Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Back to a hot and humid walk this morning. The cooler mornings earlier this week were just teasers. So glad to have a 3 day weekend coming up. I feel so far behind in stuff around the house. And for some reason, every single weekend in October is already booked with travel, friends in town and giving a baby shower. I need to be VERY productive in September or I'll be going into the holidays without being organized and that will drive me crazy. So, this weekend I'm dragging out all those winter clothes that no longer fit, taking some to a consignment store to see if they will buy them and then taking the rest to Goodwill. DH is headed out tomorrow to 2 college football games so I'll have all day to myself after an early morning dog walk. I will use it well.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 23/28

    Good Days: 23
    Not so Good Days: 2
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 2
    Bad calorie day, but totally worth it and planned to do it: 1
  • dreamagberry
    dreamagberry Posts: 10 Member
    Let's get your heart into this!!! ????. I've played games with losing weight untill now that it effects my emotions , my job, my confidence, so I decided all the way this time . We don't have to be happy about dieting but we will be happy about healthier . We can do this together.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. I hope you are all off to a great day. I am doing fine just not getting much done. My son came home late the other night and didnt have his keys and in his attempts to get into the house managed to set off the dogs and scare me and his sister. While being startled I turned my injured ankle so it is nicely swollen again:frown: Today is going to be a teamwork day with the kids on getting the house and yard cleaned up really good. It is long past time for a real good clean on both. Yesterday was stock up grocery shopping before hubby gets home (another reason ankle is so swollen today) and as usual I overbought my storage capacity so the first order of buisness today is to rearrange the pantry until I can get everything in there:laugh:
    For Friday fitness I have asked my son to help me come up with a routine of exercises I can do here at home that wont hurt my ankle and to do it with me for a couple of weeks until it gets to be a habit. He has agreed so I better be nice or god knows what he might try to make me do:laugh: Well I am almost ready to get started so have a great day everyone and TGIF to all you working stiffs:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Friday Fitness - Did my 3rd Spin class today and did not fall off or stop! Then swim for 1/2 hour, kind of half hearted I was pretty wiped after spin.

    @dreamagberry - Since finding this forum I have gained a huge amount of motivation. The people here are amazing, stay tuned - we can do this together.

    I am slightly apprehensive about this weekend. We will be celebrating my son's birthday and typically I make cheesecake for desert. This one will be much smaller than usual. I do not handle my rest/recovery days well as evidenced by the Captain Crunch episode last weekend. My trainer mentioned it twice this week. So I am declaring now that I will not be eating any this weekend.
    I am doing my big fitness day tomorrow instead of Sunday as the gym has cancelled classes Sunday and Monday. Sunday I plan to go test drive some bikes. I will need to purchase one in the next few months so I want to be sure of what I want.

    Love to all,
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    hi ladies :smile: hope everyone is feeling wonderful today and smiling in the sunshine :bigsmile: I'm sorry for my absence the last few days. I was preparing for a procedure that I had yesterday morning. I'm home now and doing well.:smile: It was my 2nd ablation endoscopy to laser cancer cells from my esophagus. While this is scary :frown: each time the cancer cells come back, I'm confident in my doctor and I'm remaining positive at all times that these cancer cells will eventually stop with the regrowth. I had a liquid diet yesterday due to the burning pain from the ablation and for the next week I've been ordered to a soft food diet. I've noticed a 5lbs loss already :bigsmile: but I'm not counting it as gospel until my official weigh in day on Sunday. Fingers crossed it is real and true and not just a temporary loss :ohwell: wish me luck :laugh:
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    Hi all! My apologies for not doing the @<name> stuff, Im still trying to figure out who is who! But I do read your responses!

    It's saturday for me so.. successes!

    Well... I kept going through my time of month, which was really hard this time around. I went on a date with my delicious husband yesterday and had such an amazing time, I missed missing him! I really am such a lucky girl.

    I havent yet caved in and bought any 'sneaky' foods, which is a hallmark of mine, so thats HUGE for me.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The first week back to school is over and I am totally exhausted. I actually left school at a descent hour, came home and took a cat nap before going rock climbing tonight. The climbing was great tonight but I will be ready for bed soon.

    Karen- I hope you can get some sleep this weekend.

    Allison/Boho- That is interesting that your daughter's school wear's suits to school. Are the suits pants or skirts? The students must look really nice in them.

    Dream- Don't think of this as a diet for the simple reason is that diets may NOT be sustainable over time. Think of this as a life style change. You are learning how to change your eating and activity habits that will lead to a healthier life that will stick with you forever. WE don't use the word diet on this thread, you will hear this process referred to as a journey, life style change etc. We are changing our lives for the better.

    Fitness- To find creative ways to stay active during the school year and not work so late. I need to make the time to get some activity in on days that I have evening meetings instead of just working late.

    I am looking forward to the three day weekend. I will kayak or paddle board tomorrow, bike at least 1 day this weekend but hoping for 2 days. Have a great weekend
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hey all!

    Friday Fitness - Does packing and lugging heavy boxes around count? Because I've been doing a lot of that. Loading up the container tomorrow. Ready to be done with this process.

    I hate packing. Ugh.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone and welcome newlings! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I actually got to bed at 11 pm last night so that was great. I will get some extra sleep tomorrow morning as well. :happy:

    @zaxie--no worries about doing personals. Just keep coming back and posting to let us know how you're doing. :smile:

    @bettjo--hoping the 5 lb loss sticks for you. More importantly hoping that your cancer regrowth stops so you can continue to move forward with your healthy lifestyle. :flowerforyou:

    @lori--good luck with the celebration this weekend and avoiding the captain crunch--I know you can stay strong! :drinker:

    @tammy--sorry you reinjured your ankle, but hope you and your son come up with a good workout plan that won't aggravate it further.

    @alison--like you, I've also felt a bit half-hearted in my level of commitment to the nutrition piece of this process. I've mainly stayed under my calorie goal, but not always with the best food choices. I feel i've been much more committed to the exercise portion, but I know from experience that exercise will only help me maintain, not lose weight. Not sure what I need to do to get my head back in the game regarding nutrition. I'm looking forward to re-doing the calorie/macro challenge next month--I know I can do better.

    Friday Fitness:
    Not a terrible week, but not stellar. I missed the gym yesterday but plan to go tomorrow and Monday. Probably not going to the Street Dance tomorrow night after all which is fine. It will allow me to get some grading done so it doesn't all get pushed off to Monday.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 61/61 Junior universal screeners DONE
    2. 63/68 AP quizzes ALMOST
    3. x/69 AP universal screeners

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -166
    100g of protein = 8/31 days
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good day. Under calorie goal and a 5 mile walk this evening. I'm looking forward to the long weekend, too. I have no big plans, just enjoying not having the kids here.
    This is, indeed, a journey (sometimes a very long one), and a lifestyle change. Whatever you do, it must be sustainable over a lifetime.
    I've been thinking about the word 'synergy' lately. We gain strength from one another. Together we can accomplish so much more than we can alone.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Friday Fitness: NOT! Today's my day off from exercise. I am averaging 6/7 days with cardio, 2 or 3 of those days include weight training (depending on availability of trainer). Knee is very cranky which makes me cranky.

    29/29 days under goal calories! However, sodium has been off the chart. Going to work on that in September.

    Another holiday weekend, but I'm not going to let it break my perfect run. I'll drop in here if I get HUNGRY. Hoping you all can keep me on the straight and narrow..:laugh:

    Tip: Don't watch "Julie & Julia" unless you've just had dinner. Mastering the Art of French Cooking, indeed!

    My bedtime wish for you all--a nice, restful sleep.:yawn:

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Have been playing "Catch up on my reading" and its getting late - no way can I do personals.
    Had a shock when I weighed myself. My weird diet of bland foods hit me on the scale AKA a ton of bricks. Won't even say how much. :angry: Had to break my rule of No Drs. Appts. in Sept. to go see my doc next Weds and see what we can do about it - don't want to sacrifice one thing and then find I'm gaining X lbs per month just to make a darn doctor happy.:explode: UGH! :noway:
    Fitness Friday - walking stairs in bldg. instead of using elevators. ( only live on 2nd floor)

    Y'all show such positivity - grateful to read each and every post I've read this past hour!. Love ALL of you! :heart:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Even though it’s Friday, I’m going to do Thursday Truth. Well, August is basically over. I’ve accomplished at least one thing this month and that was getting my 30 days of logging so that’s back on track. Work is still slammed and I’m exhausted. Now that my logging is back it’s time to get serious about exercise. While walking is great and I enjoy it, I’ve realized I’m not pushing myself enough. If I really want to start making some major changes to my weight loss, I need to push myself.

    @ Karen & Laurie – I was really thinking the same thing especially about this race. If anything, I plan to really reflect on what this event is all about. Stephen’s journey. Remembering 9/11. Proud to be an American. Families who lost loved ones. So many emotions will probably come out that day for sure and I’m honored to share it with you guys.

    @ Skinny/Karen – 80’s pub crawl? FUN!!!!

    @ Laurie – I wish I could escape with you too. If I was ever to inherit, win, or get a HUGE chunk of money, my first purchase would be a house on the beach. I love the ocean!!

    @ Fera – Woo Hoo!!! You’re a big loser!! LOL!!

    @ Hansea – I’m there with you on the evening binging. I think once the family is away it’s “me” time and I think that includes snacking. I just need to go upstairs, read, and go to bed. We have a combined kitchen/family and it’s too darn easy going back and forth.

    @ Kah68/Kelly – I’m so glad to see your post with the scale moving down. I know you were struggling the other day when it went up a bit, but I knew it would come right back off. You’re so dedicated and truly an inspiration to me.

    @ L2T – You’re exactly right. You are worth it and deserve ME time (me too). The sooner you find that balance the better. Once I get through our franchise convention the end of September, I’ll be better. Also, I can’t wait to see your before/after pictures of the laundry room. I hope you’re planning to share with us.

    @ cblue315 – Congrats on your loss. You’re doing awesome and I’m so proud of you!!

    @ Bohemian/Alison – I can definitely relate. We know what we need to do, but our mind and heart often are on different paths. It feels like I’ve been holding on by my fingertips this year, but I’m getting ready to really grab hold of this and take charge.

    @ Jtconst – Oh no!! Sorry to hear about the ankle. Hope it heals quickly.

    @ Bettjo64 – I’m glad the procedures went well. My dear friends were in Augusta these past three days. Her husband qualified for a cancer trial there. He’s battling colon, liver and lunch. He’s been in chemo since January 2013, but stopped a few months ago because it wasn’t working. While he’s a guinea pig for this trial, we’re praying something works. Cancer stinks!!!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Saturday Success -- I've cleaned out the fridge! And we have lots of lovely fresh vegetables.

    @lorilach08 -- welcome! I'm looking at it as losing 10 pounds. I know I can lose ten pounds; I just need to do it ten times.
    @BettJo64 -- that is scary! But it sounds like you're getting great care.
    @Zaxie -- don't worry about writing to everyone -- people do it if they want to but really there are no rules for this group (except, you know, be kind to each other)
    @Laurie -- they get to choose trouser suits or skirt suits. The girls all look *amazing*, like young businesswomen, and the boys all look like schoolboys in suits. Poor lads.

    Hey, I don't know what the plan is for September. I'm going to have a personal goal for September, which is to log and check in on this thread, every day in September.

    Hope you're loving your Saturday, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Yesterday was really busy at work and I only worked a half-day, so didn't have a chance to check in. As always, lots on my plate for the long weekend--today is all about getting to the grocery store and finally getting an extra bedroom de-cluttered and organized--maybe I'll finally get the furniture sitting in the garage moved in there! Making a list of donations (for tax purposes) and will be taking to Goodwill next weekend (hope some of the stuff fits in my car since they can't pick-up in TX).

    @Susan~Thank you so much for the kind words and words of encouragement.

    @Bettjo~Glad your procedure went well and you're recovering at home.

    @Karen(skinny)~Looks like you have a busy, but fun weekend planned--enjoy!

    @Marsha(GW)~I loved that movie! :wink:

    AFM~What a week--DVR died and then my phone died. New DVR arrived yesterday, luckily its already programmed to record my "series" programs. Hopefully I can find what I've missed on "on demand." Then yesterday my phone died, I managed to bring it back to life--just need it to last until the iPhone 6 is released in a few weeks (fingers crossed).
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE Note and be ready................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread – it happens that every 20 pages, - we start a new Thread – therefore you will see at the bottom of the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One. robinsegg

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    Oh ROBIN! I know EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL! I initially followed my doctors advice and GAINED 9 KILOS! (about 20 pounds). Since then Ive learnt that I have to question my doctor on whether their advice is general, or for someone with insulin resistance and hormone imbalances.

    Actually, I pretty much tell the doctor now what I am going to do, and when they shake their finger, I ask them for medical reasons why that would not be the best approach for someone with my problems. If they have a reason, I listen to them, if they have no answer then I don't.

    You know your body! Have faith!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good day everyone.

    I did not log yesterday and lost my streak, oh well starting a new streak today.

    Happy International Bacon Day
    International Bacon Day or Bacon Day is an unofficial observance held on the Saturday before Labor Day in the United States. (Labor Day is traditionally the first Monday of September). Bacon day celebrations typically include social gatherings during which participants create and consume dishes containing bacon, including bacon-themed breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and drinks.[1][2]
    Bacon Day was conceived in Bedford, Massachusetts in 2000 by the residents of the Crag

    “Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” ~Buddha

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    FeraFilia - congratulations on your DH ordination - splendid indeed! and so exciting you're moving so quickly now! PODS are an exciting way to move! :flowerforyou:

    Hansea - a day ALONE? WOW!

    GrandmaKaye - sorry to hear that you continue with your synovitis pain - is it 24/7? That is awful, but I admire your strength in the face of it all! Such a cute remark by Keith - wanting to be twins! Ugh, sorry to hear about all the car delays!

    Synergy is a Great Word to apply to this Group!!!!! if we ever re-name it we should use it somehow!

    Cblue - WOOT - 2 LBS down - HAPPY DANCE! Glad the business is booming but sorry you run out of hours in the day! Have fun testing bikes this Sunday! P.S. our Laurie is an expert on buying them!

    Toots - Sept 12, and Sept 16 - soon come, mon!

    Dreamaberry - Welcome! we are the place for you if you need support - we offer it daily - feel free to express yourself honestly here!

    Kp203 - I HATE IT TOO! YUCK - so, lets do it slowwwwwly! that way its not so bad!

    KateIrving - well hello again - glad to hear you lost some weight!

    GWhammy - I love your dream recollection - just simply lovely!!!! I want to have dreams like that in the future of me running like that soon!

    Laurie - starting back to school must really be exhausting - glad to hear your kids have uniforms. I do like the idea of the non-competitiveness issue. I was in uniforms but in the '60's and the summer uniforms and gym stuff was sooo dorky!

    Skinny - sounds like you have plans for everything BUT sleep! Ha!

    Softblond - great to hear you are still doing well and feeling motivated - ! :drinker:

    mzfiizz - a home baker - you have more secrets being revealed all the time! Glad to hear your brother joined - awesome!

    BohoCoast -alison- you said you feel your heart's not really in this - well, often I feel the same way, but I keep dragging myself along, thru all kinds of obstacles, even weight gains. Darn it, don't give up, just stay connected with us thru the bad times too. Your heart will eventually re-connect with your desires to lose the weight. It does NOT have to be your TOP PRIORITY. It should be one of 3 priorities, being physical and mental health as well! :flowerforyou: Hey, check your mail here for a PM from me.

    Also - will post the Sept. Challenge after this post.

    lorilach - Welcome! Hope this will be the right thread for you - we'll support you on your journey - and I like your short term goals!

    LivesTT - glad you walked despite the humidity - and also that you are in agreement with most about repeating the August Challenge again in September.! :drinker: I definitely want to include your tag line: Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days:

    jtconst - hey, your son better learn to do something else about getting in a house after dark or else he's gonna get shot sometime! Didn't try the doorbell? Kids! :noway: Anyway, so sorry to hear about your ankle. You should just surrender and wear a brace 24/7 :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    BettJo - sorry you had to have more CA cells ablated from your esophagaus - I hope in time they do stop growing back. How un-nerving that must be. I'm sure you just want to be classified a survivor in remission, instead of as a patient in treatment. I'm here to hold your hand in absentia. Lots of love, Robin :heart: :heart: :heart: Continue your positive attitude which includes enjoying the sunshine and your friends and your weight loss! You are such a lovely warm-hearted happy person with good faith in your doctor and thats where your head needs to be to be successful in this!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Zaxie - I think you're doing a marvelous job catching on! And thanks for understanding my Dr. dilemma!

    Actually doing personals is just ONE TRICK AWAY - HERE"S HOW:

    Normally, if you just want to post a brief replay, you just click on the word REPLY and thats it. But if you want to reply to lots of people, you RIGHT CLICK on the word REPLY and a MENU POPS UP - then choose "OPEN LINK IN NEW TAB" or "OPEN LINK IN NEW WINDOW" whichever works for your browser. Then what you get is a second listing the thread open to a reply box - then you can move between the two TABS. You read your thread in the first (original) tab, then go to the second TAB and write your response to someone (BUT DON"T HIT REPLY BUTTON yet) then just keep moving back and forth like that as you read through all you want to read in the first TAB and type in your replys in the second TABS reply box - when you are all finished - go to the second TABS reply box, and finish anything you might want to say - like add personal comments, and then hit the reply button at the bottom of the box you've just filled in IN THE SECOND TAB and it will post. CLOSE THE FIRST TAB and LEAVE THE SECOND TAB OPEN FROM THIS POINT ON.

    its actually very easy. I do it all the time. I don't do personals to everyone - I skip around a lot - but thats how I manage to do so many at once!

    Kah - great timing for your electronics to fail on you! Couldn't live without a phone for more than 1 day! Ugh :explode:

    AFM - well got on a new sleeping pill last night twice the strength of before but- took it so late however (1:30 am) that I slept til 1:15 pm today! I'd say it works pretty darn well! But now, I've only had my morning ritual of coffee, coffee, coffee and this and email, and its 4:30 pm. RATS!!!! I had planned to do some returns to 3 diff. stores today. Guess what I'm doing tonight? Rats again. :laugh: Guess Laurie and Skinny (Karen) will be contacting me for some!

    Tom - whats on the slow cooker this weekend? Regarding the quote - I consider Buddha one of the world's greatest teacher's but I disagree with that quote to a great extent! I am even to the point, altho raised Catholic, I have several Buddhist items around my house and a dearth of Catholic items......(I'm at issue with the male heirarchy in the church)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    WATCH YOUR CALORIES MONTH! Goal is to Track Your Calories…. i.e. Track the Number of Days you are under your Calorie Goal. (if you’re within 100 cal. you’re within your goal.)

    If you don’t want to do that, INSTEAD, THE OPTION IS TO TRACK SOMETHING YOU CHOOSE: i.e, if you choose, personalize the Challenge by counting your macros or protein, salt, or sugars/carbs intake for the month.. If this doesn’t trip your trigger, you can count your walks or just about anything. But keep records!

    It’s a great challenge in that you will certainly pay attention to the bottom line: Calories In must be less than calories out to lose weight. Hard to practice but a great month to be active.

    You are Responsible for tracking and Posting your Progress on the thread. Please post your progress weekly. You may include LivesToTravels definition of bad days: Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: