Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • aliu00
    aliu00 Posts: 61
    happy Monday!
  • aprilshowers0417
    aprilshowers0417 Posts: 14 Member
    good morning! hoping for a better week! off to clean and do errands
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Monday check in:

    Hey everyone! This was a long, hard weekend for me. Living in a college town and working in a furniture store is stressful the weekend before class begins. We have had so many last minute shoppers who want things right now and they want a deal. To top it off we have had food like you wouldn't believe brought into the store the last two days. Saturday I did pretty darn good but yesterday I just went crazy and binged like I would have before starting this plan on July 1st. Ugghhh I'm so mad at myself!! I know that I have to forgive and move on and that is what I plan to do, but dang it all anyway. :ohwell: :mad:

    Good news is that I was down a little yesterday morning for my weekly weigh-in because of how good I had been earlier in the week. :drinker:

    I'm sorry I haven't gotten to personals. I will catch up tomorrow on my day off. Have a great day everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Breanda, did you have knee surgery? How was it. I have found that after the first four months stair climbing has made the biggest difference in my knee healingl I am staying wiht my daughgter and my bedroom is on the second level and the stairs are steep. When I first started climbing I had to hang on for dear life up and down and could not bend my surgery knee w/o pain,, But now after four months no problem, no holding onto rail no pain 99.9 % of the time. it does take time but it does get better.

    bclue be careful with the running at first. I read that you should assess your phuysical fitness level and what you are capable of doing and then step back one level to begin your exercise and you should only increase 1%, one per cent, per week. Take it easy. I was strength training six years ago, feeling wonderful six months in and decided to add running mixed in with my walking which is fine, walk 3blocks, block run one, but then I had a great day of exercise the day before, so decided to just run with minimal walking, over used the leg musles to fatigue and then tore the minescus. Five pain filled years later I had my knee replaced. Running is great but your have a whole year to walk first and then run. I am jsut saying proceed slowly and patiently.
    Lastly, I weighed in today after a week of back in the saddle good food choices and it has paid off. I lost six pounds! Hooray! I increased my patience and belief that I could actually go for one week. Also did not weigh as I realized that daily weighing gives me permission to eat whether I have lost weight or gained; agressive permissive personality. LOL
    It has been a good week and I have incorporated exercise as of Saturday with walking.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to all of you.

    Happy Bad Poetry Day!
    Let’s face it – not everybody’s the best writer, lyricist or poet. But don’t let that stop you!
    Bad Poetry Day encourages you to give it a go anyway by putting pen to paper and writing some terrible verse. If you’re feeling particularly cruel, you could read your bad poetry to friends, family and colleagues; hopefully they’ll enjoy good poetry more in the future!
    August 18 was National Bad Poetry Day, an event that received very little attention. Ok, so the holiday isn't officially acknowledged by the U.S. Government, but it did get a mention in the government news website Politico. It is also noted in this hard-to-read website full of little globes, and it's apparently copyrighted (!) by an enterprising couple named Thomas and Ruth Roy. They also sell herbs.
    So we admittedly aren't dealing with Thanksgiving here, or even Bring Your Daughter to Work Day, but National Bad Poetry Day is an excuse for us to celebrate the rich history of appallingly bad verse.
    And what better way to start than to honor a man many consider to be the worst poet in history, the Scotsman William Topaz McGonagall (whom I've written about before). His torturous verse led one critic to rave, "he was so giftedly bad that he backed unwittingly into genius," a statement that seems to have some truth in it -- McGonagall's only book, Poetic Gems, has sold for thousands of dollars at auction. Here's a delectably awful sample from his poem "The Sprig of Moss":
    But, poor fellow, at home his father was lying dead,

    And his little brothers and sisters were depending upon him for bread,

    And one evening he was dismissed from his employment,

    Which put an end to all his peace and enjoyment.
    The poor lad was almost mad, and the next day.
    His parent's remains to the cemetery were taken away;

    And when his father was buried, distracted like he grew,

    And he strolled through the streets crying, What shall I do!
    I'll save you from having to read the rest and just tell you that the man sees some moss and feels considerably better (McGonagall really could have been arrested for abusing meter like that).
    Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the 17th Century, was another historically terrible poet. The diarist Samuel Pepys summed her up as "mad, conceited and ridiculous," and judging from her poem "What is Liquid?," we could add "not scientifically or artistically gifted" to that list.
    All that doth flow we cannot liquid name
    Or else would fire and water be the same;
    But that is liquid which is moist and wet
    Fire that property can never get.
    Then 'tis not cold that doth the fire put out
    But 'tis the wet that makes it die, no doubt.
    No doubt.
    For a sampling of today's worst poetry, you should visit the entertaining website Very Bad Poetry, which boasts an impressive collection of atrocious verse, including "Schrodinger's sex panther," "fattypants" and "Mexican Food." "Schrodinger's sex panther," not surprisingly, kicks off with "Rarrrrr!" (with five "r" s, because it's just that sexy).

    “Every choice you make has an end result.” ~Zig Ziglar

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. It sounds like a good weekend was all. Congratulations on the losses.
    My vacation is over. Nicole went back to work today. I will have both of the kids all week as school doesn't start for the kids until next week. Keith will start first grade. Anya is already 18 months old. She seems so much older than when school let out in the spring.
    I checked the scale this morning and am still within the same 3-5# range that I have been struggling with for 6 months. Back to logging and really getting serious about this. I backed off of my walking for over 2 months and it didn't help my knees at all, so I'm going back to longer walks, too.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @soosun--congrats on losing 6lbs!! :drinker:

    @teresa--we all have days like that :grumble: --the imortant thing is that you logged it and are right back on track today. :flowerforyou:

    @lori--I did c25k to get back into running a few years ago--it's a great program that you can modify to fit your needs. As soosun said--don't do too much too soon. My 2 pieces of advice are 1) invest in a good pair of running shoes--go to a specialty running store and get fitted. Simply buying an expensive pair of runners will do no good if they don't meet the needs of your feet and your gait. 2) start at a very slow pace. I started trying to run at 5 mph, and was getting frustrated b/c it was a struggle to increase the amount of time I could run. Once I backed off to 4.5 mph I was able to run for longer. Running uses different muscles than walking, so you're better off running very slowly for longer time periods than trying to run too fast for short bursts. The running is what will build those runner's muscles. Once you can run a full 5k at a slow pace you can begin to work on building speed.

    @holly--I glanced at your totals in your food diary for the past week, and I think you are fine. Yes, you had a couple of days where you netted about 1000, but you also had days when you were over a bit, so it should all balance out. The ups and downs should keep your metabolism guessing. If you are consistently only netting 1000 day after day, your metabolism will adjust to the lower intake by slowing down. But you aren't doing that, so unless you're hungry or have low energy, I wouldn't worry about it.

    @robin--yes, very scary about gunner's neck. Fortunately, it is healing nicely--the hole is already closing up and scabbing over with no signs of an abcess.

    @kaye--glad you made it home safely. :flowerforyou:

    @hansea--congrats on getting back to where you were last summer! i know you keep going forward from this point. :flowerforyou:

    Monday Check in:
    Woke up to an early morning call from a friend. Her dog passed in the night. She had been sick with thyroid cancer (apparently 1 in 6 Golden Retrievers get this). Sad start to my morning--she was a sweet doggie. :cry:

    Now I'm contemplating gym or mow the lawn? Probably both b/c I don't want to push off the gym to tomorrow due to my race on Thursday. I always run better with 2 full rest days before a race. I could push off the lawn, but it's really long and there's a threat of rain over the next few days.

    Gunner is getting stir crazy for a walk, but I think we should wait one more day for that wound to completely close. He's also already fighting taking the antibiotics. They are huge capsules which makes them hard to hide in food. If it's just a little pill, I can stick it in a piece of cheese or meat. With these big capsules the only options is peanut butter, but I still have to shove it way back down his throat and hold his mouth closed/blow down his nose until he swallows. Otherwise, he will just lick off the pb and spit out the pill. This morning he was even refusing the pb b/c he knows there's medicine in there. Not looking forward to 6 more days of this. :grumble:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    how do I just put a post in without hitting the reply button? I am not as tech savvy as I would like. I have been having a hard day mentally lately. It is funny but my response initially is to not eat. I seem to want to punish myself. but of course there is the eventual binge if I let myself get too hungry, which is why I am trying to eat something every few hours I am worked up over the idea of moving. It is so daunting, I just want to walk away from everything and start over from scratch, unfortunately I can't afford it.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    @Soosun~ yes I had knee surgery almost 5 months ago. I felt so much better then the month between the injury and having the surgery. It has been a long process to say the least though. The stairs used to kill me. It has only been in the last few weeks that I have been able to walk up and down the stairs in my house without pain. For quite sometime my geriatric dog who has horrible arthritis in his hips would beat me up the stairs. How is that for sad and pathetic!! I am better with the stairs now but on a "bad knee day" I avoid the stairs as much as possible as I am afraid of falling down them. I am still finding that standing to long hurts very badly and will put me down for days but I am learning what to avoid and when to push myself. I still do my physical therapy exercises when I am at work because it helps keep my knee loose and I have gotten back into doing a lot of walking. I used to walk 2-3 5k's a week (on a treadmill) before surgery. I did my first one last week and it felt okay so I think I am going to stick with walking as much as I can. I hope you continue to heal and the stairs remain easy to walk up and down.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Okay I feel like I am never going to get caught up....Hehehe but I will. Here is my Monday question

    I am curious. Let's say you burn over a 1,000 calories a day. Your food log shows you eat a lot but you are not able to net 1000+ calories for the day. Does that cause a problem in losing weight?
    Let me first say I know my food choices are not great but I am working on not eating out as much right now.

    To clarify my net after calories burned (around 1,000) is anywhere from 800-1200 I only ask because the scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks. I know my food choices are not the best but in order for me to stick with this I have to focus on one thing at a time and right now it is not eating out as much as I use to.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I didn’t check in over the weekend so here’s my recap plus a few personals.

    Saturday Success: For the most part, I’m pleased with week 2 being back on track. I did gain 2 lbs this week, but life goes on. I stayed under my calories, made good choices and did exercise. I’m sure those 2 lbs will come off again. I just keep focusing on one day at a time.

    Sunday Share: Susan, 45, divorced 10 years, which is hard to believe and single mom to an awesome 12-year old son Cyrus. We live in Henderson, NV, which is a suburb of Las Vegas. We moved here 2 ½ years ago after being in Atlanta for 18 years. I work in the foodservice industry for a company called Capriotti’s Sandwich Shop. I’m the Director of Supply Chain & Quality Assurance. I’m surrounded by food ALL the time so it makes it a bit of a challenge, but no excuse! I’ve battled my weight for as long as I can remember. While I was a big girl, I was still pretty athletic throughout high school and college. It’s really been since my late 20’s and now 20 years later that I’m still battling, but I’m determined to finally get my life under control and live a healthy lifestyle in the second half of my life. This month is my 2-year anniversary using MFP and being with Robin’s Thread. If it wasn’t for this group, I would have given up a LONG time ago, but they helped to push me through the plateaus and life’s hurdles. You guys are the best!

    Monday Check In: Weekend was OK for the most part. Saturday we went to a going away/birthday party for a dear friend of mine and her two girls. She moved to Vegas the same time I did to work for Caesars. She’s decided to head back home to Michigan and took a job with Kellogg’s. I’m going to miss them terribly. We had a nice evening, but a few too many Vodka Cranberry’s. We do use Diet Cranberry so it does keep the calories somewhat in line, but I lost track after four. Oh boy.

    @ Tanya – Fun!!! I haven’t been tubing in years, but it is a ton of fun plus great exercise too.

    @ Soonsun – Your grandkids are lucky to have you! I wish my parents were closer. They live in Sarasota, FL and we’re in Las Vegas. My son is the only grandchild, but we only get to see them about 3-4 times a year. Hopefully, in the next year or two, one of us will move closer to the other. We miss them! Good job on your Saturday calorie count. Baby steps. Also, WOO HOO!! You big loser!!!

    @ Jillgreenbea, Angelamb1970, Oystereyes, Mine_Time – Welcome!! If you want support, this group will provide it. Just try to check in daily. We can be a chatty bunch!!

    @ Hansea – No worries! Life gets moving and it’s hard to get it all in. I can totally understand since I was MIA for a few months myself. You’re back on track and that’s all that matters.

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – I keep praying one of these days you’re going to post 100% healed. It’s definitely been a very difficult year for you that’s for sure, but you keep supporting us and pushing through the best you can. Always an inspiration even through adversity. Hang in there my friend!! I’m afraid Saturday got me too on the adult beverages say goodbye to a friend. Love her to pieces, but she likes her adult beverages that’s for sure.

    @ Brenda_1129 – Nice NSV on Saturday!!! I use to be the same way when I was studying for some reason I always had to be munching on something. I’m the same way on road trips. It’s a huge hurdle for me as well, but good job!!! I know traveling can be so tough and especially out of the country. Can you take some snacks with you like almonds, protein bars, etc. . .? This way if your food choices are not the best you could possible snack on some good proteins and help to keep you full. It’s just a month and don’t let it derail you. Treat it as a challenge and prove to yourself YOU CAN DO IT!!

    @ Laurie – I know I congratulated you already, but I’m doing it again. So proud of you and getting out of the “obese” category. While I hate labels, this is one to celebrate for you – very happy!!!!!

    @ BettJo64 – I know Columbus. I lived in Atlanta for 18 years so I’ve been all over most of the state traveling to different places. Loved your post and love on life, which is so important. About 2 years ago and really when I started with MFP, I decided to keep the negativity out of my life (including friends who were bringing me down). I always try to look ahead and keep things as positive as possible. Life is always going to throw us some lemons, but I just try to squeeze them as much as possible and make the best lemonade I can (with a little sugar too). LOL!!!

    @ Cblue315 – Nice!!! I think that means you’re learning. While you may have binged a little, it was far less than it would have been 2 months ago. This is a huge lesson and you should be proud of what you’re learning. Good for you!! On the sports bra front, I buy mine online called Enell and there awesome. Expensive, but does the job extremely well. It’s what Oprah wears. I figured if it can hold her then I should be good too. I’ve worn them for a couple years now and no complaints at all.

    @ ebailey – Ice cream is my down fall that’s for sure. I can’t stop at just a ½ cup serving so I try not to keep it around. If I want a treat, I’ll grab a cone from McDonald’s. 170 calories and that often keeps me happy. I love all the fro-yo places, but they can add up so quickly and before you know it your “little” cup is over 400 calories!! Glad you like your new kicks!! Always important to have good foot support.

    @ TVmama – It’s tough when you’re trying to change so many bad habits at one time. Have you read or seen the books, “Eat This, Not That”. I always find them so informative and really opens my eyes on food choices. You should check them out.

    @ JNettie73 – You’re doing great! Those pounds will creep on slowly and that’s OK. The baby needs to grow. Just wait until the final weeks even though you’ll be tired, belly will be sticking out, etc. . . you’ll get in the nesting mode and starting cleaning like a mad woman. It sounds like you’ve started early.

    @ blturner – Keep checking back when you can. We’re here for you!

    @ L2T & Skinny – I’m game!!! Charlotte in the fall is beautiful, but as a teacher I know for Karen it’s tough to break away. I’m pretty flexible as long as I have plenty of time to schedule.

    @ Mzfrizz – I’m so glad your foot pain is almost gone. I know how painful that’s been for you. Apricot tree – yum!!

    @ Skinny/Karen – Poor Gunnar!! I’m glad you were persistent though. A mama knows that’s for sure. Gunnar is lucky to have such loving parents. I’m so glad you have fun at the festival and reconnected with friends. Always so important. Also, so sorry to read about your friend losing her dog. It stinks when we lose our four legged family members. Hugs to their family. Also, I didn’t know that about Golden Retrievers. Wow!

    @ Linder – Great to see you!!

    @ GrammyWhammy/Marsha – Good luck in week 4! You’ve got this!!!!

    @ Teresa_3266 – Thank goodness yesterday is over. It happens. You’re brushing yourself off and moving on just like you should. Make the rest of the week count. No worries!!

    @ Ushkii – Good to see you!!! Even if it’s a bump, you’re here!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I’m sorry I was MIA over the weekend (again)—another busy one and didn’t feel well yesterday (even rescheduled session with my trainer for today).

    @Holly~I glanced at your diary, except for a few days here and there I think your calories and net is okay for the most part—try not to let your net dip below 1,200 (I’m guilty of this too and know I suffer the consequences). If it does, try and have some extra protein—I’m not a big cereal eater but have been having a bowl of Kashi Crisp or Kashi Crunch with almond milk as an evening snack (good for 12g+ of protein and its high in fiber too) to get me closer. I think you may need to tweak some other things, maybe increase your protein (try getting at least 100g a day) and maybe drink an extra glass or two of water. I think it’s smart to acknowledge focusing on one thing at a time right now and eating out less is a good start—just keep doing what you’re doing but try to make those couple of changes and see if it makes a difference.

    @Nettie~My vote is boy—only because today is my youngest nephews 5th birthday! :laugh:

    @Kate~The only way to post to the message boards is by using "reply" or "quote."

    @Karen~I wish Zoe liked to be brushed; I come out of her brushing wounded usually. She is just a ball of fur and she especially doesn’t like her belly brushed and that is where her fur tends to get matted—so I have to trick her. :wink: Really I think she needs to see a groomer, but just don’t want to put her through that. I’m glad you were diligent in looking gunner over well for wounds from his altercation (you’re a good mommy :heart:), I’m glad he’s on the mend.

    @Robin~Glad to hear you are taking a vacay, with your health issues over the last year you deserve to get away. Enjoy!

    Lots of new faces and new posters, welcome to everyone!

    AFM~I discovered on Saturday that bowling is not like riding a bike, you do forget! :laugh: Years ago I bowled in a league (had 180 average but its been 8 years), I bowled terribly on Saturday with my church group. Oh, well—we still had fun even though some of us were terrible.:wink: That was my only exercise over the weekend, wasn't up to it yesterday. Just 60-days till my cruise, can’t wait—I need a vacation! :yawn:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer NOT DONE (Rescheduled for today)
    Monday~Cardio (trainer instead)
    Friday~Trainer or Rest Day
    Saturday~Cardio or Rest Day

    Have a great day!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check In: 3.3 lbs. down from last week for nearly 12 lbs. in 3 weeks (keep in mind week #1 is always a big loss for me)

    I've managed to stay under my 1500/day goal every day, but not by much, believe me. The original goal set by MFP was higher than 1700/day, but I want to lose more than 1.5 lb./week, so I bumped it down to 1500. Trying not to eat my exercise calories and it's hard not to sometimes, but I'm finding eating most of my protein allotment helps me feel fuller. Not going to get cocky though, because my self-control is still pretty shaky. Not preaching to anyone here, just want to share that I pray daily for help, and He knows how desperate I am and that I'm doing all I can, and I believe that He IS helping me. :heart: One way is through your support and encouragement. Reading all of your posts helps me, also. So thanks, everyone. :flowerforyou:

  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    I spend very little time on MFP anymore and virtually none on the forums, but I just happened to click on the "community" tab just now and saw this.

    Robin, I am so glad you still have this group going and I had to pop in and let you know that it was so, so, so helpful to have this safe, motivating place to go when I first started on here four years ago.

    To all of the active members of this group/thread, good luck and don't give up.

    ~Cory Ida
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just an update......

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 15/18

    Good Days: 15
    Not so Good Days: 2
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 1
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just saw Cory Ida's post and wanted to let the newer folks know who she is. Cory was a regular on robin's previous thread just before I joined the group in July 2011. She had reached her healthy weight and was (as robin likes to say) a "graduate" of the thread. She used to check in here every once in awhile to just say hi (kind of how linder still does), but we haven't seen her in quite awhile. She went through a lot of ups and downs both on and off the scale--including a very serious back injury. She also met and married another MFPer (eharmony ain't got nothin' on us).

    If you click on her profile, you can see a summary of her MFP journey.

    It was such a nice treat to see her pop in. :happy:
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    Hello every this is my first Monday post. I am doing good. I am actually on the bike at the gym at the moment. I have had this good of a workout in what seems like forever. I am so glad to be back at it. My biggest accomplishment so far this time around is sticking with it again. I had been struggling so much in the few months that I wasn't sure if I was going to get back it. But here I am and 5 days into it and haven't given up. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Skinny/ Karen- I went back to work today. We have 4 days this week, with Friday off for professional development and getting our rooms set up. I am surprised that you don’t have at least 1 day to get your classroom ready, they have built those days into our contract. I really dislike using my personal time to get my classroom ready but I know it is something we all must do at some point. I do know that I will have 2 advanced classes and 2 co-taught classes this year. Right now, the classes have about 30 students each but I suspect that will increase before the school year starts. I do like my co-teacher so we should have fun together this year. It is good that we have similar flights time.

    I am glad that you found the hole on Gunner’s neck and the story about the peanut butter made me laugh. He must be feeling better. I also share your concerns about staying active now that the school year has started and finding the balance between school and me.

    Cblue/ Lori- When is your birthday and what city do you live in? I am also planning on doing a sprint triathlon next year. Check out the master’s swim program and see if their coach is willing to teach you the freestyle and breaststroke. Those strokes will make it easier to keep your bearing during the swim. The coach for the Master’s team I swim with loves teaching the strokes and bringing new people up. It is worth looking into to improve your swimming ability. I also love the backstroke over all the others. A fast walk is really a slow jog, so that could help you with running. Before you start running, check with your doctor because it is very strenuous

    Tom- Great examples of bad poetry.

    Soosun-Congrats on your 6 lbs lost.

    Katie- You need to hit the reply button in order to post. Once you hit that button the response screen will come up. If you want to quote a specific person, just hit the quote button at the bottom of that post and it will come up in the response screen. Then you can type a message right after it.

    Kelley- You do forget how to bowl. I have bowled off and on since elementary school and even now when I go bowling, I don’t even come close to my average from that frame.

    Grammy/Marsha- Congratulations on your 3.3 lb lost.

    I had a good run of 2 miles today with my trainer. We have been discussing running for time instead of distance. In many ways, I think this makes sense since the distance can be daunting, but it is easier to say I will run for 8 minutes or 15 minutes etc. You continue to gradually build up time and your distance increases. It is nice to know that you are only running for x amount of time. My trainer is trying this method of training as she prepares for a full Ironman (140.6 miles) in September.