Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • dreamagberry
    dreamagberry Posts: 10 Member
    Hey everyone! I enjoyed reading all of your labor day adventures. Im back in southern ohio, enjoyed my mini trip with my husband and 9 year old son . today Im back on the diet. I have to be honest I kind of feel ill today and im not sure why. im thinking that hard rock greasy yet yummy food took a toll on my been eating right stomach. So ..... so far ive just dabbled a little with this sight but now im ready to get personal. I am a 40 year old ems worker and my weight truly gets the best of me while trying to do my job. but my biggest goal is to lose weight for my october 2015 Hawaii trip with my husband. so 34 pounds down and hopefully 50 more by valentines day. I started my loss at 291 pounds and started my fitness pal at 278 now im 244 so I have a ways to go. I get down a lot seems two steps forward three back, even considered surgery but I have a friend who vomits a lot since her surgery two years ago and now she is gaining weight back. just pray for me to keep plugging forward.

    my goals are to stay under calorie count and to log 12 miles a week in September.
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    The goal I'd like to set is to be under 300 by Thanksgiving. I was thinking Christmas but I really want to push my self. Now let's see if I can do it , :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MsFrizz - can you drink Diet Dr. Pepper instead? I still drink diet pop myself as a treat - I haven' sworn off it entirely as some people do.

    Coddy4 - I missed that People article. I'm glad it inspired you - glad you've found a diet plan to follow and are doing well.

    Laurie - glad grading is caught up! :bigsmile:

    PinkVespa - yep thats the right attitude - either toss it or give it away - you have to get rid of everything that is junk food. As far as your WILL DO/WONT DO - I enjoyed reading it - I don't cook either! It all frozen foods that can go in the microwave for me! Even my morning omelets :laugh:

    G-Kaye - hope the allergies go away! I don't want it to be fall! :sad:

    Newbies - welcome to all of you! I've said many things in my earlier posts about - It AIN"T easy - but stick with us! don't give up - OK?

    Kah - deadlifts are awesome - glad to see you keep hitting PB's (personal bests)

    LivestoTravel - great lyrics!

    KateIrv - great goals - have fun packing - I wonder how many boxes you'll get done and how many calories that will burn?

    dreamberry - you've got this - like you are guessing - your belly ache is probably due the the greasy food from yesterday - ride it out a day and eat clean today.

    lpjones - yes you CAN!

    AFM - getting hair colored 4 pm - Drs. appt. tomorrow 10;30 am - hoping to get different pain med for trip to make life easier - not holding out hopes though :smokin: otherwise might stop in Colorado at a medicinal mj clinic and see what they offer for pain - its worth a try while its legal -at this point in my life... :glasses: wouldn't take out of state of course - not a lawbreaker here - just considering options -
    also tomorrow get to see my sister's new puppy - she got a Maltipoo, a female and has named it Daisy - says its adorable - can't wait!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Tuesday goals -- well, I wrote my goals for September down the other day and they definitely include checking out stuff in here all the time.

    Food diary -- 1 day so far
    Hitting calorie goal -- 1 day so far

    @Marsha -- What an amazing weight loss for August, and well done for keeping on track all month! That's an amazing achievement. Are you sure you're eating enough, though? I'm not sure I'd recommend cutting your calories down any further when you're already losing so well.

    @Hansea47 -- You need to remember that months of staying stable are still a *big win*. They're just a pause on the journey. Compare with me; I fell off the wagon properly and now I've got all that to do again.

    @Liz -- Welcome! I'm on this journey because quite a few of my pals have gone for weight loss surgery and their path doesn't seem to me to be much easier than the one the rest of us are on -- they still need to watch what they eat very carefully and monitor their weight. So I thought if I was going to have to do that anyway I didn't need to bother with surgery really.

    @Betty -- another great loss -- and that's my experience -- when I come along here, read success stories, log my food and check into this thread every day (or nearly every day), I lose weight, take exercise, and feel great, and when I don't, I don't.

    @Mzfrizz15 -- I couldn't cope with the MFP sugar recommendations. Once I'd adjusted carbs down (from the starting point which is a whopping 55% carbs!) the sugar figure was so low it didn't allow me to eat any fruit! I eventually concluded that they must have been thinking about added sugar. Or something. I realised I had to do something when I made soup and the *onions* in the soup were enough to put me over the recommended sugar level.

    @Jeanette -- A girl! Yay! Love the photos! But you will need to get firm with your m-i-l. If she rings 'to see if you are in' then either get call screening, or say 'yes, we're here, but it's not convenient for you to come round right now'. And enlist your partner's help in reminding her that you'd appreciate notice of a visit. Plus, make sure that when you do say they can come round, that the visit has an end time. "Oh, we'd love to see you for lunch on Saturday. That works really well, because we've got another appointment at 4." Miss Manners has lots of stuff on being polite but firm and not saying why it's not convenient, or what the other appointment is. But basically, never let this woman in the house without knowing when she's leaving. The problem with parents is that they never stop thinking that you're primarily their kid.

    @PinkVespa28 -- I reckon that a lot of binge-eating happens because people set themselves too stringent targets. Given your current weight, you're going to need to eat about twice what a lot of people on MFP have to. So if you try to just eat "chicken breasts, fruit and vegetables" you'll get incredibly hungry! And people who are incredibly hungry eat, and they tend not to do it in a controlled way, because their body's going 'omg I'm starving'. You can eat all sorts of things. Nobody cooks 'one-person portions of healthy foods' (well, almost nobody). Most people either cook in batches and freeze portions, or buy things that are easy to prepare and make a nice meal. And there are lots of resources elsewhere on MFP to work out the right calorie target for you (and it's often not what MFP recommends).

    For physical activity, the best one to start with if you're not doing anything at the moment is walking. If you're not doing anything at the moment then just walking for five or ten minutes two or three times a day is a great start. You should be aiming for 30 minutes of 'brisk' walking (that's where your heart rate goes up and you're puffing just a bit) about 5-6 times a week. But that's eventually! Just start off doing what you can do and then increase by a tiny bit each day.

    @Kelley -- thanks for your support! Indeed I think I'm beginning to lose now. Maybe.

    Welcome all the newlings! Three pages in the new thread already! Aren't we a busy lot? Hoping you're all having a great Tuesday. You don't need to be 'added' or anything -- if you post in the thread, you're one of us. Post as much or as little as you like.

    -- Alison
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone!!

    After a very long holiday weekend at work it has been so nice to sit and do nothing most of the day. I did have a good workout. I’m making hubby Italian sausage and peppers for dinner tonight so I’m really watching what goes in my mouth today. :drinker:

    @GrammyWhammy, WOW you are an inspiration!! 17.7 lb loss and you were 31 days under your calorie goal. Wayyyy to go!! :flowerforyou: :smokin:

    @hansea, I am so stealing your phrase “Get-My-S&!t-Straight Month” Because that is exactly what I plan to do. I want to be like GrammyWhammy!!! :happy:

    @JNettie, congrats your baby girl!! I have one child and she is a girl. She is 22 years old and the last few years have been rough, but what a total joy she was as a baby and little girl. I wish all the best!! :flowerforyou: Smelling alcoholic drinks is not only good for your baby but good for your weight! Smart thinking!! :drinker:

    @Lives2Travel, what a great song “I dare you to move” is and when applied to our walk with weight loss it is surprisingly fitting. Like you I refuse to accept my past failures and I will succeed!!! :glasses:

    Tuesday goals: stay focused!! I always do well when I'm focused but the moment I let my attention slip I get into trouble. NOT going to happen this month!!! :angry: :bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Whoa--I'm so far behind on this thread! I am knee-deep in grading, but I will try to get back here later to catch up on posts and update my goals. Must finish the AP universal screeners to hand back tomorrow.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 24/68 AP universal screeners
    2. x/61 F451 short stories

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Bump for later
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Tuesday Goals - Get through this week!

    I am now into week 4 of withdrawal of the anti depressants. I am getting closer to the non-medicated me and not sure about anything. Made an appointment with my MD for next week to do a depression screening and plan what to do next.

    Thanks for all your honest sharing I really do get so much from looking in here every day.
    Love to all
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Had a great workout tonight to prep for a 5K on Sunday afternoon, so I should be ready. This week will be crazy but the best part is I get to see a friend from high school who nows lives in Texas. Her mom ended up back in the hospital but she has people looking out for her. The high school friends will be getting together tomorrow night along with the kids and hubby's. It will be so nice to see everyone again.

    Katie- Where in the Chesapeake Bay area of MD are you moving? Let me know since that is where I live.

    Cutting it short tonight, since I need to hit the sack so I can be ready for kids tomorrow.
  • icetopaz
    icetopaz Posts: 28 Member
    I need to lose over 100lbs and am taking medication for diabetes as well as other conditions. This time I've switched to whole foods only and have stopped processed and finally through doing that a lot of the cravings I was having have finally stopped - and I've noticed that green vegetables are especially helpful. A lot of my weight is around my middle and I really need to tone up. I'm hoping for motivation to tackle this as at the moment I've been reluctant to go out for long walks and to exercise with other people because of how I feel about my body and because I don't have an exercise partner.

    Current goal - do 15 minute walk daily.
  • menusurya
    dear all,

    i m menu... need to lose 10 kg weight so i joined mfp...
    plz anyone can share any tips?
  • menusurya
    my today's goal is my food menu:
    morning: coffee with 2 biscuits
    one apple
    11.00: one green tea
    lunch: oats with buttermilk
    one carrot
    half capcicum
    evening: tea and biscuit
    dinner: two rotis with vegetables
  • PinkVespa28
    PinkVespa28 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks to all who reached out and said hello or offered helpful tips to me!

    SW - 440
    CW - 398
    Mini GW - 368 (5%)
    UGW - 175

    Monday - still "celebrating" Labor Day :-l
    Tuesday - Goals - to log my sleep each night this week using the FitBit
    Wednesday - Wishes - I wish I felt motivated to put more effort into my hair and makeup and looking polished for work each day
    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to ‘fess up to or get off your chest?)
    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick update!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 2/30

    Good Days: 2
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    icetopaz - welcome - yes, you can do this. I'm impressed that you have changed your diet and your cravings have gone away - that is super! I can relate to your sense of uncomfortable-ness about walking in public - but you have to understand that you might not even register on most people's mind as they go past you - they are thinkiing of a million other things in their busy lives! You needn't think about them either. Just try to think positive thoughts - your burning calories and thats great!

    menu - welcome. Best tip is to just remember it takes a LONG time to lose this much weight and to start using ALL the features here on MFP. Log every lick, bite and taste of food you eat. Stay under your calorie goal. Come to this thread every day.
    I like todays goals you wrote down! Great job!

    AFM - see the doctor today - this should be interesting - and the new puppy too!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Welcome to all the new people!:flowerforyou:

    Each year league bowlers across the United States celebrate U.S. Bowling League Day.
    League bowling was established soon after modern type bowling was created and organized in New York City in 1895.
    Leagues are set up of male-only, female-only or mixed, typically consisting of three to five players.
    Weekly league bowling is a great social outing as well as great physical activity.

    “To be happy, drop the words ‘if only’ and substitute instead the words ‘next time’.” ~Smiley Blanton

  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    bump :flowerforyou:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots~Your trip to China to pick up your boys is right around the corner, exciting times ahead! I hope they travel well and adjust quickly to their new surroundings. Are any of your other children making the long trip with you? How long will you be there?

    Thanks! We hope they do too! Some of our flights are just plain crazy! We leave China at 2AM! None of our children are going. Grandma is coming to stay with them. We will be gone two weeks. Sept 12 to Sept 27
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is great to catch up with you all again. Everything here continues to truck along. Hubby got corralled to staying at work one more trip so wont be home for about 15 more days but at least he gets to come home. There was a short time when it looked like his replacement was going to quit and he would have been stuck until mid november when the boat steamed back to seattle for one month. I was able to get out for a short walk with the doggies again this morning. Found a nice brace for my ankle that I can move around comfortably in but does give some nice extra support.So school starts back up here today. My brother and sil took the kiddos to school but Auntie tammy is back to work as of this afternoon. We will have to change our schedule a little since they are both doing some sports this fall so I have to make sure homework is done and they are ready for practice by the time their dad gets home. So I am going to customize the september challenge a little bit for myself. I will of courtse hope to stay under calories every day for the rest of this month. Yesterday is already a wash:grumble: But my main goal is to get back ionto a regular habit of recording. I WILL be recording every day whether it is good or not.

    Nettie congrats on finding out that you will be having a beautiful baby girl. I have two daughters and while the teen years can be a little "fun" I wouldnt trade them for anything.
    Robin it sounds like a fun trip. We did the Grand Canyon and sedonas a few years ago with the hubbys family.
    For all our teachers on here hope the school year is off to a good start. I think most of you have already started back. I think we have one of the later start dates around here.

    Well time to go find a chore to do. Have a great day everyone :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Katiegirl1970
    Katiegirl1970 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi. I am new here and need a few days to scan the site and get familiar with how everything works but i would like to be apart of this challenge/group.

    My name is Katie. I am a 44 year old Grandmother/Mother & wife. I have lost 30 pound since April 15th 2014---with MANY more to go.

    I fell off the wagon in July and August (didnt gain anything but didnt lose a pound) so I am here to help make myself be accountable and to be a part of a group that has one common goal.

    Please add me as a friend.

    Hello everyone.

    What does "bump" mean?