Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I am officially over my fall cleaning spree but not done. My entire house is ceramic tiles with the exception of the bedrooms. I have hand scrubbed all of it and to be honest, my body is hurting a little. But now I am down to just the normal house cleaning which will only take an hour or two. I will be glad to be completely done.

    @skinnyjeans I am a smoker but right now I am just not ready to quit. It is such a nasty habit. I am so proud of you for getting back on track!

    @susan It takes a lot of strength to have cookies and donuts so available and to avoid them. Way to go!

    @lauriek@ I recently found out that I am allergic to cumin. It just developed overnight. I hope you find out what causes your symptoms soon. It can be so frustrating.

    @nazeto-that was a great article. thanks for sharing!

    @nettie You guys made the right choice walking out. those selling techniques are complete bs. I have no problem telling a salesperson now that "I don't do business this way" and walking away.

    @grandmakaye I hope you get to feeling better soon!

    @Robin I am glad that having your friend their was able to distract you from your pain...even if it is just for a few minutes at a time. I will keep you in my prayers!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @michelle--I started MFP in March 2011 and it was 2 years before I felt I had enough control of the food and exercise to attempt to quit smoking. Experts say that if you try to tackle too many goals at once, you are more likely to fail at all of them. You are smart to just focus on weight loss for now. Once the food and exercise become more of a habit, you can quit smoking. If you're like me, you'll probably develop some fitness goals that will further motivate you to quit smoking (in addition to the obvious reasons). For me, it was wanting to improve my running pace and endurance--I just didn't see that happening if I continued to smoke.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    My dad is being discharge to a rehab facility tonight. Mom and I are waiting for the call that says he is leaving the hospital. He was suppose to leave an hour ago but it still has not happen yet. He is doing better now but still needs PT to develop his muscles and build his strength back up.

    I had a great bike ride today. It was nice weather just a little windy and chilly but I rode for 20.22 miles. Then manage to get the outside chairs and statues put away.

    I still have papers to grade tonight but first a trip to the rehab center is needed. I hope they call soon.

    Last week
    Sunday- Bike or gym maybe both depending on time. Bike only DONE
    Monday- Trainer-weights and running drills DONE
    Tuesday-Rest DONE
    Wednesday- Log run 2 miles plus ab workout with Darcy DONE
    Thursday- Gym REST
    Friday- Climbing DONE
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim DONE

    Exercise plan
    Sunday- bike 20.22 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer- lower body and cardio
    Tuesday- Walk or running drills, Rest
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- run 1 mile
    Friday- climb
    Saturday- water aerobic
    Sunday- 5K
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--hope the call comes soon so you aren't waiting around all evening.

    AFM--My DH decided he didn't want to go out to watch the game after all, so I went to the gym and watched the 1st half while I exercise. Almost no one else there today and the only other 2 people were just on the cardio machines. I got in all of my lifting and managed to increase my OHP to 55. Last week I tried and failed--had to go back to 50, but today I did it. I also "graduated" from the kettlebell to the full bar for my uprtight row. Finally, I increased my squat to 80. I feel like I could really lift a lot more on the squat and deadlift, but my knee says "no way!" :ohwell: also, when I do OHP it kills my wrists! Does anyone else have this problem? It's pissing me off that it's my joints that are holding me back from lifting heavier rather than my muscles. :grumble:

    In additon, I did some HIIT on the stationary bike. Got a bit of grading done, and now I'm heading out to meet some friends for dinner. Will check back later.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/53 vocabulary
    2. 59/73 AP journals

    Exercise goals:
    Mon-=walk gunner NOT DONE (blood donation) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE (rain) + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (rain) + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Thurs--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 70
    Squat = 80
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I really did blow the calories today, but I was still at maintenance, so not too bad. Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow.
    Onward and Downward, Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Why do weekends have to fly by so fast? I drag Monday thru Friday, but Saturday and Sunday seem to just whiz by. Sigh. I was pretty lazy yesterday so today was running errands. I hit the gym first thing and got a great workout in. I had to do a Target run then the grocery store. To wind down I did squeeze in a spa pedi and unfortunately a wax. Hate those unwanted facial hairs. LOL!! I've got a new recipe in the crock pot that my trainer shared with me Paleo Pepperoni Pizza Chicken & Eggplant Parmesan Bomb. She said its awesome so I can't wait to try it. There's quite a bit so I hope I like it. I could be eating it for days, but I'll probably freeze half instead.

    Hope everyone has an AWESOME week ahead!!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Every morning I get up and step on the scale to track my progress. All week I have been around 244. Yesterday morning I stepped on and saw 245.8. :grumble: I attribute this to not drinking that much water on Saturday. I didn't know what the scale would bring this morning but I was thinking somewhere between 244 - 245. To my surprise when I stepped on it this morning it said 243.6!!! WOW WOW WOW! That is 2 lbs down from last week. What a nice little surprise to wake up to.

    Skinnyjeanz - Thanks. That is really good advice.

    grandmakay - I hope you feel better. I have that change of season, post nasal drip cough that comes and goes. It is such a pain in the tush. But thankfully it is not constant.

    kah68 - I love the Rav4. I actually was looking at that years ago when I bought my Celica. My husband liked the Highlander and the Prius V. I mentioned the Rav to him but he didn't like it. I am not sure why. He is leaning towards the Prius V. They both came in around the same price range. The Prius has a few little other deals with it, which I cannot think of off hand, plus he is calculating the price of gas for the Highlander vs the Prius.

    Robin & Michelle - My husband is still researching cars. We were discussing it yesterday. It looks like we will get something right before Thanksgiving. On our walk around the development yesterday we were looking at everyone's cars in their driveway to get some more ideas of what he may like. It was a nice way to car shop. LOL

    Michelle- I second what skinnyjeanz said. I focus on one thing at a time. If I do too much at once I get overwhelmed. Once I conquer my mini goals I add in another one.

    Lauriek70- Wahoo! I am glad to hear he is being discharged to a rehab facility. So sorry to hear that you are (were - by the time you read this) still waiting for the discharge. When my dad was discharged he was supposed to leave at 6 and the ambulette didn't come get him until 9:30 pm. The nurse told us that is normal and happens on a regular basis. Hopefully your dad didn't have to wait too long.

    Susan - If that recipe comes out really good can you share it with us? It sounds like something my husband would love!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Another busy weekend! Ran a bunch of errands and accomplished quite a few chores at home. Took a long walk with a friend and our dogs on Saturday, but took it easy on Sunday afternoon. Ate out Friday night and lunch and dinner on Saturday and logged as best I could. Hope all the sodium from the soy sauce I had with my sushi Saturday night is why the scale hasn't budged in the last few days.

    Good week to all.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hello everyone... Im still kinda struggling but I had a good couple days of workouts

    Ran my wine 5k yesterday. IT was fun but I did not do as well as I would have liked. It was the first time they held this run and it was not increadibly well organized... I started out the race in the middle of the pack and the first 5 minutes it was hard to get my pace. Lots of slower people bunched up. But when the course opened up I pushed too fast. Was feeling great but right at the 4k mark I hit a wall it felt like. I ended up walking a bit and got passed by some peolple and was pissed. I finished in 29:40 which put me in 132 place out of 600 people. Not bad since looking around I thought I would be the slowest person there. The wine tasting was fun though... I had a good wine buzz going at 10am lol.

    The first wine server asked me what I wanted so I asked what paired with sweat and banana... she had no answer!
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello everyone... Im still kinda struggling but I had a good couple days of workouts

    Ran my wine 5k yesterday. IT was fun but I did not do as well as I would have liked. It was the first time they held this run and it was not increadibly well organized... I started out the race in the middle of the pack and the first 5 minutes it was hard to get my pace. Lots of slower people bunched up. But when the course opened up I pushed too fast. Was feeling great but right at the 4k mark I hit a wall it felt like. I ended up walking a bit and got passed by some peolple and was pissed. I finished in 29:40 which put me in 132 place out of 600 people. Not bad since looking around I thought I would be the slowest person there. The wine tasting was fun though... I had a good wine buzz going at 10am lol.

    The first wine server asked me what I wanted so I asked what paired with sweat and banana... she had no answer!

    GREAT JOB gorilla!!!!!! i think your time and place was wonderful all things considered! i'm proud and it's an inspiration to me!
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    trying to scan down through only have a couple minutes wanted to say good morning. i'm dealing with the leftover remnants of a migraine. i got my gym in yesterday and managed to stay under calories and the scale is down again!!! wooo hooo but the remainder of the day i was in bed.

    i just want to say, thank you to all of you for the inspiration you give to me. i don't really view any other pages and i know i don't post and respond like i should but please know i am here and lurking if you will and i am living proof that this site works. when i feel i can't push another rep, or go another minute on the arc or the elliptical i think back to the posts here, the inspiration, the losses and the determination and it takes me further. please know i appreciate all of you!

    that being said, my scale is continuing downward, i'm so excited that it's finally starting to work and i never gave up.

    have a beautiful day to everyone here, continued success and finish strong!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Another weekend, gone in a flash – I don’t know where the time goes!

    @Nettie~Shopping the neighborhood is excellent way to car shop. :wink: I’ve had two Rav4s and just love them. Maybe your DH thinks they are too “girly.” :laugh: He may think the same about the new Ford Escape, but has he looked at it? I don’t really steer towards American cars, but it’s an excellent SUV and gets fantastic gas mileage – I think there is a hybrid version too. Take a look at Consumer Reports on that one though, they didn’t like one of the Escape models (1.9L EcoBoost model I think). My dad drove the original Prius for a number of years and loved it, great gas mileage.

    @Laurie~Glad your dad was discharged to rehab facility, hope they are able to return his strength quickly. Great bike ride!

    @Robin~I never thought about shopping for that stuff on WM website, I buy a lot of cleaning supplies and paper goods there but hate going – I usually only have time on the weekend and the crowd drives me batty.

    @Nicole~Great article, thanks for sharing. :smile:

    @Gorilla~Great job on the run, frustrations and all. The end reward made it all worth it! :wink:

    AFM~Had a decent weekend, but was super busy. Too much on my agenda Saturday to get in a workout, but made up for it yesterday – got to the gym early for a little cardio before session with my trainer. Short week for me this week, I’m off on Friday.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, HIIT on arc trainer
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Off work, not sure yet – maybe meet trainer for walk/run
    Saturday~Gym or long walk
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    Have a great day!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Happy Monday y'all
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday check in-

    This weekend was an emotional roller coaster. I did manager to go outside in the cold for a walk on Sunday.

    I am so far behind on posts I am just going to start reading from today.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Happy Veteran's Day.

    Sunday Share: I'm Tracy. Live in Bismarck, ND. 40 Years old. Married 18 years. Two kids - Jacob - 12, Emma - 7. I work as a Quality Improvement Specialist out of my home for a life insruance company in Sioux Falls, SD (been there almost 16 years). Hate working from home, but the flex time, pay and vacation keep me here (I want to wait to make any decisions about a new job until I live in a house again and actually have a separate room for an office -- see if that makes a difference). Still struggling to balance it all, but gets lots of hints/help/encouragement from this board -- THANK YOU!!

    Monday: I had a tough Sunday. It started with brunch after church with my family (lesson learned -- eat a little bit before church so I'm not starving by lunch time). Supper was on the run and I just didn't care at that point. I never even actually logged it, but I know I was at least 500 calories over. Sigh. Then my husband made Peanut Blossom cookies and left them in plain sight. :angry: I did ask my son to hide them if they weren't gone by today -- they were gone :happy:

    But I have gotten far enough in this process that I know today is a new day and I don't have to give up. :drinker: Back at it today.

    @Nettie...a donut cake is just one huge donut! Still has the glaze and then maple frosting. It's the maple frosting that saved me -- don't care for it which was a big help on Friday. Any other Nissan dealers nearby? If you really have your heart set on that Nissan, an hour drive might be worth it so you get what you want and don't have to deal with that dealership. I'd also complain to the management. If they have a sales guy that is pushy enough to drive away customers, they might talk to him (and you never know, they might make it worth your while).

    @Kaye..sorry to hear you are getting sick. Get better soon!

    @Robin...glad you got some great deals. I've also heard that is a great place to get supplies (like TP) but I'm never that organized...I'm usually running to the store when I grab that last roll. :sad:

    @Laurie...glad your dad has gottn to the point of release. Now on to PT!!

    @Karen...sorry about your Bears (as a Vikings fan, I really didn't want either to win). I don't have any wrist pain when doing the OHP...just my muscles screaming at me to go back down in weight (which I get to do next time).

    I know I have to do some careful planning this week. We leave Saturday morning for Sioux Falls and then fly out on Sunday. My house has been neglected too long (didn't get any cleaning done this weekend) and I have to get a lot done before I can leave the kids. My sister(s) are staying at our house, so I have to make sure it's all clean. :blushing: I'm pretty sure my kitchen and grocery shopping is happening today. I have figured out the meals while I'm gone so I know what I need to buy. Tonight Emma has swimming lessons and I go to the gym to lift. My goal is to clean the kitchen during my lunch hour and then grocery shop after lifting tonight.

    Friday - lift (DONE)
    Saturday - Water Aerobics and family swim DONE
    Sunday - rest DONE
    Monday - lift
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - lift
    Thursday - cardio
    Friday - lift

    Everybody have a great Monday. Take another drink of water. :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Helenavee42
    Well I am back again. I haven't been doing badly. I have been eating well but have definitely been slacking in the exercise department. My boyfriend has definitely had a very positive impact in my life. He is really into health and he is so amazingly supportive. I've learned to so much from him and continue to keep learning from him. He is really bringing out the best in me.

    Update on my mom: After she finished chemo and radiation she had a new pet scan. The scan showed that while they were treating both forms of breast cancer that only one had responded. Initially, they thought that she had formed new lesions and that the ones she already had had grown, but thankfully that was not the case. The computers were down the day she went in for results so her oncologist was not able to access her scan. They started her on a different set of chemotherapy to treat the form that didn't respond the first time. This chemo is definitely a lot easier on her. She isn't sick from it and she isn't very tired. Her hair is growing back instead of falling out. She is still tired as her hemoglobin levels are low but she is getting regular blood transfusions which help. Hopefully she will be able to have her mastectomy after this set of chemo.

    Monday check-in: I am doing well. I haven't had time for exercising lately because of my family being here. I get very little time to myself, especially with a full house of people. It's nice to have help with things but I feel like I am constantly going through and redoing things because instead of listening to me tell them how we do it they just do it their way which isn't necessarily a bad thing but my mom is very particular about how things are done.

    I hope everyone has a great Monday! I will work on catching up on here!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    michelleB - wow - that's a LOT of ceramic tile to clean and its tedious with all those grout lines - you should be MIGHTY proud of yourself! :bigsmile: And thanks for the prayers!

    Laurie - by now your dad should have been moved - I hope it wasn't too late at night and you got your grading done. :ohwell: Glad you had a great bike ride - sounds like cold weather is headed your way.

    Skinny - when you squat do you open your knees wider as you get lower? That helps me. I don't know if you should be doing that when using a bar on your shoulders though. I do it doing the goblet squat.

    Kaye - I hope you're feeling better!

    Susan - that crockpot recipe really does sound like a bomb! Let us know how it turned out.

    Nettie - glad you're not just settling on a car but waiting til you"love" one!

    Lives2Travel - what a busy w/e. Eatiing out 3 times is really hard to log accurately - did you find that a problem? That would be a challenge to me. But its good you logged your activity here too. You're being very accountable and that is so helpful in the long run. You'll learn your patterns of behavior that way.

    Gorilla - that's a respectable finish time - good for you - esp. with such frustrating circumstances.
    Say - HOWS your DIET coming?????

    sjacobs - sorry to hear your down with a migraine - the pain is the worst! :sad: What lovely thoughts you have expressed towards the group and you are also a part of that supportive group too! Don't feel bad if you just lurk some days and don't comment - when I was really sick 2 weeks ago I did the same thing - you'll post when you have the energy - like you did now!

    Kah - yeah, WM online was very convenient. It will def. be by go-to from now on. Hey, Lucky you, a three-day weekend coming up. Enjoy! :flowerforyou:

    tlh - are you leaving on vacation next saturday? Or is it a business trip? I'm sorry I don't remember where you're going! Doh! Whereever, I hope you have a great time.

    Helena - nice to "see" you. How great to have a new and supportive boyfriend! :heart: What your saying about your mom sounds like good news, I hope I'm interpreting it right. I'm glad you have people there to help with things - just keep showing them how to do it your mom's way until they get it right - they should understand how little things like that are important at times like this.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Happy Monday!!! The recipe was a success and very good. It does take some prep work and wasn't the fastest to make, but it was worth it and one I will be preparing often. Hopefully, the picture comes out as I'm still playing with the Photobucket site. I basically took this straight from the Paleo blog/website ( and left in their comments as well. When I entered the recipe, I used the 1 cup of Mozz and Parm (I like it cheesy) and ended up with the following macros:

    Servings: 6
    Per Serving: 345
    Carbs: 17
    Fat: 14
    Protein: 32
    Sodium: 1,197
    Fiber: 6

    Slow Cooker Paleo Pepperoni Pizza Chicken & Eggplant Parmesan Bomb


    Ok, this one contains dairy. If you can’t handle it, please just look away now instead of tempting yourself! Also, please accept my apologies in advance. I have been receiving requests for recipes involving cheese lately, and I finally let a personal craving push me over the recipe-creating edge. The result is a ridiculously good complete meal that worked out (and looked) much better than I expected. Please keep in mind that I stacked my dish neatly in my slow cooker, then strained some of the excess fat, and then let the crock cool on the stovetop for an hour before removing the contents with 2 spatulas and surgeon-like precision. The only downside to this dish is that you need to have at least an hour ahead of time to soak your eggplant slices and then let them dry out for a bit. This process is a must as it helps remove some of the bitterness from the eggplant. I only soaked mine for about an hour, and let between some paper towels for half an hour tops, and everything worked out fine. Just don’t let me Italian grandparents know that I cut some corners!

    What you need:
    • 1 medium eggplant (about 1.5 pounds), sliced about 1/4 thick, soaked and dried.
    • 1 pound of thinly sliced chicken breast, pounded flat with a meat mallet.
    • 3 cups of crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce.
    • 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil.
    • 3 cloves of garlic, minced.
    • 1 tbsp of Italian seasoning.
    • 1/2 pound of thinly sliced pepperoni.
    • 1 cup of black olives, sliced.
    • 1/2 cup to a cup of Parmesan cheese, grated.
    • 1/2 cup to a cup of Mozzarella cheese, grated.
    • sea salt as needed.
    • Italian parsley for garnish.

    Kitchen tools needed:
    • Mandoline slicer or thin knife (for slicing eggplant).
    • Large bowl for soaking eggplant.
    • Colander or strainer for draining eggplant.
    • Paper towels or a clean kitchen towel for drying the eggplant.
    • Meat mallet for pounding out your chicken.
    • 6-quart slow cooker .

    How you make it:
    1. Slice your eggplant and place slices into a large bowl of water. Allow to soak for at least an hour.
    2. Strain your eggplant, sprinkle with sea salt and place between paper or cloth towels to remove excess moisture. Let sit for a half hour.
    3. Mix your minced garlic and Italian seasoning into your tomato sauce.
    4. Add your tbsp of olive oil to you slow cooker, then add a few large spoons of tomato sauce, enough to coat the bottom of your slow cooker once stirred around.
    5. Use a meat mallet to pound your chicken breasts as thin as you can. Ideally they should be as thin or thinner than your eggplant slices. Set them aside.
    6. Start layering in this order starting from the bottom. Sauce, eggplant, parmesan cheese, chicken, sauce, mozzarella cheese, black olives, pepperoni, more cheese.
    7. Repeat until ingredients are used up, you should have about 2 chicken layers, 3 tops. Try to set aside some sauce / cheese / olives / pepperoni for the top.
    8. Cook on high for 3 hours or low for 5 hours.
    9. Once finished cooking, remove ceramic crock and place on your stovetop to let it cool with the lid cracked.
    10. Drain excess fat with a turkey baster .
    11. Remove with a pair of spatulas if you want to get the beast out in one piece like I did!
    12. Enjoy!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I've been meaning to post this, but here's a picture of me and Cyrus from the Las Vegas Color Me Rad. It's a little grainy, but we're also pretty covered in paint too too. Second year in a row so I think we're going to make it a tradition. LOL!!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Susan -- love the picture!!! You definitely are covered.

    Robin-- I'm going to Vegas!!! My husband, best friend and I all turned 40 this year so we are headed (with her husband too) to Vegas. We fly out Sunday morning and come back late Wednesday night. We got a deal ($267 per person with hotel and flight) and very much looking forward to it.