Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen, thanks for the link. I have a lot of red in my kitchen, so I love the colors. Nicole is going to take a look. If she needs something, we can get free shipping. I'm cheap that way.
    GrammyWhammy, thanks for the encouragement. I've just been stuck for so long! I really need to do something different.
    I really appreciate all of the encouragement and friendship that I have here.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Just checking in super quickly, to say that Thursday was a not-very-good-not-logging day though although I had a couple of weird snacks I was probably only 3-400 calories over. But I didn't log.

    So today I've logged despite the fact I ate lumps of cheese for dinner.

    Tomorrow I'm going to a posh formal dinner at my old college, and meeting up with uni friends tomorrow and hopefully Sunday. So there's no way I can keep on track, but I'm hoping that I can stay within +500. See you on the other side!

    -- Alison
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am so happy that this week is over and I plan to sleep and rest this weekend. Tomorrow, my body will determine if I go swimming in the morning or hit the gym for a light workout. I am exhausted tonight but i did manage to climb and that felt good. I will call it an early night and go to bed soon.

    Cblue- Congrats.

    I will catch up with personals later. I did manage to get the grading done at school today but could not put it in the gradebook due to a network issue. :explode: Now that is one more thing to do on Monday.
    Have a great weekend.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Holy Mackeral ! I am just worn out today! Too many errands and a pedicure gone wrong - :grumble: and just finished dinner and watched the recorded news. I'm afraid I'll fall asleep before I get this done!
    Worked with many of the other condo owners getting prepared for a group Garage Sale tomorrow also had to be home a a certain time so a friend could drop by and install a new shower head for me - thats where the pedi went awry - I told the young man doing it I had to leave at a certain time and said he could get it done - I knew it was possible as I'd had them done before - and yet they smeared before I got home. So, after I met my friend and he fixed the showerhead, I went back and had my toes re-painted. Then, to the grocery store, and then back because I forgot the milk, then home for dinner which consisted of a huge amount of cottage cheese- I have managed to replace my ice cream with cottage cheese, but I can't seem to keep the amount reasonable. :noway:
    I haven't learned much while I've been here - it sure seems that way.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Saturday Success- We ordered Car Side to Go from Applebee's for dinner last night, and I stayed off the regular menu and chose the Roma Pepper Steak on their 550 and Under menu. So, despite finishing my daughter's fries and my son's last mozzarella stick, I still stayed under my goal for the day...and I killed my protein goal with that steak!

    Robin- I may be a slow learner too, but I'm hoping slow and steady will win the race! Sounds like you did a lot of extra running around yesterday. I find when I'm busy or stressed, I tend to eat more right before bed. One of those mind games I need to nip in the bud!

    Kaye- I hope the digital scale works for you. I used to weigh some foods with a regular kitchen scale when I was doing Weight Watchers, but the scale has since broken and I wasn't consistent with it. I bet now that you've mastered the MFP logging world, adding the exact measurements will help!

    Allison- Have fun with your university friends!

    Laurie- I'm praying for your friend and her mom. What a difficult situation, and sounds like it's only being made more difficult with the uncomfortable drama of her mom's boyfriend. I have a friend with a complicated family and she lost her dad to pancreatic cancer after a four year battle just over a year ago. All we can do is listen and offer a helping hand if they need it. She lives a lot closer to me though, so it was easier to do things like check on her cat while she was with her dad in the hospital, etc. I hope everything goes as smooth as it can for your friend!

    AFM- I better get going! I have to do a quick load of laundry, take a shower and get dressed and ready to go for our 5K! The start line is only about 5 minutes from our house, and we already have our packet, but the day-of registration and packet pick up is starting right now! My husband is one of the committee members organizing the event, so he's been gone a couple hours ago already to get the start area set up. There's going to be a mini-festival at the finish line, so I'm sure I'll be eating hotdogs or something equivalent to them for lunch. Should be fun with the kids, though. I guess I have decided to bring the wagon for my 5 year old since we're pretty sure he won't make it 3.1 miles. My daughter is adamant that she will NOT be riding in any wagons! She is 7 YEARS OLD, so she's "too old for wagons". Also, her friends from school are planning on run/walking it, too. :wink:

    It's going to be a beautiful day!! Have a good one, everyone!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words on my reveal pictures. I wanted a girl all along so I am thrilled. Now that we are out in the open about it I went shopping and bought her some really adorable clothes. I can't help myself. I also bought all my baby bedding labor day weekend and it arrived the other day. I love it. I went with a Dr. Seuss theme, Oh the places you'll go. I cannot wait to get the nurser gutted and fixed so we can order our furniture and start to set up. Now that I am moving along and buying stuff for my little girl it is really starting to become more real and exciting!

    I am still in the process of switching the rooms. I thought I would have it done in a day but no such luck. I work as much as I can on it until I get tired and have to stop. This project is taking a lot longer than I anticipated. :cry: I am going to work on it a little bit today and tomorrow. Hopefully Brian can help me with the heavy stuff and I can finish up soon.

    Welcome newbies. We always have room for new friends. Be sure to check back in with us often and post away. :flowerforyou:

    Lives - Peppermint patty pretzels? YUM!!! I have never heard of them before. One of my guilty pleasures is hot chocolate. But when I make it I drop 1 peppermint patty (mini size) in it. YUMMY!
    I love the Switchfoot lyrics!

    Pinkvespa - (love the name!) You ARE worth it. Never give up on yourself. In the long run you will be glad you didn't.

    Bohemian (Alison) - Thanks so much on the advice with my MIL. I love your idea of setting an end time to visits. I am definitely going to try that. I will check out MissManners as well.

    Teresa - I am glad you liked my method of sniffing alcoholic drinks. Mind you I am not a really big drinker anymore. I went through that phase when I was in my 20's. But I am dying for a glass of wine with my pasta Sunday dinners. I have Italian roots and that is a tradition in my family. Not having my weekly glass of wine is torture. :sad The party we were at was rough too. All the drinks looked so yummy.
    Do you use a food scale? Before becoming pregnant I used mine all the time. I cooked the same way I normally did but then used the recipe editor in combination to scale to determine the calories and proper serving size. I know it isn't for everyone but I made so much more progress when I used it religiously.

    Menu - I second Robin's advice. It takes some practice and effort but once you figure out what works for you you will find it gets easier.

    Kah (Kelly) - Yikes. Sorry to hear about your injection in your knee. Hope you are feeling much better soon.

    Robin (Ellen) - I am so jealous of your open windows. We are having a heat wave and the humidity is brutal. In the past it didn't bother me that much and I could still work in the gardens. Now I cannot tolerate it at all. It actually makes me feel sick. I have been spending all of my vacation inside in air conditioning. (which worked out well because I have been working on indoor projects) The weather reports say it is going to break after our storm later today and tomorrow is going to be gorgeous as well as the rest of the week. I am looking forward to the fresh air!
    What kind of puppy did your sister get? I look forward to seeing pics!

    Skinny (Karen) - LOL. You are hysterical. When we did our reveal my mom inquired about names. I purposely named some hideous ones. My parents laughed because they knew i was being sarcastic. Unfortunately my MIL chimed in how she loved the names. REALLY?!!!! I was joking. Daisy is my favorite flower. That actually wouldn't be a bad name but no one of the ones we were thinking.

    cblue (Lori) - Congrats on no longer being super obese. Well done. Keep up the fantastic work!!!

    mnwalking (Tracy) - So sorry to hear your son is going through a difficult time right now. I have no advice but wanted to send positive vibes to you both during this time.

    Kaye - I have an Ozeri food scale . I highly recommend and absolutely love it. This is the one I have

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marsha~Everyone reacts differently to a cortisone injection, it doesn't hurt while the doctor is giving it though. I was told you can experience more pain and/or some swelling for 24-48 hours after the anesthetic wears off. I've had cortisone injections before (and from this ortho) but never had a reaction like this--I like to think he hit the money spot. :wink: I do have an aggravated MCL also, so it could have contributed to the reaction I had. Its doing better now. Don't let the reaction I had prevent you from seeking some relief for your knees--it really can be a great deal of relief. I have an excellent ortho doc, if you're interested in his info PM me--he's located near the Texas Health Dallas campus.

    @Nettie~What a fun theme for the nursery, I know you're excited--its fun to look at those little clothes. Now, don't go overboard with spending--that's why friends/family throw baby showers! :wink:

    @Hansea~Good luck with your 5k, I hope you/the kids have a fun time!

    AFM~Well, the best laid plans don't always work out--got stuck at work really late yesterday (hate it when I'm handed a project at 3pm on a Friday :noway:), so no workout. Again! :sad: This morning I spent some time working in the spare room again, it is almost cleaned out--going to try and get a few things to Goodwill and at least get a small desk moved into my garage. Now time to get some errands run, really hope to get to the gym later this afternoon.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Saturday Success - Not really a success but how I handled it was a great success. Due to my sleeplessness I have had some trouble with focus as work. I made some mindless errors and anded up costing about $1000.00 this week. Not a profitable week at my store. But I did not eat over it. I did not fret over it. I actually laughed!:laugh: Not my usual reaction.

    @JNettie - Love the theme for the nursery. Yes you will get loads from the fiends/family. My nephew and wife just had a boy and she ended up taking about 1/2 of the stuff back because she did not need all of it. Her words "How many swaddles does one baby need?"

    Did not work out yesterday and will only get in a walk today but I have adjusted calories to account for it. Hoping for another good weigh in.

    Love to all,
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! There is nothing like spending 12 hours working in a furniture store and getting no sales!! Ugghhhhh!! :grumble: I did have one of my favorite customers come in and look around. They will buy next week so that will be lovely! :smile:

    Saturday NSV: put on a shirt this morning that almost buttons and the tank top that is under the shirt is hanging much loser than it has been. Tomorrow is weigh-in and I'm hoping for a good report! :happy:

    @cblue315, good for your not letting the stress of work get to you. I do try to find the humor in my job and that always helps. :smile:

    @Nettie, I do use a food scale and that really helps. I also love the MFP app where I can scan barcodes.

    Oops customers!!! Be back later....:bigsmile:
  • dreamagberry
    dreamagberry Posts: 10 Member
    Seems if the world is falling apart it's going to be on a day you don't have time for it! My new grandson was out in hospital then he gets out two days after admit my father who is battling cancer gets put in hospital with fluid in lungs ! What else can happen well I'm afraid to know! I'm a emotional eater so not good but I'm staying below calories but not easy. I do want scale results this week but haven't managed to workout since Saturday last week since I've been running to hospitals and watching my other three grandchildren and my daughter in laws three brothers and sisters that she has custody of right now since her mom got in trouble , and if you can do the math on that I need a 16 passenger van because my traverse couldn't fit another car seat. But other then that I just keep praying and crying and praying for the strength that God promised me since he never has failed me yet! But over all I've been under calories
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Dream- Hang in there. God will only give us what we can handle- even through it seems like we are in over our heads. He is with you. Think about the poem "Footprints"- "one set of prints and that is where I carried you." Hope things calm down soon.

    Robin- Thanks for sending the cool weather our way. We are expecting the cool down tonight. We are now getting a few storms but not to severe but I am sure they are severe somewhere else in my area. Glad you had your toes redone.

    Hansea- Hope the 5K was good.

    Nettie- So exciting about the clothes. Good luck with the names. I am sure you will have ruled out several names based on your students. This year I have a student named Hallelujah and Saint Nick.(No kidding).

    Today, I was exhausted so I did not get up until late but I was still tired. Did not make it to the pool but ended up helping my mom get ready for a group of people that were coming over today. Then I thought I would swim later this morning but went to the chiropractor instead, then ran some errands. Ate lunch out but made good choices then had a massage today. Now, I am staying home tonight just I can rest up. Tomorrow, I have a 5K to run but at least the weather will be cool and in the low 80's with low humidity. The best part about today becoming a rest day is that I will have fresh legs for tomorrow.

    A belated Thursday truth- I must do better getting in the exercise routine with school. The last 2 weeks I have been very lax and so busy that I have not had time to exercise. So my goal for September is to get back into the exercise routine and not give in to excuses.

    Exercise plans
    Sunday- 5K run then a walk in the evening (?)
    Monday- Trainer workout
    Tuesday- Gym or swim
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday swim but family is coming so may be a rest day.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Unfortunately, no success this week. I didn’t check in daily like I need to do. I missed some days logging. My exercise is null. Food selections were OK some days and horrible others. Plus, I worked close to 60 hours. Not good. I am getting ready to hit this hard though tomorrow. I’m starting a 6-week challenge with a new program. It’s not about the $$, but looking at it as a jump start. It cost $299, but if you lose 20 lbs in 6 weeks you get your money back. Nice incentive. You can walk away or roll over the $299 into the next challenge. I’m going to make this commitment to myself and these 6 weeks. When the 20 lbs come off, I’m going to go onto the next challenge and just keep pushing myself. Plus, the exercise is boot camp style so it’s going to really push me hard, which I haven’t been doing just walking and that’s just not enough for my weight loss. I also think the team setting and support will help me connect with other people too. Food is focused on lean proteins, veggies, protein shakes, etc. . I’ve totally cleaned out the fridge and ready to finally take control. Even though our convention is in just a few weeks I didn’t want to wait. The sooner I start and take control again the better I’ll be.

    @ Kah68 – I’ve been cleaning out too. I’ve got a whole corner of my closet that I’m going to take to Dress for Success. Thank goodness I don’t have to wear business suits, but I have quite a few plus skirts, blouses, etc. . .that are all too big. I know for many of these programs they struggle getting plus size clothes so I have plenty to share. Also, I can’t believe your cruise is around the corner. I remember counting down the days before you left for Panama. This year is just flying by. Just read your post about meeting with the bosses yesterday. Hope it went well. Of course, the week I’m not sneaking a peak at your food diary, which is almost ALWAYS perfect and you have sweets. Darn! LOL!!!

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – I take a sleeping aid every night. For me, the Nature Made pills seems to work fine. I was taking Melatonin for a while and that was OK too. I normally try and take them earlier in the evening. This way I start to get drowsy and hopefully fall asleep and stay asleep at a good time. I was reading your post from last Sunday and I feel the same way. I guess that’s why when I don’t log I get upset with myself because I miss my online family/community. This group is truly the best and the only reason I keep pushing along.

    @ Skinny/Karen – I’ve got a friend who would jump right back to the 70’s if she could. She’s been eyeing a hippie van. She goes around to all of these music festivals throughout the south. She is always quite amusing as well. Great post last Saturday about your clothes fitting well and even the capri’s a bit loose. Nice!!

    @ cblue315 – This is from last Saturday’s post, but good job staying under celebrating your son’s birthday’s. We’re always going to have some kind of celebration and it’s what we learn through this journey that will push us through. Also, nice August results too. You’re doing great!! Of course, I the read your Sunday post and wanted to send you hugs. Marriage is not easy that’s for sure and you just push for more positive than negative days.

    @ Morgori/Tom – Every week I keep thinking I need a smoker. I would love to have all these proteins all ready to go. We grill all the time, but it would be good to have more available especially with my crazy schedule lately. Also, just saw your high BP meds cut in half – you go boy!!! Shoot! I’m a day late for the National Lazy Mom’s Day. Can I celebrate tomorrow? LOL!!!

    @ Kateirving – Packing is the worse, but I always keep reminding myself of the days to come. So excited for you and the new adventure that awaits. You definitely need to connect with Laurie. I've met her and she's an awesome person.

    @ BettJo64 – I’m sorry I missed your surgery on the 28th, but glad to read you’re healing nicely minus the aches and pains. Praying you’ll be 100% before you know it. Also, I always enjoy your Sunday Share. I can just feel the love you have for your husband. I wish I could have found that, but it just wasn’t meant to be. You are a very lucky woman. Now I just read your last week’s weight loss – Woo Hoo!!

    @ Tanya – I’m on the same page as well. I was really upset when I lost my logging of 750 days and thought I was a failure. I came to realize missing a day of logging is not going to ruin me or throw me off track. Yes, it’s a great tool for accountability and I will continue to use it, BUT if I miss a day life does go on. I’m pretty excited too as I embark on this new plan for me. I thought my 5 days at the gym was really good. Yes, I was moving, but if I’m really going to keep losing and get off this roller coaster I need to push myself.

    @ Laurie – Regarding your picnic and baseball game, did you have fun? You hardly eat like this and like you said you’ll take it right off. I have no doubt in you. I’m so glad you had a nice time with your HS friends. It’s always fun to pick right back up even after years have gone by. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend and her mom. I know how difficult this time will be for them, but hopefully her mom will no longer be in pain.

    @ L2T – Girl, I thought the same thing. Zero calories in Peppermint Patties plus 3 Musketeers too. LOL! Also, the Trout Picatta sounded delish!!

    @ GrammyWhammy/Marsha – You rock!!! I’m so proud of your August accomplishments. You came back and got focused. Keep it up!

    @ Hansea – This is my month to get my poo together too. We were mediocre in August and we’re going to make September count. I know we both have and can do this.

    @ JNettie – Gotta love the Dad. He’s right on target. While everyone wants to celebrate, I really believe that first week or so should just be the three of you. It’s such an adjustment bringing the baby home. Of course, you want them to visit, but it should be on YOUR schedule not theirs. I’m sure you’ll handle it just fine.

    @ PinkVespa, Icetopaz, Menu, KatieGirl, Mozzie, ShaiWriter, Maginsky – Welcome!!! You’ve found our little hidden gem on MFP. This group is what has kept me going through some major ups and downs. I’m not where I want to be, but if it wasn’t for this group giving me hugs, gentle kicks in the rear when needed, and just daily support I would have completely derailed. Try to check in daily if you can. The thread moves quite a bit during the week and much slower over the weekends. We’re a chatty bunch, but it’s chatty support!!

    @ Toots – I think all of us are counting down your days too. These two boys are so lucky at the future you’re giving them. I cannot wait to hear about the journey.

    @ BohemianCoast/Allison – I think every single one of us wish the cleaning/organization fairies would show up. I think that would be heavenly.

    @ Teresa – You crack me up! I loved your last statement about being such a good cook. You funny girl. How about finding the Pinterest recipes that are healthy? This could be a fun thing to do. I also love those Eat This, Not That books. Just by making a few changes you can have so much more food that are lower in calories. I also get daily e-mails from She will often list a lot of ways to lower calories in recipes. I’ve got a couple of her cookbooks too.

    @ KJeffries – Great seeing you again. Welcome back!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    @ Karen & Laurie - 19 days and counting until we hit NYC!!! I can't wait to see you both again. I know the week leading up to it will be a complete blur, but I just want to get to NY and have a GREAT weekend.
  • dreamagberry
    dreamagberry Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for that encouragement sometimes knowing Gods promises and having faith is two diffrent things. But it always helps to have someone who believes and has faith with you????
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: I started September challenge on Sunday. Here is my report:
    Calories. 6 good days, 1 bad day.
    Water. 6-7 cups per day
    Miles. 38.5
    Still no movement on the scales! I'm going to buy a digital food scale. Just haven't decided which one.
    My heart goes out to those of you who are struggling, whether with personal or family problems. Take care.
    Susan, good luck with your new challenge.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Quick check in: Long day putting miles on car. Had to run to 5 Targets to find supplies for a project. Also walked 10,733 steps in all those stores. Oy, my aching hinges!

    6/6 days under 1400 calories (and I weigh and measure carefully)
    6/6 days cardio, 3/6 weight training

    Sneak peaks of scale show A WEIGHT GAIN the last 3 days! What is that all about? For all that sacrifice I want results! My official weigh-in day is Monday, so my body is now on notice. Get it together! (End of small rant.)

    Susan: Thanks for your kind words about my August results. I have been very focused, to the point my family is getting tired of it :laugh: However, see above rant. Apparently my fat isn't focused.

    Laurie: Good luck with your 5K tomorrow. I'm still chuckling over your students' names.

    Dream: Sorry about your current trials. I know you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and I commend you for still being so diligent about controlling stress eating. It's hard, but you can make it through this.:flowerforyou:

    Good night, all. Thanks for listening.:heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @susan--yes, I was just looking at the calendar tonight and realized in 3 weeks we will all be together again. Now I'm starting to think about what clothing I will bring. I always, always overpack--I'm especially bad with shoes. In fact, that's really ALL I started going over in my mind--I'll need my runners, some dressier sandals, comfy walking shoes... :blushing:

    My laptop is acting up, so I'm giving up on personals for now. :grumble:

    Terrible day food wise both today and yesterday. Went out with friends after school yesterday for dinner and drinks, plus we had our school bbq for lunch. Combined I was way over. Then today was a party to celebrate the fact that my friend is all done with chemo and her double mastectomy/reconstruction (she has the BRCA gene so 87% chance of recurrence if she kept her boobs). It was called "Thanks for the Mammories" and the food was "boob-themed." Lots of fun, but I ate too many calories. At least I got in a nice run outside before the party.

    Tomorrow is the gym and then grading.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 68/68 AP journals DONE
    2. 4/61 F451 short stories

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Sun--walk gunner

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -738 :noway: :blushing:
    100g of protein = 4/30 days
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    Hello! I have recently lost 40 pounds of of my 160 so i am on my way. i was on a medicine that took me to 300 and now i am down below 180 :D partly from a medicine that made me deathly ill for a month and then from a eating life change :D yay meeee! yesterday was rough I craved sugar and food all day and night so I drank extra water and crocheted to keep my hands and mind busy, IT WORKED! The struggle I do find is I am not getting enough calories so I will have to add in a couple more healthy snacks probably be some home made trail mix of nuts and seeds or a homemade smoothie. Thanks for letting me join the group.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Newbies-welcome to all of you - you'll find plenty of support and friendly chat here. Read the first post on page one for guidange but its not etched in stone, except for the September Challenge - we're really putting a LOT of effort into it!

    Dreamberry - sorry you're going through such trying times. I will pray for you and send positive energy your way.

    Susan - hate to hear your working 60 hr. weeks still. Nice you're giving your plus size clothes to Dress for Success - how generous and kind - as you said - that sizing is so important and much needed. Say, if you have any free time in NYC it would be worth your while to squeeze in a interview with a competitor - just to drop into a casual conversation with someone when you return - it will certainly up your value......

    Laurie - sorry your exercise had to take a back seat to settling into your school routine - I'll bet you have it down pat in 2 weeks straight!

    To all - here are pix of me (in peach shirt holding white pup (My sister's new Maltipoo - Daisy) followed by a pix of my friend Joni and her adopted adorable mutt named Gunner. Saw both in 1 day.



    Obviously I've gained back a lot of weight - well I'm ready to fight the fight again. Will be leaving on vacation tomorrow. Should be a lot of fun. Today was tiring - did loads of laudry and groceries AGAIN - wow - borrowed a cooler - found out at last minute I need a new eyebrow pencil - why do they break and the sharpener wont work any longer at 9 pm on a late nite before vacation? sigh - anyway - also worked the Garage Sale and bought myself a 3 foot tall christmas tree prelit with red cardinals and white accents. I might redo it but I've wanted some sort of tree for several years and it was a great price. And it fits in the closet!
