Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I was apart of this thread several months ago, but fell off the wagon. I'm now working with a nutritionist who wants me to track everything I'm eating so I thought it would be a great time to get back on the horse in using MFP. I hope all of you are doing well and little by little reaching your goals.

    Fitness Friday

    This week I did an hour of personal training including weights and tabata drills and then an hour of strength training yesterday. I usually do an hour of Zumba too, but class was cancelled this week.

    Beginning next week here is my workout schedule

    Monday - half hour walk at lunch and a half hour on the treadmill when I get home
    Tuesday - half hour walk at lunch and a 60 min personal training session
    Wednesday - half hour walk at lunch and then a 60 min Zumba class
    Thursday - half hour walk at lunch and then a 60 min strength training/cardio class
    Friday - half hour walk at lunch and a half hour on the treadmill when I get home.

    Have a nice weekend everyone!
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I have some great news to share: First, I lost another 2lbs this week which beings me to 45 since being diagnosed as an insulin dependent diabetic and 25 since joining my fitness pal; which brings me to the next part of my great news. I normally take 4 insulin shots a day. Over the past 6 weeks I found myself taking a shot and then having to drink orange juice to bring it back up. So gradually I stopped taking one shot, then another and so on. For the past two weeks I haven't taken any insulin. I called my doctor Monday and she wants me to chart a few things and then go in for blood work. If she approves I will no longer be considered an insulin dependent diabetic!

    Question: What does AFM stand for?

    Friday Fitness- Until my knee get betterI am laying off zumba and going to walk and do my strength and toning exercises too. I also am going to start drinking water. Yuck! lol

    @plxynlxy-Zumba seems to be killer on everyones Hope it doesn't take you long to get back to full strength.

    @Robin-Sending prayers and positive vibes your way. There is nothing worse than not knowing what is happening and no way o fix it until someone can figure out whats going on.

    @quenn-3lbs is great!

    @kah68-Thanks for the advice. I promise to start drinking some water too! Hope you get the puppy. A lot of work at first but they bring so much joy into our lives!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member

    Question: What does AFM stand for?

    As For Me
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    morning folks! ugggh mad i can't keep up with the thread, or personals. hats off to everyone though.

    as for me, i'm on cloud 9. started getting serious oct. 1 and everything is starting to click. 'grasshopper' has been patient. for 2 days in a row the scale has read under 270!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS A HUGE VICTORY FOR ME!!! it's fluctuating between 267.2 and 269.2 but it's under 270. thank you god!!!! i've been on track this week with daily shred in the morning and hubby helping me step my game up in the gym. and i've been drinking even more water. i've always drank water but i noticed i had to step that up as well. office manager told me today she is really starting to see it! NSV - rings are loose, skirt is loser, bra and nylons are really getting big... i know i know a visual huh... LOL sorry.

    have a great day everyone, stick with it, patience (ohhh i'm a good one eh?) and lean on others! blessings and losses to all
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @sjacobs~It can sometimes be overwhelming to keep caught up with the thread, don’t let that deter you though. It goes through periods where its really busy and times when its really slow. Just post what you can when you can. Awesome scale and non-scale victories!
    I have some great news to share: First, I lost another 2lbs this week which beings me to 45 since being diagnosed as an insulin dependent diabetic and 25 since joining my fitness pal; which brings me to the next part of my great news. I normally take 4 insulin shots a day. Over the past 6 weeks I found myself taking a shot and then having to drink orange juice to bring it back up. So gradually I stopped taking one shot, then another and so on. For the past two weeks I haven't taken any insulin. I called my doctor Monday and she wants me to chart a few things and then go in for blood work. If she approves I will no longer be considered an insulin dependent diabetic!

    That is fantastic!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I have some great news to share: First, I lost another 2lbs this week which beings me to 45 since being diagnosed as an insulin dependent diabetic and 25 since joining my fitness pal; which brings me to the next part of my great news. I normally take 4 insulin shots a day. Over the past 6 weeks I found myself taking a shot and then having to drink orange juice to bring it back up. So gradually I stopped taking one shot, then another and so on. For the past two weeks I haven't taken any insulin. I called my doctor Monday and she wants me to chart a few things and then go in for blood work. If she approves I will no longer be considered an insulin dependent diabetic!

    What a great victory! I forget sometimes that the number on the scale isn't even the most important reason to lose the weight. Thanks for reminding me.
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    KUDOS AND CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! that is huge and i'm soooo happy for you! keep up the great work and a internet hug to you!!! (((hug)))

    I have some great news to share: First, I lost another 2lbs this week which beings me to 45 since being diagnosed as an insulin dependent diabetic and 25 since joining my fitness pal; which brings me to the next part of my great news. I normally take 4 insulin shots a day. Over the past 6 weeks I found myself taking a shot and then having to drink orange juice to bring it back up. So gradually I stopped taking one shot, then another and so on. For the past two weeks I haven't taken any insulin. I called my doctor Monday and she wants me to chart a few things and then go in for blood work. If she approves I will no longer be considered an insulin dependent diabetic!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Friday fitness -
    I've been keeping up with my Gilad routine. Yesterday's workout was chest & back, then abs. I was able to do chest & back, with the light hand weights, without any problem. :smile: It burned but I pushed through. Today I am feeling some tenderness but it's all good. Abs though were a different story. I discovered I have very weak abdominal muscles. It was very challenging for me to keep up. It certainly didn't help much that my over-sized girls were hitting my double chin and I felt as if I were being strangled. :grumble: Definitely not my favorite workout. I did the best I could and kept reminding myself over time it would get easier. Today's workout has me back at cardio, Saturday is shoulders and arms and Sunday is rest day.

    I have a question regarding rest day. I know the importance of rest day - to give your muscles time to recuperate, heal and all that jazz. My question is would it be terribly bad if on my rest days I use that day to go for a walk/ hike in the woods with my husband. Maybe 30-40 minute walk? Weekends are our only time we can get in the walks together. I really would like us to be more active on the weekends.

    beachgirl613 - That is wonderful that your knee is feeling better!

    kah68- I do have a Kohls near me. 2 actually, one a bit east of me and the other a bit west. I did find one in there a while ago that had the back closure which I really loved. Sadly, I have not been able to find that bra in my size again. That is a good idea though, I will have to look again.

    Lives2Travel - I am like you and am a pretty positive person. Since restarting my journey on MFP I have noticed a dramatic increase in my mood and outlook on life. I am loving every minute of it. A healthy attitude surely makes a world of difference!

    mnwalkingqueen- I am sorry you feel that way in Zumba. If I lived closer I would go with you. Then you could laugh at me being uncoordinated and losing my balance. You would burn extra calories by just laughing at me! :wink:

    naceto - I agree. There should be warning labels on clothing for people like me. I could certainly benefit from it. :laugh:

    morgori - Great post! Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:

    Susan - I will have to look into that bra. I am hesitant though to invest a lot of money in a bra because I know I am changing sizes and will have to replace it for a smaller one eventually. I wish they made good fitting sports bras for us ladies who are larger chested that are reasonable in price.

    Michelle - Ouch. That injury sounds painful. Have you gone to the doctor yet and had it looked at? Hope you feel better soon.

    Laurie - I will have to look into Bali. Thanks for the tip.So sorry to hear that your dad is going through all he his. My dad was in rehab for 3 months this summer. He has MS and had a bad exacerbation that left him unable to walk or stand. The PT and OT staff were wonderful with him and helped him so much. We took him home towards the end of August and he continued to receive PT/OT in the home. Now he goes 2x a week for PT/OT at the rehab center in a local hospital. He has come such a long way. I wish the same for your dad. Please keep me posted.

    p1xyn1xy - I hope you feel better too!

    Stormydestiny - You know your body best. But considering you did not work out at all in October, it may be better if you ease into it. If it gets to be too much remember it is ok if you take it down a notch. Personally, for me, I have better results if I ease myself into something rather than tackling everything head on at once. I think overall it is better for my body's physical health. But that is just me. Best of luck to you!

    Robin - LOL glad you liked my t-rex reference! :laugh:

    tlh0407- That's funny. Thankfully, I have not been stuck in clothing in a fitting room....yet

    nzenczak - Welcome back. That is great that you are working with a nutritionist.

    sjacobs - Congrats. That is fantastic.

    shakirad81 - Congrats on your loss
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @nettie - That made me laugh, not at you, but that I have totally been in the same situation before.

    @shakira - way to go on hitting 50! It's an awesome feeling!

    @michelle- awesome job! :) That's definitely awesome to hear! :)

    @sjacobs - Way to go on being in the 260s!! :) Awesome progress!

    Friday fitness - well...I'm a little surprised. It was legs day yesterday, and I woke up, and I'm feeling fine. I expected to be sore as hell, but other than a bit of a stiff back, I'm feeling great. What the heck body? I upped intensity on my workouts, but meh. I'll never fully understand my body. lol.

    I'm in the process of making a list for next year and what I'd like to accomplish. I wish I had more friends in the area who would jump on the fitness bandwagon with me because I don't want to do these things alone. Here's the list so far: rock climbing, a few 5ks, try to snowboard, hike down in Southern Ohio, try Crossfit, try t-25. Idk if I'll actually be able to do this stuff, but for right now the 5ks are my main priority. I'm pretty slow right now, but I was able to go 4 miles in 63 minutes with a very brisk walk, which I don't think is too shabby for a walk.

    I'm in the process of trying to set up a fitness program for my patrons at the library, but I don't know how to get people on board with the whole weight loss plan. Suggestions?
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I have some great news to share: First, I lost another 2lbs this week which beings me to 45 since being diagnosed as an insulin dependent diabetic and 25 since joining my fitness pal; which brings me to the next part of my great news. I normally take 4 insulin shots a day. Over the past 6 weeks I found myself taking a shot and then having to drink orange juice to bring it back up. So gradually I stopped taking one shot, then another and so on. For the past two weeks I haven't taken any insulin. I called my doctor Monday and she wants me to chart a few things and then go in for blood work. If she approves I will no longer be considered an insulin dependent diabetic!

    Great job! That's fabulous! It makes it worth all the aches and pains!!!!!!!!
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member

    Question: What does AFM stand for?

    As For Me

    thank you:happy:
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    @sjacobs I just hit 268 and feel like I just won a million dollars. I am so excited you are under the 270 mark too!

    @nettie-Great job with the Gilad. I tell myself "just move" far as the big girls getting in the way; good luck. It's amazing how boobs can create so many

    @Alupinsk-Offering something at the library is such a great idea. I have a friend who buys an outfit a little too small and says that come a specific date she is wearing it no matter what. Maybe doing the same thing with an entire class and have a new years eve party where people wear their outfit "no matter what" or Maybe do something where the program is free but have a trip planned on a greyhound bus (they pay for the trip) but the idea is to look better for the trip. Idk, I am not very good with ideas. Good luck!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: For the most part, I had a very good week. I had two sessions with my trainer plus did a couple strong HIT sessions on my own. We also started the November Plank Challenge so that’s happening each day AND I’m still working in squats too. Not much more I can add at this time so I’ll keep doing what I’m doing. Weekend looks gorgeous in the mid-70’s so I plan to walk outside both days.

    @ Michelle – You’ve hit the nail on the head. As I’ve moved into management, one of my hardest challenges was delegation. I just want to do it myself and get it done. I’ve realized I’m not a good manager without giving my co-workers a chance to grow too. It’s taken me awhile and I have to really work on letting go. A bit of a control freak too – imagine that??!! Also, nice health report. It really shows what getting healthy can mean for your future.

    @ Laurie – Thanks for the M.S. insight with Tracy. I am doing so many of those things with Cyrus. Most of Cyrus’ teachers update the gradebook daily if not twice a week. I get an e-mail every time there is an update. Even tonight I told Cyrus we have a few grades to review. We also have a parent link where I can open each teacher’s web page and daily HW is posted. This has helped tremendously to make sure Cyrus is staying on top of his assignments. I also agree about the friends. I volunteered 3 mornings a week just to keep my eyes open. I trust Cyrus, but I also know he has a tendency to be a follower.

    @ P1xyn1xy – It’s better to rest and heal than push yourself even further into an injury. Perhaps go for a light walk instead of something too jarring on your knees.

    @ Robin – I hate seeing you in so much pain. You were just getting your footing at the gallery and working with the job placement for interviews, but this has just slowed things down. I really hope someone can find out what’s going on. You need to get better!!!

    @ Queen – Woo Hoo!! You big loser!!

    @ Kelly – A puppy would be awesome!! I keep debating about getting Izzy a playmate. We dog sit for our neighbors and Izzy loves playing with Sammy who’s a schnauzer. Izzy also plays with Roxie who’s a terrier, but I think she would enjoy an everyday playmate. Izzy is a Bichon Poodle mix. I don’t know if you know this, but poodles are like the second smartest dogs. Very bright. It does cost for the grooming, but I love that she doesn’t shed and there’s no dog hair.

    @ Stormy – If it wasn’t for so many on this thread, I would have given up a long, long time ago. I was addicted to the scale and even right now I’m struggling a bit. I’ve been around the 280 mark for a couple months and have hit a plateau. I’ve never exercised more or harder in my life. I stay within my calories. I do have a sweet on occasion, but definitely nothing overboard. For 2 months now, I’m gaining and losing the same 2-3 pounds. It’s so frustrating. I can’t tell you how many times I just want to give up and eat everything in sight, but I remember so many of my friends on here who have been pushing through for 2+ years and just keep on this journey. Karen and a few others have been at the same weight all year, but they keep pushing through day after day. I’m trying too as well. You can too!

    @ Lives2Travel – Thanks. I’m not alone and I feel the exact same way. This is the longest I’ve ever pushed through. In the past, I know I would have completely derailed and given up. Today I walked by the same box of donuts at least 10 times at work. I wanted one so bad because I was so ticked at the scale this morning. I didn’t eat one, but Lord knows I could have scarfed the whole box.

    @ Tracy - I’m so glad you had a nice time with your family. It’s so important to grab those special times and enjoy them even if you were a "little" over in calories. Just stay under tomorrow. I’m hoping to find a little time with Cyrus this weekend. It’s often at times when you’re not expecting it. I had to chuckle at your AM workout. I’m a totally morning person. Normally, I’m up around 4:30 and at the gym by 4:50 at the latest and walking out by 6 then work by 7. It’s crazy, but I seem to operate so much better.

    @ Nzenczak – Sounds like a great plan for next week. What are tabata drills? This is a new term for me.

    @ Nettie – I think a rest day can be what your body needs. All of our bodies are different. For me, I have my work out days where I’m really pushing myself with high impact training on the elliptical or treadmill or strength training, but I’ve often done nice walking trails on my so called rest day especially if it means spending time with our loved ones. I just wouldn’t push the walk, but a nice steady stroll. My sports bra was definitely an investment, but for as much as I use it and need it then paying the extra money was worth it. I’m not self-conscious about working out hard because I know those suckers are staying in place. LOL!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Everyone - Hello - Well, Someone in their post tonight spilled the secret to losing weight successfully in a clear-cut way, so I'm going to quote them again. They showed such strength in the face of such a nasty obstacle - I admire this person tremendously!

    Today I walked by the same box of donuts at least 10 times at work. I wanted one so bad because I was so ticked at the scale this morning. I didn’t eat one, but Lord knows I could have scarfed the whole box.

    That person had TEN MOMENTS OF STRENGTH. some people call it will power, or determination. Call it what you will, I call it success. And by repeating it ten times that day, that person has built up a habit for themselves and made it easier to walk by temptation or to say no to temptation.

    That's what this long, long journey is about! Congratulation, Susan!!!!!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Tracy- Thanks- but it was my yearly check up. I haven't bought a pack of cigarettes in several weeks, but I have had a few that I bummed from others. :ohwell: You can congratulate me next year! :bigsmile:

    Susan- RobinsEgg hit the nail on the head! You are a rock star. Keep up the great work!

    Friday fitness- well, I walked a couple of times this week and thought about Yoga... does thinking about exercise burn calories? :embarassed: I'll get it next week. The scale is moving back down, so the crock pot cooking is helping at least.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Everyone - Hello - Well, Someone in their post tonight spilled the secret to losing weight successfully in a clear-cut way, so I'm going to quote them again. They showed such strength in the face of such a nasty obstacle - I admire this person tremendously!

    Today I walked by the same box of donuts at least 10 times at work. I wanted one so bad because I was so ticked at the scale this morning. I didn’t eat one, but Lord knows I could have scarfed the whole box.

    That person had TEN MOMENTS OF STRENGTH. some people call it will power, or determination. Call it what you will, I call it success. And by repeating it ten times that day, that person has built up a habit for themselves and made it easier to walk by temptation or to say no to temptation.

    That's what this long, long journey is about! Congratulation, Susan!!!!!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Love this!!! Congrats Susan!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday - I am going to keep it brief today as I just don't feel like writing. It's hard for me to think of my success at the moment because I am very uncomfortable. My chest & back workout from Thursday combined with yesterday's cardio kickboxing has me sore. I woke up this morning and can really feel it in my chest. I guess that is what happens when you work out muscles you have not used in a long time. I am going to try to take it easy today and recoup. But I suppose I can turn my aches into a success. I have been working out on a regular basis, carefully measuring and logging everything I consume. (I love my kitchen scale!) My second week back and I am proud of how far I have come in a short time.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~You rock, I am SO proud of you!!! You are doing amazing! :flowerforyou:
    Saturday - I am going to keep it brief today as I just don't feel like writing. It's hard for me to think of my success at the moment because I am very uncomfortable. My chest & back workout from Thursday combined with yesterday's cardio kickboxing has me sore. I woke up this morning and can really feel it in my chest. I guess that is what happens when you work out muscles you have not used in a long time. I am going to try to take it easy today and recoup. But I suppose I can turn my aches into a success. I have been working out on a regular basis, carefully measuring and logging everything I consume. (I love my kitchen scale!) My second week back and I am proud of how far I have come in a short time.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

    You are doing awesome! Maybe take today/tomorrow as an active rest day, maybe you and DH can go for a walk. Then return to Gilad on Monday.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Michelle...awesome! not only 2 more pounds, but no insulin!!!

    @sjacobs...that's great, I remember doing the bouncing above and below those important marks and it's so nice when you quit seeing above!

    @nettie...I think the walks/hikes would be fine as long as you don't push too hard -- rest is important. I also have been "blessed" (???G GRRR) with large "girls" and they are a pain in the *kitten*...but your story made me smile. :smile:

    @Susan...I wish I was a morning person. When my kids were younger, the only time I could get to the gym was before work (I had to be at work by either 6:30 or 7:00) and while I did it for at least 4 weeks straight, I hated every moment of it and then quit. Luckily, my family is behind me on getting healthier so the kids do okay with me being gone.

    @naceto...I will watch for it and will definitely congratulate you in a year.. :glasses:

    AFM: Well, I missed my calories again yesterday, but only by 12 calories so that actually keeps me in the 'losing" category. :bigsmile: We had my sister's 35th birthday party at my Mom's and she requested Fried Chicken and Dumplings. I went over early since I get off work at 12:30 on Fridays and mom taught me how she cuts up a whole chicken (very different than the food network but much easier). Mom has a hard time standing for any period of time so I was in charge of frying the chicken. My sister loves donut cakes (she hasn't had one for 8 years because it was a thing she and my dad shared a love for) so my Mom surprised her with one and luckily, I don't like maple frosted donuts so I didn't have any!!

    My NSV is very much like sjacobs....I was teetering above and below the 250 mark for quite a while and now I have seen solid 247-249 for over a I'm in the bottom half of the 200s.

    Today, I am having my ex nephew over and I'm taking all the kids to the Y for swimming. Since they now officially all know how to swim, I can actually leave them in the pool and do some laps. I was going to wake up early and go to water aerobics this morning (you all know I like my sleeping in) but it was cancelled due to some training that they have for their water instructors. I was invited to come because the instructor thought I would really like the challenge and then could be a fill in, but it costs $85 a session and takes 4 sessions. A little steep for my blood. I will take my laps and do my weekend "deeper" cleaning as my exercise for the day.

    Have a great weekend!!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi all, I've been 'done-in' for a while, but am back at it, very determined.
    Sat. Success: worked out at the gym today and plan to go 3 more times this week.
    Also, eating healthier and counting calories again.