Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    This has definitely been my mantra over the past few years as I've slowly been changing my mindset towards the positive. Make it a great day!!!

    The Law of Attraction says that you will attract people and things to you based on the energy you give out and based on what you think about.

    - So if you are a positive person, you will attract positive people and positive things.

    - If you are a negative person, you will attract negative people and negative things.

    Are you a generally positive person? Do you have positive friends and a generally positive family?

    None of us are perfect. But today, I want you to really think about staying positive and attracting positive people and positive things into your world.

    And if you have people in your world who are draining your energy, think about what you can do to change their negativity.

    Or, do you need to make the very difficult decision of spending less time with the people who are dragging you in the wrong direction?

    Having a positive outlook has a great impact on everything from how you respond to problems, to how successful you are in losing weight and/or getting fit, to how much you enjoy your job to how much fun you have with your family.

    So today and moving forward focus on staying positive!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday truth: ok, I ate a WHOLE can of chicken noodle soup last night. I rationed the crackers, but cricky! I looked at the calorie count and it was a lot more than I realized. I have a lovely, red soup mug...very large and the whole can just fit in there nicely, as I was ladling it out....
    The good news is that I haven't weighed myself in a long time...and I decided to bite the bullet and I lost 2 lbs. since I last weighed myself. I'm happy with that. It motivates me to keep trying my best.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Finally got caught up on this weeks posts on my lunch break. Here are some personals they are late sorry.

    @New people- Welcome.
    @Gorilla- Congrats on the 5K, hope the kiddos enjoy wrestling, and good luck on the turkey trot
    @Tlh0407-Oh my peanut butter blossoms my fave
    @Helena-prayers for your mom and it's awesome you have a supportive partner
    @Susan- love the pic of you Cyrus
    @Karen- the grading process sounds so horrible you think your boss could change it in some way.
    @Michelleborma- I hated water at first too. I have learned to like it but what I do is take 1 to go pack of cyrstal light dilute it in 60oz of water. It give it very little flavor but just a hint is good for me. I have also struggled with my choices due to myself esteem it will get better.
    @LaurieK- Good luck on the 5k Sunday
    @Nacto- glad you may have found a gym. I truly miss going to one.
    @Nettie- Loved your wed wish and I think the advice on loving yourself is good because so many of us don't realize we don't love ourselves. I am one who didn't realize it.
    @jtconst- Hope the headaches are fading away for you.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    This has definitely been my mantra over the past few years as I've slowly been changing my mindset towards the positive. Make it a great day!!!

    The Law of Attraction says that you will attract people and things to you based on the energy you give out and based on what you think about.

    - So if you are a positive person, you will attract positive people and positive things.

    - If you are a negative person, you will attract negative people and negative things.

    Are you a generally positive person? Do you have positive friends and a generally positive family?

    None of us are perfect. But today, I want you to really think about staying positive and attracting positive people and positive things into your world.

    And if you have people in your world who are draining your energy, think about what you can do to change their negativity.

    Or, do you need to make the very difficult decision of spending less time with the people who are dragging you in the wrong direction?

    Having a positive outlook has a great impact on everything from how you respond to problems, to how successful you are in losing weight and/or getting fit, to how much you enjoy your job to how much fun you have with your family.

    So today and moving forward focus on staying positive!

    Susan! I LOVE this! In the last several months I have been working on this, and found great results. I have also found that if I really really think and visualize good things- they happen (Awesome job, being one of those things). Is it because I am attracting awesome things or is it because I am more open to them happening? Maybe both :bigsmile:
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Hello all, I have been out for quite a long time this time. There are many new people here and good to see some of the older people here. Thanks Robin for keeping this going, this really is a great place to share.
    It is not share your story day but I will recap as many are new.
    I have slowly over my 48 years put on weight until a couple years ago I ended up at 365 lbs. I could not image how that could have happen. I was starting to feel the weight and knew it was time to get healthy. That year I lost 30 lbs. and felt great! Then it just did not come off anymore and then I fell away. Well I need to come back because I am up to 355 and feeling the weight again.
    It is funny (not really) how I can carry that much weight around and still function. I have sleep apnea and knee problems from being overweight and cannot shop for cloths in regular stores. The thing that scares me is the health issues that can come about I want to live and live happy. So I am back and want to take it slow and move into walking and logging my food.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    @sjacobs-I hope your back is better by now. It's amazing how one small movement can create a huge back issue!

    @nettie- I love the suggestions you gave. Thanks for sharing! As far as being over calories I had the same thing twice this week and when I went back and checked my food diary I found it was doubling things. Several entries were entered twice. It did it again tonight. So now once I post I go back and check to make sure its right.

    @robin Hope the new medication work and you can finally have some relief!

    @susan You are so right about spending less time with people who drag you down. I had someone tell me that my weight loss was "more than likely just water weight loss" It seems there are some people who just can't be happy for someone else.

    @ushkii-I am thankful robin keeps this going. this is the best thread on here. Glad your back!

    AFM Thursday Truth-I had two cookies this week but I stayed within goal. Been an emotional ride this week which is usually just an excuse for me to go crazy with food. Proud that I am learning to not use food as a way to celebrate or for comfort.
    Tomorrow is my weigh in so hoping it goes well.
    Hope everyone has a great Friday!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good evening all. My day has been fairly good. Not a whole lot happened. I am starting to get back into my exercise routine and the food while still not perfect is coming around. My puppy is completly pooped. We took him over to my brothers to introduce them to their 8 month old german shepard after a short period they were tearing around the house having the best time.:laugh: My truth for this Thirsday is that I have been procastinating terribly on everything lately but I am starting to change that as well.
    Have a great night everyone and cya tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nothing major to report tonight. Feeling stressed from work. I really liked Gorilla's suggestion for grading and the rate I am going with this assignment it may be the best option. (I wish it was that easy!)

    Just popping in quickly tonight- need to go to sleep so I can be ready for tomorrow. TGIF.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening. I have just been kind of lurking for a few days, keeping up with everyone, but not posting. Not much going on around here. The weather has been surprisingly pleasant so I have been able to walk. I am staying under my goal according to MFP, but eating more of my exercise calories than I would like. I think that my mental state right now is that if I can just keep up like I am, I won't gain over the holidays. Hopefully, then I will hit it hard again in January. I guess my Thursday truth is that I am reveling in all the compliments I am getting, and feeling content with the way I look for now. I know I want to lose more, but I'm not going to put a lot of pressure on myself right now. Most of our family will be here for Thanksgiving. We are going to have a holiday party and exchange Christmas gifts on Nov. 30. That will mean 2 big meals that week, and lots of traditional baking and candy making in preparation.
    I'm glad that so many of you are doing well. Its always good to see new people. Some are struggling and I wish you the best. Robin, I really hope that your new meds give you some relief. Susan and others who have posted about being positive, I'm right with you. Being positive about ourselves and our circumstances is really key to success in all aspects of our lives. I'm thinking that we should have done 30 days of gratitude for November. Maybe we could consider that for December. There's nothing like looking for something to be grateful for everyday to keep your outlook positive. Just a thought. I'm always a bit late with my ideas.
    Have great evening. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!
    I got way behind on the thread so just skimmed to catch up.

    @ushkii--So great to see you back!!! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--good luck with your 5k tomorrow! I agree that gorilla's grading plan sounds great--my husband says the same thing all the time. Alas, you are right--it would never work. :ohwell:

    @holly--Great job with al of those steps!! :drinker: I agree that my boss's grading system is ridiculous--but she only teaches 2 classes (when she doesn't have a student teacher :grumble: ) so it works for her. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it other than talk to her, and my students teacher wants to handle it himself (which I completely understand).

    Thursday Truth:
    It looks like a lot of people were fessing up to some little slips with the food--I'm right there with you all. Had a bunch of snacks yesterday while at school all day for conferences. Today was better though I did pick at some donuts this morning. :blushing: But I hit the gym and burned some calories, so I will still be under my allowance today.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 75
    Squat = 85
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Super long day at work and then I had the trainer this afternoon plus squeezed in some cardio. I'm pooped. Work has been so busy and I travel again next week to Philly for 4 days.. I've got 2 presentations I need to pull together plus we're opening our first Capriotti's in Washington, D.C. late next week. There's a lot of last minute things coming through that I have to pretty much stop the presentation and put out fires. It's been a long week I'm heading to bed so I can hit the gym at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow. I know I'll have to work late tomorrow night so I want to get in my exercise. I think I'm becoming a bit obsessed. Woo Hoo!
  • FutureMilitaryGal
    Friday: What I'm doing to get fit... working out 6times a week for a minimum of 70min (I'm planning of joining the Navy when I graduate from college in December 2014). I am also eating clean and getting 8 hours of sleep per night. I have lost about 30lbs...feel free to add me. I need friends =)
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Just stopping by real quick to share: Lost more 2lbs this week. Putting me at 47lbs lost total and 29 lbs lost since joining MFP!!!! This puts me 6 lbs away from my short term goal of 260 (which I want to reach before Dec 1st).
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    Super long day at work and then I had the trainer this afternoon plus squeezed in some cardio. I'm pooped. Work has been so busy and I travel again next week to Philly for 4 days.. I've got 2 presentations I need to pull together plus we're opening our first Capriotti's in Washington, D.C. late next week. There's a lot of last minute things coming through that I have to pretty much stop the presentation and put out fires. It's been a long week I'm heading to bed so I can hit the gym at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow. I know I'll have to work late tomorrow night so I want to get in my exercise. I think I'm becoming a bit obsessed. Woo Hoo!

    what do you do with capriotti's? there was one in shippensburg, pa up until recently, right by the college campus. but it has since closed. we also have one on long neck road in millsboro / long neck Delaware right beside our beach house. i'm guessing it's all teh same ... little sandwich shop?
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    @sjacobs-I hope your back is better by now. It's amazing how one small movement can create a huge back issue!

    it is better, thank you so much. i'm swamped today and have been scrolling rapidly through the posts. but wanted to say thanks to everyone for the good wishes and thoughts on my back. i'm not back to 30 ds in the morning and hubby had a fever last night,went to the gym with my oldest daughter and did an hour of cardio. felt really good, i was so afraid it would lose 2 days of no gym. it's the weekend i'm gonna be busy but will get my gym time in!

    all my best to everyone!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Doing the same old, same old for fitness: walking 3-4 miles 5 days a week and hand weights at home. I'll work on adding other activities as I feel comfortable working out with other people in a public space.

    My weekend eating plan is already set. I know where we're eating out and pre-logged my meals for today and tomorrow last night. After 5 months of logging, it doesn't seem onerous, but just part of my daily routine.

    I'm still completely focused on getting to the half way point (75 lbs lost) by 12/31/13. I think having this goal will help keep me on track during the Holidays. I survived Halloween without having one piece of candy corn or fun sized anything. I kept telling myself that those treats will be around next year and the next etc. It worked and I think this will be part of my inner dialogue during the Holidays. Except where Pumpkin pie and whipped cream are concerned. I mean really, skipping those would just be going way too far.

    Good weekend to all!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    This is not confession day, but my posts have been sporadic lately. My eating is over and my exercise is the only thing keeping it in check. I'm sliding right now and am trying to get it back into the green. I saw a 1.5 lb loss this week and lost about 3 inches. :) My work schedule has increased due to Christmas season and I don't have a handle on it yet. Since I cook for a living... I just don't feel like it when I get home after work. So I've noticed an increase in Fast food (I was down to almost nothing) and snacking. My meal times are messed up too. I think I'm going to have to concentrate very hard on food for a couple of weeks, to get some sort of HEALTHY routine going. That being said...
    Friday Fitness:
    I'm on Day5 of Ripped in 30 Jillian Michaels, I'm enjoying it. Surprisingly there is only one exercise that I can't do because it put too much stress on my knee (still acting gimpy). I'm doing Zumba again, just being very careful, because it helps me get my steps up for the day. The weather is kinda of crappy right now and the kids are getting sick right now, so it is not a good time to get them out walking. Puts a definite crimp on my activity. I've decided to hold off renewing my gym membership till January. I won't be able to go much between work, the kids and Christmas and its just not worth the money then. So I can start swimming again in January, YAY! I love swimming. :)
    I love this post... it's great to hear how everyone is doing.
    Hope everyone is meeting their goals and plugging away.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Friday Fitness - I am at the end of my 2nd week of Gilad. Yesterday was the ches/back workout that killed me last week. It burned while I did it but I am feeling nothing today. I guess that is a good thing! Monday I enter week 3 which means my routine gets bumped up a bit. I now get to be strangled by my boobs twice a week doing my abs workout. :laugh:
    My plan for the next two weeks is:

    Monday - Cardio Classic
    Tuesday - Hips, Thigh and Buns and Abs
    Wednesday - Cardio Strike
    Thursday - Chest & Back and Abs
    Friday - Cardio Blast
    Saturday - Shoulders & Arms
    Sunday - Rest

    **I just realized I was supposed to do abs yesterday and only did Chest & Back. Oops. I guess I will have to add them today after Cardio Blast.

    I was browsing the community forums yesterday and I came across an inspirational story from a woman who has a rare bone disease and suffers from chronic pain. I think was so good it had to be shared. If you are interested, check out the following link. This woman is amazing! **warning - it is a lengthy read but worth it**

    Jessie - Thank you. I am over it. Funny, it actually ended up making me want to work even harder!

    Susan - I agree 100%. A positive outlook does make a world of difference.

    Mel - Congrats on the 2 lb loss!

    ushkii - Welcome back!

    Michelle - I can't remember but do you have fitbit? I was wondering if it had something to do with my calories changing on me. I am glad to hear though that I am not the only one it happened to.

    Laurie - How is your dad doing in rehab? I hope it's going well.

    Grandmakaye - Congrats on the compliments. That is wonderful!

    Lives2Travel - I love candy corn. Thankfully I ate all mine before restarting MFP or else I would be in real trouble. :wink:
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    @susan can't think of having a better thing to be obsessed about. I struggle with exercise.

    @nettie- I don't have the fitbit. But my page is still doubling my meals so after I post everything I have to go back and remove the duplicate. I am actually having several glitches this week but I don't mind. I just have to pay close attention. :)

    Even though I lost another 2#'s I really need to get serious about exercise and water. I think I am going to have to push through on my leg hurting.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Super long day at work and then I had the trainer this afternoon plus squeezed in some cardio. I'm pooped. Work has been so busy and I travel again next week to Philly for 4 days.. I've got 2 presentations I need to pull together plus we're opening our first Capriotti's in Washington, D.C. late next week. There's a lot of last minute things coming through that I have to pretty much stop the presentation and put out fires. It's been a long week I'm heading to bed so I can hit the gym at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow. I know I'll have to work late tomorrow night so I want to get in my exercise. I think I'm becoming a bit obsessed. Woo Hoo!

    what do you do with capriotti's? there was one in shippensburg, pa up until recently, right by the college campus. but it has since closed. we also have one on long neck road in millsboro / long neck Delaware right beside our beach house. i'm guessing it's all teh same ... little sandwich shop?

    Yes, I'm the Director of Supply Chain & Quality Assurance for Capriotti's Sandwich Shop. Our corporate office is based out of Las Vegas. We actually started in Wilmington back in 1976. It was a family owned chain until they sold in 2008. Our owners bought the company at the ripe age of 28. Great guys!! When they bought the company there were 40 shops, 5 years later we have 96 today and will hit our 100th shop by mid-December. We're growing like crazy!! It is a sandwich shop, but what sets us apart is our quality. Our top selling sandwich is The Cheesesteak, but USA Today had our Bobbie sandwich (Thanksgiving in a bun - turkey, stuffing, cranberry) as one of their top 10 sandwiches a few years ago. We roast whole turkeys every night and pull it right off the bone every morning. No processed turkey - fresh!! Next week we're opening our first shop in Washington, D.C. and VP Biden is stopping by at some point. He grew up with Capriotti's in Delaware and loves it!!! We're very excited!!