Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    good morning all :drinker:

    well i had an awful experience yesterday, we had done backs monday night, and then i did my jillian workout yesterday morning, while making my bed, i turned and my back caught. i couldn't stand, if i did it was excruciating pain and took my breath away. i was crouched over, i had to scream for my daughter i couldn't even lift my hand off the bed or the dresser, (i'm bent over between) she jumps out of bed mind you its 6 a.m. and i tell her to grab the icy hot and she rubs it in enough that i can stand and move and at least breathe. long story short, went tlo the gym last night did an hour of cardio, felt good, well until i woke this morning. it was tight and stiff. took some advil and while i didn't work out :sad: :sad: :sad: i am up and mobile and feeling ok. just very scary.

    on a good note, i'll be in the gym tonight just being a little tenderfooted until i'm sure it's ok.

    my wish... that i never have that pain again, and that i can push the water today. i was really off yesterday and i could tell because i was like a puffer fish this morning.

    my wish for all of you is a successful day, good numbers, happiness and good friends. have a beautiful day and i'll check back later
  • jessiej1980
    Oh my goodness! Glad you are okay!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wednesday Wish - To have a happy day.

    GorillaNJ - Wow. What a stick in the mud. I would have laughed. :wink:

    sjacobs - Congrats for completing 30 Day Shred!

    Kah - I thought about pumpkin soup however we will be in the car for an hour. I am going to make a batch of soup though for home. I have a really good recipe for butternut squash soup. The recipe states you can substitute pumpkin for butternut squash.

    Susan - that pumpkin lasagna and the enchiladas sounds delish! Thanks. I will have to try those. Butternut squash soup is one of my favorites. It is so easy to make and comes out so scrumptious!

    mtnrvn - Welcome. Just jump right in and join us.

    Alupinsk - I had that problem when I first started in 2012. I was not hungry at all and forcing myself to eat to meet my calories because I worked out and it gave me a ridiculous amount of calories to eat. All it did was stress me out. What I started to do was eat as I normally would. If I was hungry I would eat some snacks. If I wasn't hungry I wouldn't force myself to eat. I let my body dictate how much I was going to consume for the day. I always tried to reach my net. It worked for me and I was successful. Play around with it a bit until you find what works best for you.

    Michelle- Doesn't Susan have the best posts? I really enjoy reading them! It is a good feeling when you are making those healthier choices and seeing results. For me, being in control of little things like making healthier choices and exercising makes me feel like I can conquer the world. :smile:

    skinnyjeanz- Good luck with the parent/teacher conferences. I hope they go well!

    naceto - That gym sounds like it is perfect for you. I hope you find your charger soon.

    Lives2Travel - Congrats. Isn't that a nice surprise when the scale suddenly makes a jump like that?

    Jessieyoung - Welcome. Just jump right in and join us. Congrats on your baby!

    Here are some suggestions for you:
    ~Build yourself a nice support team on MFP who will cheer you on along the way and pick you up during your darker days. ~Rather than focusing on everything all at once, try giving yourself 1-2 goals to reach per week and slowly build upon that. ~Measure and weigh everything you consume to give you the most accurate idea of consumed calories as possible.
    ~Use the scale to measure your progress but understand you will see several fluctuations Embrace them rather than becoming frustrated with them. It is normal.
    ~Take monthly measurements and progress photos. You will be surprised but these will show you differences when the scale doesn't!
    ~During your journey try viewing the little things as success. Do you have more energy? Can you now physically do something you were not able to like running up a flight of stairs without becoming winded? Are your clothes fitting you better or now too big for you? All these things are considered NSV (Non-scale victories). NSV are just as important as the scale victories.
    ~Be honest with yourself. The only person you are cheating by not logging something into your diary is yourself.
    ~Learn to love yourself and be proud of your accomplishments along the way. This will take you further than you can imagine!

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I could use a trainer...I love are right,......I need to JUMP more ways than one I think. I would like to add some people to my "friends". Mainly because I seem to lack accountability to myself, and work well trying to answer to others.....flaw maybe? hmmmm

    Friend request on the way!
  • jessiej1980
    thanks a bunch!!!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    sjacobs - OUCH! I hope you feel better soon. I was close to that much pain on Saturday from my chest workout. I took a really long hot shower, put a heating pad on, slathered myself in Bengay (I am weird and love the smell) and then laid in bed and stretched the achy area. The next day I woke up and felt almost perfect. Maybe you could try stretching out your back a bit. I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @sjacobs~Ouch & scary is right! I injured mine in May, same sort of deal – my back was already bothering me from sleeping in a different bed on vacation then the day I got home I twisted it just right. The next day I couldn’t move, I have a Sleep Number bed and actually couldn’t get out of it – quite a spectacle. I was in an urgent care place that morning for pain meds and muscle relaxants, followed by trips to the chiro and some PT. I really did a number on it. Definitely baby your back for a while and alternate between ice and heat to help relax the muscle. I hope it heals quickly!

    @Nettie~Great advice!
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good morning!

    My wish for today is that we all reach our weighloss goals. :) We all are working hard and deserve it.

    Went to the nutrionist today and she is encouraged by my enthusiam and feelings I'm eating OK, but could be eating better and we talked about some areas I could improve. After I'm done with a few things, I'm going to plan the rest of my meals for the week to meet her guidelines.

    @sjacobs - I'm certainly glad you are OK. I can't even imagine how scary that must have been. Please take it easy and feel better soon.

    Hope all the rest of you are doing well today too. I'm getting my Zumba on later this evening so I'm pretty happy. Such a fun way to work out. Have a good one!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning guys. I hope everyone is off to a great hump day. I was out of comission the last couple of days with a flair up of my mystery pain and headache. Five years and more tests then I can count and still no idea what causes it to flare up. Oh well at least it is a lot less frequent since I changed the way I eat and have lost some weight. Probably only myself to blame for the flare up. My eating has not been great for several months. Maybe this is the push I need to get back on track. God knows I dont want to feel this way on a regular basis again. LOL my dogs are playing tug of war over a skinny little branch. Actualy the little one is trying to be a bully to his younger brother and get it up on the couch where the puppy cant reach. It gets confusing cause the one is the puppy but at eleven weeks now he has outgrown his older "brother" who is a pomchi and only weighs 6 and a half pounds. Petey the pom is trying to stay dominate but I am no sure how that is going to work out for him:laugh: I am getting really tired of saying I am going to get back on track but in the positive I now say that after a small lapse instead of just spiraling for weeks or months and then trying to come back from that.
    So my wish for wednesday is everyone that is feeling poorly starts to find relief and I can get back to putting into practice everything I have learned over the last year and start seeing the lovely results that will come.
    Have a great day everyone. I m going to actually go organize my pantry instead of just talking about it:bigsmile: :heart: :drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just a quick drive by. I'm off to lunch with a supplier at PF Chang's. I've already looked at the menu and I'm going with Ginger Chicken with Brocolli. I can even have the rice and stay at 600 calories. Not too shabby.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi Everyone -
    Just got back from the ENT specialist office - and left him scratching his head. He doesn't think I have an auto-immune disorder. Right now he's working on the theory that I have a damaged nerve in my tongue that was aggravated by my Shingles vaccination and he is putting me on a three-week trial of a drug called gabapentin that will hopefully deaden the nerve pain in my mouth. All the other symptoms he thinks are brought about secondarily by the copious amounts of pain pills I'm taking and once I get off them the other symptoms will go away. HE THINKS. He's also going to refer me to an Oral pain specialist, as well as back to my rheumatologist. I'm going to drink a little Baileys and milk tonight.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- I hope the Bailey's will help him figure it it tonight. A damaged nerve causing the pain that is interesting. Hope they can find the root cause sooner rather than later.

    Kelley- My dad will be in rehab for at least 2 weeks if all goes according to plan it could be longer or shorter,

    Welcome to the new people. My advice is find something you enjoy doing and do it. This means an activity- swimming, biking, walking etc and gradually build up the amount of time you do it each day.

    Wish- That all the papers grade themselves. Today, I managed to finish about 6 more behavior papers at school. I will have lots of work to do the next couple of days.

    Exercise plan
    Sunday- bike 20.22 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer- lower body and cardio DONE
    Tuesday- Walk or running drills, Rest DONE
    Wednesday- Rest DONE
    Thursday- cardio: ellipitical
    Friday- climb
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim
    Sunday- 5K
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish...that my husband will agree to clean his bathroom and our bedroom before we leave for Vegas. When he works as much as he does, I generally give him a free pass, but I have so much to do between now and then that I could really use his help.

    @Karen...We are staying at Harrah's. I hear it's a good location (center of the strip).

    @Jessie...I'm hoping to get a trainer in 2014. Right now, with two house payments, not really able to afford it, but I'm really hoping that 2014 it will work for me. I've sent a friend request.

    @sjacobs...That is scary. I've had it happen two times to me that I basically can't move. Once as a teenage after working cattle for a full day (looking back now, I find humor in the fact that I stepped off the four wheeler and just fell like a rag doll to the ground, but it was not funny then). The other was 2 days after I brought my oldest son home from the hospital. Thank God my mom was there to take care of the baby and my husband was able to take me to the chiropractor. Glad you feel better.

    @nzenczak...hope you had a fun Zumba!!'s too bad that they can't figure it out, but I'm glad you've been able to see it getting better with better food choices. How'd the pantry turnout?

    @Susan...PF Changs....MMMM...we don't have one here, but I've been to one in Omaha and it was wonderful!! Glad you could find something to fit in your calories. Are you going to be in town next week? I'd love to meet up with you sometime...let me know if you'd be interested.

    @Robin...mystery problem???? I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully his theory pans out and you're pain free soon! Crossing my fingers for you.

    AFM...Just got back from weight lifting. I had to drop my OHP to 60 pounds, but was able to continue with 130 squat and 155 deadlift. The deadlift was pretty tough, but my sister was watching my form really closely and I was able to do it without breaking form!! Yay me! My food has been pretty close to spot on. Not necessarily the best choices, but within calorie goal. Tomorrow I'm suppose to do some cardio, but I don't think it's going to work. Haircuts with the kids at 5:00, ice skating at 6:30 and then my sister has a "purse" party at her house at 7:00. We'll see how I feel late in the evening. I still have to do my bathrooms, dusting, floors and laundry, so I might just have to focus on that so I can pack on Friday.

    Friday - lift (DONE)
    Saturday - Family swim and lapse DONE
    Sunday - rest DONE
    Monday - lift DONE
    Tuesday - rest DONE
    Wednesday - lift DONE
    Thursday - cardio
    Friday - lift

    Good night!

  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning all... Well I started the new workout phase last night and it was great! Despite that I had actually forgotten my sheet I prepared for it in my office I was able to reach out to a friend who I had convinced to buy the book! Glad she listened!

    Not sure what today will bring for a workout... My sons' wrestling practice was moved to tonight from Friday... so I am missing spin class. I might go for a run around the track at the school in the dark.

    I signed up for a 5K Turkey Trot next week to support a local school... my kids signed up too. We will see how that goes! I am not waiting for them!

    tlh0407-- Great job with the squats and deadlifts! Keeping good form is key as you get stronger!

    Susan-- I have never went to PF Changs... there is one close to my house but I never to a restaurant where you need to wait an hour to get a seat.

    Robin-- experimental drugs? Maybe a side effect will a superpower!!! Or rapid weight loss? I hope you start feeling better soon!

    Lauriek70 -- Multiple choice tests only! Then grade papers the easy way... smart kids get an A mix some B's and C's for the other kids and the ones who did not put enough effort to meeting the minimal goals... F. (You can see why I would not make a good teacher)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Thursday Fess Up:

    While I've been golden staying within my calorie goal, I have not been so good at what those calories consist of. It was easier to get in the fresh veggies and fruit when the Farmer's Markets were open and I went a couple days a week. It was fun wandering around looking at all the produce in the fresh air. Going to the grocery store is not fun. In fact, if I could avoid it entirely, I would. So, it's been more frozen and canned stuff lately. Between my hate for the grocery store and my ridiculous need to accomplish every and all household project before the holidays, I have not been meeting my goal of eating not just less, but better.

    It's so surprising that there continue to be different challenges all the time. 5 months ago my biggest challenge was just getting started and not obsessing over what, when and how much I ate every day. I obsessed over every bite I put in my mouth and when I wasn't eating, I was thinking about eating and planning my next meal. Now, I really don't care anymore. I eat because it's something I have to do and really don't care about what I eat (past staying within my daily calories) to worry much about the quality of my diet. Yes, I usually meet the MFP goals for protein, but I seem to be under for fats and a bit over for sugar (damn you coffee why can't I drink you black?) and I am not eating fresh veggies in the quantity I should be.

    To eat BETTER consistently is on my list of New Year's goals. I know I should make the commitment now and not wait, but I also am working on being honest with myself and not making promises I cannot possibly keep. I know that until the Holidays are over that reliance on some frozen, canned and prepared foods is just going to be a fact of life.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy~I think you can count your housework as cardio for today. :wink: It’s always nice to come home from a trip to a clean house. Have a blast in Vegas, I always do!

    @Gorilla~Turkey Trots are a ton of fun, your boys are active and into sports maybe they’ll surprise you and keep up!

    @Lives2Travel~Great epiphany, eating to live instead of living to eat. As for the black coffee, you get used to it eventually. Funny story actually – I was about 10 and asked my mom if I could have coffee, she said only if I drank it like they did (black). She never thought I would like it but did, been drinking it ever since. :laugh: I drink mine black but treat myself to a latte or cappuccino every once in a while.

    @Susan~Great choices for PF Changs yesterday, ginger broccoli is always my “go-to.” Love that place, sodium is killer though – so drown yourself in water today. :wink:

    @Robin~Good news on the results for something auto-immune. Nerve damage sounds like a reasonable dx, I hope the medication he gave you gives you some relief and that you can come off the rest of those pain meds.

    @Tammy~Sorry for your phantom pain that appears suddenly, could it be fibromyalgia? That is often misdiagnosed. There are so many foods that cause inflammation, so could have definitely caused a flare-up, glad you are feeling better.

    AFM~Had a ton of energy yesterday, so great session with my trainer. My Thursday truth is that it really has been a good week, eating closer to my calorie goal (I tend to be way under) and keeping all macros in check. Scale hopped this morning, scale seems to be cooperating.

    Monday~Gym, HIIT on arc trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Off work – hiking with trainer
    Saturday~Gym, HIIT
    Sunday~Gym, training session
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday truth:
    I went over my calories twice this week. Not by much though. The first time it happened this week I was a bit shocked to see the negative number in and my line in red. Even though I have been doing really well and I wasn't over by much the redness made me feel bad and guilty. :ohwell: Every morning I get on the scale to monitor my progress and I was quite surprised at what the scale had me at this morning. I was down a little bit over a pound. I officially weigh in on Mondays so I am hoping that I am quite as pleased then.

    Lives2Travel - I think that is good that you work on being honest with yourself first before working on eating healthier. I suggest when it comes time to make that commitment you start by making one change at a time. For example, if you have multiple snacks per day maybe make one of the snacks a healthy one rather than a non-healthy one.
  • jessiej1980
    @Tammy : My 13 year old daughter was diagnosed with is awful for her......I hope you get better with your pain.

    @Nettie......I do it too....the amount of guilt consumes un-natural to be guilty over food....but I think a lot of us feel that way...I try so hard but let the stress and temptation get to me......dont be hard on yourself!

    Today I was thinking about weigh ins. Our scale at home wont work, either that or I am too heavy. I really hate to go buy another one, because I will gain an unhealthy obsession with it....I will weigh everyday and beat myself up over any gain.....I try to do it once a week, but I cant hold back.....any suggestions?

    I am super stressed right now. My son is dealing with medical issues (from birth), working, taking kids everywhere, dealing with family drama.....seems when it rains it pours...I am holding out and not eating through is tempting.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I just wanted to share some walking info with you on my daily walking at work, home, and going to the store. No extra walk special exercise walk at all ....Month of October walked 191,309 steps the equals 100 miles.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I want to do a quick drive by and share something I heard the motivation speaker Jon Gordon say on TV. Please know that this is a paraphrase as I don't have the perfect memory.

    "I'm learning to talk to myself instead of listen to myself. When I listen, I only hear negative things, but when I talk to myself, I can make it all positive."