Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Andrea - here's a great thread, posted by one of OUR members, on how to post pictures, its a good tutorial. You have to read the whole first page to get all the instructions for posting side-by-side photos.

    Serendipitg- welcome! Sunday is a nice day to start on this thread, with all the introductions you really get to meet everyone. Happy to meet you! You'll get plenty of support here, just post your thoughts and your issues your having and someone -several - will respond! And hey, you turned 30 and you ARE losing the weight, aren't you? YOU GO, GIRL!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jami--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--good luck with your grading this week--just think we area quarter of the way through the school year! :tongue:

    @tracy--great job managing the calories this weekend! :drinker:

    @andrea--glad to hear about your sister's move to the MS--that's got to relieve some family stress! Freshmen, huh? Not my favorite age...:laugh:

    AFM--HOORAY I'm done!!! :bigsmile: Now let's just hope my student teacher finished those junior essays...

    1. 73/73 AP essays DONE!!!!
    2. x/55 Junior in-class essays (student teacher will do these)

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-walk gunner (blood donation)
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)--depending on how I feel after monday's blood donation
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Thurs--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 65
    Dead lift = 65
    Squat = 70
    Overhead press = 50

    Upright row = 40 (kettle bell)
    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Kookyk9s - My fitbit arrived Friday as well. I really used it for the first time yesterday too. What exactly does the sync with MFP do? I synced mine. It says it is synced but I really don't see it doing anything.

    If you look at your exercise calories you will see that the Fitbit calorie calculation is there. If you go over the MFP estimate of caloric expenditure you will see a Fitbit calorie adjustment in your diary at the bottom where it gives you extra calories for the day.

    Good luck on your stepping!
  • meisterkidd
    Monday check-in: I'm going to be brutally honest here. I was looking back at the weekend really negatively but I can think of a lot worse than what I did this weekend. I wanted comfort food but I couldn't find any so I went to two stores and wandered around to find what I was looking for (resulting in some much needed, though not wanted at the time exercise), I wanted something to drink with flavor, but needed vitamin C and clear liquids so instead of drinking soda like I normally would've, I had orange juice and water (and some milk lol), and although I took in more carbs than I wanted to this weekend, I also took in a lot of protein. I realize, looking at myself that I have a bad habit of reflecting negatively instead of seeing the positive in things.

    Granted I didn't eat very well this weekend, but I certainly think I could have done far worse. I would venture this weekend was a success, if not a little bit rocky. :3
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Been quick glancing through a weekend worth of personals....

    Rough weekend for me... I did go do my lifting on Saturday morning, went for a run on Sunday.. but each day I ate and drank more then I should have. Its going to be a rough week too... still with car problems and have not found a car yet. Might be a good chance that I do not find one until sometime next week. So it is going to be a week of bumming rides and hoping my car does not break down on days I need to go myself.

    That includes today... my boys have a trip with their afterschool program. So that means that they will get in late but not late enough for me to get a workout in before they are back. So I will have to wait for them and then hope I get to and from the gym without having to push the car home.... although car pushing is a great full body workout. LOL
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Monday Check-in - I survived my 1st week back. I had a 4.4 lb loss. Not too shabby for my first week but woah nelly that was a lot of water weight. I am excited to start to see a real loss this week. I hope I don't disappoint myself. The weekend was not too terrible for me. I stocked up the fridge with fresh fruits and veggies. I plan on spending a lot of time in the kitchen cooking healthier dishes for Brian and I to eat this week.

    Andrea - It is so good to see you are still on MFP. Even better to see how well you have been doing! Keep up the great work. I sent you a friend request. I would love it if we could be friends again.

    Kelley - your cat is gorgeous. I like to travel as well. If you had to pick one favorite place that you have been to what would it be? Mine hands down is Italy. In the future I would love to visit Hawaii, Alaska, and Sweden. My husband wants to go to Ireland.

    Skinnyjeanz- I see you changed your profile pic. I am assuming that is Gunner. He is beautiful. I can understand the need to muzzle him as a precaution. That is good that you are able to know his signs when you are out on a walk. I grew up with collies and absolutely love dogs. I don't have any at the moment though. I am going to read that article in a bit after I post on here. Thanks for sharing.

    Dogs_made_me_do_it- Welcome to the group. I love your user name! I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel more like your old self and are ready to have the journey of a life time. I love your idea of putting money away for every lb you lose then rewarding yourself by purchasing new clothing. Best of luck to you!

    naceto - I finally beat that level and moved on to the next. LOL I have the same experience as you. I will be stuck for days then suddenly beat it in one shot like it was nothing. Isn't it funny how that works?

    Kaye - Wow you have a large family! That must be a lot of fun at get-togethers. You are absolutely correct that you don't need a gym membership or fancy tools to have success. I prefer to exercise at home rather than in a gym and in the past it has worked for me. Though I love my fancy tools. I am a gadget gal and completely addicted. :wink:

    jtconst- Sounds like you had a great time with your puppy and the leaves. How fun!

    Lives2travel - I cannot believe it is November already and the holidays will be here before you know it. I love this time of year for that reason!

    Susan - Happy Belated Birthday!

    Robin - Spider Solitare. That made me chuckle. :laugh:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Kookyk9s - My fitbit arrived Friday as well. I really used it for the first time yesterday too. What exactly does the sync with MFP do? I synced mine. It says it is synced but I really don't see it doing anything.

    If you look at your exercise calories you will see that the Fitbit calorie calculation is there. If you go over the MFP estimate of caloric expenditure you will see a Fitbit calorie adjustment in your diary at the bottom where it gives you extra calories for the day.

    Good luck on your stepping!

    Thank you. I figured out where I went wrong. I had to change a MFP setting to get it to show the sync. It's working now!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Andrea~I must have missed your post yesterday, congrats on your loss and finding what works best for you.

    @Karen~I’ve seen his pic before, but gunner is such a cutie. Good luck with the calorie drop, I hope it works.

    @Laurie~You’re not alone, I recently started playing Solitaire Blitz to break up my CCS addiction. All I did was trade one for the other. :blushing: Oh, and I found a new app – BitStrips, don’t even get me started!

    @Tracy~Good job with the OHP, you’ll have a clean lift with that 70# in no time. I had no idea how much my OHP was so had to ask my trainer yesterday – he said I’m at 80# now. Happy Birthday to your hubs.

    @Jami~Welcome, you found a great thread with the most supportive group – check back often.

    @dogsmademedoit~Welcome, glad you found us. I’m hypothyroid as well, after 2-3 weeks on meds I felt like a new person. Clothing as a reward is fantastic!

    @Nettie~Thanks, she adopted me just before Christmas last year. :wink: She is such a sweetie! Alaska, by far. I took an Alaskan cruisetour last summer and it is absolutely gorgeous, I plan to go back in 2015. I’d like to go to Ireland too. I have an Iceland/Greenland cruise on my radar for 2016 but its pricey so we’ll see. Impressive loss!

    Here are two threads that explain the Fitbit calorie adjustments and negative calorie adjustments. - fitbit-calorie-adjustment-in-my-exercise-diary"> and - calorie-adjustments-for-my-activity-tracking-device">

    @Gorilla~Yuck on the car problems, hope you get that figured out soon.

    Exercise Goals for the week:

    Monday~Gym elliptical
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym for strength/cardio or walk neighborhood
    Saturday~Gym, HIIT most likely
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    meisterkidd - I think what you did this weekend was admirable - you had the urge for snack food but instead you walked through 2 stores - great exercise! and settled on juice and milk - great substitute! Plus you identified a bad habit - looking on the negative side of things and now you are coming to the positive side - good for you. I think you are starting the week out with a tremendous start!

    Gorilla - that appetite of yours really fights against you doesn't it? Are you not planning calories for the evening or do you just say to heck with it when temptation arises?
    I feel awful for you for your car troubles - with your obligations to your boys and work and gym - good golly molly! I hope you don't end up pushing that puppy anywhere! Are you absolutely gonna buy another car?

    Nettie - congratulations on your first week loss - my that's a good one! Wish all losses were that great!

    AFM- As soon as their offices opened this am, I called an ENT specialist and got the first available appointment - I go Weds at 1 pm - I can't wait. Still miserable.
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    first its so inspirational to read the sunday share's. made my morning.

    a lil late but i'll share. i'm sharon, from pennsylvania, 48 years young :bigsmile: married 26 years, 2 daughters 25 and 18, my husband supports me through all of this, he is my workout partner and pushes me in the gym. we actually compete against each other on cardio to see who can burn the most or go the furthest :love: i joined in september, shawn and i are going the virgin islands in april and this has been my reason for finally getting this done. we have gone to the gym before, i've tried ww and nothing has ever worked. this time i'm seeing a difference i'm just not patient. i will not give up because i have to get it done. all support, advice, help, encouragement is welcome.

    monday check in i thought i did great over the weekend but the scale again didn't budge. we did backs and biceps friday night, saturday was legs, squats and a few shoulders, sunday was chest and triceps all with added cardio. this morning i'm back to jillian and 30 day shred. i stayed within my calories and ate really well, or so i thought. it's so frustrating. on another note i did my 2 week measurements. overall for october 14 lbs, and 14.5 inches i'm not complaining i just wish the scale would show more. my endurance is getting better, my suit this morning i buttoned and it didn't pull i actually had some room.

    have a beautiful day, good thoughts and vibes to everyone, and finish strong!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday check in-

    I was farther behind in homework than I thought so I was doing a lot of that this weekend. Most of my exercise was walking up and down the stairs in my house, walking around the house and yard and a trip to Menards. Still trying to get use to being in the house all alone on the weekends being I use to have 4 others with me. It is nice, lonely and hard all the same time. I got behind on posts due to homework I will be reading but my not get personals done.
    I think this weekend I will tackle recaulking my tub in the upstairs bathroom. Better watch youtube being I have no home improvement skills.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. My weekend was not great but overall it could have been a lot worse. I got up this morning and got my neice and nephew of to shool. I am now drinking my nice green smoothie and about to run my car into the shop yet again. Thank god for brand new cars that seem to spend all their time in the shop:grumble: Now I know why they offer such good warrenties. They need them to finish working out all the kinks. I have my new workout all planned out and will start when I get home. I will be doing a resistance routine I set up on Mon, Tue, and Wed and then walking the dogs on nice days and riding the bike when it is to wet or cold. I WILL workout a min of 3 days a week and am shooting to get back to five. Well got to get going. Have a great day everyone and I wil cya later.:heart::flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    @nicole--gunner isn't very photogenic, so I rarely take new pics of him, but I posted one of his "better" photos for those on the thread who've never seen him before. And yes, he did behave at the groomer--just like a kid, he's better for others than for "mom." As far as scales, I got an Escali body-fat scale through an awesome groupon deal and love it! I've seen the deal pop up every now and then--just checked and it's not available right now, but if you check occasionally, I'm sure it will come back again soon.

    Sunday Share:
    I'm karen--a HS English teacher from the Chicago area. I'm married with one fur-kid--my beautiful boy, gunner. :happy: I've also recently had a birthday--turned 44 at the end of september, and I'm still getting used to typing that into the cardio machines rather than 43.

    I've been on MFP for 2 and a half years, but have really just been maintaining this past year. I've been mulling it over, and I am going to lower my calorie allowance again beginning tomorrow. I'm hoping that now that my body is maintaining at 1750, a drop to 1550 will get the scale moving again. Wish me luck!

    If you've been following today's posts, you can see that I like to track my grading goals here in addition to my fitness goals. I'm a list maker, and it helps me to be able to "check off" what I've completed when I have a lot to do. If you find my constant updates tedious, feel free to skip them--I promise not to be offended (even if it IS exciting reading :laugh: ).

    Tonight I will finish my last 3 essays and then watch Amazing Race and Walking Dead--2 of my favorite shows!

    Gunner is BEAUTIFUL! :happy: Thanks for sharing

    LOVE Walking Dead, but somehow am not as excited to watch every week, as I previously was. The first couple of episodes for this season didn't really pull me in. I still watch them online a few days later. At work, we had a "pod" contest, where rows of cubicles decorated, hoping for a prize... There was indeed a Walking Dead theme (of course), and it was terrific. Have I mentioned I love where I work? :wink:

    Monday (what is Monday again?) - OH check in... I am still hear and typing this while I eat my tasty homemade lunch. I have decided to work Yoga back in (not the hot stuff). I need to make my health more of a priority. Laurie had great advice- find something you love and do it- so I am following what I love.

    I'll be more inclined to write more personals once the school quarter is over. Don't think I don't care- I am just slammed with life right now.:drinker:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    RobinsEgg- Spider Solitaire? I spent hours on that game. Feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I have 67 minimum to lose - but in order not to be overweight I apparently need to lose 95 - so in
  • cassidysmommy
    ok so new to this thread...but been on and off of mfp for a while now. finally made up my mind for good

    monday check in..starting off this journey at 269.6 pounds. starting off slow, hoping to do just the calorie tracking for the first week, because i feel overwhelmed if i start everything at once. plus having a double ear infection doesnt make things easier.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Alupinsk: 51lb down since Aug.! You're doing amazing. Great job!
    Michelle: Isn't it amazing how what happens we are kids affect our outlook on practically everything. Congratulations on acknowledging it and it must be hard working against something so ingrained. Forget about the pizza... slips happen. You are obviously making more conscious eating decisions now! :flowerforyou:
    Nettie: Sorry you had such a calamity with a bike. I amazingly found one that would support my weight (at 290) at a garage sale and my husband changed the tires. I started out with 5 minute rides and I'm only up to maybe 10min trips now. But it is great exercise even if my rump hurts. lol! Congrats on you 4 lb loss!
    Welcome Dogs made me: This is a great forum and it certainly sounds like you have a great plan! I love the idea about putting money away for pounds. I think I start that!!! What a great motivation.
    Meister: You knew you wanted something and you made better choices for yourself.. Good job! You should be proud of yourself. I went to a buffet and I blew my calories out of the water. But I picked smarter items. I am proud of myself for that. We're not perfect, we do the best we can.
    Gorilla: sorry about the car troubles. It's especially hard with kids and their schedules too. I hope you car problems get fixed soon. I don't know if you have snow like we do, but the thought of the car not moving in winter is terrifying to me! lol!!
    Robin: Spider solitaire... that's what my mom plays too! lol! I hope the Dr. can help whatever is going on.
    sjacobs: I'm totally jealous that your husband is doing it with you, mine is being very supportive. BUT has no real desire to get off his butt and join me! sigh. How far are you into the shred? I noticed that I didn't lose a lot of weight on it, but by the end I lost like 20 overall inches. And most of the weight I lost was on the last week. Keep going... you'll see the changes!

    I had a crazy busy weekend. Dinner theatre on Friday. There's a hotel that shows 4 different productions a year and we try to see at least one. While I went over my calorie limit, I did make better choices and had NOTHING off the dessert table. We saw a tribute of Patsy Cline. It was great, the lady who played Patsy had an amazing voice and it was MC'd by a radio DJ from the 50's(?). He was hilarious!!! It was nice to go and celebrate the 38th anniversary of our friends. They're an amazing couple... some of the nicest people I've ever met!!
    Saturday was my eldest lego birthday party, so I spent half the night baking a cake and making a lego pinata (sp?). The party was great, even though we had extra guests we didn't even know. (They came as friends of one of the invited guests.) I'm a little grouchy about it still, because they were like, " I don't want to this..." or "I don't want to do that...". When they realized they wouldn't get a prize unless they joined in... well suddenly they were pushing to the front and taking over the other kids stuff. grrrr... It threw off the mood of the party a bit. But Quinn had fun and it seemed like most of the kids did too, so I need to let it go. Such bad manners... but they seemed like ok kids. :)
    So busy... my exercise suffered a bit so I did an hour and a half of Zumba last night. My eating was sporadic but mainly healthy and under my limit on Saturday and Sunday.
    MY good news is that I dropped 4 lb in the last 3 days and it put me into the 250's!!!! Now at 257.7. However I bet I'm going to be stalled for the next 2 weeks. lol!
    By the way, while I don't post daily, I do read the thread. Everyone here is so amazing and inspiring. Thanks!
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Monday check in: Very excited. Even after eating 4 pieces of pizza Friday night, I got on the scale today and FINALLY made it to 269. I am excited because I have seen 260 anything in many years and it puts me just 9#'s away from reaching one of my short-term goals. Basically I have been on cloud nine all day.

    @nettie-Dang girl. That was a great weight loss. :) I am so happy for you!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Monday check in. I worked my abs so hard, it hurt to cough yesterday. lol. :) I loved it...and also felt like dying.

    This weekend I did really well. I'm curious though...I really don't eat my calories on Monday or Tuesday because I don't like eating at 4am. So I'll eat Sunday evening. Be up all night, go to bed immediately when I get home, then I am up for an hour or two in the afternoon before I go to work. As of right now I'm at about 500 calories for the day and it's 7pm. I know this is part of the reason I'm hungry on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but is it okay to eat under these days, and over the next? I really don't have much of a choice on eating more throughout the day as I get sick from eating at night, and I'm not eating right before I go to sleep. Thoughts?
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Quick drive by, but saw this quote and really loved it. Enjoy!!!

    "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high & we miss it. Rather, it's that we aim too low & we reach it." - Michelangelo