

    I often get frustrated with things that go along with being obese. Like having limited mobility putting on specific clothing. But at the same time I tend to laugh at these silly things. I wanted to share my sports bra story with you all to give you a little chuckle. Sports bras typically are not my friend. I sometimes have trouble putting on the ones that slip over your head because they roll up in the back and I cannot reach them to pull them down. My husband frequently has to help me. I have a very large bust and it is difficult to find a good sports bra to keep the ladies from giggling around and hurting while working out. I found one that works for me on in their plus-sized section. (Only able to purchase these online) My other sports bras wore out and needed to be discarded. That only left me with one. Knowing wearing 1 sports bra to work out daily is just stinky and gross, I went on Old Navy's website to purchase more. I discovered they still sold the same one that I purchased a while ago but they were sold out of my size. Just my luck. :grumble: I ended up purchasing a different one from their plus-sized section. Then I went into the regular section and ordered one in a XXL to try it out.

    The other day I came home and found my Old Navy box waiting for me by the front door. I snatched it up, ran into my bedroom, opened the box and began to dig through my purchases. (I bought a ton of tank tops to wear under sweaters, some short-sleeved tee shirts, new workout pants and 2 sports bras. They were having a sale and I had some Old Navy rewards dollars to use up.) I shuffle through all the other stuff and pull out the 2 sports bras and begin to try them on. Starting first with the 1X plus-sized black one. It is the type that you slip over your head. I start by slipping my arms into it. I notice it feels a bit stiff and snug. Being the determined son-of-a-gun that I am, I don't take it off but try to get it to fit. Now past my elbows, I lift my arms up and manage to wiggle it to my armpits. 'Wow, this sucker is a tight one.' is what I thought then decided it was best to take it off rather than forcing it on any more than I have already done. I move my arm one way to try to grab it. Nope, that's not going to work. I try to move the other arm. Nope, not working either. I stood there bare-breasted, arms stuck straight up in the air pressed against my ears with a sports bra tightly wrapped around my arm pits looking in a mirror. For a moment, I felt like a T-rex with extremely short arms. Nothing I tried was working. I couldn't move my arms into a position to grab the sports bra and pull it off. I was SUCK. :sad: The compression of the sports bra began to become uncomfortable. :embarassed: I spun around and looked at the clock, it was only 4:37 at least another 2 hours before Brian came home from work. Panic set in. I briefly contemplated calling him at work and asking him to come home to get me out of my bra. He has had to save me from a bad relationship with a sports bra in the past. This wasn't the first time I have gotten stuck in one of these things and surely not the last time this will happen either. :blushing: Then I thought about how ridiculous that would sound when he went to his boss and asked to leave early. That is when my panic turned to laughter. :laugh: I just stood there looking in the mirror laughing at my dilemma. It wasn't a pretty sight. :noway: As much as it hurt I just wriggled and jiggled until I managed to get the dang thing off. I don't know how I did it, but somehow I got the thing off. :bigsmile:

    Once off I looked at my pretty blue "normal-sized person" XXL sports bra. I measured it against the black one. It was at least 2 inches larger. WTH is up with that?!!!! The XXL fits but the plus-sized 1X doesn't?!!!! I think the black one may have been a compression bra or something of the sort. Clearly it is way to small. Considering plus-sized clothing through Old Navy is only sold online, I cannot return it to the store. If I want to return it, I have to do so by mail. Talk about a pain in the tush. :angry: I decided to keep the black one rather than go through the trouble of returning it. I am going to make it a goal to one day fit into it and get good use out of it.

    When Brian came home from work I showed him my new bras and told him the story while reenacting it without the use of props. There was no way in hell I was going to try putting that thing on again. We had a good laugh. :laugh:

    So there you go. My Thursday truth. Because of my large bust and large body I have a really bad relationship with sports bras. :brokenheart: 2nd truth - Up until then I have been using the same smelly sports bra while working out. That is just gross. :sick:

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day. :smooched: