Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~I’m sorry the year has started out with difficult students, I hope its just nerves and they settle in soon. Hope you get to the gym soon, too, I know how frustrating it is when we’re too busy to work out! :frown:

    @Hansea~That boy is hysterical, I do nothing but laugh when I’m with him—oh, and he gives the best hugs.:love: Oy, night binges—I know them well. I hope you can figure that out soon. I think my sister’s kids are the same age as yours—I bet she’s wondering what to do with her day too (I knows she’s missing the 5-year old but bet she’s enjoying a quiet house this morning).

    @Marsha(GW)~I think we decided to repeat August’s challenge in September.

    @Fera~I hate packing too, good luck with the move and getting settled soon!

    @Kaye~Boy, they sure are taking their time with your car—hope you have it back soon!

    @Tom~LOL, I wish I had Boris’ money too!

    AFM~Accepted a last minute invite to an impromptu celebration last night, so no time for the gym—I indulged on a small piece of cake and it was totally worth it! :wink: I did wash laundry room and bathroom floors before I went though. Scale has shown a downward trend last two days—I’ve eaten at BMR or TDEE last two days, maybe there is something to eating more! :blushing: :laugh: Hope I can continue and the scale continues to cooperate. I have a dentist appointment this afternoon, hope I’m out quick enough to head to gym—if not, I WILL use my elliptical at home for some cardio.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Cardio NOT DONE (rest day instead)
    Thursday~Gym or Elliptical at home after dentist appt
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Kelley my DVR went belly up last night.:grumble: The hard drive is toast so tomorrow while I’m off of work I’ll go get it replaced. I did miss R & I last night. The Royal Ps are on ondemand if you get that. I think R & I is too.

    August 28 annually celebrates a food holiday–it is National Cherry Turnovers Day.
    Cherry turnovers are a sweet dessert that are a type of pastry made by placing a cherry filling on a piece of dough, folding the dough over, sealing it then either baking it or frying it.
    Related to plums, peaches and nectarines, cherries are drupes or stone fruits.
    Cherries were brought to North America in the 1600′s by the English colonists.
    There are more than 1,000 varieties of cherries in the United States.
    There are an average of 44 cherries in one pound.
    More National Cherry Holidays:
    • January 3rd is National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day.
    • April 23rd is National Cherry Cheesecake Day.
    • May 17th is National Cherry Cobbler Day.
    • August 28th is National Cherry Turnover Day.
    • September 24th is National Cherries Jubilee Day.
    Following are a few, “tried and true” cherry turnover recipes for you to try to enjoy!
    Happy National Cherry Turnover Day!

    “You can’t do it all yourself. Don’t be afraid to rely on others to help you accomplish your goals.” ~Oprah Winfrey

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @morgori - You are KILLING me! Cherry Turnovers are one of my favorites and I haven't had one in the 441 days I've been on MFP. I can taste it now........

    @susan - Yeah, I do need to work on my work/life/stress balance now that I'm in a new position. And I need to do it sooner rather than later. I have the luxury of no kiddos at home, so it's truly easier for me now than ever before, but as you well know, work will take over your life if you let it. I'm just not going to let that happen. I've become accustomed to my ME time and I'm not going to let a job stand in the way of what I want/need to do for myself.

    @kah - Love the painting of Zoe. You have talent!

    @fera - Oh packing.... you are awful, but you lead to unpacking in a new and exciting place. Good luck on the move!

    @hansea - Enjoy the first day of school. I loved it when the girls got home bursting with exciting first day news to share.

    @laurie - Hope your two non-talkers adjust quickly. I'm sure that has to be frustrating.

    @kaye - Hope the car is ready soon. Great walks this week!

    @skinnyjeanz - Wow you sure are busy with grading already. No slow start to the school year for you.

    @teresa - Shrimp tacos....yum! And you'll get to 250. Just keep up the awesome effort.

    AFM - The laundry room project is coming along. The carpentry is done, the new lighting is in and Home Depot came out and built templates for the counter tops on Tuesday. Hope they will be ready by late next week. I was procrastinating on whether or not to get a new faucet and decided to go ahead and do it mostly to get one that's a high arch so it's as out of the way as possible when I bath the dog (which is the biggest use of the laundry sink). I spent the money I had earmarked for a new gray purse for Fall, but oh well, I'll probably get more use out of the faucet.

    Nothing to report in the weight loss category. Still holding steady at 181 ish. Sigh.

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 22/27

    Good Days: 22
    Not so Good Days: 2
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 2
    Bad calorie day, but totally worth it and planned to do it: 1
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. Thursday truth: Today will be a rest day from walking, and I will probably go over on my calories, too. It's game day for the Boise State football fans at my house. We will be having a "football party". I have had about 1500 extra calories in the last week. I'm sure I won't need that many extras.
    Nicole brought the stroller this morning so Anya could go to school with us. Keith said, "I wish Sister could stay at school with me. If only we were twins."
    GrammyWhammy, When I had my knee replacements, I was left with a chronic inflammation of the synovial lining, synovitis. It is quite painful, especially when I have to use them for leverage like standing up, sitting down or doing stairs. The good news is that walking doesn't make them any worse, so I walk. It burns calories, clears my head and makes me feel good. I'm really grateful that I can walk. Before I had the replacements, I couldn't. We have tried about everything, and nothing has helped to ease the inflammation so I am just learning to live with it.
    Everyone have a great day. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good morning all.
    Had a great session with the trainer. Am still very much on goal with fitness.
    Weigh in was 241 (down 2 pounds). I have to be under 241 to get to simply obese. So it will be next week (Hopefully).
    I am kind of stoked about the September Challenge. I joined this forum after the August challenge started.

    I must say I have a little envy going on with all the talk about being without kids and having free time. My business is booming and I am working 12 or more hours every day. So with adding an hour or two at the gym I have very little left over. I do plan on taking Saturday off this week and will work Sunday and Monday to make up for my time off.

    Love to all
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @ Toots – Wow! Even after all of these years I have such a hard time believing the one-child policy. I didn’t even think of that when I asked if they were brothers. While I’m a firm believer in people should only have the amount of kids they CAN afford or take care of properly, I could never ever fathom this policy. Unfortunately, there’s a TON of people out there who should have only had one or NO children in my opinion. I know you experience time after time as foster parents. There’s a lot of bad ones too who just do it for the money, but there are more positive than negative people doing it for the right reason. It says a lot about you and your husband. Your good people that’s for sure.

    They did just change it to two children but only under very specific conditions. I was really surprised to hear that people foster for money when we first got started. It's not like you'd be turning a big profit and it would be such a terrible thing to do.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Toots: Although there is a one-child policy in China, that's only for the "ordinary" folks. If you have enough yuan (sp?), you can have more. My bil knew a number of wealthy Chinese businessmen with several children each. If you have the $$$, the rules mean a point.

    Yes, if you can afford the fee for more than one child, you can have them.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    We travel September 12, with a Gotcha Day of September 15!
  • dreamagberry
    dreamagberry Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Dreama Berry and I'm on a weight loss mission and I need support. Some of my friends who have said they would exercise with me ect do just the opposite . I could really use some serious diet buddy's . I've lost 34 pounds need to lose 100 more. I enjoyed reading all your blogs . They were very real, with some of the same emotions I'm dealing with so maybe I've finally found that accountability and check in that I need
  • Kp203N
    Kp203N Posts: 22
    my truth is that i hate losing weight. :explode: :mad:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    So much for Wednesday wish. If we were in habit of naming cars, this one would have to be Murphy. They need another part, but it's the Labor Day weekend, so they won't have it until Tuesday. RRRRR
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    been away for a few days, lost weight, 237 lbs
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Thursday Truth: I sometimes dream I can run, just like I did when I was a kid! You know, feet flying over the ground, wind in the hair, nothing flapping that shouldn't be, and so on. Kind of like a blind person dreaming in color, or someone who lost a limb dreaming they have it back. Seems silly, I know. Maybe someday...

    Kelley: Thanks for reminding me of the September challenge. I want to add increased steps to mine, say get closer to 10,000 a day, but not sure if hinges will let me.

    Kaye: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the chronic inflammation, but now I have even more admiration for you. Good for you, pushing through the pain. I want to lose another 50# (by Christmas I reckon) before seeing the doctor about the knees, but my left one is REALLY acting up now. My trainer, who used to work with injured athletes, gives me exercises to strengthen supporting muscles, but that doesn't help the ouch. How long was your recovery after your TKRs? When were you able to drive, exercise, et cetera?

    cblue/Lori: Hey, nice job--losing 2 more lbs! Like you, I'm hoping to be less than morbidly obese, but it looks like you'll be merely "simply" very soon. WTG.

    Welcome, newbies! This is a great forum to get your game face on!

    The weekend's almost here! Battle plan ready?

    You can do this!


    (Under goal and still holding.)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Marsha, the second knee was much faster than the first one because I had lost about 50# between the 2 surgeries. Also the second one wasn't as bad as the first one. I am 5' 1", and weighed about 260# for the first surgery. I got my extension and range of motion back quickly with both. I think I was driving, etc. in about 5 weeks with the first one and 4 weeks with the second one. Hope that helps. Even though I still have pain, I do not regret having the surgeries. Hope this helps. I know your decision is complicated by being the care giver for your husband. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Truth- way to much pizza this week so that needs to stop. I will get back on track this weekend plus catch up on my sleep. I plan to catch up on my sleep as well this weekend. However, I will start by going to bed early tonight as this has been a very long week.

    Sorry to tired and exhausted to respond personally to everyone so just know I wish you well, congrats on your losses, and if you are struggling hang in there it will get better.

    I need to icing a cake tonight before I go to bed but hopefully soon at least the icing is made and ready to go.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    Like laurie, I'm hoping to get to bed earlier than usual (usual for me is about 1 am--shooting for 11 pm tonight. Tomorrow is an institute day, so lunch will be out. Not sure where but I will make good choices. I'm more concerned about the holiday weekend. Not food so much as the extra calories from cocktails. Will go out for happy hour tomorrow, then saturday night we go to a local street dance, then sunday is an '80s pub crawl with some friends. Sunday will be most difficult b/c we will be out all day which means lunch and dinner out plus drinks.

    Thursday Truth:
    I could be doing better with my food choices. :blushing: Looking forward to re-doing the August challenge in Sept. Also, skipped the gym today--I'm just so tired. :yawn:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 61/61 Junior universal screeners DONE
    2. 63/68 AP quizzes ALMOST
    3. x/69 AP universal screeners

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -352
    100g of protein = 6/31 days
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I am not sure if I am still in first month "high", full of motivation and self control, or if this will be the year...I am doing well. .
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    Hello ladies and gents!
    I had a good day, all things considered. Made 6 pints of apricot jam and have a couple dozen fruits left over for tomorrow's apricot tart! My brother has also taken an even bigger interest in getting healthier, to the point that he's actually put the MFP app on his phone. *does a dance* :drinker:

    Thursday Truth- I discovered that homemade goodies beat the pants off of anything I can get from the store. I've also gotten to the point that I resist the "boredom munchies" at least 90% of the time. :smile:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Friday fitness: well this week has been a bit rubbish really. Trying to get it together for next week.

    @enzosmama -- your poor toe! Hopefully it will mend up really quick.
    @Teresa -- my rule for many years at Starbucks has been to have *exactly one* holiday drink each year. Works for me, but otherwise I'd be hopeless. I love eggnog lattes.
    @Laurie -- all secondary schools (middle & high schools) and a lot of primary schools (grade schools) here have uniform. It makes life lots easier once you've paid for the initial outlay. My daughter is in the sixth form; some have uniforms, some have own clothes, but my daughter's school has a dress code which is suits.
    @Susan -- you are so right about checking in daily!
    @FeraFilia -- moving is so exciting! But packing burns lots of calories, I always find (more than the charts say). Remember that some enormous proportion of shipping boxes are never unpacked -- don't take anything you don't really need for your new home.
    @Tom -- now, cherry turnovers sound like the Best Thing Ever. And @Lives2Travel -- you can definitely squeeze one in; just count it in your points.
    @Toots -- lots of people here foster not "for the money" as such, but as their income. I think it works out quite well in that although it won't ever make anyone rich, it can provide enough income that you don't need another job and can really give the kids the time and attention they need (which I guess is a great deal for most kids in foster care here).
    @Dreamagberry -- Welcome! I've sent you a friends request.
    @Mzfrizz15 -- I love making jam! Though this summer was so busy I didn't manage to make any strawberry, which is my absolute favourite.

    Well, this week is always a difficult one for me, because we celebrate my husband's birthday and then my son's birthday. So that was a nice meal out with hubby, and then pizza & ice cream for son. Of course I could have logged it. But I didn't. Oops.

    Thursday truth -- I still don't think my heart's in this. I need to make it my top priority and I'm not doing at the moment. And if I don't do that I am not going to get anywhere. Right. One day at a time; nothing in my diary to mess me up; it's a plan.

    Gotta take it seriously. But now I have a houseful of kids, so I had better go make them some lunch. Hope you're all planning a fantastic weekend!

    -- Alison
  • lorilach08
    lorilach08 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just rejoined My Fitness Pal. Need to lose over 100 lbs. but looking at short term goals, like 20% of my body weight first. I also use Fitbit to track my steps to encourage me to exercise more. Just looking at being more healthy and taking it one day at a time,