Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Happy Saturday to all!

    Up early sipping my warm lemon water.

    Yesterday was a wonderful day. Everything went well at work. I came home and my husband had steamed a lobster tail and shrimp. Made garlic spinach. My favorite foods. He knows how much stress and sorrow I've had this year. And also how much I hate surprises, so he told me that he will be taking me to NYC for my birthday. next month. He booked the flights and the hotel. Now all I have to do is find the plays I want to see. I've been so excited, that I can't sleep. I already know I want to see the new Cabaret production with Alan Cumming and Michelle Williams. Now I can't decide if I want to see the pre-production of The Real Thing with Cynthia Nixon, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Ewan McGregor or maybe a musical.

    I'm happy... I haven't felt happy in quite some time. I didn't realize how much I missed this feeling.

    Susan: Enjoy your Facial. I love the Aveda Institute.

    I need to get myself together and get started with my day. I hope everyone finds a little happiness in this day.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Susan~The fact that you made four out of the five boot camp sessions is amazing, while trying to get ready for this convention--I'm proud of you for finding a way to work it in. I work in the same type of environment, work my tail off with very little recognition (although I did get an "attagirl" for the budget yesterday :noway:) and I'm paid well below market. :mad: After 18-years I'm testing the waters, its scary. There are so many things that could draw you back to Atlanta--maybe this new opportunity is surfacing for a reason? God works in mysterious ways. Hang in there!

    @Jenn~Sounds like a fantastic day yesterday and a great trip to look forward too.

    @Tanya~I'm so sorry for your fender bender, make sure to follow everyone's advice and rest up this weekend--sometimes pain/injuries from even a fender bender take a few days to surface, so be good to yourself. All of those hiking trails will be there when you're healed up enough to get back out there. :wink:

    AFM~Its a busy weekend,, so thought I better check in while I can. Today I have more shopping to do, still need a couple of things for the job fair next Thursday--then I need to get to grocery store. Sure would be nice if the weather would be cooler later so I could get out for a walk--90s expected, but if humidity is down its doable. Tomorrow is church and church-wide picnic/kickball for singles in the afternoon, should be a fun day.
  • blackgirlfat
    Hi all I'd like to join. I have 100+ pounds to lose. For the rest of this month I will focus on recording my food honestly and eating less than 2k a day. While I Will be working on exercise too, my primary goal of the month is to get into the weight loss mindset. Congrats to everyone on their success thus far!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    A super quick check in cos I'm staying with my friends in the country. We had good long walks this morning and this afternoon, and I'm logging. Hope you're all having a fantastic weekend!
  • charmy98
    charmy98 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. I also need to lose 100+ lbs. I am 59 yrs old, Grandmother of 4 and Mother of 2 sons. I am an Aussie living in Canada so if what I write doesn't make sense to you sometimes, don't worry about
    I would love to have some friends for motivation and support. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I started on a keto diet last Saturday and when I weighed myself this morning I am down 6.8 lbs woo hoo only 120 to go :) Oh I wish it was as easy to take it off as it is to put it on! Anyway good luck everyone on your journey to better health.:smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Lots of laundry today...gotta make sure all my 'race day' clothes are clean and ready to go for bright and early tomorrow morning! Also, my children are running out of clean socks. LOL

    Friday fitness: I rested Friday and today in prep for tomorrow's race, but lived a little vicarious fitness through my two kiddos who ran in the fun run last night. So proud of them both! It was the first time running for them without a parent and they did great! The runs were on a high school track. My son did the 1/4 mile (1 lap) and my daughter did the 1/2 mile (2 laps). My daughter ended up running with several girls from her school...we ended up in line together, so glad that worked out. The girls had a blast! And my son ran all by himself, not knowing any of the kids in his heat...thought he might freak out and get shy, but he was 'brave' and had fun!

    Today we're discussing what my husband, best friend and kids will be doing as spectators and where they will cheer along the route. So far, the plan is to see me off at the start line, then take themselves to a drive-thru for breakfast and eat in one of the parks that we run through at mile 8-9. That way, the kids can play on the playground and they'll be near one of the water stations where there's entertainment, so the time should pass quickly...hopefully. I'm anticipating that it will take me a good two hours to get from the start to mile 8. Then, after I run through the park, they'll go to the other park and meet me at the finish line!

    I had some butterflies about the race already earlier today....eek. I hope I don't freak or get diarrhea from my nerves! :noway: :blushing:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    The 5k was really fun. There were huge crowds of people, and the start was a little slow, but we still came in under an hour. The weather was perfect. The route started at the capital and went up on a bench area, so the view was amazing. We took the free shuttles from the mall a few miles out so we wouldn't have to deal with the traffic. Nicole and her friend did the half marathon in just over 2 hours. They started earlier so they were waiting for us at the finish line. We all had brunch at IHOP. I haven't figured the damages for that yet. I got in a few more miles walking to and from the shuttle and shopping at Costco and Winco.
    Hope you all have a great weekend. When you talk about the pressures of your work, it makes me really happy to be retired.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Well, I couldn't bear to sit on the couch all day, so I went out for a bit of geocaching. Short walks, nothing too crazy (I've been known to climb trees!). I'm feeling pretty good, alternating BioFreeze and heat packs on my neck/shoulder. It was such a beautiful warm day I just had to take advantage of it. Luckily I've had no back pain... let's hope it does not show up in the next few days.

    @Susan... I am addicted to those $1 drinks. I hate diet Coke, but somehow it tastes so darn good in a large McDonalds cup.

    @hansea... I'm behind in reading, but see you're running a longer race tomorrow... a half? Whatever the length, I wish you good luck, you will do great!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tanya--sorry to hear about your accident. Hope the pain stays away and you are okay.

    @kaye--sounds like a fun day. :flowerforyou:

    @hansea--good luck tomorrow!!! I sometimes get a little bit nervous before a race as well. Then I remind myself that there's no pressure b/c I'm not racing to win any medals--just to have fun and challenge myself. I know you will do great!! :drinker:

    @alison--have fun out in the country!

    @susan--I'm also getting excited!! We need to figure out what we want to do as far as sight-seeing and such. My only "must see" is the 9/11 memorial, and since our hotel is right there, I assume that won't be a problem. I will email you and laurie so we can discuss plans without hi-jacking the thread to do so. :laugh: And don't worry--I only plan to bring a little bit of grading for the flights. :smile:

    @laurie--ugh, I hate it when I forget stuff at school. :grumble: We can get inside with our keycards, but the drive back is a waste of time. Can't wait to hear about your trainer's Ironman!

    @lori--I agree that finding the time for a healthy lifestyle takes work. But if it were easy, no one would be overweight, right?

    @kelley--sounds like a great dinner out with friends!

    Welcome to all of the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry to those I missed on this round--catch you next time. :smile:

    Friday Fitness:
    Did okay this week. Even though I only got to the gym twice during the workweek, I spent more time there and burned more calories than typically. It's easier for me to do a longer workout a couple of times a week than to try to go more days.

    Saturday Success:
    Woke with a nasty migraine this morning and just wanted to sleep the day away. Instead, I forced myself out of the house once it subsided a bit. Didn't get to grade any papers b/c I needed to grade some analysis activiies to use in class on Monday. However, I finished those and got my gorcery trip done as well. Tonight I will get to some of the essays though since I skipped the festival I had planned to attend. Still feeling wonky from the migraine and the weather is iffy so it didn't make sense to drive an hour for the event.

    Tomorrow I'm supposed to visit with my niece in the morning and then will go to the gym and grade the rest of the day.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/67 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -462
    100g of protein = 11/30 days
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Saturday Success: After I got my cardio in at the gym, I worked in the garden for a few hours. Summer annuals cleared out and mums, coleus and pansies planted and containers spruced up. Now if only those clouds would produce rain.

    Robinsegg/Ellen: How's the recovery coming along? Feeling better, I hope.

    For everyone running in 5Ks and marathons, I am living vicariously through your events since my knees and feet are defunct. Good luck and a strong wind at your back to push you along. Please share the details when you're able. Remember to keep hydrated. :drinker:

    Kaye: Leave it to you to find a snazzy red food scale. I need one that yells at me. Congrats on the 5K!

    Well, last night, due to a miscalculation, I exceeded my calorie goal by 152. Still and all, I'm doing okay for September with 19/20 under 1400, 17/20 days cardio, and about 5 servings of fruits/veggies most days.

    Tired feet and brain, so off to dreamland.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good Day to all!

    Sunday Share - My name is Lori, I am 54, married for 34 years. Two grown boys still living with us. Christmas 2011 I weighed 297. Joined WW with a friend and lost 45. Stayed there for 2 years. Gained 8 pounds in May, In June my trainer moved and passed me to a 24 year old who does not give me any slack at all. Since then I am down 24 pounds (now 236). Since I am very goal driven next June just before my 55th birthday I plan to do a triathlon. 1 mile swim, 20 mile bike, 10K. No plans to place, I am planning on finishing before they stop the timing. To that end my trainer and I have worked out a fitness schedule. Never in my dreams did I think I would be willing to stick to 10 to 12 hours per week of exercise. As for nutrition my daily goals are 1500 to 1800 calories depending on workouts, less than 100 carbs. 120 to 150 protein.

    This months challenge - I have done all planned workouts, calories are not as good. Stayed close to calorie goals all but 3 days so far.

    The weather here is a little dicey, some rain but I do plan to get in a ride on my new bike today.

    A sincere thank you to all who share here. The good, the bad, the challenges. All help me in ways I never thought possible. I do attribute my success in part to all of you. I feel the freedom to share here without the judgement I usually get from my family. Plus the benefit of knowing you are all going down the weight loss road with me.

    Love to all :flowerforyou:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    A personal trainer can make all the difference because they force you into a habit of consistency. I signed up for a silver sneakers class at the gym for two days a week. going to it perks up my day and makes me use all my body muscles. Plus it strengthens my self esteem such that I want to work the other days of the week and do better. such a great goal and such a reasonable doable time line. success to you!
    I am away for a girls birthday weekend with some college roomies (we all have birthdays within a two week period this month) and we are having such a pleasant time reminiscing; lot of laughter and what if and do you remember. haha Have not been recording my calorie count, but am doing my Beginners 28 day Squats challenge and it is going well. Having never done a challenge, it is a challenge indeed.
    Weigh in and waist measurement tomorrow. Curious to see how I have done this week.
    Have a good one, all you super diet women!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Me and my lovely wife are smoking a couple of turkey breasts today. She made a brine last night and they spent the night in the frig soaking it up. We got the smoker going and put them in a 7:30 this morning.

    Today (Sun 21st Sep, 2014) is...
    Wife Appreciation Day
    Wife Appreciation Day is an exciting event that gives husbands a chance to demonstrate just how much they love and appreciate their wife. It has been listed in Chase’s Calendar of Annual Events since it was first established, and has been hugely popular ever since. There are so many things that a supportive and loving wife does for her husband, and this is a chance for husbands to look back and remember all the big and little things that add up to so much.

    “Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.”
    Franz Schubert

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Skinny, Tanya and GrammyWhammy- Thanks for the encouragement!

    I DID IT!!!! 13.1 miles!!!!! And it. was. AWESOME! I was not sure how it would be running that far on a rainy day since almost all of my long training runs were on sunny days, but it was great. No need to run through sprinklers to cool off...Mother Nature had it covered! The sun came out a bit as I ran the last mile around the point, so I didn't carry my sunglasses along for nothing. I finished in about 3:16, which was much better than I predicted that I would do, so I'm pretty pleased with myself. My husband, best friend and two kids saw me off at the start line, made some signs and cheered/hi-fived me at about 9.5 miles in. My best friend even tossed her sign to my son and joined me for about a block....which is super awesome since she hasn't exercised in months due to illness. She said I've inspired her to get moving again....though, no plans to pick up running! LOL
    My husband/photographer got a nice picture of me crossing the finish line and took some funny ones of the girls from work and I at the start line area. I will have to work on getting them onto my profile here.
    I did start cramping a bit after about 10.5 miles, but I walked for a bit, ate a banana at one of the fruit stations and powered through and was able to run to the end.
    I said a week ago that this may be the only time I ever do a half marathon.....but.....maybe this is the runner's high talking....I might do another!

    Also, I logged my large lunch and all the snacks I ate at the race and the bagel I ate for breakfast, along with my calories burned on my Nike Fuel band during the race....and I'm -917 calories for the day! Whoa! That's a lot of exercise calories!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Today (Sun 21st Sep, 2014) is...
    Wife Appreciation Day

  • aprilshowers0417
    aprilshowers0417 Posts: 14 Member
    happy Sunday! hope everything is well with everyone. here's to a good week!
  • frazierk7
    Hello, I am brand new here. I need to lose over 100 pounds. I am not sure how I got to where I am or how to get lower. I am so busy with my five young kiddos. I am looking forward to great ideas. Thanks so much.
  • sashajasmin
    sashajasmin Posts: 125 Member
    hello every body, i am in
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hansea Congrats on your half marathon. You had a great time for the run. I bet you will do another one in the near future.

    Lori- Trainers are awesome and they keep you motivated while mixing up the workouts. It is great that you are already starting to plan for your triathlon. Those distances are longer than a Sprint triathlon so good luck. I will also be doing a triathlon next year.

    Susan- I will most likely bring papers to grade while waiting for Karen at the airport. Then you are welcome to slap my hands if they come out during our trip. I left a bunch of papers at school on Friday so I am way behind in grading. I will be doing another lab on Tuesday so I will be playing catch up.

    Yesterday, I had the opportunity to cheer on my trainer during her first Ironman (140.6 miles). I was so impressed by her determination and motivation to complete the course. I caught up with her during the first lap of 3 during the run and she was looking great. She had already swam a 2.2 miles, 112 mile bike and was starting on the 26.2 mile run. I saw her several times on the course and the first time she spotted me first, I was fiddling with my phone trying to get the results up to find out where she was. Then I ran into a coworker from school and she was helping at the water station so I went to help. I saw Darcy (trainer) again and she was not doing well but I made sure she had ice and something to drink. After that I had to leave and take my cousin to dinner. Darcy finished the entire ironman in 15 hours 1 minutes and 37 seconds. She came in about 11pm and I could not be happier for her.

    Since I stayed in Cambridge last night I was able to catch up with her this morning as she was picking up her bike. She looked great but still sore. I found out that her hip starting bothering during the 2nd lap of the run. That was the last time I saw her and she was hurting. Then because she was favoring the hip, the ITB band was acting up. She did not give up and she wanted to finish, she slowed her pace but managed to keep running except during the water stops. She even sprinted to the finish. Needless to say, I am truly in awe of all the athletes who completed the Ironman yesterday, they battled their way to the finish line to complete the course before the cut off. I will go and help out next year during this event or cheer her own. It was very inspiring to see all these athletes. Many of athletes were walking by the end of the run so it is doable. Her husband posted the video on line so I was able to see her finish.

    As we were talking, another athlete who was younger than her and male, came up to her and said I know you. You were pacing me through the race. Darcy was thrilled and surprised but what a great compliment. We also figured out that it was the terrain for the start of the second lap that cause the pain to start- it was uneven surface, gravel path and regular ground followed by cobble stones so not a good combination. Of course, she is already thinking about her next Ironman. It was a great experience and I would recommend going and cheering on athletes at those endurance races.

    I did well exercise wise this week since I did climb on Friday and swam yesterday morning before leaving.

    My exercise plans for the week
    Sunday- bike (8.2 miles this morning)
    Monday- Run outside 2-2.5 miles
    Tuesday- walk or swim
    Wednesday- swim
    Thursday- Trainer interval training for hills
    Friday- Rest (no climbing for a change-packing)
    Saturday- Walking around NYC
    Sunday- 5K