Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I ate 620 to many calories today. Baking with my nieces and happened.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan let me know when you fly back to the East coast. Depending on where you are in Delaware, I may not be that far away. Surprisingly, it is an easier drive than heading into DC or Baltimore for that matter. Have a great business trip this time around.

    Karen- I did not fracture my hand luckily. I am able to use it without any pain. I just bruised it very well. The chiropractor put laser therapy on it today to help it heal faster. I will be running the course and it is not as hilly as I thought. The challenge is that it will be slightly chilly tomorrow morning.

    TLH- Have a great trip to Vegas. I hope you get to see some great shows at the theaters. Check out the discount ticket places to get some good prices on tickets to big name shows.

    Pie-That is great about being featured as a success story. Congrats.

    Today, I skipped the water aerobics for a couple of reasons. 1. I really didn’t feel like swimming because my heart was not into it. 2. TOM showed up yesterday for an early appearance (thanks stress) and I don’t like swimming with it. I did go to the gym today for about 45 minutes before I ran numerous errands. It was a simple spin bike workout with some walking.

    Tomorrow, I will run my second 5K so hopefully the weather will not be too cold or rainy in the morning. I guess I am a wimp for refusing to run in the rain since I do not want to be soaked to the bone on a cold day. After the run, I will join my friend and her family for breakfast. It will be nice to catch up with them. Her dad taught my college Geography classes and her mom taught Sunday school with my uncle. Like Robin, I want to make my wish a little early- I want to run this 5K slightly faster than my first. Basically, I want to have fun but push myself a little harder as well.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--glad the hand isn't fractured and good luck tomorrow! :drinker: I don't blame you for not wanting it to rain. I don't mind running if it's a bit wet and WARM--today it was 57 and drizzling during my run, but not a soaking rain. However, I would never run in pouring rain--especially if it were also cold. I'm crossing my fingers that you get good weather tomorrow.

    @michelle--sometimes life happens. :ohwell: One thing I try to do if I have an unexpected overage is make up for it over the next few days. If you do a little extra exercise tomorrow and don't eat back the calories, maybe you could break even.

    @carla--that's great about the BP meds and the blog post--congrats! I also have foods I choose not to keep in the house regularly b/c they are just too tempting. My biggest downfalls are frosted mini wheats and nacho cheese doritos. Doritos are the devil! :devil:

    @susan--safe travels to you--you always do so great with your exercise while on the road!

    @robin--I wasn't really giving you "advice" per se--I know you know about calories in the Bailey's. I was really just commenting on why I try to stay away from the stuff. That's a great idea to drink it with skim milk--too bad I don't like cow's milk. I doubt it would be very good with soymilk--though now that I'm thinking of it, lite almond milk might be really good with it. Hmm--something to try over the holidays (the only time I let myself indulge in it). I'm so sorry you are still in so much pain--that really stinks. :cry:

    Also, regarding my student who now wants to delay college to teach English in Asia, I also thought it was nice that I may have inspired that desire. However, he's such a talented musician, he really belongs in music school. Also, there aren't a lot of programs (at least not reputable ones) that let you teach abroad without a bachelors degree. I just hope he doesn't get sucked into some shady program. I think I'm going to broach the subject with him, but I'll wait awhile b/c his parents didn't want him to know they'd discussed it with me. To bring it up right after parent conferences would be a dead give away.

    AFM--I had a somewhat lazy day. Slept in a bit and then ran outside with gunner. Afterward, I went to TJ Maxx to buy a new shower caddy and a couple of throw rugs to replace some that are getting ratty. Gunner gets so much fur on them, that I have to wash them frequently, so they wear out quickly. Since I know that's the case, I buy the cheaper ones that I can throw away without financial pangs.

    I also did a bit of grading at starbucks before coming home to make dinner. DH works every other weekend, so I try to help out with the cooking when he's working.

    Grading goals:
    1. 12/53 Diction analysis (3 & 4)
    2. x/73 journal reflections

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--run 5k outside DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 75
    Squat = 85
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good Evening everyone. I had a pretty good day. I got the house cleaned up and FINALLY finished my pantry project. I tried a new recipie for dinner.It was called sweet and sour sesame chicken off a website called Best Yummy recipies. I cant say they have lots of "healthy" options but they do have lots of yummy recipies and the chicken came out to under two hundred cals per serving.

    Laurie glad to hear your hand is going to be fine.
    Carla thats great about the meds. I am so happy for you.
    Robin keep fighting the good fight, I jope you feel better soon.
    Michelle dont stress the overage to much just pick it up tomorrow and cherish the memories with your neices.
    Pieinthesky you are definitley strong.

    For everyone else stay strong and keep being the wonderful people you are. :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Sunday sharing:

    I've noticed over-eating on here and on my friends' list, and don't get discouraged. Everyone over-eats now and then. :)

    I'm starting to plan a summer reading program for my library, and I'm really hoping I can pull together a program called "fresh starts." I want to do a C25K program in it, and at the end my team would participate in the Warrior Dash. :)

    Today marks 90 days of my weight loss "journey" (I know Gorilla doesn't like that word.). It's weird that my life changed so much in 90 days. I find myself talking more and more about fitness, and less and less about food. (Which I never in my life thought would happen.) Even though I'm 249 pounds, I feel like I'm getting much closer to being the same size as everyone else. I feel more energy, and my body feels better. In the last 90 days, I lost 56 pounds, and 37" total. I think that's pretty awesome. Last night I told my mom if I meet my goal next year, then Christmas next year I'd like to get skin removal surgery. I'm not sure if I'm young enough that my skin will bounce back, but I'm most worried about my waist. I've always carried my weight there, and I'm hoping it will gradually go away. I'm aiming for some sort of "pack" of abs someday. :)

    I'm hoping to lose another 19 by January 1, but I'm not really sure that's going to happen. I would have to lose 3 pounds a week. So I'm re-evaluating my goal, and I'd like to hit 15 by January 1. That would put me at 234. And down about 23% of my original body weight. :) (I've been watching wayyy too much extreme weight loss. I'm starting to talk like Chris Powell.)

    What are your goals for the rest of the year?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @alupinsk--I have friends who've done the Warrior Dash and had a blast. I've never done that race, but I did do the Rugged Maniac which is similar. It was easily the hardest physical challenge I've ever experienced, and that's saying a lot b/c I used to be a competitive gymnast which is pretty physically taxing. I think it's an awesome goal for you and your team. Do you work in a public library or a school library?

    @tammy--congrats on finishing your pantry project. It reminded me that over the summer I started that Power Purge program and never got past the kitchen. :ohwell: :laugh:

    Sunday Share:
    To answer alupinsk's question about goals for the remainder of the year, I have several. First, I would like to beat my 5k time from last year's turkey trot. It was 35:59 which I can easily beat on the treadmill, but the actual route is pretty hilly (for IL). Yesterday I ran outside and did 3 miles in 34 minutes, but my neighborhood is pretty flat. I know the weather will also be a factor as well--if it's really cold, that will slow me down--mainly b/c my nose will be running which interferes with my breathing.

    Another goal is to get back to my current MFP weight of 185. I've been hovering in the low 190s for months, but yesterday the scale read 188 which is the lowest I've been in a couple of weeks. I hope that means the lower calorie allowance is working.

    The weather here is nasty today! Rain and wind with tornadoes touching down SW of the city. Fortunately, I live north of Chicago so not in the danger zone for this round of storms. I have to get to the gym and the grocery store, but gunner was cowering from the thunder so I didn't want to leave him home alone. Storms seem to be abating a bit in my area, so I will head out soon.

    Grading goals:
    1. 12/53 Diction analysis (3 & 4)
    2. x/73 journal reflections

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--run 5k outside DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 75
    Squat = 85
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Sunday Share ~ Not much exciting going on. Today is my rest day. I wanted to go to the park for a short stroll however mother nature is not being kind to me today. It is rainy and yucky out. I looked around and thought, hmm I could dust, vacuum and mop the floors. The weather though is making me want to be lazy, curl up on the couch and find something to watch on Netflix. I think that is a better plan anyhow. :wink:

    We went yesterday and test drove the Chevy Traverse. I liked it a lot. Brian liked it too. He contacted someone at Nissan and is in the process of setting up an appointment, with a different sales person, to test drive the Pathfinder and get quotes. I am hoping after that he will make a decision. After the dealership we hit a bunch of stores on the way home. I stocked up on groceries for some new recipes I want to try.

    A MFP friend inspired me to create a new goal for myself. Since I love to cook and have a lot of cookbooks I decided I am going to make at least 1 new recipe a week. I figured this should keep things interesting for me. Last night I made wild rice with roasted pumpkin. The recipe calls for garam masala (Indian spices) which gives it an interesting flavor. I really liked it. Brian did too, he rated it 9.5/10! I put the recipe up on my blog if anyone is interested.

    Kris - Congrats on getting back on track. It is a good feeling, isn't it?!!!

    Kaye - What a nice compliment that your hairdresser gave you! I use the GPS tracker on my phone all the time when doing walks. Isn't it fun?

    Skinnyjeans - Thanks.

    Robin - The most important thing is that you feel better. You can worry about the weight once you feel up to it. I hope your early Wednesday wish is granted soon.

    pienthesky - Congrats on the NSVs!

    Laurie - Good luck with the 5k!

    Alupinsk - I love your new profile picture! The program at the library sounds great. I hope you get a lot of people to join! Happy 90th! You have come such a long way!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nettie--I wish I liked to cook more, but I just don't. :ohwell: My husband loves it, so maybe my goal should be to download new healthy recipes for HIM to cook. :laugh:

    @laurie--can't wait to hear how that 5k went!

    AFM--I got one class of diction analyses done, and it was the bigger class so I only have 24 left. Will probably get a few more done tonight. I didn't bring home any of the journals b/c they are so heavy to lug back and forth.

    I made it to the gym, but the weather got pretty bad while I was there, so I decided to leave after doing my lifting. It sounded like the roof was going to come off the building and I was all alone there, so I decided to skip the cardio and get the heck out of there once there was a lull.

    Grading goals:
    1. 29/53 Diction analysis (3 & 4)
    2. x/73 journal reflections

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--run 5k outside DONE
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (lift) DONE

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 75
    Dead lift = 75
    Squat = 85
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 50

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • garrisonwife
    garrisonwife Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, everyone! My name is MB...I'm actually the girl who wrote the post that Nettie linked to earlier yesterday. :-)

    First, I just wanted to say hello...and I love how you guys all interact with each other. This seems to be a fantastic thread, and even though I'm not quite sure I get how things work, I'd love to "lurk" for a while and maybe join in?? I don't know if you guys would like another person in your group or not! I started out needing to lose over 100 pounds, and now I'm down to needing to lose anywhere from another 40-60 pounds.

    Second, I just wanted to say thank you to Nettie and Robin for such amazingly kind words about my post. I truly...TRULY...don't feel like an inspiration, and honestly, I needed to write it all out just so I could see how far I've come!! It's been a battle, to be sure. But I really appreciate so much that you guys posted about me. :-) It made my whole week!!!

    Robin...I tried sending you a friend request and a message, but for some reason, my iPad kept closing down on me when I would try to hit "Send"...I'm hoping it won't do that to me when posting this message!!

    Anyway...I certainly don't want to "intrude" on you guys...but I did want to say how amazing I think you all are, and what an awesome way to support one another! I hope I will get to know some of you better!!

    Thanks again!!

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The 5K went great and I had a personal best. I finished the 5K in 36:44, maybe a little faster but that is when I turned off the HRM. It will be interesting to see the official results. The racing bib had a tear off piece to gather the time when you crossed the finish line instead of a timing chip. The weather was foggy but warm and humid. The humidity made the 50's feel like 60's and I wish I had worn shorts instead of long legged sweat pants. The course had a few hills but was mostly flat. This time I managed to keep the side stitches under control by slowing down between the 1.5-2 mile marker. The best part was I was able to sprint to the finish which was great. The next run will be just for fun since it is the local Turkey Trot around town on Thanksgiving.

    Karen-Those storms in your area today sounded awful. I may get them overnight tonight since it is getting warmer instead of cooler. Glad you left the gym before it got worse.

    Nettie the recipes sound wonderful.

    Exercise plan last week
    Sunday- bike 20.22 miles DONE
    Monday- Trainer- lower body and cardio DONE
    Tuesday- Walk or running drills, Rest DONE
    Wednesday- Rest DONE
    Thursday- cardio: ellipitical DONE
    Friday- climb DONE
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim May do the spin bike instead Spin DONE

    Exercise for the week
    Sunday- 5K Done new personal best.
    Monday- Trainer expecting a hard workout
    Tuesday- Cardio
    Wednesday-Rest hair appointment part 1
    Thursday- Weight
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- swim or gym but getting my hair done part 2 so it may be a rest day.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Evening, MB, there are no restrictions on who can join the group. Anyone who tries to get too negative or too extreme doesn't last long. It just doesn't fit in. To get the most out of it, you need to post often. There is lots of support to be had here. It has certainly kept me going.
    Laurie, congratulations on the personal best in the 5k. One of these days, I'm going to try doing a walking one. There aren't a lot in my area, but they do have one occassionally. I have never been a runner and they don't recommend running on artificial knees, but I frequently walk 3 miles so I know I could do the walking one.
    Karen, glad that you are safe. You know its bad when they have to delay a football game. They will usually play in anything.
    Robin, I hope you've had a better day.
    All of you keep me going. My losses have really slowed down, but seem to be on track for about .5# per week on the average. Someone asked about immediate goals. I think that mine is just to survive the next few weeks without a gain. I made the first batch of Christmas candy tonight. I have less than 2 weeks to be ready for all of the company. I love to cook. Unfortunately, my best recipes are desserts and breads.
    Hope the week holds lots of good things for all of us.
    Onward and Downward, Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Susan - Wow - your LAST business trip of the year - that unbelievable - that's really great - I'm so happy for you that you get to stop travelling now that the holidays are almost upon us and you get to be with Cyrus more! You are doing great with your work-outs too - very impressed with your efforts, Susan!

    PieSky - congrats on both NSV's - getting to drop your BP medicine dose is wonderful - shows that your efforts are paying off! and getting featured in your ZUMBA group as a Success Story - well, you must feel so proud! I know you have further to go so you will probably be featured again some day! Great news!
    I related to your statement about eating until you feel full. I had that problem for a long time, and I worked through it by drinking a big big glass of water before I ate, and learning to cut my food into tiny tiny bites and eating very slowly so that my meal took a long time to eat - way longer than normal. Also, I stuck with my guns and waited a while after I finished eating - like 20 minutes, and then I deliberately ate a 90 calorie snack, like a Fiber One brownie and that whole routine would give me a sense of fullness without going over my calories.

    Michelle - I understand your frustration - but as someone else suggested, you can make up those calories by shorting yourself throughout the rest of the week by 150 calories or so a day until you make up for it. Its not so bad when you look at it like that.

    Alupinsk - love your new picture! I like the way your thinking about your journey (I LIKE that word!) If you keep up the exercise you might be pleasantly surprised that you don't need surgery to tighten your tummy. When I started weight lifting - everything started to tighten on me - I was VERY surprised!

    Skinny - I am glad you were not in the path of the storms today - they turned out to be disasterous and horrible! My heart goes out to all the people who suffered at the hands of the tornadoes and high winds.
    Your goals sound great - and I'm glad you are starting to lose weight again!

    Nettie - buying a car is such a big decision - sounds like you are really on the right track with your efforts. I applaud your goal of a new recipe every week - that s pretty ambitious - but good for you!

    garrisonwife - welcome and so glad you joined us - we truly are a nice group of people and we are determined to support each other on this journey. You really are an inspiration - you helped me a lot with your post - don't deny it!!!! I' didn't get your friend invite so I'll send you one!

    Laurie - way to go on the 5K and congrats on a new PB - and I'm glad you didn't have lousy weather - you really put out at the end with a sprint! Do you save your racing bibs for souveniers?

    Well I'm happy I made it through another day.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--thanks! Yes, the devastation down near Peoria is just awful!--so far 6 confirmed dead. :cry: Brian V (BV1980) lives south of the city and 2 tornadoes touched down within 5 miles of him, but fortunately he made it through okay as well. I'm glad you made it through another day, and I loved your tips to carla for achieving that feeling of fullness with out overeating.

    @kaye--yes, I can't recall seeing a game where they had to evacuate the stadium. I'm sure it's happened in the past, but definitely a rare occurrence. Even though not being a good cook can be a curse at times, I'm glad I can't bake at all! I'm a sucker for fresh baked cookies and homemade cakes.

    @laurie--Great time on your 5k!! Glad the weather cooperated--it's so hard to judge what to wear at this time of year. Robin asked if you keep your race bibs--I keep all of mine and have a cork board display of them building in my office. I love going in there and looking at them all--I highly recommend you keep yours.

    @mb--it's not an intrusion at all--welcome to the thread! :flowerforyou: There aren't any hard and fast rules, but robin set up some guidelines for each day's discussion, and we choose monthly goals. They are posted on page 1 of this part of the thread. However, now that I think of it, those are probably October's goals. I can't recall the November goals off the top of my head, but when the thread rolls over after page 20. robin will re-post them.

    AFM--got caught up watching Walking Dead and Talking Dead, so didn't get any more grading done. :ohwell:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Good Monday morning to everyone ! I lost 4 pounds this week with getting back on track with my diet and exercise ! This is a lifestyle change for me !
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Monday morning everyone! I'm down almost 6 pounds now which meant I reached my 5 pound goal for this week. I bought myself a new pair of cross trainer sneakers that I desperately needed. Now into the next 5!

    How did everyone else do this past week?

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Monday Morning, well, this past weekend was a struggle . I had people here all weekend and they brought food. I really enjoyed the company, but my pre-planning didn't help much. I'm back on track today though and just going to continue with better eating habits this week.

    "Alupinsk", you are inspiring. I love your attitude about weight loss.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Monday - So I habitually get on the scale every morning to monitor my progress. A few days ago I noticed I was down a pound. For the remainder of the week my number kept getting lower and lower by small increments. I weighed in this morning at 241.2, that is a 2.5 lb loss for the week! I never imagined a loss that big. :happy: I am very proud of myself because all of my hard work is paying off. I am eating better, working out consistently and have so much more energy. Yesterday was my "rest" day so I camped out on the couch with netflix while Brian worked from home. I found myself constantly pausing the movies and getting up to do things. I just could not sit still for anything and felt a bit guilty for doing so. Who is this new person I've become?!!! :laugh:

    Not that I am complaining about the loss but I am wondering when my weight loss will start to slow down. I am concerned about losing weight too fast. My first week I lost 4.4 lbs, second week 2 lbs, and 2.5 lbs on my third week. I have my goals set to lose 1.5 lbs a week. Believe me, I am eating too. My entire day revolves around what I am eating, what is for my next snack/meal and when my next snack/meal will be. I am thinking for now, the larger losses are ok because my body is still adjusting. Any thoughts on this?

    I have a second question for those of you who may have restarted MFP. My first time here I lost 27 lbs which, sadly, I gained back. I am finding this time around it is much easier to lose the weight. I was just discussing this with my husband last night. I think it is partially due to my familiarity with MFP. I started weighting everything I consume and drinking my water right away, something I learned to do during my first experience here. I also jumped right back into physical activity. I was wondering if any of you who restarted experienced the same thing, the ease of getting back into MFP and shedding the weight? I wonder if I will have an easy time losing those first 27 lbs... AGAIN :grumble:

    My goals, Alupinsk, for the rest of the year are:
    ~Continue to weigh and log everything I eat
    ~Continue to drink my water
    ~Continue to progress with my exercise routine - I would like to eventually be able to do high impact when they are doing high rather than me doing low.
    ~Make one new recipe a week
    ~Take monthly photos the 1st of every month
    ~Take measurements the 1st of every month

    Skinnyjeanz - Congrats on reaching 188! Maybe you and your husband can cook something together? Brian and I often do that. It is a lot of fun. Last year we took a gnocchi cooking class at SurLaTable. That was a lot of fun too! Glad to hear you made it through the storms.

    MB - Welcome!!! Jump right in and join us. You are most welcome for the kind words. You are really an inspiration. I wish you the best! :flowerforyou:

    Kaye - I agree. My first time around this group kept me going. It was so great knowing that there were other people in the same boat as me and experiencing the same things I was. When I rejoined I was so thrilled to find Robin again and see that the group was still up and running. Having a positive support team really does make a difference! So from the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone!

    Robin - Brian just mentioned to me this morning that he made his decision. He is going to contact the Toyota guy today about leasing the Prius V. He crunched the numbers and over time that is the one that is most cost effective for us. My only concern about it is it is a very light car and won't handle well in the snow. My current car is low to the ground and doesn't handle well in snow. We live on a dead end street and very rarely do we get plowed. We were snow bound for 3-4 days when the last blizzard came through. We all were completely frustrated and all the residents ended up taking our snow plows to the street and digging ourselves out. :explode: Even with us plowing it ourselves my car had a difficult time getting through it. So my concern would be that happening that again. But my husband pointed out that if it does he can always telecommute to work rather than physically go in.

    Kris - Congrats. That is fantastic!

    nzenczak - Congrats on reaching your first goal!

    Mel - Sorry to hear you struggled this weekend. But just think, you hung out with wonderful people so it is all good. Today is a new day!
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    good morning everyone. well i had a horrible weekend in the sense i didn't get to the gym saturday or sunday, we had tailgating saturday and a coach purse bingo on sunday.... UGGGHHH recorded and tried my darndest to stay under but i can feel the water weight this morning not to mention TOM anyway, it's monday, lunch is packed, snacks are packed, breakfast was good and i'll be in the gym tonight. it's a new day right :blushing:

    on another note, i have tears in my eyes when i type this. i have the BIGGEST NSV i could ever post.... my daughter - who is 25 (over 300 lbs) and always struggled with weight has watched me the last 3 months and this past week loaded mfp on her phone, went to the gym 3 days (with me once) and.... LOST 6 LBS!!!!! as a mother, i have wanted to inspire her because sometimes i feel my bad eating and allowing her bad eating as a child is why she is where she is. but i've made this a lifestyle change, she still lives at home and its never too late. we are all on track at home, and sure, just like this weekend we had slip ups but it's getting back on that means the most. we went to the basket bingo yesterday and they had ham and turkey sandwiches, chips, macaroni salad, and tons and tons of baked goods. well i look over and we are both just eating our turkey, no roll, and i'm nibbling at my chips... she NEVER opened hers :):heart:

    anyway, that to me is success in the best form. i get people all the time messaging me on fb on how i've inspired them and giving me support but to know it's finally worked for her is huge! just wanted to share

    have a great day everyone!!! continued success, stay focused, and carry on.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Monday check in:
    I raked leaves again on Saturday while ex worked on my car till it started pouring rain. Saturday night was Girl's night out to the movies and drinks. We sat in the VIP room which was nice and I had 2 long island ice teas. It was nice to get out. My car still isn't fixed but it will be and even though my ex is a bad boyfriend he has some nice qualities like volunteering to fix my car for free, I didn't even have to ask him.
    I will say since becoming single my social life has become extremely boring and almost no existant which is hard to deal with.

    My plan for today is drink all my water intake get 2 extra walks in on my 15 minute breaks.
  • Susan5314
    Susan5314 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, I would like to join this thread. I am spinnng my wheels with my weight loss. I need a kick in the pants to get it in gear. I do not do well with moderation and just need to bite the bullet and go on a restrictive diet. I walk about 2 days a week. I need to up my exercise to at least 5 days a week.
    My weight loss journey includes every diet imaginable. I have done HCG shots and my biggest failure was lap band surgery. I still have the band in but after 3 years have only lost about 22 pounds. My health is getting worse and I must get off at least 50 pounds. I am 5'4 and weigh 235. Thanks for any tips provided. :ohwell: