Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Week has been better than I expected but still have a ways to go. I ate meals on schedule most days and took supplments as planned most days. Sort of lost it yesterday. Didnt do anything planned and went over on calories to the maxx.

    I worked out with a trainer Wed and worked on my own Friday, plus took a very exhausting Yoga class on Thursday. I was so sore on Friday but got a massage and that helped. Slept with ice on Friday night.

    Sciatic nerve started acting up and I went to the Chiropractor Saturday and he got me to walking with less pain. Last night I was aching all over, but I took some NAPROXSYN to help with thepain and rubbed stinky stuff all over my body, so I am feeling pretty good this morning.

    I am stressed out over too many committments made and not enough time to keep them, but i am still going to the gym and doing my exercise routine and getting in the hot tub today

    I did lose a few lbs but my focus right now is my spiritual life, my fitness and eating at scheduled times and healthy foods. The weighy should fall into place and I am not going to obsess over a few lbs back or forth. I guess I am finally growing up

    Robin, You carry your weight beautifully and you look beautiful. I love your ticker at the bottom of the page. Where did you find it.

    CookeyLady, Congrats on the loss. Your strategy is good. Wonder if I can remember how to crocht. It has been so long

    Lives2Travel - Wow you can say that again. Problem with me, is I thought I had done well until I logged this morning and was 1200 (yes you read that right) over my calories. Just can't do the fast food thing anymore. Mickey D's is toxic.
    Morgori - Sorry I missed that day. Loved the Chuck Norris quote. Your weight loss shows you took that one to heart,.
    Kah - Sorry about your knee. Ice and Rest

    GrandmaKaye - Doing something different for a plateau is wise Hope is breaks soon
    Aprilshowers - "Hope your schedule clears up soon. You gotta do what you gotta do
    Grammy Whammy - Congrats on making the right choices this week
    Laurie K Congrats on the weight loss. You are a good example of how sticking with it works
    Robins Egg - We are all slow learners and I am the Queen. Your 33 lbs attests to the fact that you are doing something right. Be kind to yourself. You have inspired so many of us and helped us all with your positive attitude., You will move forward when you are ready. In the meantime, be assured of our good wishes and support for you

    cblue15 - Love the way you handled the situation at work. Not an easy thing to do. Hoping your sleep gets back on track soon. I went thru a period of not sleeping at all at night and it was horrible

    Teresa - Just keep going and soon that shirt will button and be loose also. Good job on the weight loss so far
    dreamagberry - You will be in my prayers. So good you are not overeating in response to the stress. Just remember to take a few minutes for yourself and remember life will not always be this hectic

    Susan - I admire that you are not giving up. Your challenge sounds great and I know you will do well . Financial incentives seem to motivate me

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Katrena- Good for you for getting your spiritual life straight. Priorities! You are a grown up! :smile: I think finding a balance of our spiritual, physical and mental is an important part of succeeding at weight loss.

    Robin- Two cute puppies! Aww! :heart:

    Cookeylady- Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Skinny- Sorry you went over two days in a row, but you have three weeks to get that surplus used up. You can do it! And, sounds like the eating was for a good cause. I'm not sure what "boob-themed" foods are...but, I'm picturing some interestingly decorated cupcakes. :laugh:

    GrammyWhammy- Nice Target(s) trek! Hope the 3 lbs was just some daily flux and your official weigh in is lower.

    Kaye- Six out of Seven good days ain't bad! Keep it up! :drinker:

    Susan- There's a reason September and Success both start with "s"....that can't just be a coincidence! :wink: Good luck with your new challenge. My husband and I started the new year with a similar kind of thing (not with intense exercise program, but a monetary incentive and weekly weigh-ins), and we both succeeded at losing at least 5% of our starting weights.

    Laurie- Hope your 5K went well, too. And now that you've got that race under your belt, it's really motivated you to get right back into an exercise routine, right? I know it's hard with the new school year. You must be so busy with school starting up again! Now that you're getting set with a work routine, you can put the exercise back in!

    Dream- I'm sending prayers your way! I hope everything ends up okay for your sick family members! :flowerforyou:

    Teresa- Hope the customer that interrupted your post ended up buying some furniture!

    Lori- Good job in not handling your work problem with emotional eating! The mind games of weight loss are often the hardest thing to conquer.

    Kah- Hope you were able to get to the gym!

    Nettie- I think the fatigue during pregnancy is nature's way of helping us adjust to how much longer everything takes to do once you have children. Hope Brian was able to help and you can finish your project soon!

    AFM- The family and I had a great time at the 5K yesterday! The weather couldn't have been more perfect!
    My son rode in the wagon (until the last half mile which he ran/walked). My daughter actually helped pull her brother in the wagon for the first mile or so. She and I ran/walked the first half, then she complained of tired legs and climbed into the wagon. So much for being "too old for wagons"! :wink: With both kids in the wagon, it was too hard for me to pull and run, so I walked them over the one huge hill on the course, then it was the last half mile, where I ordered them both out and we all ran/walked to the finish. Even with all the walking and wagon-hoopla, we still finished in 49:35. :happy:
    My husband was waiting for us at the finish. (He was one of the event volunteers/organizers.) He said they had plenty of volunteers for the festival, so he got to enjoy it with us. They had a bounce house, a dunk tank, music, dancing, sumo wrestling and a silent auction. Oh, and wonderfully delicious walking tacos! We ate our lunch, the kids bounced and played with their friends from school and my husband and I bid on some silent auction items. We ended up winning tickets to the Packers vs. Falcons game at Lambeau on December 8th!!! We're pretty excited since we've been to the stadium, but never have been able to see a game there. And, cherry on top, December 8th is my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!!

    This morning, I got up before the sun to go on my last really long training run before the half-marathon. I went 11 miles and I didn't die! :laugh: I ran along part of the actual half-marathon route, too since it's not too far from my house. Ummm....the road is all torn up and under construction....hope they finish that in the next two weeks! Despite the road construction, my run went really well.

    Now, I am off to make a grocery list and then off to the store!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Happy Sunday. Its a beautiful day. I always enjoy my Sundays. The kids are with parents, I get to boost my spirits at church, and Cathy cooks our dinner. I get to relax.
    Hansea, I loved your report on the 5k with your kids. Those are the good times that memories are made of.
    Robin, love the pictures. You look great, and you have so many physical challenges.
    Katrina, I like your priorities. You have been through a lot. I think you are doing well getting your life put back together.
    Nettie, I am excited about your little girl. My daughters are a great joy in my life, and the granddaughters are really fun, too.
    Karen, your calorie total prompted me to look back over the week. I am counting the exercise calories that I earn each day in my total, but even with my bad day, I show a surplus of 1974 calories for the week. Even if I am off hundred calories or so each day, I should be losing. GRRR.
    Have a great day. Looking forward to a good week. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Changed my profile picture to one of the kids and I at the finish line of the 5K! :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey guys!
    My laptop is a wreck so just saying hi from my tablet. Better food day today and a good workout at the gym.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I had a good 5K today and completed it in 39:17;7 minutes. The weather was good with 85 degrees, sunny and 55% humidity for 2pm in the afternoon that is great. According to the official results my pace was 12:15 per mile and I will take it, This course was hilly so it was good practice for the New York race. This was faster than the last time I ran a course with hills so I am happy about that. The race was cool because many of the runners were from the Naval Academy, rescue personnel and families who teamed up to Run for Heroes. The ending was great because many people were lined up offering high 5's as we ran past. Two firefighters ran the whole race in full gear- they did walk most of it but I don't blame them it was hot in the sun. I was able to finish off the run with a Sprint to the finish, which is what I wanted to do so goal accomplished.

    Hansea- Great job with your 5K especially with pulling the wagon. Love the picture.

    Robin- You are looking good. The dogs are really cute.

    Susan and Karen- I am looking forward to this trip and getting excited for catching up with everyone. Packing, running clothes and shoes, sandals, dress, plus sight seeing outfits.

    Susan- Good luck with your new plan, the incentive sounds great.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: I found MFP in August 2012. It’s hard to believe I’ve been on here for 2 years, but it’s one of the best things that has happened to me. It’s allowed me to finally learn from others and feel like I finally have the support I need. While I’ve had plenty of ups and downs over the past 2 years, I know I’m so much stronger both mentally and physically. In the past, I would have quit and given up so many times, but it’s this group that keeps me going. Thanks guys!

    @ Skinny/Karen – Loved the “Thanks for the Mammories” party. A great time to celebrate. Parties are over so you’ll be focused again this week. I’m glad you had a good time and that’s what’s important.

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – If I can just get through September, things should start calming down a bit. Our Franchise Convention is the week of 9/24 and I’ve basically been coordinating a HUGE part of this event. I’ve collected over $150,000 in sponsorships plus coordinating a golf event on top of keeping up my regular job. Our convention ends on Friday night then Saturday AM I fly to NYC to meet Karen and Laurie. This will be my long weekend for me and to recharge. I can’t wait!! Enjoy your vacation. It’s so well deserved and safe travels. Also, thanks for sharing the pictures. Always great to see you!!

    @ Kjeffries - It sounds like it was a rough weekend. I’m glad you’re feeling better though. I totally can relate to the stress of too many commitments. I know that’s been my biggest challenge lately is the whole work/life balance. It’s so tough with so many responsibilities around us. It’s just good your back.

    @ Hansea – Congrats on the 5k!! It sounds like a nice day with the kiddos. Perfect weather always makes things seem better too. I’m really excited to start the challenge. We have a support group already set up on Facebook for any questions. Tomorrow night will be my first night at boot camp. I’m a bit scared, but the trainers are so supportive and you go at your own pace. BUT, they do not hold back and you’ve got to have some tough skin.

    @ Laurie – I bet we’re going to see very similar folks running at the T2T with firefighters, police, etc. . . I’m really excited. I wish I was ready to run, but I know I’m not. I’m just so excited to be a part of such a wonderful event.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Thank you Susan
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @mzfrizz: This time I haven't changed the macros and am just ignoring them. The last time I changed the macros to 30/40/30 carbs/fat/protein and then changed the target figures for sugars up so that the lower carbs figure was more flexible.

    @Tom: that's a bit worrying about your resting pulse if you're not doing a load of running. Hope they work out what's going on. And I cannot believe I missed National Lazy Mom's Day! Though frankly that's every day for me. Oops.

    @Lori: WELL DONE for getting under 240 and not being super obese any more. It feels so great when we hit goals like that! And people who haven't had a lot to lose never really get that.

    @Shai: welcome! I think there's a great secret in that it's not about willpower, it's just about not giving up, day after day after day.

    @Kaye: I know it's tiresome when you're stuck, but look how amazingly well you've done! What an achievement! Sometimes we over-estimate exercise calories so if you're getting stuck you might want to just start adding back half of them.

    @Susan: Good luck with your challenge! And just like you and @Hansea, this is my Getting-My-Act-Together month. Oh yes.

    @Marsha: if you're doing weight training then sometimes your body holds onto some water while it's mending the micro-tears in the muscles. So just have faith that you're doing the right thing and the weight will come right back off again.

    @Robin: love the doggie pix!

    @Hansea: what a great picture that is! That's a great time given you were pulling a wagon.

    Monday check-in -- well, dinner at my old college was just fantastic. My plan had been to try to stick to +500 on the day but that sort of went out the window. My friends soothingly pointed out that they only invite us back every 15 years or so so it can be an exception. It was a *seven glass* dinner. Though one of those was water. And then after dinner there was more drinking, and then off to the college bar for more drinking, and then when they threw us out someone said 'but the Maypole is open till 2' and about 20 of us went over to that pub for more drinking. So it was a lark. And then we stayed up chatting till 4:30. Ahem. It was really nice to catch up with people -- including quite a lot who I had not seen at all since leaving college. But I am not even trying to log it. The food was all right! All small portions of delicious things. It's the drink that did me in.

    And then yesterday I got up and felt very fragile. And then went punting with some friends. I don't punt, but I do like lying around in the bottom of the punt looking languorous and eating strawberries.

    September challenge: log & check the thread every day -- 5/8 so far.

    Hope you're all having a great week!
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    @ BohemianCoast, your reunion sounded like so much fun and sometimes a girl just has to say the heck with the calories and party down!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    @hansea, good job on the 5K and the picture looks wonderful! :smile:

    @skinny, didn't you just have problems with your laptop? :grumble:

    @Katrena , you have a lot going on but taking time for yourself is the most important thing you can do. Sorry about the pain. I went to a chiro for the first time a couple of months ago and it really helped my back pain. Just not enough. :ohwell:

    @Robin, great pic of you and Daisy is so adorable!!!! :happy:

    @Susan. thanks for fiding me funny! I do love to laugh :bigsmile: I have so many recipes on Pinterest and yes many of them are things I am NOT supposed to eat. So, I have been "cleaning house" and making new boards with healthier recipes. Except for my chocolate board. That will NEVER go away!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: And good luck with the new challenge. It sounds intense and motivating. I can't wait to hear all about your successes, so keep us posted!! :flowerforyou:

    @GrammyWhammy, where do you live that you have 5 Targets!!!! :smokin: :bigsmile:

    AFM: I missed posting yesterday so I will start with the good news and that is I'm finally under 250!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: I have lost a total of 15 lbs since July 1st. And while I wish it was more I am very happy with the results. I was up a little this morning because last night we had a going away party for one of my co-workers and I had so margaritas, chips, queso, and enchiladas. I was so bloated last night! :sick: But the thing I'm learning is that I can go out and enjoy myself as long as the next day (or meal) I'm right back on track. Today, I have done what I'm supposed to do and that is a huge accomplishment. :smile:

    September challenge 5 good/1 bad/2 very ugly, bad

    Chat with ya'll tomorrow!! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    A good day overall and had a good workout tonight. I had the post race workout where we worked on strengthening different areas that were not up to standard for the 5K mostly the abductors and adductors, hamstring and quads plus a lot of core work. After that workout, I did my own with 10 minutes on the row machine, bike, ellipital with a walk cool down. Then I saw a friend at the gym and we talked for about 45 minutes while she was working out- I was finished by that time.

    This week I will need to get creative with my workouts again since I have a couple of meetings after work. I will try to swim tomorrow between work and the meeting.

    Theresa- Congrats on getting under 250!!!

    Allison- The reunion sounds like fun and it is great catching up with friends. Don't worry about one night it will be okay.

    Susan- You will be surprised at how many people are walking the event and the fire fighters who were there walked the majority of it. The atmosphere will be amazing and encouraging.

    Need to run for now so have a great week.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Got back on track Sunday. Worked out and then went out to eat. Got the lonlies when evening came, but resisted eating to fill up the hole. Called a friend who invited me out to lunch for my birthday tomorrow. Received several early birthday wishes.

    My daughter is moving in with me for a month in October since she is still working in town and doesnt want to commute from her home in the mountains. In November she goes to working from home.

    My ex came by the gym as I was leaving an insisted on taking me to lunch for my birthday. I really didnt want to go, but wasnt emotionally strong enough to say no. I couldnt help thinking during lunch that he makes a better friend (and I use that loosely) than he did a husband. Didnt really enjoy lunch and hope I am more assertive in the future.

    My grandson called and asked if he could move in for 4 months, till they can get settled in this area near his new job. I decided to let him have one of my rental homes instead, as I felt that I needed some quiet time to work on my emotional health and having a full house would impair that. I'm just now getting on a self care program and getting to exercise on a regular basis, so I felt that my good habits might be compromised. Now I really feel guilty, but they seem quite happy with the other offer and I don't think I hurt their feelings. It's just I think giving of yourself is preferable to giving material things.

    Even though I didn't rest well last night, I did get up and do water aerobics today. Did well in class but was totally wiped out remainder of day. Just couldnt seem to get any energy though I had taken my supplements. Meditated some and prayed.

    Went to dinner with my daughter and son-in-law. Thai, which is a favorite but still came under calories for the day. Tomorrow will be a work day. My great grand Mae is ill, so I can't get her under Wednesday, will pick her up from pre-k and she will spend the night. We will go to the Halloween store and look for a costume

    GrandmaKaye - thanks, it is still tough, but I am getting support and I know I will make it. I come from good stock. Congrats to you on your weight close. You are getting close to 100. Wow!! You rock. Great example for us on and offers

    Hansea - Balance has always been a problem with me, because I go off on whims. Just need to discipline myself and stick to the task at hand
    So impressed at the example you are setting for your kids and your dedication to exercise. I know that is part of your sucess.

    Susan - Whew I get tired just hearing all you are accomplishing and I know you are being a good Mommy too. You deserve some down time. Enjoy New YorK

    LaurieK - Great day for you.
    Teresa - Major big time news. Great going for breaking the barrier. It's downhill from now on.
    Both Chiropractic and Acupunture help me but it is temporary. Dry needling has gotten rid of some pain for what seems permanent, but doesnt always work. I think it depends on whether the Pt hits the right muscle and breaks the spasm up.
    Love the Chocolate Board. Chocolate Rules!!!

    Sept Challenge - 3 good, 4 bad, 1 Worse than bad (think two days rolled into one)
    Bohemian - Sounds like a great weekend and sounds like you were very very happy.


    This is a test

    <a href=""><img src="; width="100" height="80" border="0" alt="LilySlim - Personal picture" /><img src="; width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="LilySlim Weight loss tickers" /></a>
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Katrena- Happy Birthday! Sounds like you are getting to a good place.

    Laurie- Good job getting your exercise in, and nicely done at your 5K! I've seen men in their full military gear running during the 10K I did in June. They trotted right past me. I can imagine how hot those firefighters must have been in their full turn out gear!

    Teresa- Congrats on getting under 250!

    Alison- Wow! Sounds like you had a great every-15-years-kind-of-fun!

    Susan- Hope your first boot camp went well and the trainers were just the right amount of tough.

    Skinny- I hope your technical difficulties are solved soon.

    AFM: Another good day in the books. Good eating and I went and lifted after work. I went and picked up some GU energy gels at the running store and I am going to try one before my run tomorrow morning. They're going to have GU at the half-marathon, so I thought I better test run with it a couple times before the race, since I've never used gels before and I think I could use the boost on my long runs...I have been using Scooby Doo fruit snacks, but there may be room for improvement there. :wink:

    Monday Check-in- SEPTEMBER GOALS:

    Complete an Honest Food Diary 30/30 days: 8/30

    Within 100 Calories of Daily Goal 20/30 days: 5/30
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening, the thread was quiet today. I had a good day overall. I walked 7.7 miles today, not all at once. I'm under my calorie goal for today.
    One of my walks was to get my hair cut. I am really frustrated. I have had the same hair dresser for several years. She gives a really good haircut, but I have been trying for a long time to get a different look. She was doing quite well with it. I felt like we were getting on same page until today. She cut it quite short and in the old style, much shorter on the sides. It doesn't seem to matter who cuts my hair, I always end up back to the same old look. It's a good haircut, and probably no one but me will know there is anything wrong with it. Cathy says I'm not stuck in a rut. My hair dressers are. Oh, well. It's a silly thing to fret about.
    Here's hoping for a good week for all of us. Katrena, I hope you have a great birthday. You are right to take care of yourself.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    No time for personals tonight, but wanted to check-in. So far so good. Day two of no Diet Coke and clean eating. First workout tonight at boot camp - holy cow!!!! I have sweated that hard in a very, very long time. I had to stop a lot, but I started back up and did what I could. Everyone was super supportive. I didn't feel out of place at all even though I had to stop quite often. There were some folks that I had 75+ lbs on them and they were stopping to so it made me feel a "little" better. Yes, it kicked my butt, but I'm super excited for the next 41 days. I'm going to do this!!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks to everyone who told me not to worry about the party -- the scale is back to where it was on Thursday so I think that you are all right.

    @Teresa -- under 250! THAT'S FANTASTIC! Yes, the trick with special meals is to just enjoy that meal and then get right back on track next meal. And not have them too often, because one special meal can make up for a week of careful eating!

    @Katrena -- I think it's worth having other ideas for when people suggest meals, like "oh, I don't want a big lunch but let's grab a sandwich", or "oh, I've had my lunch but I'd love to take a walk with you" or if it's a future meal "I would love to meet up but why don't we go see an exhibition and then grab a coffee" (one of my favourites!). Chances are that one of your rentals will actually suit your grandson even better than living with you would -- don't feel guilty! He will need the time and space that you don't get when you're living with relatives. I think Thai is a great choice for eating out; it's normally very easy to find healthy choices.

    @Kaye -- it's worth persevering with hairdressers till you find one that really does the thing you want. Good luck!

    @Susan -- well done with boot camp! I'm loving hearing about your progress.

    Tuesday goals -- well, for this week I think I am carrying on with the logging, but I am going to mix in some gardening! My garden got neglected over the summer while I was so busy, and it's a bit of a mess. But half an hour on dry days will get it back into shape in no time, and give me a bit of a fresh air and exercise boost too!

    September goal -- logging and thread checking -- 6/9 so far.

    Hope you're all having a splendid Tuesday! It's a really lovely sunny day here.

    -- Alison
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning. Sorry I’ve been MIA, the weekend was really busy and I have a lot going on right now—I’m pretty stressed about some things, but I know this too shall pass.

    I’m excited today because the big Apple announcement comes this morning for the highly anticipated new iPhone that I desperately need! :laugh:

    @Susan~Good for you in trying boot camp, I’m not supposed to do plyometrics because of my temperamental Achilles, but always wanted to do those classes. There are “Camp Gladiator” classes around here that have a huge following, if you turn out to like the boot camp style classes you may look into something similar in the Vegas area.

    @Kaye~I’ve always had issues with hairdressers doing what I ask and cutting it how they want. I have super curly hair and they always seem to cut it too short; luckily last year I found a curly hair guru who does a dry cut and my hair finally behaves the way I want it to. :happy:

    @Hansea~LOL at Scooby Doo fruit snacks, honestly though they are probably the same as the running gels—just glucose for energy. I've never tried them though, so let us know what you think.

    @Laurie~Great workout last night and great time on your 5k!

    @Teresa~Hooray for being under 250! We have to allow ourselves indulgences on occasion so good for you for going out, having a great time with friends/co-workers, and getting back on plan! :flowerforyou:

    @Robin~Ah, cute puppy! So snuggly. :wink:

    @Katrena~Happy Birthday, enjoy lunch with your friend today! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I don’t think you should feel guilty at all for saying no to your grandson but allowing him to still be nearby in one of your rentals—seems like a good alternative and maybe close enough that you can still spend some time together. It sounds like you need some time to yourself to work on you (very important), recognizing you need that time is a great first step to renewal.

    AFM~Not much to report and no new goals—just trying to stay within my caloric goals and to modify my workouts so as to not aggravate various tendon/ligament ailments. I’ve got some stuff on my mind right now, so times are stressful—I know everything will work out. Didn’t have a lot of time last night, but got on my elliptical while dinner was in the oven—the timing worked out well. Tonight I have a session with my trainer (we had a huge argument on Sunday, but worked things out--part of the reason I've been in a funk last couple of days, he's usually my rock :frown:).

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Rest Day (shopping with mom)

    I read this article this morning concerning women and their water needs. I thought it was really interesting, so thought I would share.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick update. Yesterday was a bad day all around work and food wise. Hope today will be better!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 5/30

    Good Days: 5
    Bad Days: 3
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Kah (Kelley) - I know. I have already been scolded for buying stuff. Honestly, I have not bought too much. Just the bedding and a handful of outfits. The other big purchase we will be making is the nursery furniture. I have always wanted a little girl. It is really difficult not buying clothes for her myself, especially when i keep seeing really great deals and how adorable everything is.

    cblue (Lori) - I've heard the same about having to return a lot. I didn't put any clothes on the registry for this reason. I assume many will buy us baby clothes anyhow so no need to put it on.

    Teresa - I love the barcode scanner too. That was my favorite update that they did. Congrats on your loss and being under 250!

    dream - So sorry to hear about all that is going on with your family. Thoughts and prayers your way.

    Laurie - LOL it is so true when you say a lot of names have been ruled out due to students. Wow. What interesting names those student's have. :huh:

    Susan - Thanks for your thoughts. I agree the first few weeks just us and the baby so we have time to bond, figure out some kind of routine and what works for us. Especially since the baby will not have vaccinations yet and it will be cold and flu season. I don't want a sick newborn from all the germs visitors who mean well will bring in with them. I am very concerned about how we are going to handle that. Part of me feels bad and selfish because I know everyone is excited and wants to share in our joy. But the other part of me believes we have to do what is best for us.
    My favorite was my mom a few days ago telling me if I want to have a party after the baby is born at my house I can and invite whoever I want. :huh: UHM thanks mom for giving me permission to hosting a party in my own home.

    Karen, Laurie, and Susan - It doesn't look like I will be able to make it to NYC. Brian's grandmother's 100th bday party was planned by his uncle for that day. I was really upset when I heard what day was picked. Since it's a milestone birthday I don't feel right telling them I cannot make it. So sorry.

    Grammy (Marsha) - Ugh unexpected weight gains like that were always puzzling to me. When I experienced them I always went back into my diary and gave it a closer look. Most of the time I noticed I either wasn't getting in enough water or over on sodium. Changing my intake of water and sodium helped those temporary pounds quickly disappear.

    cookeylady - Wahoo for figuring out a way to prevent the mindless eating. Congrats!

    Robin - Love the pictures. Both dogs are adorable! Hope you enjoy your vacation.

    hansea - Glad you had a great time at the 5K. That sounds like a lot of fun.

    KJefferies (Katrena) - Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day. :flowerforyou:

    Kaye - Sorry to hear you weren't satisfied with your hair cut. I am sure it looks really nice.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Well I guess I better post so this thread does not fill up.

    No news here, just living life and occasionally thinking of my intake. Life gets in my way.

    Thanks for all being here, you guys are great.